Jan 4, 2023 20:32
I'd like to remind everyone that in french BIS means TWICE and CUIT means COOKED. uk-fr biscuits are the same group of oven goods.
Nov 21, 2022 20:04
@Daniel Hatton, Since recently perhaps, Oxford provides 500-4500 depending on income, with 500 for above 47,000 househoulds and 4500 for under 27000 ones.
Nov 21, 2022 20:04
@Trunk I stupidly don't know, my father worked for the uni for 40 years as a lecturer and interviewer. Even if you study a language at Oxford, they would teach you to be a diplomat for your government for a given country/culture. The grants have changed a lot over the previous 25 years, from flat fees to variable depending on household income. Living costs range from 5000 to 7000 depending on the college accomodation, Balliol being the most expensive, and the course is currently 9250, so it's 14-17k yearly.
Nov 21, 2022 20:04
Some of the Oxford colleges have always charged 7000-20.000 per annum which was too expensive for poor students even with grants. These days the tuition fees are 9250 p.a. which gets students into 38000 of debt at the uni.
Nov 21, 2022 20:04
@trunk these major new programmes will offer transformative paths to outstanding education for up to 250 state school students a year, representing 10% of Oxford’s UK undergraduate intake. This represents a significant step change for the University, boosting the proportion of students coming to Oxford from under-represented backgrounds from 15% of the current UK intake to 25%.
Nov 21, 2022 20:04
@trunk previously 8 shools had more Oxford admissions than 2800 other UK schools, and they cost 10 15 thousand per year...that is changing... so by ordinary students i mean those with less than 100 thousand pound school educations :) google.com/…
Nov 21, 2022 20:04
@Trunk, Cambridge's closest courst to PPE is HSPS which has nothing to do with becoming an MP... PPE is an MBA for politicians. Cambridge offers :"politics OF economics", you probably are thinking of that. Cambridge courses are more academic, i.e. as compared to King's College London which is aimed at politicians: ucas.com/explore/related/… vs kcl.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/politics-ba-bsc
Nov 21, 2022 20:04
There is no doubt that the Bullingdon works as a political syndicate hatchery for hedge fund managers. i.e. the Pitt club has included John Cheese, who's father was an insurance salesman, exceptionally gifted, not hungry for money and power, and only Kwasi Kwarteng for politics, who hosted the biggest mismanagement in UK economics history, and lasted only 14 days in downing street... Lots of rowers, cricketers... Bullingdon club is for hedge-fund managers children, rich MP's children. It lets in less than 10 members per year...
Nov 21, 2022 20:04
To be fair, Pitt vs Bullingdon are like Tesco Vs Harrods: The Pitt Clubs existed in 45 cities with thousands of members, of lesser wealth, named after a famous UK stateseman, and also include women. The Bullingdon Club is limed to 30 members of the highest wealth. It's far more elitist and financially motivated than Pitt. The commentary on the 5 previous French presidents also hailing from the same school is perfectly on-point and remarkable, and gives useful context and reasons as to "why this occurs" : because it's a prevalent issue globally.
Aug 5, 2022 12:28
You should include rear-steering bikes too. If you had creatures with super wide roads and appendages coming out of their back which makes rear steering logical, then it could be ok.
Feb 11, 2022 16:12
May 30, 2021 16:08
@fluidcode A croissant contains 40 times less lactose than a small glass of milk... you would know little about lactose intolerance versus milk allergy. Milk allergy is a reaction to proteins in milk, not lactose. One is life threatening, so it's best say which, it changes the question markedly. Nearly everybody with lactose intolerance can eat 9 croissants very happily.
Apr 21, 2021 19:47
@eps, ok the first statement i read recently, it's 20mbps upload, which is about 10 times slower than optical fiber, i said it's slow, it's not too bad though! The other statements are correct: 99.9 percent of us can surf 1080p for cheaper using phones, and poor nations are fast developing nationwide 4g coverage which costs 5$ per month. selling 500,000 tesla economical cars versus 40 million expensive skyweb boxes is not the same! Starlink needs 40million customers to break even at 360 per year PLUS the 100/500 equipment cost.
Apr 21, 2021 19:47
@Gerrit, that graph illustrates that 99.9% of many nations have 3g web access.
Apr 21, 2021 19:47
@J... Right now, the Starlink dish that you need to connect to the network uses about 100 watts while running... a cellphone antenna uses 0.3 watts. 100w lasts 6 minutes for a current smartphone battery.
Mar 31, 2021 01:44
Here's lots of pretty illustrations regarding your summary of biophysics... google.com/… Nearly everything in biology has temperature, weight, electrical charge, momentum, gravity, motion... So the shape of a bird's wing is obviously best studied using physics!
