Apr 20, 2024 21:47
If you and your colleagues failed to solve this problem, why do you think this student would be able to solve it, alone, without funding and an advisor to help? I feel like this sets him up for failure.

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcom...
Oct 1, 2019 18:36
@Hosch250 I think they're great to introduce you to some subjects/concepts, but you need to dig deeper afterwards.
Aug 23, 2019 19:53
That's what I tried to say, it's kind of a norm
Aug 23, 2019 19:51
Yeah the thing degenerated pretty quickly, at least he seemed to have agree to stop harassing the other user.
Aug 23, 2019 19:27
It's all in the post related to the chatroom I linked above
Aug 23, 2019 19:27
I just did
Aug 23, 2019 19:05
Right now the situation is defused, it'd be okay if it stayed this way, but surely this goes against community rules and I don't really know what to do about it
Aug 23, 2019 19:05
Because I don't feel like potentially getting flooded myself.
Aug 23, 2019 19:05
Okay so, whenever a mod can take a look at this chatroom and the associated post/comments, please do : https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/97785/discussion-between-john-doe-and-ieatbagels

Small warning, the third user, KIKO Software, claims he's indeed been flooded by emails so I would appreciate if we could thread the situation lightly.
Aug 23, 2019 19:01
Yeah I know, not everyone has the same criteria for VTC. I feel like these divergences in opinions will only continue to grow with the growth of the site
Aug 23, 2019 18:47
I think it's context dependent. In this case, I don't think the missing variables creates confusion regarding the context, it's clear what the code does
Aug 23, 2019 18:44
@Peilonrayz I think it's slightly off-topic because there are some variables that are used in the code that we don't know what they're doing. Although I think the question could've stayed open and easily answered.
Aug 3, 2019 23:56
Hello, I don't want to draw particular attention but at the time it is on a saturday night it's not impossible those questions will get out of the main page before someone sees them, I've targeted two zombies :


Feb 13, 2019 14:11
Q: Im teaching c# arrays is this a good tutorial?

Lucifer UchihaSo I am jumping in for a teacher next week and my job is to teach them about arrays in c#. They know variables, int, string, double and how to output data. I tried to build this so it would be interactive and they could test it and see for themselves what the code does. Any spelling corrections o...

Aug 23, 2019 16:57
Ahaha alright then, as I said it's great to experiment
Aug 23, 2019 15:37
@t3chb0t I feel obligated, considering the subject at hand, to ask : Why would you use this instead of using the ctor? Ahah
Aug 23, 2019 15:25
I actually have two different computers in front of me with two keyboards and everything.
Aug 23, 2019 15:20
I started writing my answer to the other post before going into chat ahah
Aug 23, 2019 15:19
@t3chb0t Maybe.. :p
Aug 23, 2019 15:15
Yeah that's for sure, it's a complicated thing to think about
Aug 23, 2019 15:14
You should try to sit in front of the code you've built and try to figure out in which scenarios it could evolve badly or what edge cases you could face, that'd be a good exercise I think
Aug 23, 2019 15:13
That's a good plan, all you gotta do now is keep your ears open to challenges that'll face you (I think you've proven here that you can do this)
Aug 23, 2019 15:12
Try to introduce small things first
Aug 23, 2019 15:12
Ahah alright, you know what once again that's exactly how it was in my previous team. And the best decisions that were taken were compromises between the DDD expert and the procedural guy.
Aug 23, 2019 15:11
I think that's the best way to go, but I also don't have enough information to give you the answer. Talk with your team, think about it. Making architectural decisions is probably the biggest challenge of software engineering.
Aug 23, 2019 15:10
What I'd recommend is to get your group involved in the decisions. The more heads are on a problem, the biggest the chance someone will catch a potential problem
Aug 23, 2019 15:09
I think that experience brings the mindset of "Alright I shouldn't do that because of X consequence", but it takes some tries to get there
Aug 23, 2019 15:08
I just wanted to say that I think you've got a right mindset, it's important to ask yourself if it's a good idea to build tools and try to use them. You'll grow a lot from it. I've grown a lot from trying things that ended up failing, it's probably where I've learnt the most in all my career. Maybe you'll try your thing and it'll work, I just don't think so 'cause it's what I would've tried to do before too.
Aug 23, 2019 15:06
'Cause I wanted to write something else and the comments were getting long
Aug 23, 2019 15:06
Hey I moved the discussion to chat
Aug 23, 2019 15:06
@S'pht'Kr I understand your point, what I'm saying is that the experience I've had with those exact technologies and this exact mindset is that models and DTOs grow apart in the lifetime of the application and that if you couple them you end up with problems.
Aug 23, 2019 15:06
@S'pht'Kr yes, it is flawed. Your model class will probably be complex and validation heavy with maybe nested domain classes, where your DTOs should be dummy {get; set;} properties. I don't really have the space to write all the reasons I think it'll probably bounce back in your face, but think of the consequences on contravariance, covariance, on the evolution of your model objects, on the dependencies your DTO will have.
Aug 23, 2019 15:06
@S'pht'Kr What I mean is, sit down and try to think of all the ways it could go wrong in a month, year, 5 years, if you leave, etc and ask yourself if it's still worth it to go this way
Aug 23, 2019 15:06
@t3chb0t Well that sucks because I took time to write my answer ahah, but I'm almost certain that whatever is added to the code won't make this builder pattern worth it.
Aug 21, 2019 17:39
I will do that, thanks!
Aug 21, 2019 17:25
Is it possible that the differences in benchmark time only come from different environment (maybe my computer is much faster than yours?)
Aug 21, 2019 17:24
That's what I thought :p
Aug 21, 2019 17:23
Under Debug, you mean?
Aug 21, 2019 17:20
It's a dumb question, but you ran your analysis in Release mode, right?
Aug 21, 2019 17:19
Results are : (Mine second, OP first)

Mean Error
20.766 us 0.4133 us
2.545 us 0.0504 us
Aug 21, 2019 17:19
using System;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;

namespace SpanVsArray
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

    [RPlotExporter, RankColumn]
    public class Bench
        public void OP() => OP(33);

        public void Mine() => Mine(33);
Aug 21, 2019 17:11
Yeah I'll do that. If I can learn something out of it it's worth it :p
Aug 21, 2019 17:00
Maybe there's a compiler optimization that was made that made the benchmark act weird
Aug 21, 2019 17:00
Thanks for running the benchmarks, I don't know why my results were so weird on my computer
Aug 21, 2019 16:59
@VisualMelon I removed the Jodrell's code because I don't have the right .net version for this, but I'll keep you updated
Aug 21, 2019 16:59
@VisualMelon I've added the benchmark code. I will also run your gist on my computer to see if the results are different
Aug 21, 2019 16:59
@VisualMelon I don't think this is a 2* improvement, if I understand what you mean properly. The first result is ~9ns, the other is ~18000ns.
Aug 21, 2019 16:59
@VisualMelon I've edited my question to use a proper benchmark tool.
May 17, 2019 16:23
I'm not sure I understand the premise of the question. Does the wizard need to protect itself from the fire caused by the fire spells or from the heat generated from the wand because of the energy used to cast the spell?
Apr 4, 2019 18:13
Isn't "Lose Yourself - Eminem"'s backing track piano?