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Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games. Anyone can ask...
Jul 10, 2014 15:12
I gotta run, but thanks for the advice everyone! It was all really helpful!
Jul 10, 2014 15:11
@RobertF Group initiative was something we tried, but it completely blew up with my group. Every time their round happend it was "Talk tactics" > act > "Argue"
Jul 10, 2014 15:10
Jul 10, 2014 15:03
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm in the Netherlands, I'll read up first before bothering your time, thanks!
Jul 10, 2014 15:00
Never heard of Dungeon World before, I'll take a look into it
Jul 10, 2014 14:59
I have one player with more experience in D&D (everything AD&D and up), one who had played 3.5, but it started with a larger group that never played any edition
Jul 10, 2014 14:58
@JoshuaAslanSmith Because I had experience with DMing 4e and the others "Wanted to try D&D"
Jul 10, 2014 14:57
@GMNoob to what system did you switch?
Jul 10, 2014 14:53
We agreed to play every second sunday of the month, but still there are people who plan something else then, so there are more problem than just Combat being slow...
Jul 10, 2014 14:52
@DampeS8N I'll do that! I was planning to talk at the next session, because we haven't played for months due to planning issues
Jul 10, 2014 14:44
Do you all advise me to keep track of their characters or have it be player's responsibility
Jul 10, 2014 14:43
one of them has the offline character builder
Jul 10, 2014 14:42
Good tip, I'll try to talk to my players, but they are kind of slow. It took some of them 3 sessions before they brought along a level 8 character when they leveled from 7 to 8 (I'm using group exp, they all have the same XP amount )
Jul 10, 2014 14:39
So a quick solution for that would be to lower monster defenses? (So my players don't have to change their characters too much)
Jul 10, 2014 14:37
None of them started with 18 in their primary, they are at 18 NOW
Jul 10, 2014 14:34
From the top of my head, +9/+6
Jul 10, 2014 14:34
I was thinking for going for halving the monsters HP, but upping the damage output slightly
Jul 10, 2014 14:33
Not at the moment. That would have helped, wouldn't it (A)
Jul 10, 2014 14:31
He's not using the Executioner, but the old school Assassin. Weren't they both in Dragon magazine? Sorry for the confusion
Jul 10, 2014 14:30
They're not using CB, sorry
Jul 10, 2014 14:29
1 player with cursed d20s.
Jul 10, 2014 14:29
@waxeagle The players have expertise feats. They are adding 1/2 level attack bonus (last I checked..) They're not avid flankers
Jul 10, 2014 14:27
Most have got +3 magic weapons/implement
Jul 10, 2014 14:27
I AM using MM3 math for monsters btw :D
Jul 10, 2014 14:27
They are missing DarkSun stat boosts
Jul 10, 2014 14:26
Dragon Magazine Assassin; Paladin; Bard, Fighter/Warlord hybrid. And the occasional mage.
Jul 10, 2014 14:25
There are rounds where none of the PC's hit
Jul 10, 2014 14:25
Yeah, 30 rounds
Jul 10, 2014 14:23
@waxeagle Thanks for the welcome!
5E is very interesting, so I understand the madhouse ^^