Sampriti Panda


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Feb 15, 2018 17:57
Multiplication, xor would also work for example.
Feb 15, 2018 17:57
Yeah it does, but I'm asking if there is some generic term for functions like that?
Feb 15, 2018 17:25
Is there any specific term for functions where `f(x % N, y % N) = f(x, y) % N` ?

% = modulus operator, sorry I'm from a CS background.

 Red vs. Blue - Pixel Team Battlebots

Room for discussing the "Red vs. Blue - Pixel Team Battlebots"...
Apr 7, 2015 11:59
Hey guys! I'm new to this challenge. I tried running a few battles but all of them were won by the Blue team because of them having more players, is there a way to balance the numbers of bots on both the sides?

 The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for codegolf.stackexc...
Jan 14, 2015 09:50
@Optimizer Ok thanks!
Jan 14, 2015 09:49
Hi! Can I ask here for some help on golfing a python program? It isn't related to any PCG question.


A Chat Room linked to the CS169.1x IRC Chat
Jun 9, 2014 04:54
Jun 9, 2014 04:47
Jun 9, 2014 04:36
May 11, 2014 04:41
May 5, 2014 18:15
Please do not post in this chat. Post in the IRC instead.
May 5, 2014 18:14
May 1, 2014 11:24
Apr 26, 2014 11:47
Apr 24, 2014 07:21
So that the main channel does not get polluted.
Apr 24, 2014 07:21
But the messages posted here go to the jb_test room
Apr 24, 2014 07:20
Its complex in that the bot fetches messages from the main room and posts them here.
Apr 24, 2014 07:20
You need to run /join jb_test
Apr 24, 2014 07:19
@Alex I built a bridge bridge between the course IRC and the StackExchange chat.
Apr 24, 2014 07:18
This isnt the chatbot.
Apr 24, 2014 07:18
Apr 22, 2014 13:19
Sorry for the message, it got posted somehow
Apr 22, 2014 13:19
If you have ubuntu 13.10, you dont need to install the vm there is a script you can run to set your instance up for the course:…
Apr 22, 2014 01:08
If you have ubuntu 13.10, you dont need to install the vm
Apr 21, 2014 18:16
Apr 21, 2014 18:13
Or maybe I donr have to, thanks to gnu screen
Apr 21, 2014 18:12
Apr 21, 2014 18:10
I am shutting down the bot.
Apr 21, 2014 18:05
Apr 21, 2014 18:05
Apr 21, 2014 16:26
Apr 21, 2014 15:44
Dont take it seriously :).
May 11, 2014 16:40
just gem 'debugger'
May 11, 2014 16:38
That should work.
May 11, 2014 16:38
and run bundle install
May 11, 2014 16:38
save the file
May 11, 2014 16:38
gem 'debugger'
May 11, 2014 16:38
Replace the second last line with
May 11, 2014 16:29
it should be inside the rottenpotatoes folder.
May 11, 2014 16:28
Ok can you post the contents of the whole Gemfile?
May 11, 2014 16:26
From where did you get the rottenpotatoes app?
May 11, 2014 16:24
You should post the log here.
May 11, 2014 16:24
I will edit it out, since its not related to the question.
May 11, 2014 16:17
Hi, We should probably discuss in this chat.
May 11, 2014 16:17
Its rails server
May 11, 2014 16:17
It seems like you are going to need ruby 1.9.3. Since you are using rvm that might not be much of a problem for you.
May 11, 2014 16:17
One last thing? Try running bundle install
May 11, 2014 16:17
Try running gem install debugger and then run bundle update debugger.
Apr 30, 2014 06:14
No. This isn't bridged. This is