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@Rinzwind why?
In Holland every employee can have their boss pay for equipment every 5 years (or so) for around 2500 euro. He can deduct tax and also get it cheaper than me. And I get it as a "you did good work for me this year" present.
All I need to do is point and say "I want that one" _O-
(oh and I am a coder so equipment means computer for me ;) )
holland sounds pretty cool :D
it's one of those "we need to get Holland on top of the ICT world" projects from the government.
@Rinzwind can you demand any model of computer within 2500euro
2500 euro is huge!
No :D 1k for a notebook is already frowned upon ;)
I have a dell inspiron 1720 ;)
it just about buys zaReason Verix 1656 with all maxed up config
@Rinzwind so what do code ?
There's another reason to not buy an expensive one ...I used to have a dell 9300. But it got stolen when I was at a client of ours. Called my boss and the next day I had this 1720 :D
@Rinzwind do you use windows at work?
@Alaukik Basic (the one that goes 10 REM 20 WAIT 20 30 GOTO 30 not VB ;) ) , Javascript, bit of perl, python. And nowadays lots of SQL.
Plus I am a jasperserver, iReport certificated dude D:
@Rinzwind i have done quick basic before
(boss, me and 3 others went to Boston for 9 days for a course on Jasperserver).
when 3 years ago
3 days course. 9 days drinking + eaten + Bruins :D
2009 :X how did you know?
@Rinzwind so can you use the os of your choice ?
Help me interpret my dmiencode results to figure out what kind of RAM slots I have. http://bit.ly/kjgVs3 #memory
@Alaukik nope.
well sorta
Windows XP on 1 machine. Ubuntu on a 2nd. All servers are Ubuntu (2 still on hardy, 1 Lucid)
i meant on your semi-personal machine
the 1720 one
oh hell yes!
Ubuntu at home; nothing else.
I even once refused a TV cuz it had a windows OS on it :X
Paid 100 euro's more for another one :D
a tv had windows!!!!!!
one where the menu started up with a windows splashscreen. Took 2 seconds to get to the guide. after 2 times it annoyed the hell out of me :X
and there is someone at work that is even worse in this than me >:D
so when did you sta
rt with Linux?
my keyboard died
for a while
IIRC the1st Linux I tried was suse 6.4
but I stopped that quickly
mine was much later
ubuntu 10.04
an OS needed to do a few things for me to think it acceptable: easy install (suse 6.4 was 1 hell of dependencies), no random crashes and it should be nice to work with
The 1st Linux that did that was Ubuntu Breezy I think it was
I used that to dual boot with windows but as soon as I started to get what it did I went Ubuntu.
i wubied for 8-10 days and then i read that it is not the most correct solution
so i dual-booted
and then i realized that i don't even boot windows anymore
so i removed it .
It was Hoary where I said Breezy. And Breezy got me more using Ubuntu than windows and Dapper Drake was the turning point.
The only windows machine I use is the one at work but I tend to open up my own machine if I can.
well i only use windows at school
school? you are still a n00b to life? >:D
nothing wrong with being a noob...
Looks cool!
yup :|
@GeorgeEdison real programmers use butterflies
Oh and I am basically a helpdesk employee (answering q's about our own software and linux installs (RH/Ubuntu) but nowadays I get 5 calls a week so I code more than anything else.
good link @GeorgeEdison I am going to check that out at work tomorrow :D
@Rinzwind how do I get that job?
apply? D:
apply where though?
@Rinzwind can't correlate help-desk and coding :|
no seriously
some explaination please
It'll be my 20th year at this company Jan 1st ;)
and I have 2 collegeaus with a longer trackrecord :D
@Alaukik explaination about helpdesk + coding?
it 12:10 am and i think i should go to sleep
@Rinzwind yes
@Rinzwind you should tell them to hire me... I know all things about.... well... nothing.... really
i think i can delay that to min later :P
@TheX Nothing is really a vast subject
@Alaukik that makes me qaulified then right?
@TheX Nobody is really looking for a employee who does nothing ;)
You should contact nobody
In the beginning the software we made was stupid, full of bugs etc. So helpdesk was a 2 man job and then still was not done in time. When I came there I used rpg400 for a project and it has some nifty coding things (like automaticly created input screens). We made one like that for ourself and 4 years later due to that the amount of calls dropped so much that it was a 20 hour a week job
nowadays I get 10 calls a week (so it takes me in total maybe 2 or 3 hours; 5 at most. So the other time I code new stuff.
so now i am going to sleep
had me typing all that and he goes to bed :*(
@TheX nothing is actually a great thing to do, only few people know to really do nothing, like politicians
and I am almost at a new daily record in rep :D
most of the Universe is nothing :P
@Rinzwind oh well don't worry I read it
@Rinzwind that is very very wrong
it is 99.9% unknown matter which is not the same as no matter at all ;)
well we took over a coding company that went under during the car crises (they made software for car repairs) and we are currently rewriting our own software into a browser version (activewidgets based with floating windows etc) with mysql backend
@OctavianDamiean you are correct :D
if I do nothign 99.9% of the time then I am nearly 100% efficient at what I do though
@Rinzwind nice, web apps ftw!
@TheX exactly, thats why all politicians are so efficient at what they do
If I think about it Ill post a screeny from what I made today :)
and we have 1 old client that demands total language control _O- so we also do french, german, english, chinese :X turkish, polish, spanish cuz they have a sales dep. there :D
Ok and now ask me the MOST stupid event I witnessed in 20 years at this job :D
@TheX I'm actually wrong, politicians don't do nothing ... they screw things up
but they are efficient at doing so
@Rinzwind the invention of the USB can warmer?
worse :D
's see if I can do this in english without it loosing context
if not then do it in german ;p
we had a client that always nagged about everything that went wrong with our software (but most of it was due to him not wanting to spend money on hardware and software (he wanted everything at zero cost). so at one moment my boss was like "ok this is it". So he asked to come over for a visit and was planning on steering the topic onto a moment where he could kill the relationship but at the lowest cost (basically having the other guy starting about it) (end of part 1)
He went there and this dude has a "professional" hardware analyst at his side. So when they started about the system crashing alot he said "have you ever looked inside the computer if there are any bits (as in zeros and ones!) dropped onto the casing".
@Rinzwind let me guess all the magic smoke escaped from the CPU?
and the "professional" analyst went like "oooooooh we could try that" _O-
end result? My boss came back and we still had the contract D:
NOW for the FUN part.
@Rinzwind what that wasn't the fun part already?! I was like rofling around
They opened up the casing and found all kinds of black dots inside the casing. The "professional" went like "hey there they are" and threw them in the bin.
black dots of what?
and suddenly the system didn't crash for a month and longer....
and don't tell me bits :P
fucking ants ofcourse
ants running inside the casing. hitting the motherboard and POOF machine turns off.
What happened is the magic smoke escaped. The cpu wont work without the smoke anymore :(
Magic Smoke

