
May 25, 2018 09:42
it is still a duplicate of Run5k's solition and you haven't posted any links to search results nor have you added a picture of WPA.exe with your trace. next time do research and calm down. I sleeped at the time you did your rant here.
May 25, 2018 09:42
analyze system process usage. next time please use search first.
Dec 23, 2017 17:54
analyzing large ETL files requires extra large amount of RAM otherwise it crashes. consuming ETW is nit the best if it takes hours to see the issue. only run in shortly
Dec 21, 2017 15:51
record heap allocations:
Dec 20, 2017 16:01
I still have no idea. last file still doesn't show large grow.
Dec 20, 2017 07:37
StructuredQuery.dll!SemanticsUM::SchemaBinary::Load, StructuredQuery.dll!operator new. And the new operator does the HEap allocations. how large is the search index? try to rebuild it.
Dec 20, 2017 07:37
the grow is very low in the trace. from what I see the Explorer allocates memory while trying to start programs (shell32.dll!HDXA_LetHandlerProcessCommandEx,!CBindAndInvokeStaticVerb::_TryExecuteCom‌​mandHandler, shell32.dll!COpenDefaultLocationCommand::Execute) and querying ContextMenus (shell32.dll!CRegistryVerbsContextMenu::QueryContextMenu) which results in searches to Windows Search (StructuredQuery.dll!StructuredQuery1::CStructuredQueryHelpe‌​r::ParseStructured‌​Qu‌​ery, StructuredQuery.dll!StructuredQuery1::LoadSchemaBinaryFromFi‌​le) and this causes allocations.
Dec 20, 2017 07:37
it shows high heap usage. without callstacks of allocations from the ETL we can't help you
Dec 20, 2017 07:37
the link explains everything. Win10 includes wpr.exe, open CMD.exe as admin, run this command wpr.exe -start ReferenceSet -filemode && timeout -1 && wpr.exe -stop C:\HighMemoryUsage.etl, wait 3 minutes to capture the memory usage grow, press a key to stop logging. Zip the large ETL file (+ NGENPDB folder) into 1 zip, upload the zip (OneDrive, dropbox, google drive) and post the share link here.
Dec 19, 2017 20:48
"csc" is offline files. do you use them?
Dec 19, 2017 20:40
StructuredQuery.dll!SemanticsUM::SchemaBinary::Load, StructuredQuery.dll!operator new. And the new operator does the HEap allocations. how large is the search index? try to rebuild it.
Dec 19, 2017 20:40
the grow is very low in the trace. from what I see the Explorer allocates memory while trying to start programs (shell32.dll!HDXA_LetHandlerProcessCommandEx,!CBindAndInvokeStaticVerb::_TryExecuteCom‌​mandHandler, shell32.dll!COpenDefaultLocationCommand::Execute) and querying ContextMenus (shell32.dll!CRegistryVerbsContextMenu::QueryContextMenu) which results in searches to Windows Search (StructuredQuery.dll!StructuredQuery1::CStructuredQueryHelpe‌​r::ParseStructured‌​Qu‌​ery, StructuredQuery.dll!StructuredQuery1::LoadSchemaBinaryFromFi‌​le) and this causes allocations.
Dec 19, 2017 20:40
it shows high heap usage. without callstacks of allocations from the ETL we can't help you
Dec 19, 2017 20:40
the link explains everything. Win10 includes wpr.exe, open CMD.exe as admin, run this command wpr.exe -start ReferenceSet -filemode && timeout -1 && wpr.exe -stop C:\HighMemoryUsage.etl, wait 3 minutes to capture the memory usage grow, press a key to stop logging. Zip the large ETL file (+ NGENPDB folder) into 1 zip, upload the zip (OneDrive, dropbox, google drive) and post the share link here.
