
Nov 21, 2022 08:29
I mean would the annecdotal account of the OP falsify the hypothesis that "taking a break helps with problem solving" or would this one occurrence still fit in the general statistically significant trend of the original hypothesis?
Nov 21, 2022 08:29
It seems to me that the hypothesis that "people will have more clarity about a problem after taking a break and returning to it" should be easily verified, however as with all psychological studies it's probably going to be a bit squishy and subject to various problems, like the observer effect.
Nov 21, 2022 08:25
Yea, reading the current version of the question the OP was asking about "taking a break from thinking" but then links articles that talk about sleep. I think for an answer to fulfill the rigorous scientific standards that are requested in the answers, this ought to be cleared up and maybe split into 2 questions.
Nov 7, 2022 22:24
I think there's a few things to be distinguished here.

Are we just talking about solving problems without active thinking? That was the original question ("Is it possible to solve problems without active thinking?")

Are we talking about solving problems SPECIFICALLY in a dream- where the idea for a solution appears to you in a hallucination during sleep?

Are we talking about hallucinations during sleep being a general indicator of the brain "refactoring" and integrating skills and knowledge?
Nov 7, 2022 22:17
@Oddthinking this was a great elaboration!
Nov 3, 2022 05:02
Thank you @Oddthinking ! What would be the null hypothesis to sufficiently disprove the claim that problem solving during sleep is possible? How could we show that it's impossible?
Nov 3, 2022 05:02
I see... Also, it says the original question was asked 9 years ago. Seems like there had been some stagnation with this model that doesn't allow for creative problem solving. I thought I'd help a fellow internet surfer out by giving an answer to advance the development of useful knowledge. I do appreciate your feedback as to why the downvotes. I can live with it :)
Nov 3, 2022 05:02
Next question for this site: If I say something true but noone else has said it before, does that make it false?
Nov 3, 2022 05:02
What makes you think you're even good enough to HAVE imposter syndrome? ;-P jk Might be tied to some kind of Dunning-Kruger effect tho... :-X
Nov 3, 2022 05:02
Thank you! Sorry I didn't realize I entered a professional setting. I thought it was a website that's open to the public.
Nov 3, 2022 05:02
It's all just conjecture of course! I made an edit to clarify my answer. "It probably is possible to solve problems without active thinking, because thinking itself and creating new ideas is a rather passive process."

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Aug 27, 2014 10:16
@JennyD Thanks, but this only talks about embedded videos... these guys did it right on the regular youtube page!
Aug 27, 2014 09:54
does sombody know how they get those chapter markers in the youtube video? youtube.com/watch?v=mU86ABh2N34