Computers are made from parts like integrated circuits, transistors, and capacitors. Some of these parts have pretty colors on the outside. They have Magic Smoke on the inside. The Magic Smoke is what makes them work. Wizards that work at companies like Intel and Texas Instruments put the Magic Smoke into the chips.

Mortals must be very careful with their chips. Sometimes, in spite of great care, the Magic Smoke inside the chips comes out. If you ever see a computer with Magic Smoke coming
sollution was a 2 euro "anti ant" box (or what you call them).
I didn't believe it but my boss made pictures D: D:
I once told a customer over the phone to click the X at the top right of the screen........ he kept yelling to me "nothing happens. nothing happens"
turned out he ACTUALLY physically lifted the mouse to push it against the screen.
I put my hand over the phone and swore so loud everyone came looking :D :D
bad times when it happend; looking back it's amazing :X
@Rinzwind dude you made my day
I almost couldn't stop laughing
good :D
let's see ....
my boss... he codes the most TERRIBLE statements but he makes the most beautiful apps.
he codes javascript + html in BASIC...
that was like something that happened at the ISP I was working at a while back
so it is like 10 H1$="<html" 20 h1$=h1$+"<body" etc
we had a customer that complained and already yelled that he immediately wants his internet working (he was a new customer)
I actually make a html and js and seperate code :X
the basic tech support was clueless and out of ideas already
I love basic tech guys :D
They can look at you like "dude you are dumb" but still smile at you :-D
later it turned out that the got the modem but didn't know what it was so he just put it on the cupboard, he didn't even unbox that thing
My mother once....
Wim you have internet? I was like "eh yeah!"
So it went on "On this pamplet it says "this is our webadres; look there for more info""
Mum: "If you have internet can you then see this adress or can you not use your intenet for that"
(2nd wtf moment)
is very confused
"Whoa, whoa. Why are you building the site on a Mac? I told you, everyone here in the office is on a Dell. They’re going to want to see the site too."
bout the your internet part :p
@TheX lolz
Oh she thought you had to pay to go to internet adresses :D
oh got you, hehe :)
ok 3rd wtf moment comming up....
I have the internet page in front of me.
@TheX those are the moments I'm asking myself against which projects to file those bugs
she goes "can you read what it says on this website"
so I told her the 1st few lines and she went "nooo I want you to read it all"
haha awesome
and she was actually writing what I said done on a paper ...
sooooooooooooooo I printed it out and went over to her _O- _O-
and the 4rd wtf ...
"I didn't know you can print the internet?"
well she's almost 70 so I can not really blame her can I? :D
heh, well yea the internet can be very confusing, especially for older people
While demoing Youtube video-embedding to a client, I entered ‘you…’ on the address-bar, and youporn.com was brought up instead of youtube.com. My typing was fast, but I think we both saw it.
she has a mobile with 11 buttons: on/off, 0 to 9
ahhhhhhhhhh Thex I got one like that too!
that wasn't me btw...
at a client the local tech guy was approached by an older guy and was asked "can you explain me intenet". so the tech guy wenmt "ok"
that was from clientsfromhell.net
(that is my story and I am sticking to it)
He says "we are into making boats so when you type in www. and then a word like watersport. and then nl you get the dutch site for watersport"
so he showed him www.watersport.nl and went on... english sites are mostly ending on ,com
guess where that leads to :X
I have no idea actually
girls peeing...
(in the xxx way)
@TheX boobs!
I don't know anything about those
why can't I find a good topic to add a bit to my rep :(
