

Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Apr 9, 2023 17:57
Yep. We call that "log-grids".
Apr 9, 2023 17:56
Think of a "normal" numerical simulation. Usually, it's performed on a spatial grid of a given resolution, where every "pixel" has the same size. Hence to simulate a system with a biggest size L and a pixel size l, you need N=(L/l)^D points in D dimensions.

We're working on a "subset" of the grid (in spectral space), such that N~log(L/l)^D
Apr 9, 2023 17:53
@TedShifrin I'm working on new "mathematical" models to perform numerical simulations of fluid equations on very decimated spaces (hence at a very reduced numerical cost).
Apr 9, 2023 17:52
> I feel embarassed...🥲🥲🥲

I mean... https://i.imgur.com/6JUro5p.png MSE is a place where people help *each other*, not where people take their precious time to check your answers. If you start contributing to the website by answering questions yourself, you'll maybe realize why we're so turned off by this kind of question :)
Apr 9, 2023 17:44
@TedShifrin :/ I mean there was always those questions, but you mean it's become much worse / more frequent ?
Apr 9, 2023 17:43
@Franklin Sure, but MSE isn't a platform where people verify your homework !
Apr 9, 2023 17:38
> those of us in the US and Europe do not come from a culture of MCQ

Aah though that was some kind of university / ... !!
Apr 9, 2023 17:37
What's MCQ btw ?
Apr 9, 2023 17:35
@TedShifrin That's so nice !
Apr 9, 2023 17:34
@Franklin Also I don't know if you realize, but the way you ask your "question" feels less like a genuine math question and more like a "I have homework to do and i'd like to get good grades so please verify my answers", which is not the spirit of MSE at all
Apr 9, 2023 17:33
@Franklin It has nothing to do with being creative, it has to do with writing a title that makes sense without reading your question
Apr 9, 2023 17:32
@TedShifrin Let me know next time you come and I'll invite you :D
Apr 9, 2023 17:32
@TedShifrin Just wondering :) Sorry to hear about your back
Apr 9, 2023 17:30
@TedShifrin Are you coming back to France anytime soon by any chance ?
Apr 9, 2023 17:27
@Franklin Your question doesn't even have a finished title ^^"
Apr 8, 2023 17:21
@robjohn Nice easter profile pic btw
Apr 8, 2023 17:11
Alright, thanks :)
Apr 8, 2023 17:07
@TedShifrin Is Balarka Sen still around by any chance ? I'm curious to know what he's become, he was an interesting guy
Apr 8, 2023 16:45
Aren't you supposed to be retired though ? Still working on saturdays ? :P
Apr 8, 2023 16:44
@TedShifrin Doing fine, he's finished studying and started working a few months back
Apr 8, 2023 16:43
@TedShifrin Procrastinating instead of writing my PhD 😭
Apr 8, 2023 16:41
@TedShifrin Ah sympa ! Je ne savais pas qu'il avait continué à faire des maths
Apr 8, 2023 16:39
It's been ages since I've last been here, it's nice to see there are still some familiar faces around :D
Apr 8, 2023 16:38
@TedShifrin 👋 hey :) how are you ?
Jul 2, 2020 12:33
I'd say it is
Jul 2, 2020 12:28
In my view, there is no reason why a linear spline is not a "natural" cubic spline
Jul 2, 2020 12:27
@MaryStar But if we do so, it becomes trivial that a 2nd order solution exists since in particular a linear - 2nd order - linear solution can be created with four points
Jul 2, 2020 12:26
@MaryStar I'd say yes - but maybe @Thorgott as a different point of view, so I'm not sure
Jul 2, 2020 12:25
I relate "natural" to the boundary conditions (which make it solvable by a tridiagonal system)
Jul 2, 2020 12:25
@Thorgott To me that's a natural cubic spline, what's the definition you have in mind ?
Jul 2, 2020 12:19
Or do you relax some conditions on the degree 2 interval ?
Jul 2, 2020 12:19
@MaryStar (not an expert but) isn't the natural cubic spline a complete linear system ? (as in, n equations and n unknowns) ? As such, requiring an interval to be of order two would make it a n equations & n-1 unknowns system wouldn't it ?
Jul 2, 2020 08:22
np :)
Jul 2, 2020 08:22
Jul 2, 2020 08:19
don't worry :P it's the natural process of doing maths haha
Jul 2, 2020 08:18
Jul 2, 2020 08:17
@user791811 Correct. But do those cases (eg $x>2$) yield a solution ?
Jul 2, 2020 08:14
@user791811 Since the new rectangle is a $2\times x$ rectangle, assuming $x<2$, then the ratio big/small side is $2/x$, which has to be equal to the original ratio $x/1$, right ?
Jul 2, 2020 08:11
So ? I don't understand where you're getting
In your question you said " according to my calculation it is 1:2 " but your calculation gives a ratio $x=\sqrt2$, not $x=2$
Jul 2, 2020 08:09
I don't understand your question then. You just showed that $x=\sqrt2$, no ?
Jul 2, 2020 08:09
I read too quickly maybe
Jul 2, 2020 08:09
Oh wait
Jul 2, 2020 08:08
@user791811 Yours
Jul 2, 2020 08:02
@user791811 Your ratio isn't defined properly
Jul 2, 2020 07:59
> suppose the longer side is x and the shorter is 1. Then the new rectangle has side 2 and x

Or the other way around
Dec 17, 2020 17:19
@EddieKal Thank you so much !
Dec 17, 2020 09:06
Sorry for pinging, I had not noticed you were not in the room anymore
Dec 17, 2020 09:03
@EddieKal Is it fine if my title is just "understanding the sentence XXX" ? I am having troubles finding a more "general title" (I know some other SE websites have slightly strict policies on titles)
Dec 17, 2020 08:17
Alright, thank you very much
Dec 17, 2020 08:14
Hello, I am currently (attempting to) read a book in Japanese. Naturally, several grammar questions arise and I am not directly able to find answers on JSE. However, I'm reticent to post questions about my difficulties on JSE since I'm afraid it will "flood" the website and be considered a bad practice (I'm don't use JSE often) (I fear people will think that I'm "using them" to do homework/.. for me). How should I proceed ? Is there some website that is more suited to my situation ?