Jan 15 18:45
Q: 2024: a year in moderation

JNat It’s that time of the year again! As we bid farewell to the year that's concluded and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here might be aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently t...

Jan 4 19:40
Q: Is it time to shut this site down?

Rand al'ThorWith a happy new year comes a very heavy question! Activity on Veg.SE has hit an all-time low. By any possible metric, it seems that this site is barely dragging itself along: Questions: around 1 per month during the second half of 2024, the lowest ever levels. Reputation: only one person got mo...

Apr 28, 2024 02:19
Q: Practices related to the practice of becoming vegetarian or vegan (and saving animals, and possibly, plants

Joselin JocklingsonWhat is better in the practice of fasting, becoming vegan, or vegetarian, in terms of: Thinking about some food, they did harm. Thinking about it differently. Not thinking about it. Thinking about something else. Thinking about it, shunning the thought, and, then... thinking about something else....

Apr 28, 2024 02:19
Q: Expanding the range of site topics

Joselin JocklingsonThere are lots of topics related to veganism and vegetarianism. I am trying to expand then. Please do not keep the topics on site limited. Am I correct? Thanks.

Feb 7, 2024 05:09
Q: Should we change the tagline to better communicate what the community is about?

Paul WalkerI asked a serious question on meta about this community, asking what makes it unique. This community is called "Vegetarianism and Veganism." Because of the generic wording of the site description, "...for those who committed to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle...", and because I knew that vegetari...

Jan 24, 2024 21:27
Q: 2023: a year in moderation

JNat It’s that time of the year again! As we wave goodbye to last year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here might be aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on...

Jan 5, 2024 11:45
Q: Opting into the AI banner for AI generated content

Robert LongsonShould we opt into the AI banner for answers? for AI content? There are three options to consider Not making any change at all. Adding the following banner text to the answer box: Reminder: Answers generated by Artificial Intelligence tools are not allowed on Veganism & Vegetarianism. Learn more...

Dec 31, 2023 15:51
Q: What makes something "vegan"?

Paul WalkerThis question was originally asked in the vegetarianism.se site. This site shares it's identity with "vegetarianism", which avoids meat, is creative in cooking, researches ingredients, examines menus at restaurants... But instead of a food-focus like the vegetarians, there seems to be a lot more ...

Nov 28, 2023 04:09
Q: Dismantling the human-food symbiosis (also, for the sake of veganism and vegetarianism (but, fasting issues, included))

Joselin JocklingsonHow would a discussion of techniques used to dismantle The "human-food, ' symbiosis Relate to this site? Please, migrate this post to the veganism and vegetarianism meta, if more appropriate there. Thanks.

Nov 9, 2023 21:28
Q: Leaving milk next to a cow

Joselin JocklingsonI would like to ask, is leaving a bit of cheese Next to a cow Healthy, for the cow? Thank you for answering

Aug 31, 2023 07:46
Q: Site impact on personal perception of extinction and usefulness

Joselin JocklingsonI wonder whether this site is here to make people feel like animals and feel that they and their roots are going extinct. If this is the purpose of this site, perhaps it is having success. This way people start reflecting on what good they are to society as a whole, and start making contributions...

Aug 30, 2023 19:41
Q: Vegetarian and vegan lifestyle and promotion

Joselin JocklingsonI am wondering why this site does not consider promotion of vegetarianism and veganism as part of the vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, and, why is there not a promotion tag.

Aug 30, 2023 19:16
Q: Ethics and animal welfare posts deleted

Joselin JocklingsonSeveral posts about animal welfare of mine have been deleted on this site. However, my posts seemed to add much substance and color to this site. So, why have they been deleted? Thanks.

Aug 26, 2023 07:08
Q: How much should we allow "frame challenge" answers to questions with specific requests?

Rand al'ThorThis meta post is inspired by a specific recent answer, but it's more general in scope. Let's say someone posts a question asking about resources or possibilities for something specific - as in the linked example, dairies that sell milk but don't kill their cows. Then someone else posts an answer...

Jan 26, 2023 17:32
Q: 2022: a year in moderation

JNat As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on the web: We designed the Stack Exch...

Nov 27, 2022 11:17
Q: What kinds of shopping questions are OK?

Robert LongsonHere's some example questions... How can I Electric Power, Water Wash soiled fruits and vegetables? Is there a vegan or vegetarian instant noodles? What is a healthy seasoning powder for vegetarians? There may be others but they are characterised by asking for where to buy something. Of course ...

Sep 15, 2022 14:51
Q: Encouraging more questions

Robert LongsonOne of the main reasons we're still in beta when other sites graduated is undoubtedly down to the low number lack of questions per day. One idea to increase this might be to have some kind of weekly or monthly competition. We could decide what the competition theme is here on our site Meta and th...