question @all workplace launcher is that black and white or is that in color?
why is mine black and white and have all the screenshots I see a purple colored workspace launcher? :D
@Rinzwind it doesn't matter if your black or white
I am a Prince fan :=)
so I do not get that reference >:D
or colored for that matter
@Rinzwind just a second
I am more into purple people
7th 8th and 9th of July Prince will be doing 3 nightly concerts during the North Sea Jazz festival. Guess who will be attending \o/
Purple people =
tinky winky \o/
brb 'Ao no Exorcist' eps 04 \o/
Hi all
heya Takkat :)
what a long chat since I left office - unbelieveable :)
I was asked to post real life wtf's in my 20 years at the office :D
20 years... always the same office?
started there straight from school (economics)
1st day I saw a computer I was like "me wants to work on making something on it"
so it must be almost your home then (what a scary thought)
that was a 8086 Tulip :-X
actually we moved 3 times _O- (from a smaller house to a complete 3 floor building (where we use 1 floor and 2 floors are rented out))
@Rinzwind my first computer was a Triumph Adler don't know what with two 5,25 Floppy drives single-sided and BASIC in ROM
I learnt BASIC on that
so did the 8086 :D it had 2 5.25 floppies and a green screen :D
I started learning coding with punchcards. Try and beat that O
At least I know how they feel having them in hands ;)
i'm not as oldschool as that, i had a 286 Apex tandy that i learned pc basics on :P
has anyone seen topics on AU about a netbook that has wireless when on AC but kills the connection when on battery?
can't find any with search :(
but there were some
woot a stackapplet website \o/ party
can I ask a q about the downloads of stackapplet? >:)
are you sure? >:D
why is the rpm 4.7 kb bigger than the deb?
naaaa j/k :D
Wow... because RPM is less efficient I guess.
about the q ;)
I didn't create the RPM - it was auto-generated by alien.
cool app with a cool name :)
It was one of the very first apps to use the SE API, so that's how I was able to snag such a good name.
By now there aren't many good stack-* names left.
bedtime. cy2morrow :)
g'night @Rinzwind
> "Windows found some trojans on my Linux box!?!? Oh noes!"
Windows might consider all Linux boxes being malware
@GeorgeEdison it's dodgy when you get those popups happening from otherwise reputable sites
@ajmitch Otherwise reputable... like what?
If you want to play Angry Birds on your computer, here's where to get it - chrome.angrybirds.com
@GeorgeEdison I have had that happen to me before, never thought to get a screen capture, that is epic
@GeorgeEdison I love it. Dad got one like that on his MacBook. He was all like "Do I need to be worried that Chrome got comprised?" haha.
@JamesGifford nice :)
@Takkat I love it. did NOT just waste 30 minutes tossing birds at pigs. :P
@GeorgeEdison sorry, got distracted - I've seen that fake AV scan popup after visiting major news sites, they somehow got a dodgy ad in the rotation or something
@ajmitch "Got distracted..." Lol. We all did :)
@GeorgeEdison well I'm at work, work stuff sort of takes precedence :P
& looking at UDS notes from yesterday
Hi everybody!
Hi @haltman
why do those birds bounce off things like flubber?
my fan blows like hell
@htorque: that would be a nice question :P
i don't think this game is PETA-approved
my son will love it - too bad he's not allowed to play during school times
ut's really funny this game LOL
@Takkat why would you even suggest that it should be allowed?
it's not me who suggests this - it's him of course - he could play 28h/day
kids seem not to have to eat not to have to sleep not to have to do anything as soon as they sit in front of the box. It's almost like with me grown-up :P
Any chance an exception could be made for a LibreOffice 3.4 update -- so Natty can get Global Menus? http://bit.ly/lpbYob #libreoffice
Q: Problem with grub..

