
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
May 27, 2015 19:46
What is the inverse limit of $\{(1+p\mathbb Z_p)/(1+p^n\mathbb Z_p\}$ ??
May 27, 2015 19:39
Hello. Someone there who can help me (an algebra question)
Jan 16, 2015 15:06
Jan 16, 2015 15:04
Let f be irreducible in F_p[X] for a prime p. How to show that f divides X^(p^n)-X if and only if deg(f) divides n?
Jan 16, 2015 15:03
Jan 16, 2015 15:02
i am new here. can i ask questions here?
Jan 16, 2015 15:02
Oct 25, 2014 18:44
Now i have to understand B=>A (A is the statement on the left hand side, and B is the statement on the right hand side of task 1) )
Oct 25, 2014 18:44
Okay, i understood the implication A=>B
Oct 25, 2014 18:41
So, for task 1). If we suppose the left hand side: X_n -> 0. Can i conclude, that:
Oct 25, 2014 18:37
i am just new to probability theory
Oct 25, 2014 18:37
and i actually don't want to disturb you
Oct 25, 2014 18:37
No, I am not doing fun of you
Oct 25, 2014 18:36
Oct 25, 2014 18:34
Okay, i got it know. Last question:Why are you only considering $X=0$ and not also $X=1$? If all $X_n=1$ or $1$, then X could be 1 too.
Oct 25, 2014 18:34
But what about the $p_n$?I thought this notation does mean: $P(X_n=0)=P(X_n^{-1}(0))=p_n$ I thought thats just a property on a certain set and we don't know anything about the other values. I am reading it like: "The measure of the fiber under all $X_n$ of zero is exactly $p_n$"
Oct 25, 2014 18:34
Thats the thing I don't understand. I am sorry for this probably stupid question. But why $X_n$ does only take two values?
Oct 25, 2014 18:34
Thanks for the answer! I am trying to understand your proof of 1). I dont understand the sentence "But since $X_n$ is equal to one or zero..." and the steps after this. Can you explain it to me in more detail please?