Electrical Engineering

A place to talk with friends from the EE community about vacuu...
Jul 19, 2021 17:09
Can anyone point give me the contact of a electromagnetic radiation shielding consultant and any idea of how much it would cost me an hour?
Jul 19, 2021 17:06
Close it please. Thanks!
Jul 19, 2021 16:55
@SamGibson can you give me the contact of a consultant?
Jul 19, 2021 16:02
But thank you very much for the clarification
Jul 19, 2021 15:59
I see. The problem is that nobody would believe if I pointed the problem I'm trying to solve. Peope are in denial that Electromagnetic hypersensitivy and microwave syndrome exists, and I cannot proof here it does (but it does), and I'm not sure about all possible bands that could have some effects - I'm pretty sure microwave does, but people are talking about ELF on the internet
Jul 19, 2021 15:54
Do you know someone who could help me clarify those?
Jul 19, 2021 15:53
The real problem behind it is protecting the body from radiation.
Jul 19, 2021 15:52
Yeah, the problem is that I felt it would takame almost a 'chat' do debug my question, so many question I felt I had to ask to answer tjhoser
Jul 19, 2021 15:46
Jul 19, 2021 15:44
I actualy deleted the question, I would recreate it. But I have the text here
Jul 19, 2021 15:28
Excellent, Thanks!
Jul 19, 2021 15:26
Can we chat start?
Jul 19, 2021 15:22
Are you there, @SamGibson?


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Mar 24, 2020 23:16
Mar 24, 2020 23:16
Sorry. I'd like to know interesting material for testing athematical aptitude. Any suggestions
Mar 24, 2020 23:12
@AlessandroCodenotti @BalarkaSen
Mar 24, 2020 23:11
Mar 24, 2020 23:10
anybody there?
Dec 30, 2018 21:45
Hi there. Does anyone know of something to help e to calculate the following: Sum of all (1^a)(2^b)(3^c)(4^d)(5^e) such that a+b+c+d+e=n
Jun 24, 2018 00:19
do you use the softare maxima?
Jun 24, 2018 00:18
Jun 24, 2018 00:18
are yo there @leaky?

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
May 12, 2019 07:49
I'm afraid to format the HDD as I said I'm not sure the UEFI boot options labeled as from HDD, but which loads the SSD Windows, is really from the SSD, or if I format it I'll only have the legacy boot
May 12, 2019 07:21
@rahuldottech [3/3] And the legacy list also contains a repeated entry labeled as being from HDD. But, any option I chose - EFI-Windows Boot Manager (from the HDD), Legacy SSD or Legacy HDD it always loads the SSD windows. And with legacy boot support activated secure boot option is not available. It has been frustrating to try to fix this..
May 12, 2019 07:21
@rahuldottech [2/3]I found out that on the BIOS screen if I activate legacy support on the boot (which is an alternative do UEFI only boot) save+reset and enter the BIOS screen again, the SSD boot option appears on the legacy boot options list (previously there was only the "EFI" boot options list
May 12, 2019 07:21
@rahuldottech [1/3] update: I discovered that even though the uefi boot option is listed as being from the HDD, it actually loads the SSD windows. I dont know if its just wrongly labeled or if it actually uses the HDD boot loader to load the SSD. Another thing:
May 11, 2019 23:41
BIOS actually shows SSD in hard disk lists, but there is only a single entry on the boot options
May 11, 2019 23:22
Can it be that the BIOS is just wrong and is atually booting from the SSD? Or it is possible that even though windowss files used are stored into the SSD the PC is actually using data on the HDD to boot the SSD windows?
May 11, 2019 22:59
why is BIOS not showing ssd?
May 11, 2019 22:58
I don't have any files, it a new laptop
May 11, 2019 22:58
doing your test I'm booting from SSD
May 11, 2019 22:55
In the bios interface, in the boot order, it only shows "Windows boot manager WDC WD10SPZX-24z10' which is my hdd
May 11, 2019 22:46
the boot manager only shows one windows
May 11, 2019 22:39
the ssd just has one partition "boot, page file, crash dump, primary partition"
May 11, 2019 22:38
And the disk management shows the two volumes (SSD an HDD) as different. HDD has three partitions: EFI system, Primary Partition ("windows d:") and WINRE_DRV. And I don't know what this last parittion is
May 11, 2019 22:36
Since it didn't offer me which windows to load after the first time
May 11, 2019 22:36
I think its loading the windows in SSD, but actually I'm not sure. Yes, I want to thelete the inwdows in HDD but I'm not sure I can
May 11, 2019 22:35
May 11, 2019 22:35
#rahuldottech I think its loading the windos in SSDm but Actually I'm not sure which windows its loading
May 11, 2019 22:27
hey there. I've just installed win 10 in my ssd. As soon as it restarted, a screen was briefly shown so that I could chooose which windows to load (each in one volume: hdd and ssd). I didn't even get to choose it. Then it booted. But I don't know which one it boooted and since then the screen to choose which windows (ssd or hdd) didn't appear anymore. Then I couldn't perform the last step of formating de hdd where the old windows is. Can anyone help me?
Jan 10, 2019 22:38
does olavo support 'flat earth'?
Jan 10, 2019 22:32
Thanks 'olavo the carvalho'. I will review this tutorial.. actually I've already installed it and its running.. but I can't connect to it no matter what
Jan 10, 2019 22:28
Any sql server guru out there? Trying to run it in debian, but failing


For feedback/discussion/requests of Close/Undelete/Reopen/Edit...
Dec 29, 2018 07:19
Is it really PSQ? He is asking for a more explicit derivation of the solution using the given identities. That would be like "Given A, show that B" kind of question
Dec 29, 2018 07:12
A: Concrete Mathematics: Understanding Modular Arithematic

galmeidaWe want to prove that the following sequence: $$0, 1n, 2n, ... , (m-1)n \; (mod\; m)$$ Is equal to the sequence:$$0,d,2d, ... ,(m'-1)d$$ In some order, repeated $d$ times. Where $d=gcd(m,n)$. Assume $m=dm'$ and $n=dn'$. They do it in two steps: 1) Prove that the sequence $0, 1n, 2n, ... ...

Dec 29, 2018 07:12
for any mistake
Dec 29, 2018 07:12
could you please review an a response I made? Is about elementary modular arithmetic
Dec 29, 2018 07:10
Are you there @TheGreatDuck ?
Jun 24, 2018 00:15
@TheGreatDuck hail great duck! do you use the maxima software?
Jun 24, 2018 00:14
anybody there?