@AaronMazel-Gee Hello, this is sort of a random question. I saw on the PSI page that you spent some time there. How was it? I love the ocean and the place looks awesome!
Can I ask you a dumb question. In Katz Mazur they claim that the "disjoint union of the legendre family and naive level three structure is an etale cover of M_{1,1}"
@TedShifrin I remember reading oh Isom sits inside of the hilbert scheme therefore its representable blabla. And this hilbert scheme thingy is very complicated.
@TedShifrin yea. If you read about this isom scheme in general it's like super complicated. I was extremely happy to be able to write down equations for it:D
@TedShifrin This is something I like about Ravi's style. He doesn't want to mention unnecessary machine if you don't need it. Rather, he'd rather his students work things out with as little machinery as possible and see how far they go. When the time comes to introduce the big weapons, then he'll happily ask you to read about it.
For example, every elliptic curve X \to S etale locally on S acquires a Legendre form (I think). Certainly Zariski locally we have a Weierstrass form, and then we pass to an etale cover (to extract roots and stuff) to get it into Legendre form.
@DavidZureick-Brown Hey. I have a dumb question to ask. In Katz-Mazur they say something like the disjoint of the legendre family and naive level three structure gives a cover of M_{1,1}. Why isn't the Legendre family alone a cover?