haltmanHi everybody! I have an Intel i5 660, I've installed only Ubuntu 11.04 but when I boot my screen remains black, I can hear classic login sound but nothing happen, unique way to enter in Ubuntu is in recovery mode and all works perfectly. So I suppose that problem is in grub.. Can someone help m...

@haltman what's this smartpanel thing?
@Takkat i do not know :--(
Q: Intel DH57JG vs. Ubuntu 11.04

haltmanHi everybody, I've installed 11.04 on my pc (processor i5 660) and what I get on start-up is in sequence a violet screen a black one and after system crash. The unique way to log in Ubuntu is in recovery mode. I made test for unity 3d, it failed so I installed unity-2d but nothing changed. Laun...

@Takkat here is ever the same proble that i cant resolve :-(
So one time you say it fails unity test - next time success. How comes?
yes correct and I can enter in ubuntu only in recovery mode
Was this a fresh install or an upgrade?
fresh install
with 10.10 all works well
when i formatted and installed 11.04 no
I have posted another question for the same problem:
Q: Help needed to correct Xorg warning!

haltmanHi everybody! I have an Intel i5 660, after installing Ubuntu 11.04 on first reboot o.s. crash on start-up. I can enter in Ubuntu only entering on grub and selecting recovery mode. I noted that I have a warning in less /var/log/Xorg.0.log here follow piece with warning: [ 9.197] (II) intel...

I'm seriously thinking to downgrade to 10.10 :-(
Warnings are usually harmless.
@Takkat do you have some hints or idea?
yay, broke 10k
@MarcoCeppi do yo mean downgrade to 10.10?
finally mod tools, eh?
@haltman No, I mean I have 10,000 rep
@haltman: If you had already three questions on the same problem here I'd suggest you put all information in one question (best the one you already have an answer) and delete the others. You can edit you question any time. That'll help us see where the problem is.
@htorque I know, so glad I can finally get those mod tools ;)
@MarcoCeppi: \o/ \o/ \o/
@Takkat Ok I'll do that good idea ;-)
@MarcoCeppi congratulation!
@haltman Besides that try to find out what the /opt/samsung/smartpanel does.
@Takkat I understood what is it is my printer! but I have not installed driver, I have installed in my previous version but my home is been mainteined because it's in another partition..
@MarcoCeppi donate some rep to me now?
@ajmitch There's 30 :)
@haltman so maybe some of your user settings are broken. Try create a new user and see if he can boot
@MarcoCeppi heh, thanks
I got a nice answer badge from it as well
@Takkat The problem is that if I try to boot without entering grub pressing shift at start-up screen remain black, I have not automatic logon..
@haltman you can also create users from a root shell
@Takkat is it different to create it from gnome?
a bit different
ok so now I create one ;-)
@haltman you know how to do this?
Q: Can't play stunt rally...

