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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@Seth lool
Watching WebOS jump around and yet remain largely a failure is hilarious.
WebOS would have been awesome in the right hands.
It's too late now.
Yep. And I don't see LG doing anything to reverse the damage done by HP.
Or Palm, for that matter. Both of which just held onto it for far too long while knowing that they couldn't make it work on time.
@FEichinger Palm doesn't exist. Palm was bought out by HP.
I know.
But Palm worked on WebOS before HP bought them, afair.
Yeah, and then WebOS looked to be a success.
Not quite, but close.
funny thing, palmos was sold to a company called access...
history repeats itself ;p
@JourneymanGeek Really? Wow. lol.
The Access Linux Platform (ALP), once referred to as a "next-generation version of the Palm OS" is an open source-based operating system for mobile devices developed and marketed by Access Co., of Tokyo, Japan. The platform includes execution environments for Java, classic Palm OS, and GTK+-based native Linux applications. ALP has been demonstrated in devices at a variety of conferences, including 3GSM, LinuxWorld, GUADEC, and Open Source in Mobile. The Access Linux Platform was first announced in February 2006. The initial versions of the platform and software development kits for the Ac...
Q: passwords not accepted

johnI just installed 12.10 on dual-boot Windows-7 64-bit computer. I also chose not to select a password for this installation. On re-start, I was asked for a "keyring" password ( I may have used a generic one as on my other Windows computers), but I couldn't proceed to start this computer until I ...

Anyone know what's up with this?
It seems like a half-assed "I have no idea what I did, but hey, help me please!"
Makes sense to me.
He opted for no password, but he needs one to do anything.
@jrg on spokeo just google "spokeo maltego" and see the top bazillion results
"google" is not a synonym of "search".
Especially since Microsoft want you to believe that was the case, so bing doesn't look all that awful.
Q: Is there a way to sort the Questions oldest first?

MadTuxIs there a way to sort the Questions oldest first, then the newest at the front?

@FEichinger okay!g duckduckgoit
just don't ask it.
cause ask is evil and needs to die. repeatedly and painfully of terminally leathal death
I believe "death" is terminal and lethal by definition.
@RolandiXor Hush you, linking to the same site I linked to!
@MadTux Welcome to the horrible world of the Ask Ubuntu chat.
Does this seem like a reasonable icon for representing a "database"?
@FEichinger don't ever...ever...call au chat horrible. It's a gift from the source (sorry for the matrix reference)
@FEichinger Hello horrible people!
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Technically, I didn't call the chat horrible, just its world.
@FEichinger OK. Hello, poor people in a virtual horrible world with me!
@MadTux: Hello you orrible orrible little man! ;p
@GeorgeEdison yes, if a little stereotypical. i sort of think a stylized tree-root or branch style fork is a more accurate depiction of the interaction from a logical perspective, but people wouldn't understand it
@JourneymanGeek I'm a horrible teenager. I don't count.
hence little ;p
And I have to go to bed. Bye!
What's with the ton of random downvotes today?
Q: javac and javaws works but not java

Darryl Sumnerjavac and javaws work from the command line but java for running a .class won't work. I have updated my PATH, set JAVA_HOME, and checked links. When I type java myclass I get "java" found in default-jre and a few others. When I run java -version the same thing, "java" found in default-jre. I'm...