Feb 26, 2021 14:58
Do you know the story of mr plopy and mrs plopy? youtube.com/watch?v=LCLynwl0kvk&ab_channel=Channel604
Nov 18, 2020 01:16
buy some well rated child mind development books that guide you through every age... if you are not sure at 6 months, then you wont be sure later. you need a book.
Oct 5, 2020 19:10
It would be useful to know how many of the 1100 maths books you have read, and which ones you have "sorted through" to know if they are worth reading, and "how you select the books that you buy", based on reviews or feeling or title? Essential for the topic of book wisdom, because, I never read a single maths books, but I program digital signal processing which is quite advanced mathematics, resolving puzzles leads you to maths litterature like stepping stones.
Aug 21, 2020 13:27
Studied a book in the 1990 with micro alien. They are ant sized but they have deadly rayguns. Was english course book.
Jul 24, 2020 22:37
That makes me think of a philosophy question like "is instinct or education (nature or nurture) responsible for criminal behaviour?"
Apr 26, 2020 11:01
Wood is not a very precise material. It changes with humidity and has other imperfections. They may have made a metal straight edge, which can't be planed. There was no reason to presume that pythagoras etc favored the use a wooden straight edge. If you dry wet gypsum mixed with sand, you can obtain a very straight plane for sanding, which can be used to make a metal straight edge. And I didn't find any information for boostrapping straightness, it works fine these days because of calipers which use screws for fine adjustment.
Apr 26, 2020 11:01
Actually this question was provoked by a discussion in the mathematics forum stating it would have been impossible to make a precisely straight edge... so i am not the only one with this absurd logic, it comes from maths. stack.
Apr 26, 2020 11:01
In english speaking countries, it is customary to not say "don't be absurd" unless you want to say "you are being idiotic"... it's kind of like "suck it" level of etiquette in scientific discourse. just a point of note. It's both a command and an insult. Of course we all know about bootstrapped tool manufacture, especially programmers.
Apr 26, 2020 11:01
I searched for "greek straightedge in museum" "greek straigh edge material construction" and that kind of thing.
Apr 26, 2020 11:01
@Pieter Geerkens, This is not answered by google search, because it gives: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straightedge_and_compass_construction ... because the oldest known planes date from after the Greeks, They solved quadratic equations using geometry and needed a perfectly straight edge. The straight edge would be less straight than the base of the plane, which may be concave or convex.
Apr 26, 2020 11:01
Cool, a maths "Construction" means a geometric arrangement, it's different from material craft and construction.
Apr 14, 2020 18:35
Demonstrate and tell them, "" I'll make a note of your request on paper and will give it thought later, not now. that's all" next topic. later you can say Yes/No. firmly having given it a minute of thought. Best to discuss with colleagues to have a firm idea of what goes and what doesn't and firmly state your policies to students. have a confident resolve of being the director of discussion on extra curricular topics.
Mar 9, 2020 17:49
godfrey also means God-fear in french, from the root of affray.
Mar 7, 2020 17:09
You'd have to find a quantum wormhole system which enables instant two atoms to be twinned across the unvierse. It can perhaps be based on subatomic particles like muons and tau and that stuff.
Feb 11, 2020 11:15
"Given Leave" means "given the permission", leave-to-enter means freedom-to-enter / permission-to-enter ludwig.guru/s/was+given+leave+to ...
Jan 21, 2020 17:49
If you get a calculator out and do the maths for last 1-2 years of overtime wages, plus the expected saving from the new deal, try various scenarios and see if they are giving you a pay cut or a raise. If anything they should give a raise!!! It depends on your medical, perhaps your dentist can go on it.
Jan 21, 2020 17:49
Isn't there a law for paid overtime? there is in most countries, I'm surprised that companies can do what they want.
Jan 12, 2020 06:36
A friend who was very depressed for years was told by a therapist "you will know when you better when you are able to feel a sense of "deep boredom" " because depressed people can't get bored, they are too busy worrying. When you are at a time in your life when you have rested enough to feel the emotion of deep boredom, it will mean that you have stabilized. A PhD should be a complement to a happy and well fulfilled few years, it can be stressful, especially if it was in the first place. some are funner than others.
Nov 11, 2019 15:15
The battles against zulu's and other unarmed tribesment using gatling guns are worth studying.
Sep 28, 2019 14:33
@fredsbend follow orders? for gun training, they would use the gun the wrong way and pop themselves, and "throw the grenade" ... "forwards not back at us" and they also died a lot more than the brighter soldiers!
Sep 28, 2019 14:33
Did you hear of "Macnamara's Moron's"? Men in vietnam with an IQ of 55-70 that were illiterate, didn't know what state they were from, didn't know what training was, didn't know what a war was. youtube.com/watch?v=_J2VwFDV4-g
Sep 12, 2019 16:31
Your pub invalidates it in int'l law. You can only file an appropriate clain to the cinese po.
