Aug 30, 2018 18:53
Does the school require a specific operating system?
Jul 5, 2017 19:36
An ID question:… (posting here instead of VTC, as I’m confused about whether these are on-topic or not … IIRC, the highest voted answer in the relevant Meta discussion said yes, but several of them were closed, too)
Mar 21, 2017 22:42
What do you think about I think it should be off-topic, because OP seems to look for a community / a service. In my opinion, it would only be on-topic if looking for a tool to access a specific community (like an alternative client).
Mar 16, 2017 23:06
@NicolasRaoul @Izzy - I agree, and nominated it for reopening.
Jan 27, 2017 16:58
Q: "Stack Exchange Year in Review 2016" misses the site design for Software Recommendations

unorThe blog post Stack Exchange Year in Review 2016 currently says: Once again, our designers amaze with their thoughtful site designs. They produced twelve more last year: Aviation Blender Computer Science Cryptography Emacs English Language Learners Japanese Magento Mus...

Oct 16, 2016 12:30
@Izzy: Okay :o)
Oct 16, 2016 08:39
Thoughts about I think it should be off-topic, as OP doesn’t just look for a Web app, but also for data (a Web app allowing filtering by tag, but having no books added, wouldn’t help OP).
May 2, 2016 20:15
@JonasCz Should be fine, I guess. Related Meta discussions:
Sep 30, 2015 15:02
Q: Tags for software that runs on a (web?) server

unorI think it’s important to differentiate between two cases: looking for software to install on a server (= self-hosted) looking for software installed on a server (= hosted) Ideally, this difference should be represented in the tags. (If I understand it correctly, this was also suggested by G...

Sep 30, 2015 15:02
Unfortunately, this discussion never got other answers or even comments, and IIRC, my answer was a long time at 0/0, so I figured we should do nothing about it until getting other suggestions or more votes. However, this month the tag appeared (created by @Tom, I think) and it’s currently added to 3 questions. So I guess now we should come up with a decision :)
Sep 30, 2015 15:01
Hello all! A year ago, I created a discussion about introducing tags for distinguishing between hosted and self-hosted software, and in an answer I suggested to use "hosted" and "self-hosted", and retire "web-apps".
Nov 28, 2016 10:25
Relevant tag on the sister site Software Recommendations: parental-control
Sep 9, 2016 23:04
You too =)
Sep 9, 2016 23:04
You’re welcome.
Sep 9, 2016 23:04
The idea is that users should be able to browse all answers with [osx] and only find recommendations that are for tools that run on OS X
Sep 9, 2016 23:03
If these were "ands", adding [osx] (and [web-apps] and possibly freebsd) would be fine
Sep 9, 2016 23:03
As far as I understand your question, you are fine with three different solutions: OS X and/or FreeBSD and/or Web app.
Sep 9, 2016 23:00
Hi! On we use the platform tags (e.g., for operating systems like OS X, or for web apps) only if the asker requires that the software supports this platform
Mar 18, 2016 18:26
@Taemyr: I think the problem is that someone else who guesses/knows the answers can get the password. If it gets sent to the registered email address, this attacker would also need access to the email account. A combination might be better: send confirmation link to email and show (or let set) password on the HTTPS page.
Dec 1, 2015 03:14
In elections I usually vote for those candidates that are good in communicating with new or problematic users in the comments, but that isn’t one of my skills. I like to focus on editing, organizing tags, and discussions on Meta; not on "moderating" users. Is that a role the site would need as mod? Not sure. I’ll give it some more thought.
Dec 1, 2015 03:13
Thank you, @Undo and @Izzy -- but I’m indecisive about it, mostly because I can’t see how being a mod would "make [me] more effective as opposed to simply reaching 10k or 20k rep" (to quote one of the election questions). I feel like I would want to do the same stuff as mod which I’m doing now.

 Discussion between shub and unor

Imported from a comment discussion on softwarerecs.stackexchan...
May 10, 2014 15:57
Sure, thanks. And thanks :)
May 10, 2014 15:36
I edited it: -- feel free to correct/add :)
May 10, 2014 15:26
I can do it, too, if you don’t mind. Then you can review it and make edits if needed
May 10, 2014 15:24
So if that’s correct, I think an edit would make sense.
May 10, 2014 15:22
it just happens that for Windows you need to install Bonjour, as it isn’t installed by default (while Mac OS and Linux come with Zeroconf implementations)
May 10, 2014 15:22
I guess you are using XMPP, as Pidgin+Bonjour is XMPP, if I’m not mistaken: <‌​calMessaging>
May 10, 2014 15:20
@shub: As far as I know, "Zeroconf" is called the idea/protocol. Bonjour is Apple’s implementation of this, Avahi is an implementation for Linux, and there are some more implementations. But they should all cooperate together.
May 10, 2014 13:53
@shub: Oh, great. Now do you use the Zeroconf way or did you register with an online provider?
May 10, 2014 12:51
@shub: If you really end up using SIP (whether with Jitsi or some other client), I think it’s better to add a separate answer, as SIP and XMPP have different features, and so people can vote accordingly. -- If you want, you can of course link to my answer if you want to give credit for suggesting Jitsi.
May 10, 2014 12:41
@shub: Well, great then :-) If it works, you may consider adding an answer to your own question :)
May 10, 2014 12:39
@shub: I never used SIP that way. According to the documentation you found, the only caveat I see is that you’d have to add accounts knowing the local IP addresses (while using XMPP + Zeroconf would find all connected clients, without having to add them manually beforehand).
May 10, 2014 12:37
@shub: Good find. SIP is another protocol, but similar to XMPP in the regard that is also offers text and voice chat.
May 10, 2014 12:37
@shub: I just looked for a tutorial for Jitsi and found this page which says that the feature was removed. Now I’m not sure if it was re-implemented in the meantime; it’s still listed in the feature list in Wikipedia.
May 10, 2014 12:37
@shub: I don’t use Jitsi personally, so I can’t tell how exactly it works for this client, but usually, for example in Gajim, there is an account named "Local" that can be enabled. As soon as you do that, it shows all other clients that have such a Local account enabled and are currently connected to your LAN. -- So no, you don’t have to register an account with any provider.