Tomer Schlank

 Homotopy Theory

A room for anyone interested in homotopy theory, or any nearby...
May 20, 2020 10:08
Hi! Does any body has the zoom link and password for motives and what not?
Nov 22, 2018 14:37
Given a small infinity category C we have a functor A: PSh(C) \to Cat_00 that sends a presheaf F \in PSh(C) to the pullback C \times_{PSh(C)} PSh(C)_{/F}. I would like to have a reference showing that A is colimit preserving.
A reference that identifies A with unstraightening would also suffice.
Jul 5, 2017 06:05
Is it the proof using to comparison map to Z[b_1,...] by taking a FGL with logarithm? or is it different?
Jul 5, 2017 05:58
btw, I week after transchromatic we had a 3 days seminar on the proof of the nilpotence theorem and my talk was strongly influenced by the one you gave in Regensburg. It is now the way I thnk about the X(i)... (The students seemed happy with it too)
Jul 5, 2017 05:53
I guess my secret identity has been revealed. It is indeed I, Terribleblackboardworkman.
Oct 26, 2016 06:51
@DenisNardin @MarcHoyois and @YonatanHarpaz, Thanks!!
I think there is a slight problem with the reduction to the mapping space argument which is that using DK correspondence gives simplicial sets but If I'm not mistaken does not give simplicial model category. However HA seems to be almost what I need (There, one need to restrict to "fibrant-cofibrant objects") but maybe I can push it trough .
Oct 24, 2016 17:30
Let M be a stable model category enriched in Ch(Ab) and Let M_{\infty} the underline \i- category. Clearly if X is cofibrant and Y is fibrant then the complex Hom_M(X,Y) viewed as a spectrum is the spectral \i-categorical Hom_{M_{\infty}}(X,Y). Is there any reference ?
Oct 24, 2016 17:30
I'll be bold enough to repost my question, as my child-like optimism forces me to believe that the reference I'm looking for is indeed somewhere in the literature.
Oct 16, 2016 14:25
Let M be a stable model category enriched in Ch(Ab) and Let M_{\infty} the underline \i- category. Clearly if X is cofibrant and Y is fibrant then the complex Hom_M(X,Y) viewed as a spectrum is the spectral \i-categorical Hom_{M_{\infty}}(X,Y). Is there any reference ?
Oct 15, 2016 14:41
@DenisNardin Exactly!
Oct 15, 2016 14:14
The emmbding is lax but it's left adjoint (the truncation) is monoidal
Oct 15, 2016 13:25
Oct 15, 2016 13:24
Oct 15, 2016 13:24
But nat is superior in every way
Oct 15, 2016 13:23
but S^0 is the intial ring
Oct 15, 2016 13:23
Map(S_0,HZ) = MAP(HZ,HZ) by adjunction of conctive E00 rings and truncated E00-rings
Jul 16, 2016 20:37
@LennartMeier Thanks!, any idea about the path objects?
Jul 16, 2016 18:23
Let me say more about the question that @NatStapleton , Toby and myself have:
1) Is the Barwick-Kan Model Structure Right proper?
2) Is there a nice description for path objects in Barwick-Kan Model Structure

specifically will C^{\hat{1}} work?
Jun 13, 2016 17:49
@user40276 For every Pro-Space there is a Hurewicz map, (which is assembled) from the Hurewicz map of each space in the diagram. Now the e'tale homotopy and homology are just the homotopy and homology of the Pro-space "etale homotopy type".
There is even a Hurewicz Theorem (see Corollary 4.5 At Artin mazur orignal book)
Jan 4, 2016 08:53
@AaronMazel-Gee Thanks!!
Jan 3, 2016 09:44
@AaronMazel-Gee, If you get you hands on such a survey (matrix factorizations) please let me know, incidentally I'm just was looking for one the past two days. Of course -- I'll do the same.
Nov 3, 2015 19:51
it should
Nov 3, 2015 19:51
Thanks!, and yes,
Nov 3, 2015 19:38
It an interesting question, so I'll try to verify this over the weekend
Nov 3, 2015 19:36
@TylerLawson , I did some preliminary computation and it seems that the following (more interesting fact) is true, if you take even periodic k(n) at given prime then there ultra-product id even periodic HF_P (this does not have the same "triviality" problems @NatStapleton was talking about.
Nov 3, 2015 19:33
Aug 3, 2015 20:07
@ClarkBarwick Thanks!!
Aug 3, 2015 02:25
Clark, what you wrote makes me more of a believer then a sceptic , why would the sphere spectrum be so badly behaved?
Aug 3, 2015 02:04
@ClarkBarwick: So the point is, that we think that the sphere spectrum should be very non-noetherian?
Aug 3, 2015 01:35
So I heard many times pepole claim that "the experts believe the telescope conjecture to be false" and I aware of the paper by Mahowald, Ravenel and Shick, which give some computational reason. But I was still wondering:

1) looking at the paper it seems the objection is that the telescope conjecture will force many "a-priory-unexpected" differentials, but other then being unexpected a-priory if I really want to believe the conjecture is there any thing so weird about them a posteriori?

2) Is there another\more conceptual reason to be a telesceptic?
Sep 23, 2014 20:36
P is trival iff it has a K-point iff X and Y are l-isomorhic
Sep 23, 2014 20:35
An easy way to see the obstruction is as follows: let P= Iso(X_k',Y_k') this is a non -empty set with a gal(k'/k) action (by conjugation) and and a free transitive action of G:= Aut(X_k') (by compoistion ) Thus P is a principle homogenues G-space
Jun 21, 2014 19:27
Thank you for all your help!
Jun 21, 2014 19:27
Hi everybody, finally I can speak :)