Apr 29, 2019 06:28
I had to change the answer to be unnecessarily detailed because people said idiotic things which are characteristic of scientific autism, and have little bearing on human and animal psychology. I bet you that If i stuck a camera on my head and took a walk through town, we could count about 25 percent of women that go past me put their hand up to their mouth for no reason. I don't ask them to, they do, and boys don't. people are different.
Apr 29, 2019 06:28
Your opinion is ridiculous to me because My cousins came running home crying after they saw a farmer pissing in the field with his penis out, they said he was a flasher, and they were very alarmed. Can you imagine a man running away crying if he sees a woman squatting in a field? Why do you think that they don't get shocked?
Apr 29, 2019 06:28
I have never crossed paths with a male who looks like he is panicked on a country walk, that is what I mean. Where I live, 97 % of the rural cyclists are males. The women are too scared in France with the current modern culture clashes. 90% of women are simply too threatened to take a bike in the countryside. In town it's 50% in the countryside it's 97% male cyclists.
Apr 29, 2019 06:28
Some people are naturally less proficient at human behaviour Obie, and even simple stuff will seem contrary to their expectations, like data in star wars who says "please explain to me what emotions are" if the topic is that alien to you, you should try it for yourself, what is the opposite of flashing a woman ? raising your hand to your mouth. and avoiding eye contact. He should behave like a reformed flashed, that's all i'm alluding to.
Apr 29, 2019 06:28
You are interpreting what I wrote with over-litteral negativity.Women startle more easily than men, in the context of sexual threat, like knowing a man that confidently masturbates at work. Women fall into many categories from "I woke up at a party and three men were masturbating presque over my head and i didn't mind at all" to "I haven't put that thing in my mouth in 30 years of marriage George, I had never never heard of a blow job, it's ludicrous"...
Apr 29, 2019 06:28
I didn't say that the The OP can try wearing lipstick and mascara for work and wear it if he has to deliver documents to the girl. Although it is a funny idea.
Apr 29, 2019 06:28
I didn't tell him to slap his mouth like he had told a lie. That is what children do in behavioural science. That would be silly indeed Obie 2.0. I suggested to try nail biting which communicates a need for reassurance, and is also called "pacyfying" gesture. the OP clearly requires to reassure and pacify this previously friendly colleague. Do you think that manually masturbating at work is more of a male behaviour or is it equally female? Are stereotypes of no use? Do women grow beards and have twice the muscle mass of men? do men wear make-up? make-up behaviour stereotypes are wrong?
Apr 29, 2019 06:28
It inverses gender stereotypes, because males don't typically raise their hand to their mouth when they look at a woman. humans communicate via very simple gestures, and dogs have fairly similar facial behaviours, If you are angry with a dog for some reason, would you prefer that it acts dominantly towards you? probably not in the slightest. Dogs look down when they have done something wrong. that's not a dog stereotype it's the truth. In what way do you suggest that it doesn't work?
Nov 6, 2018 15:45
Phone checking is a reflex that reduces boredom by diverting a low attention span away from an organic and slow moving object of focus. If there were study phones with only an encyclopedia and similar resources, it would be a start towards actually learning during lessons. You can't read and listen with equal attention. You can consider your phone like a brain implant because it requires only 1/2 second reflex to use it. That reflex can be difficult to switch off. read about baby reactions to fast moving cartoons. they have artifical lwo attention spans for the organic world.
Sep 27, 2018 08:14
It could be phrased as "why does the Lisbon treaty expect departure from the EU to be an unstructured deal brokerage of 25 years of diplomatic agreements before a 2 year "deal or no deal" agreement". If the EU has failed at good coinage, stable regional deficits, internal tax havens, currency scares, virus-exploitable cookie messages, the most pro-oil ebike regulations in the world, lack of food tracking, lack of packaging information, and all the rest of it, the constitution should have a realistic structure for devolution, like quid pro quo exchanges of priviledges over N years.
Jul 3, 2018 18:36
helmets are kindof cool for little kids. I used to not notice my helmet when I was 4-5. (1980's!) on my dad's bike. the bike ride is so exciting who cares :) just have to take 10 seconds to do it, it becomes routine. if it isnt an empty road or a cycle track, use a helmet.
Jun 13, 2018 15:07
Go to the desert/someplace where water seeps straight into the ground. there are no mozzies without ponds. in fact, in the metamorphic zone where I live, the rocks go straight to sand and don't practically do any clay, and I didnt have a mozzy bite here, in ardeche for probably about 8 years, but in the valley when there was swampy rain, there were 5 mozzes flying everytime i moved a branch, and after 10 meters of forest there were 50 mozzies :)