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Everything is on fire and broken
Mar 26, 2016 15:24
@MSeifert from __future__ import print_function isn't necessary to make print('hello world') work in Python 2. You only need to do that if you want to suppress the line ending or print to a file instead.
Mar 26, 2016 14:50
I know that it isn't quite that straight forward and that print('hello world') gets parsed differently between the Python 2 interpreter and the Python 3 interpreter, but that's such an obscure detail that's unimportant in 99.9999% of cases. Somebody reading the Intro to Python documentation definitely doesn't need to know about such subtle details as the Python 3 interpreter seeing it as a function call while the Python 2 interpreter sees it as a statement with pointless ()
Mar 26, 2016 14:47
In the Intro to Python documentation, we offer separate examples for Python 2 and 3. Since the Python 3 example runs on both version 2 and 3, I think we should ditch the Python 2 only version of the example.
Apr 8, 2015 03:42
@Travis: I understand that is the joke they were going for. The problem is, you turn the knob all the way clockwise (it'll be pointing at 12, or maybe at 1 o'Clock) for it to be off - about where they labeled it "The only comfortable temperature in existence." Going counter-clockwise from there it starts off ice cold, then gradually warms up until it's scalding hot at the other extreme. I've known people who like it ice cold. I've known people who like it scalding hot (I'm obviously exaggerating when I say it's scalding hot. They don't come out in need of visiting a burn ward.)
Apr 8, 2015 03:42
I should possibly note that I was born in '92. Combining that with my prior statement of never having lived anyplace that hadn't been built or remodeled within the past ten years, I've never lived anywhere that hadn't been built or remodeled since 1982.
Apr 8, 2015 03:42
@JPMC: Everyplace I've ever lived was either built or remodeled within a decade of when I moved in. I can't ever recall seeing seperate knobs at a hotel. I asked my wife - she says she saw separate knobs at her grandparents old house. She's never seen them since in a shower.
Apr 8, 2015 03:42
@jamesqf: Although this is the only shower / tub control I've ever seen, I've seen a huge variety of sink tap controls across the US. They always have cold on the left and hot on the right.
Apr 7, 2015 06:42
Your legacy problem link seems to be broken.

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