The original was rant-ish, but nowhere near downvote-worthy, compared to some of the weird stuff that we've seen recently ...
should have just duped it to how do i install sun java and called it a day.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Uhm ... meta.askubuntu.com/a/6288/98085 <-- You sure you want that as a link for a low-rep user?
Could at least give an actual query that does that, you know? :P
After the comment, I'll suggest an edit that invalidates the answer. Then someone could give the query... ;)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I wrote one, but it doesn't work!
If I sort by LastActivityDate, I should get the question at the bottom of this.
I get 58 instead of 37.
I was thinking you were going for creationdate not touched date
At first, I was.
But when I tried it, that returned a totally different set.
Starting with the old migrations from SE.
sadly -1 doesn't work to put you on the last page... not that i thought it would
Hey... when did G+ change profile layouts?
That's annoying. Now my carefully positioned background looks awful.
That must've been yesterday or today.
yup. that should def be a toggle switch. new old type of thing... but the resources to run that on a toggle would be astronomical. so i understand the "hey you, there were ui changes. fix your banner or get your ocd under control" ;) just kidding @GE
and now they have fullscreen cover pictures ... lolwut?
i bet it renders better on a tablet or minitablet with different screen dimensions or something.
Also @GeorgeEdison I didn't realize you asked the first question here
Wow... InstaCode just caused nearly half of a gigabyte of memory to be paged to disk.
Even with my SSD, Firefox froze for nearly 20 seconds.
...and my HD light is still saturated.
What goes on here...
The machines are taking over.
gvs_metadata... whatever it is, I just killed it.
It was writing about 20MB/s to the disk for no good reason.
What someone was goofing around with that webstorage bug where they try to resource exhaust clients with garbage?
@FEichinger ‮my bad.
@RolandiXor :P
Yes, .dab ym.
Btw, @GeorgeEdison, G+'s revised layout came awfully soon after Facebook changed the feeds layout.
The social media arms race is on.
The users are winning :)
I think it's quite the opposite, but I digress. Here's a little awesome if you want some funny: youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ooqdU6Wq2sk#!
No. The users are inherently using. Well, if they're using Facebook, that is.
Well anyways, @GeorgeEdison for the win.
Relevance: none.
Ping-for-no-reason: :)
You really want to start that? OK..
@RolandiXor Hi!
@RolandiXor ping!
@RolandiXor ...
@Seth ?
Let the ping wars commence.
Oh okay. @Seth.
@FEichinger ,
@Seth !!!
@RolandiXor Hush!
well, it would be a quick way to expose the people that have sock legions
@RolandiXor Well, screw you!
@AbrahamVanHelpsing lol
Me has no socks :(
I only have one and I named it popey (that a holy sock joke, not a popey poke)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I really don't like xdadev ...
@Seth ping
@RolandiXor Oh, also ping
user image
There. World, ended.
@RolandiXor is that the new MJ popocorn?
@RolandiXor It shall never end!
@Seth I'm not wearing socks either.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing yep :D
Socks are overrated.
@FEichinger i think it was relevant to the ubuphone with the notable difference that they're not an oem rebranding. they're going in the exact opposite direction saying "yo, native over here. you can do what you want with it if you can make your device use it"
beats device into submission in the corner than feels guilty about it
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Meh. If xdadev hadn't lost all credibility to me, that would actually be reasonable to use as an argument.
But since they aren't, I don't give a flying. =D
@Seth Dand? Dandelions?
@FEichinger that's fair i guess. i was more using it as funny and ubuphone being the counterpoint. so if you're saying the opinion is invalid...we're agreeing.
You said it was the new popcorn.
Delicious and nutritious.
And fluffy!
Lets get the furry critter off the screen.
There. Gone.
clover has a stupid high amount of vitamin C. seriously though, a handful of clover is more citrusy than a whole orange.
@Seth Cue the pony squees ...
@FEichinger ooh, I didn't think of it that way..
I always hoped they would make a skittles movie after those commercials...
@Seth I know people ... People like that ... It's disappointing, really.
dinner calls.
@RolandiXor Thank you for the ping.
@mateo_salta They did it was called Go...wait those weren't skittles
@AbrahamVanHelpsing was there candy falling from the sky, and people traveling by rainbow?
@Seth interesting.
@mateo_salta it was a really fail joke. if you've seen Go you'ld understand how bad it was.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing makes sense.
the spam has started. it's sports instead of zombies this time
killed one
wait...where did the spam flag go?
it moved... i.hate.change.
there are two types of movies I like, really good ones and really bad ones
like Mario Brothers, somehow the article in gameinformer about it made me like more
thedeconstruction.org/drm-chair <-- So. Bloody. Appropriate.
Especially in the wake of the SimCity V debacle.
Someone beat them to it by a couple hundred years occasionalhell.com/infdevice/images/imaiden01.jpg
Hey @AbrahamVanHelpsing
@AbrahamVanHelpsing That's a single use, though. :P
Just the guy I was looking for
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Know how to make yourself immune to SlowLORIS attacks?
@smartboyhw Hey :P
@smartboyhw ping
What was that? -- "@ping", seriously fingers? What the hell are you typing?
Q: Free Spartacus: War Of The Damned Season 1 Episode 6 online Free hdhq Video Reply

user138800watch video spartacus: war of the damned season 1 episode 6 online free, online full episode, full video putlocker,shockshare, etc. and tv channel here go to watch vid >> http://w11.zetaboards.com/MyTvTodayShow/topic/8556024/1/ ...