Aug 30, 2022 20:30
Q: 2022 Community Moderator Election Results

CatijaModerator election #2 on Veganism & Vegetarianism has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderator is: They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! For details on...

Aug 22, 2022 20:40
Q: Election candidates lacking details in their manifestos

Jiminy Cricket.Elections on most sites have the candidate's individual manifestos, as here on Veganism and Vegetarianism. In addition, every site where I've voted in an election has shown the candidates' answers to various sample questions: "What would you do if a user who contributes good answers were to frequ...

Aug 18, 2022 21:04
Q: Usage of [ethics] and [philosophy] tags?

Rand al'ThorThe tag ethics (34 questions) has the following tag wiki excerpt: For questions about philosophical or moral reasoning relating to veg*n practices. Try to avoid asking questions that invite primarily opinion-based answers The tag philosophy (16 questions) has no tag wiki excerpt, and it include...

Aug 8, 2022 20:25
Q: 2022 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2022 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Aug 8, 2022 19:35
Q: Announcing a Pro Tempore election for 2022

CatijaVeganism & Vegetarianism Stack Exchange will begin the nomination stage for a special election on 8 August 2022 to bring in 1 more moderator. For full details of the process, see the announcement on Meta Stack Exchange. The timeline: Starting on 8 August, users can nominate themselves. Users can...

Jan 12, 2022 17:30
Q: 2021: a year in moderation

JNat As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on the web: We designed the Stack Exch...

Nov 5, 2021 11:05
Q: What would you like to ask the Stack Exchange Community Team?

ZannaAs you may or may not know, Stack Exchange moderators have access to a Private Team SE site where staff and mods can discuss stuff and help each other (similar to Meta Stack Exchange, but with restricted access). Today a discussion opened there inviting questions from mods for the CM (community m...

Sep 23, 2021 16:36
Q: Do we want accepted answers to be pinned to the top?

NicStack Exchange staff have announced an upcoming change to the way answer acceptance works. Currently, the original poster of a question can accept one non-deleted answer. This does several things, the question poster receives 2 rep, and the answer poster receives 15 rep the answer has an added g...

Aug 19, 2021 20:51
Q: Guide to Good Tagging (food questions)

NicI've written this short guide to good tagging based on my experience setting up tags for this site. Eating Patterns If your question only makes sense in the context of a habitual eating pattern (a "diet"), make sure to include the appropriate tag for the kind of eating pattern that you are follo...

Aug 19, 2021 03:58
Q: Check out these dairy-free alternatives!

NicThis is part of a series of curated collections of related questions. Check out these dairy-free alternatives! Milk Which plant-based milks have the highest protein content? Hand sieve vs nut milk bag for straining plant milk How do I make oat milk? How can I make rice mylk/milk that tastes swe...

Aug 18, 2021 19:42
Q: Curated Collections of Questions (as posts on Meta)

NicIdea: We can create posts on this meta site to highlight curated collections of interesting questions from our main site, then periodically rotate those collections through the featured box on the main site. What kind of collections could we have? Here's a few ideas to get us started: What cloth...

Aug 17, 2021 20:30
Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

RosieModerator election #1 on Veganism & Vegetarianism has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderators are: They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! For details...

Jul 26, 2021 20:07
Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Jun 15, 2021 11:34
Q: Announcing a Pro Tempore election for 2021

JNatSummary: Veganism & Vegetarianism Stack Exchange will begin the nomination stage for a special election on July 26 to bring in one more moderator. For full details of the process, see the announcement on Meta Stack Exchange. The timeline: Starting on July 26, users can nominate themselves. Users...

Jan 19, 2021 23:13
Q: 2020: a year in moderation

JNat As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the past 12 months. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on the web: We designed the Stack Exchange netw...

Nov 15, 2020 10:50
Q: Getting home made vegan energy bars to bind

MonkeyI use a silicon mould tray to make biscuits, snack sized bars. I have used a few recipes, which for taste seem to work (both raw and baked). But my recurring problem is to get the ingredients to bind so the 'bars' remain sufficiently stable for transport and when holding them. Typical ingredients...

Sep 1, 2020 20:18
Q: How can I fine-tune my subscription to the weekly community digest?

RyanBecause I enabled the feature at "Edit profile and settings > Email Settings > Community digests", I receive a weekly email called "Veganism & Vegetarianism Stack Exchange Newsletter". I love the idea, but I'd rather not keep receiving this same weekly email linking to the same questions (which i...

May 31, 2020 13:30
Q: Does this question about transitioning fit the scope?

Alexander RossaThis question about whether impact of transitioning from meat eater to pescatarian is comparable to transitioning from pescatarian to vegan appeared in the Close queue. I am not sure how well it fits the scope of the site, mainly because of the pescatarian being the "middle step" since that doesn...

