@BESW I have a Victorian soldier in my group who has some good aspects that appeal to his sense of duty and his "if I don't do it, nobody will" attitude. He only has a refresh of 2, but always finishes with a surplus of Fate points!
@BESW I only had a chance to glance over it last night; I'm still working on codifying my Torg conversion for distribution (free, of course). That and SWTOR is giving 12 TIMES the XP through December so I'm finally getting to see all of the class stories without the tedium of doing the side-quests...
It gave examples of negative aspects like "Limited Battery Pack" or "Still Working Out the Bugs". How often would be too often to compel those sorts of things? An annoying GM could try to compel those aspects every single time a player tried to use the hardware. A timid GM would be worried about ever compelling them at all!
Mine is just a twisted druid that learns about the existing plant-zombies and modifies the process to retain his intelligence so that he can bond with nature and destroy all artificial creations (not seeing the irony that he, himself, would be an artificial creation by then).
There's a kind of plant-zombie monster hybrid called a "Gospog", and some crazy gets the notion that he can fuse himself into one to become as sort of... plant lich.
I think I can work with that core concept already! I hadn't thought of it. Putting the PCs in class 2 to begin with and putting the high lords at... probably 5 or 6, depending...
@BESW Oh, I'll definitely have to look into this, because that SPECIFIC situation is something I'm using for a group of mind-controlled, would-be heroes that the PCs think are villains.
@BESW Which sounds about like what the High Lords in Torg are. They're essentially Godlike and you're not meant to go up directly against them until the end of the entire Chronicle.