burn it
ah, jrg isn't here right now..
@RolandiXor still here?
using a huge block of whitespace had me thinking it was a rendering problem. refreshed it a couple times
Facebook is freaking awesome looking now
You know what facebook needs? Another site that consists of an app that uses the graph api and lets YOU organize your screenspace. sadly the marketing model would go away.
@mateo_salta back
Spam user burned with the wrath of a thousand suns.
puts sunglasses on
@jrg interesting? Just interesting?
@mateo_salta Funny named spam this time..
I wonder who is going to get user 1357911. It needs to be me so I can name it optimus prime
or rick wilson could just rename his profile for giggles
@AbrahamVanHelpsing cool.. hasn't that been taken yet?
@AmithKK it's a full digit longer than what is being handed out
@AmithKK and yes, solar panels operate at 12V. camera tricks for the win. THIS however is doable: youtube.com/watch?v=ZEnqQxFeS74
@GeorgeEdison Looks like your proposal is going kinda slow...
I know :(
Blackberry OS 10 looks pretty cool..
Wondering about apps though.
People won't appreciate having to write to yet another platform :/
Blackberry isn't an app-dev target. It's only useful for corporate types.
Well they are trying to fix that.
I personally like Windows Phone 8 the best, but BB OS 10 looks almost as good.
I like it in theory. Don't get me wrong. I tried to get our bloggers to talk about it.
It was sort of the same way I tried to get our bloggers to talk about device and app management on restricted networks...read as google-play device management, but on disparate networks
@Seth mew
Oh great!
Eh, Uboontu.
Hurts my ears, but that could be my problem.
pronunciation aside, valid points all around and not horrifying to look at...so just saying.
it was a good idea to have different superlatives for every interview also. just saying. if the same cut-together had happened with great over and over again...just saying
did we just have a major version release? what's with the flood of 1 rep user questions? that lack specificity and sound like complaints...
A: How do I change Java Runtime Parameters?

SeanGo to control panel. Search and click java click the java tab click view double click runtime parameters now type-Xmx#### the pound sign indicates the mb of ram you wish to allocate to java. obviously choose something within you ram limits. hope this helped. it's not so confusing as you guys we...

Wut. Control panel?
Where did those characters come from, and was it an edit audit? askubuntu.com/posts/265735/revisions
I don't understand.
I've never seen an edit audit myself though..
it looks like the only removal was four ticks that didn't exist before.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I don't see that..
Oh. Look at the markdown.
Always look at the markdown. Always.
$25 to create a Google Play developer account?
@Seth well that makes even less sense? he what, deleted trailing whitespace?
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I don't know.. I don't know.
@GeorgeEdison yerp. and they won't give them away no matter what
@Seth Haven't I seen that picture... before... somewhere... ?
@AbrahamVanHelpsing oh, deleted stuff has strikeout so all he deleted is spaces
yes. looks like an editbot to me and it's from brazil it only deleted whitespace, so i'm not insane for saying that
Pretty clever bot to get around the CSRF token requirement.
Good grief. He isn't a bot.
sorry, i just didn't see editing whitespace as a human activity
unless it was morse for SOS or something...then it's an incredibly clever joke. but not random whitespace edits
well, this askubuntu.com/revisions/265735/3 , vs this askubuntu.com/revisions/265735/2 so everything does now line up: so OCD.
shakes head and wonders how he missed that
@RolandiXor no
You guys seen that room before?
@RolandiXor And you're a mod. Shakes head
@Seth :)
Wonders if anyone got the joke
methinks he was telling me to go outside once in a while
I can't get tan lines :D
So... I'm good ;)
@RolandiXor seeing tan lines requires that there is meaningful human contact. not something i'm accustomed to... So... I'm good ;)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing haha
I am one big tan line :)
MSO is still a little too "weird" for me...
You're not alone there...
But I guess each site has its own community and personality...
Wait, what... you can't change file permissions on Android???
What do you mean?
libgit2 is trying to change the permission of a file and it isn't able to.
you can't do anything on android unless you're rooted...
@AbrahamVanHelpsing that --^
which is why we NEED ubuphone
@AbrahamVanHelpsing That doesn't help my app get into the Play store :P
play store is for time waster addiction games.
It's the only way to sell Android apps, isn't it?
(How many apps have you bought outside the Play store?)
@GeorgeEdison None, but because I don't buy apps period.
it's not a good way, but it's the only feasible way
:8437922 see my previous statement
YAY Cyanogenmod!
All is not lost - apparently I can change permissions of files stored in app-specific storage.
Oops. I totally misunderstood this edit. askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/95554
Could you guys get it approved please?
Where is @OctavianDamiean when you need him?
Can you approve that edit please?
Thank you.
Hopefully it will go through.
But it's a terrible answer (assuming the translation is correct).
Well yes.. But I'm told if we can salvage it don't delete it..
I'll flag it anyway.
I wonder what this does...
25% of the time it calls android.permission.ROOT the other 75% it calls hardware.distructo.vendor.function
^ joke
Hey, does anyone know off the top of their heads how to get a text based login screen with ubuntu? If not, it's not worth opening a question or anything, just a question.
you'ld think taking out lightdm, gdm, kdm would cause you to drop to a console landing screen
Alright, I'll look more into that.
Well, there's still hope folks.
I can confirm that chmod works in an app's private storage area.
It doesn't work in external storage, but hey - something is better than nothing.
fair enough. throw in an archive format that supports file permissions and you're solved
Hey - that's genius!
If I implement that, I'll do my best to see you get a free copy of the app.
No problem either way. You answer questions I have, I offer input sometimes. That's how it goes.
app name: git.tar hero
slogan: because there's nothing like using the passed to circumvent present limitations
Q: Where to Watch Oz the Great and Powerful Full Movie Online Free