TheXeverytime I try to start stunt rally via the command prompt I get following error.. ./stuntrally: error while loading shared libraries: libOgreMain.so.1.7.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory any ideas???

@Takkat I searched on google I used adduser to create it, is it correct?
a complaint that an app has 4 bugs last time they checked, lol!
@haltman if in a root shell you don't need sudo, otherwise sudo adduser username --ingroup admin if you want an admin user
@Cas lol
@Takkat I've used sudo without --ingroup
@Takkat what's next step? ;-)
good night all
@TheX Have you already seen this? ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=62533
@haltman sorry - got distracted
@Takkat no problem ;-)
you can login with this user and sudo start gdm
bugger - he's no admin
anyway try start gdm from the root shell
so I have to exit from my profile and enter in new one?
where are you atm? root@yourpc$?
inside gnome with my old user
oh no forget it. It's the gdm that does not start in your setting - too bad :'(
wihat is gdm?
ah I see. You can log in and run GNOME classic?
@Takkat after I select in grub recovery mode I arrive to the login page where I select user and sometim I enter in unity sometime in ubuntu classic thats random
I do not choose ubuntu choose between gnome and unity..
@haltman did you install unity-2d?
no at this re-install LOL
I have to do it? sometimes when i enter in ubuntu unity start correctly and test pass
That's vanilla install of 11.04
I don't see any Unity choice at login (=gdm)
Anyway, how is Unity performing when you login "Ubuntu" with your new user?
ok when I enter I have the same menu and option
unity work perfectly
when ubuntu permit me to enter in unity
@haltman If your new user can run Unity fine, and your old user can't then you need to find out what old setting in your old /home may cause this confusion.
You may have some broken gnome session or autostart or whatever...
I've not tried yet to enter with my new user I have to interrupt our communication to do it if you want I ca try it
have I to close session with old user and try new one?
I'll be not any much longer around - it's rather late here - but try this out maybe I'll stay a bit
ok I do know wait one minute
hey guys, anyone know how to make the touchpad less sensitive so accidental touches don't trigger an immediate click?
@DmitriyLikhten I'd disable mouse-click on the touchpad
i wish
the touchpad on this comp is a piece of crap new hardware
basically its very difficult to click it
a LOT of force needed
wats worse is that the buttons themselves are part of the touchpad... so clicking and aiming is very difficult unless i can reduce the touch zone
they really thought this hardware through... go hp
Ok now I'm in with my new user but I received error that my driver is not compatible with unity
hmm. There are some Intel graphics around that have problems. Don't ask me which ones but google might help
@haltman no i haven't
@Takkat I've spoken in a forum with a guys with my graphic card and he haven had problem may be I have to upgrade my bios?
@haltman I'd only do such a thing if I knew for sure it will help :P
@TheX I've seen that the person in that forum have same your problem may help maybe
@haltman I am reading through it right now
@Takkat corerct ;-)
@haltman read through their suggestions...
didn't work
@Takkat may be useful re-install 10.10 and after upgrade to 11.04?
@TheX I'm sorry :-(
@haltman not as sorry as I am :P
@TheX yes I can understand ;-)
@haltman I wouldn't do that. Run Unity-2D or GNOME classic with a nice dock?
@Takkat that may be ok for me but when I start normally ubuntu stops with black screen
@Takkat it's strange because I can hear classical sounds when appear splash screen for login but screen remain black
@haltman I fear your graphic card (driver) may not (yet) be ready for Unity.
For me it's time to go to bed - Good night all
good night
@Takkat and 11.04 in general LOL
damn no suggestions for reducing mouse-pad sensitivity?
@DmitriyLikhten have you seen this? ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=538178
@Takkat Good night and thanks for help! ciao!

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