Jul 6, 2022 13:45
On a good day (when the process is perfectly centered within its tolerances), a six-sigma process would have a (two-tailed) 4 parts-per-billion defect rate. Six sigma assumes that the process can drift one-and-a-half standard deviations from perfectly centered before the problem is caught and fixed. So on a bad day (uncentered by 1½ σ) that same process will have a (one-tailed) 3.4 parts-per-million defect rate. Most of the defects will be on the bad days, so the bad days drive the overall defect rate.
Aug 31, 2019 07:15
@AJMansfield -- Your comment would make a good answer.
Aug 29, 2019 08:20
Regarding the paragraph about the continuing poor worker morale of East Germans and Russians: Could this be the result of selection bias? In other words, have most of today's hard-working Eastern Europeans moved to Western Europe and America? I live in the United States. I have worked with and/or employed many people from the former Soviet Union. They were all hard workers. They also spoke English surprisingly well, which indicates that they had put a lot of effort into learning English.
Aug 29, 2019 08:20
During the Cold War, this theory was a major theme of conservative and libertarian arguments in favor of capitalism.
Aug 28, 2019 17:27
If your sophonts have both five fingers per hand and the concept of "zero" when they develop words for counting, base (5+1) is more natural than base (5+5). Base (5+1) has lots of advantages over bases (1+1), (5-1), (5+3), (5+5), (5+5+2), and (5+5+5+1).
Aug 22, 2019 08:30
"Why would a colonial power give up ownership without any compensation?" -- One answer is to avoid (eventually) having to give colonial subjects the right to vote in the homeland's elections.
May 31, 2019 06:11
@RosieF -- That is exactly why I put "decimal" in scare-quotes. Whether the Base (3+3) user calls them heximal places, or the Base (5 + 5) user calls them decimal places, or the Base (5 + 5 + 5 + 1) user calls them hexadecimal places, they are the values that are multiplied by a negative power of the Base. I would write "digits" after the "decimal point", but that phrasing has the same Base (5+5)-centricness.
May 31, 2019 06:11
@Nosajimiki -- European societies' use of Base 10 (as opposed to Base 6) has nothing to do with writing. Proto-Indo-European used Base 10 long before any of the Indo-European tribes were part of civilizations that had writing.
May 31, 2019 06:11
@Nosajimiki -- Base 6 is superior to Base 10. It has the same number of prime factors, an easier-to-memorize multiplication table, and its division yields non-repeating "decimals" for a higher fraction of modest denominators.
Feb 4, 2019 06:28
A mathematical proof of Special Relativity does not have to be very long. Explaining its importance, key assumptions, symbols, and effects might take more thought. Explaining the effects of common mistakes can be useful.
Jan 31, 2019 01:21
Have you read The Jungle Books by Kipling? In particular, "Letting in the Jungle"‌​?
Oct 8, 2018 13:52
Is the evidence strong enough to convince the Vatican's scientists? For example, the Vatican Observatory employs an American clergyman / physicist as a full-time astronomer. Among other things, he studies extra-terrestrial objects found on (or brought to) Earth.
Sep 13, 2018 03:00
A scrapyard sells things that people paid to get rid of.
Aug 4, 2018 18:01
@dan -- "Whatever you have to hand" means "Whatever is conveniently available." (Literally, "whatever is close enough that you can easily grab it in your hand.")
May 10, 2018 17:35
Larry Niven's Ringworld series has a twist on this premise.
Apr 9, 2018 14:14
Are you her mother, or her father? How many sets * reps/set does she do at 145 pounds?
Apr 8, 2018 20:36
If I were a lunar colonist, I would want to have multiple satellites with in either solar or earth orbit, capable of seeing launches from the far side of the earth. A lunar colony could afford the launch cost. Depending on the colony's manufacturing base, the satellites might be small and/or primitive.
Apr 3, 2018 16:42
@leftaroundabout -- Your comments would make a good answer.
Jun 30, 2017 06:02
Is it OK to write an analogous pretty printer for/in a language that uses different tokens?