Jul 19, 2017 14:53
disable (not only stop) the RunFullMemoryDiagnosticEntry task to fix it
Jul 18, 2017 16:49
looking at the picture shows exactly what I told you. I see the ntoskrnl.exe!RtlpGenericRandomPatternWorker call, so the memory test during idle maintenance. so disable this task to fix it
Jul 18, 2017 16:49
you have no expanded the stack correctly. share the ETL file (compressed as 7z) so that I can take a look at it
Jul 18, 2017 16:49
you likely have the idle maintenance scheduled task that runs and scans your RAM for error. Check my answer and look for ntoskrnl.exe!RtlpGenericRandomPatternWorker, ntoskrnl.exe!RtlpTestMemoryRandomUp calls in callstack of system process.
May 22, 2017 22:44
share all new dumps
May 22, 2017 22:44
RAM timings are fine. check for a BIOS update
May 22, 2017 22:44
but now I also need the SPD tab again, to compare the data of both to see if the RAM timings are not correct
May 22, 2017 22:44
yes of course you can use different provider
May 22, 2017 22:44
the folder is empty now
May 22, 2017 22:44
you posted the CPU tab, I need the memory tab
May 22, 2017 22:44
post pictures of CPU-Z (memory and SPD tabs) on your onedrive and link them
May 22, 2017 22:44
remove the software that uses EasyAntiCheat.sys and FACEIT.sys and look what happens
May 22, 2017 22:44
upload the file C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\051917-12968-01.dmp (onedrive) ad post a share link here, so that we can debug it
May 5, 2017 16:19
this is still a 100% duplicate. If MS now added the check to security only update use WSUSoffline to update Windows.
May 5, 2017 16:16
they are the same, they ask both how to update Windows on new CPUs like Kaybe Lake (which is your i7-77xx) after applying the latest update rollups. The rules are here, to NOT ask the same over and over again and focus on 1 question!!!!!
May 5, 2017 16:16
remove the latest quality rollup and only install the latest security only updates each patchday.
Mar 18, 2017 23:35
You did something wrong. I see all data. I posted what I saw from the trace.
Mar 18, 2017 23:35
share the ETL (zip ot first to reduce the file size to up-&download, so that I can analyze it
Mar 18, 2017 23:35
use WPR/WPA to capture and analyze the cpu usage: expand the stack of the svchost.exe process in WPA which has most cpu usage (weight %) and loo for the function names to see what the svchost.exe does
Jan 29, 2017 20:15
@PiotrGrochowski as I said, Intel doesn't support your GPU any longer.
Jan 17, 2017 18:19
as I already said, Intel doesn't support this old GPUs any longer. if it works, it is ok, but if you have issues, you are out of luck.
Jan 3, 2017 00:49
Piotr, your HD is also based on the HD4000 like my Ivy Bridge i5, so you're also using a no longer supported GPU. Intel wants to sell new CPUs with newer GPUs so they ignore old users.
Jan 3, 2017 00:49
@Tetsujin if you read the PDF you see that Intel doesn't support the driver. they release the driver, but don't certificate it for WHQL " The driver is being provided as-is with no Intel support for any graphics issues found. Intel advises upgrading to Intel approved Windows 10 products for the best user experience and support."
Jan 3, 2017 00:49
@Tetsujin also the HD4000 is not supported officially in win10
Jan 17, 2017 18:21
the RAM speed may depend on the FSB (Front Side Bus), so try to lower this value in BIOS.
Jan 16, 2017 17:23
your RAM runs at a bit higher MHz as it is designed. lower it to 800MHz.
Jan 16, 2017 17:03
make pictures of all CPU-Z tabs and post them
Jan 16, 2017 17:03
check for the command rate values in CPU-Z
Jan 16, 2017 17:03
also RAM slots on the motherboard can be damaged and cause corruptions.
Dec 22, 2016 23:53
@pcworld 0x8024001e = WU_E_SERVICE_STOP (Operation did not complete because the service or system was being shut down).
Dec 22, 2016 23:53
@enigmaticPhysicist but this is MUCH faster. before the new july update rollup it took several hours until 1 day! so yes it WORKED
Dec 22, 2016 23:53
@AlexPi this is no miracle, MS fixed the update search logic in an update
Dec 22, 2016 23:53
@CADbloke firsti install 3020369 and next step the July rollup