Nov 8, 2018 17:55
I also didn't get your emphasis on "You". You might mean that I must want the most possible information (in polynomial size). Otherwise, I may request little information, and it changes the problem!
Nov 8, 2018 17:50
Hi Yuval, but you didn't answer my last question. What is the difference if the certificate just shows the subset or also their placements? It's very important in verifying the answer not?
Nov 8, 2018 17:48
@YuvalFilmus Sorry, I know that I am very novice and here is not for this discussions! by whaterver you want you mean this is me who requests for more info?
Nov 8, 2018 17:48
@YuvalFilmus Sorry, I am a bit confused. You mean that the certificate could only include the subset or their placement. I think in the former case, it wouldn't be polynomially verfiable, but in the latter case it is. So, are they two different problems? or the definition is that they must give as much as information in certifcate in polynomial size!
Nov 8, 2018 17:48
@YuvalFilmus in the new case, the certificate includes the subset or the assortment too?!!
Nov 8, 2018 17:48
@YuvalFilmus I didn't ask for its solution! My question title is something else. I just asked which problems are considered non-NP. I tried to bring an example of a problem that can't be verified in polynomial time, unless I have a mistake in defining the certificate. Yet, the general question remains without considering the example.
Nov 8, 2018 17:48
@YuvalFilmus, Could you guide me about the update of the answer?
Nov 8, 2018 17:48
@david right, I had a mistake in figuring out the given answer and also proving NP hard mislead me more. I wonder why they didn't ask if it's a NPC. Anyways, by the way, do you have a hint how can I show that it's NPC? Which problem can I reduce to it, and what is the above problem called in the literature (for search)
Nov 8, 2018 17:48
@Yuval oh! I thought that the answer just includes a yes and a series of rectangles.
Oct 27, 2018 06:00
But the Matrix M doesn't include the answer.
Oct 27, 2018 06:00
Just the name I and K is switched
Oct 27, 2018 05:59
for i in range(N):
cur_point = points[i]
for j in range(i):
if i == 0 or j == 0:
M[i][j] = 0
elif j == i -1: # the first officer covered point i
_min = 1000
for k in range(i-1):
_min = min(_min, M[i-1,k] + get_dist(cur_point, points[k]))
M[i][j] = _min
# the second officer covered the point i-1 and the second officer covered point i
M[i,j] = M[i-1,j] + get_dist(cur_point,points[i-1])

return min(M[N-1])
Oct 27, 2018 05:59
I tried to write down your idea as:
Oct 27, 2018 05:59
Can you see my comments here?
Oct 27, 2018 05:59
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
So, I am new to this particular website. It was a nice advice and I will try to write the idea of my code using math symbols
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
Sure, the upvote was mine. For two reasons I still didn't accept it. First, even if I find a solution complete, I give it a grace time to give a chance for other users to try for an answer. Second, it seems your solution is similar the one I tested (implemented) but with a better definition. However, in my solution the second condition is when $i = j$ but you say $i=j-1$ or $i=j+1$, if we substitute the variable names. So, they differ and I must check that. Anyway, I am so grateful for the time you spent on them. If you note no one vote my own solution up or even my quesion has a down vote.
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
Not really, the due date of the assignment is close. I didn't come up a solution. As I told the constraints are too much to handle. For example, let $x = t(i,j)$ be the number of balanced trees with $i$ nodes and $j$ leaves. There are a lot of such trees and it doesn't give any number for the heights of them, unless I store the heights of each tree in another array. Anyway, the solutoin is not that clean. So, please give your solution.
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
Sure that would be kind of you. I was already working on it and I gave it enough thought. I have some ideas however. Anyway your solution would complete my ideas.
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
By the way, your definition of $t(i, j) $ doesn't convey that all points up to the point j were covered.
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
Thank you very much. It was very useful. I guess you refined your initial definition of $t(i, j ) $. You might be agree that without the formula, getting the solution and the interpretation wasn't straightforward.
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
Can you please check my answer to see if it's what you meant?
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
I came up with a solution that is working for some sample data. It sounds valid and promising. However, I just have a little problem in describing it. I just will send it as my answer.
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
I will write my solution in my question:
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
It seems that we must keep track of the position of both officers because it will be fixed in any optimal solution for subproblems.
Oct 26, 2018 19:09
Thank you. However, I didn't come up to the recurrent relation. If you one in mind please let me know. Knowing $t(i,j)$ for all combinations doesn't help me, because before patroling node $i$ I had to have patroled $i-1$ by one of the officers.
Jul 19, 2017 03:50
@M.Qassas Thank you very much! I will go to do it.
Jul 18, 2017 21:04
bye for now!
Jul 18, 2017 21:04
@M.Qassas It seems you are not there! and here is late! I must wake up soon tomorrow, if you read my messages above, please give your answer here. As I told I just like to know any config, file copy, ... that I must do on the server side...
Jul 18, 2017 21:00
As the remote server is in a far place, I liked to do everything that I must when I go there... I am going there tomorrow.
Jul 18, 2017 21:00
Do I need more config on the remote server? how my own sharepoints sync with the remote one? should I use PowerShell for this purpose? Should I upload specific files? ....
Jul 18, 2017 20:58
then I must config it so that I can access it via internet via an address, it will enable me to connect and modify it via SharePoint Designer....
Jul 18, 2017 20:58
I got that I must copy some files from the server...
Jul 18, 2017 20:57
Sorry if I bothered you. I was in hurry, I even couldn't still succeed to install a local sharepoint. I got a problem in prerequisites (AppFabric Configurations)... Anyways.... I should go to a company... so I liked to know how should I config my local server and the remote server, so that I can do anything with remote server?
Jul 18, 2017 20:51
@M.Qassas yes, are you here?
Jul 18, 2017 20:51
now are you there?
Jul 18, 2017 20:51
sorry, I didn't notice your invitation!
Jul 18, 2017 20:50
Jul 18, 2017 20:42
I just learned from Youtube videos that I can connect to a sharepoint server (in internet) via sharepoint designer. How about the first one! suppose I have an installed sharepoint and did something to it. How it is reflected on the remote Sharepoint.
Jul 18, 2017 20:42
Sorry if I am so newbie, you didn't say in your answer; how can I transfer my files to sever?!
Jul 18, 2017 20:42
Thank you! sure!
Jul 18, 2017 20:42
Thank you! I am very newbie. You wrote "In case you are using Server Side Object Model (WSP Solutions), so you should have a development environment that has SharePoint & Visual Studio installed." By "SharePoint" do you mean Sharepoint server? Also can I use Windows 2016 server on virtual machine for this purpose?

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Jun 29, 2017 12:33
Jun 29, 2017 12:30
I want to send a message to a user (P.E.Dant) who is commented one of my question, but my response and his comments were deleted by moderators; can I send my response via chat?
Jun 29, 2017 12:29
Dec 22, 2016 08:21
Nov 10, 2016 18:34
Hows this?
Nov 10, 2016 18:34
Also as I am suspected about the we have, I rewrite it as Suppose that the number of the nodes in the DOM-tree is n and the number of the rules of the wrapper program is m
Nov 10, 2016 18:29
How can I say that?
Nov 10, 2016 18:28
but one may think that it is called n times for each node, while I want to say the total number of calls is n times, one for each node (the number of nodes is n)