For general discussion and feature requests regarding tryitonl...
Jun 28, 2017 22:43
@Phoenix Does Dennis' Fedora 25 have WINE installed, and callable from the command line?
Jun 28, 2017 22:18
Is there a page somewhere that describes what is required in order to add a new language to Try It Online?
May 3, 2017 13:41
The first third of my answer to "Oversimplify it for me: the correct order of investing" is about getting out of the traps that cause/continue homelessness.

 Ellbot's Shack

The place where we build our Ellbot
Apr 21, 2017 00:03
!!california rolls
Apr 21, 2017 00:02
Apr 21, 2017 00:01
Apr 21, 2017 00:01
Feb 26, 2017 05:00
Mar 21, 2017 17:26
Do the wizards have friends and/or family who can be taken hostage (or subjected to other reprisals)?
Jan 19, 2017 02:34
@wizzwizz4 -- I suggest a simpler seasoning UI in the comments on my answer below.
Jan 19, 2017 02:34
@user6760 -- The point of the "self-cleaning kitchen" is that it cleans itself.
Jan 19, 2017 02:34
@Jasen -- Your comment seems like the start of a good answer. Would the washed items wind up in different racks after every meal? (Meaning that the iKitchen might know where everything is, but the humans would not?) Or would lots of stuff get re-washed unnecessarily because something in their rack was needed for a meal?

 Language Overflow

This is the main chat room for ell.stackexchange.com. Welcome!
Nov 20, 2016 18:35
(Or at least, potential time ranges in which I could participate.)
Nov 20, 2016 18:34
On most other days, 1600ish - 2359 UTC and 0001 - 0530ish UTC are potential time ranges for a retagging event.
Nov 20, 2016 18:31
@M.A.R. American Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 24, 2016. Thus, Wednesday November 23 through Sunday November 27 will not work for many people.
Oct 4, 2016 15:27
@Colin Fine -- Your comment would make a good answer.
Apr 6, 2016 03:02
There are many drawbacks to buying a condo. Will you be able to buy a condo that is big enough for the family you hope to have in 5 - 10 years? Will the walls, floors, and ceilings have enough sound-proofing that a crying baby will not wake up your neighbors? Will you have use of a safe outdoor area large enough for kids to run around? Will your kids have the chance to play in the dirt? It seems to me that buying a condo has all of the disadvantages of renting a condo, plus locks you into a situation that might not be right for you.
Apr 6, 2016 03:02
If you are looking to "get into the market" to hedge against future price increases, then buying a suburban (or rural) house that could meet your needs 5 - 10 years from now is less risky than buying a condo. Try to buy a home that has room to grow, in a community that you feel comfortable in. You say that you will need to add a car either way. If you choose a condo that you suddenly need to sell in three years (instead of a house you can expand), you might be forced to either sell at a loss, or become an "involuntary landlord". You can rent out a house -- but maybe not a condo.

 My love-hate relationship with grammar

This room is meant to be for the The Retagging Event episode 2...
Feb 7, 2016 18:27
I am retagging questions that were last active between September 1, 2014 and April 30, 2015.
Feb 7, 2016 17:43
I am retagging questions that were last active between March 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015.
Feb 6, 2016 19:41
@Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ. -- We are now under 2,000 questions, which is less than half the 4,430 grammar questions there were when you started the project back in October.
Feb 4, 2016 17:13
I created the tag. It is for a kind of speech.
Feb 4, 2016 17:09
I am retagging questions that were last active between November 1, 2014 and February 28, 2015.
Feb 1, 2016 03:18
I created the tag. I have seen several questions about phrases that the original poster (or answerer(s)) thought were contradictions in terms.
Jan 29, 2016 17:28
I am retagging questions that were last active before October 31, 2014.
Jan 29, 2016 17:16
I am retagging questions that were last active before September 30, 2015.
Jan 29, 2016 17:06
I am retagging questions that were last active before September 30, 2015.
Jan 29, 2016 16:53
I am retagging questions that were last active before May 31, 2015.
Jan 26, 2016 18:45
I am retagging questions that were last active before September 30, 2015.
Jan 26, 2016 18:33
I am retagging questions that were last active before July 31, 2015.
Jan 26, 2016 18:19
I am retagging questions that were last active before March 31, 2015.