Dec 30, 2022 08:52
By the way I'm Australian and am dumbfounded by US politics, hence why that question might seem ignorant.
Dec 30, 2022 08:52
@OwenReynolds why though? As in, if I'm a typically conservative christian constituent of one of these politicians, how does this action lead me to become more likely to vote for them?
Jan 10, 2021 22:45
@poman putting myself in your shoes, I'd be replacing "Don't get me involved with this" with something like "I respect yours and everyone's views on this, but I'm deeply uncomfortable publishing my desired pronouns like this. How about XYZ instead"
Jan 10, 2021 22:41
@poman That sounds like a workaround, albeit a cumbersome one. If it helps, comments like "Please don't get me involved in this" come across as quite defensive / agitated. I'm only saying this because you might have expressed similar sentiments during the conversation with your boss, which could have inflamed the situation. I think you need to decide whether this is a hill you're willing to die on...
Jan 10, 2021 09:02
@cag51 Thanks for the clarification.
Jan 10, 2021 06:59
Also, to be frank, your question of "Am I legally obligated to do so?" is a bit of a red flag. Legal boundaries in society tend to be way past the boundaries at which your career is adversely affected. If you're at the point where the law is a limiting factor in your interactions with your supervisor I'd suggest re-evaluating your relationship and/or seeking work elsewhere. Good luck. I'm very interested to hear how this pans out for you.
Jan 10, 2021 06:59
It's disappointing that the mods are deleting on-topic comments - I put a lot of effort into that...
Jan 10, 2021 06:59
While we might think that professionalism trumps politics, the courtesies we extend to each others of a different perspective are not without limits. I would suggest that a prudent way to approach this (for the sake of your career) would be to show her that you're making an effort to accommodate her request while still respecting your own moral/ethical position. That doesn't mean giving in, but it does mean proposing alternatives and non-heated discussion. Human beings don't need everyone to agree with them, but we do need to feel like we're being taken seriously, at work and everywhere.
Apr 29, 2019 12:47
@JoeStrazzere Thanks. I'm glad to hear this advice is not being inflicted on children as well.
Jan 27, 2019 19:12
This question is a little akin to asking how not to sound picky while being picky. I would imagine that many people simply don't care who is using which cup, and your colleague might fall into this category. Your colleague should be mature enough to understand that his attitude is not the only one (and that you absolutely have a right to use your own cup exclusively). Trying to window-dress your pickyness might just make you appear picky and passive-aggressive. If you're picky, be picky, it's not the worst quality; embrace it and people will respond positively to it, I know I would!