Apr 13, 2020 07:50
Q: Is this question about replacing bananas on-topic?

Alexander RossaRecently there was this question about replacing bananas being asked: How to replace bananas in Europe? At first I thought this is clearly off-topic since there is no direct connection to Vegetarianism or Veganism, but after looking at it from different angles I can see why the question might be...

Mar 6, 2020 17:40
Q: Let's update our on-topic page in the Help Centre

NicRight now our on-topic page in the Help Centre is quite sparse and out of date. Let's work together to create a new draft for what is on-topic, taking into account all the decisions that have been made in Meta over the years. The answer is community wiki, and I'll start with what we have already.

Mar 5, 2020 15:35
Q: Map of related tags

NicI put together this mind map to best represent the relationship I see between tags. Hopefully this is useful when writing tag wikis and excerpts.

Mar 4, 2020 18:54
Q: Do you like the idea of an [unresolved] tag on Meta?

NicI'm considering introducing a new tag, unresolved, for questions here on Meta that still require some kind of action or decision. Meta tags, only on Meta This would be what Jeff Atwood calls a meta tag, and vigorously decried in his 2010 blog post The Death of Meta Tags. Meta tags never work fo...

Jan 1, 2020 18:05
Q: 2019: a year in moderation

Shog9It's New Year's Day in Stack Exchange land... A distinguishing characteristic of these sites is how they are moderated: We designed the Stack Exchange network engine to be mostly self-regulating, in that we amortize the overall moderation cost of the system across thousands of teeny-tiny sli...

May 28, 2019 17:42
Q: Should we close "is it healthy?" questions?

NicWe have some questions on the site that ask whether a specific food is healthy, some of which have been closed already. Animal milk, is it healthy? (already discussed on meta) Which fake meats are healthy? Is boiling orange or lemon peels and drinking it as a tea healthy? Should we allow ques...

May 27, 2019 17:07
Q: How to enforce community standards in downvoting

Tom KellyI’ve noticed a string of questions and answers months or even years old being downvoted without comments or any explanation for why. This includes some of my own answers that were well-received at the time. Is there any way to monitor or enforce this? We need to make it clear to new users that an...

May 25, 2019 22:42
Q: New tag: therapeutic-diet

NicI created this new tag: therapeutic-diet This tag is for questions about eating patterns that aim to assist with recovery or mitigation of chronic disease or other conditions. I'm surprised that I only found a few questions on this subject, as I expected more based on how many people take intere...

May 25, 2019 22:42
Q: Is the [veganism] tag too big?

NicHalf the questions on this site are tagged with veganism and I think that's a problem. Looking at a few other sites on Stack Exchange, we can see that it's highly unusual for a single tag to feature so prominently. In most cases, the most popular tag is used only about 20% more than the second m...

Jan 5, 2019 23:53
Q: Is this question about animal milk on-topic?

NicWe recently received this question: Animal milk, is it healthy? This immediately concerned me as something we might not want on the site, but I decided to wait and observe the answers and comments to see where it went. After an answer was posted, that answer received 7 comments in 48 hours. The...

Jan 1, 2019 14:18
Q: 2018: a year in moderation

Shog9It's New Year's Day in Stack Exchange land... A distinguishing characteristic of these sites is how they are moderated: We designed the Stack Exchange network engine to be mostly self-regulating, in that we amortize the overall moderation cost of the system across thousands of teeny-tiny sli...

May 28, 2018 16:45
Q: Can I ask something related to flexitarianism on vegetarianism?

aloisdgIf I had 150 rep and a question about flexitarianism, would vegetarianism.se.com a relevant place to post it? If you do not know what this diet is, Wikipedia can help: A semi-vegetarian or flexitarian diet is one that is plant-based with the occasional inclusion of meat. In 2003, the America...

May 18, 2018 08:54
Q: Are questions about individual medical advice on-topic?

NicI noticed this question which appears to be requesting personalized medical advice, almost to the point of using StackExchange as second opinion after getting unfavourable advice from a doctor. Any suggestions to help someone experiencing joint pain after giving up dairy products? Howeve...

May 18, 2018 08:54
Q: Which sites on Stack Exchange overlap most with Vegetarianism.SE?

NicWhich StackExchange sites are most closely related to Vegetarianism.SE? This should be a handy list for a few different scenarios. We might want to mention them on the on-topic page in our help center. Likely targets for migrations that aren't quite on-topic. Places we might want to place commu...

May 16, 2018 10:31
Q: Don't add diet tags to questions that aren't about a diet pattern

NicIn my zealous pursuit of good tagging I've gone too far and made an error. I added veganism to questions that don't really need it, and in fact are probably better off without it. Dropping the veganism tag makes the question applicable to a wider audience, like this: dairy-substitutes Which Can...