frenchmodomahe full Oz the Great and Powerful movie, download Oz the Great and Powerful video, Oz the Great and Powerful online divx... Download Oz the Great and Powerful Movie Divx, download the Oz the Great and Powerful dvd, Oz the Great and Powerful Movie Film Full Download. The Oz the Great and Powerful ...

Q: loading extention glx : screen freezes

VishuI installed Ubuntu Server edition 12.10 on a server (with 16 GB RAM and 500GB hard disk). The installation was successful, after which I tried installing GUI using the below command sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop Now, the problem is I'm not able to start GUI from the terminal once I login. ...

6 hours later…
@GeorgeEdison You asked for me Sire?
@Flabricorn ctrl-alt-f1, ctrl-alt-f7 to get back.
maybe not what you're looking for.
Hello Everyone
I was following this quertion to install Matlab on ubuntu
Q: How do I install MATLAB R2012a?

MehdiI have downloaded MATLAB R2012a for Unix platform and i want to install it on my ubuntu 11.10. To install i try this command: /<matlab_installation_file_directory>/install and it says: install: missing file operand According to it's manual i must give it an input file, So i create an ...

I am not getting any error, but the installation ends up in less than 5 seconds
It says
Preparing installation files ...
Installing ...
Can anyone help me in this ?
@PrashantSingh it's finished, no?
No, not actually
Nothing is getting installed
I am not able to find out Matlab anywhere
Meanwhile, I have a doubt
Is MATLAB supported on 11.04
11.04 is not supported anymore
That's the version I am using
How to upgrade then ?
@PrashantSingh sudo do-release-upgrade
Upgrade Manager is not working
@PrashantSingh Makes sense
@jrg Nah, I know how to use tty, I was hoping I wouldn't have to use lightdm and have a text based. I modified the grub so now I boot to tty, but to get to a DE I have to start ligtdm.
@smartboyhw I tried sudo do-release-upgrade
It had some issues
@jokerdino BTW is unity-tweak-tool still in?
Am trying it again
@PrashantSingh Post it in paste.ubuntu.com
Will ping the error
@smartboyhw maybe
It is failing to fetch some of the files
404 NOT FOUND error
@jokerdino Hmm
1 hour later…
Q: dependency problems prevent configuration of mysql-server

jhkThis question has been asked verbatim about a dozen times on this forum, and yet none of the solutions have worked for me. I'm trying to install mysql and everytime I try to install I get this message shortly, after being asked to provide a password for mysql root, while setting up mysql-server-...

> I'm on Mint 14 [...]
@jokerdino Flagged:P
Actually, since Mint is an unofficial Ubuntu distro it isn't supported here. You could try are friends on Unix and Linux if you still have questions :) — Seth 28 secs ago
@Seth :)
@Seth And you got a typing mistake ...
try are friends.
oh yeah.
Phonetics. Blah.
@Seth it gets me too
Breakfast BBL.
i occasionally swap between thought and taught.
Oh my.
@Seth not all of them are offtopic though.
No, but a lot are I'm sure.
Hi all. I'm new here, this is like IRC? :P
kicks @ssoto for mentioning IRC
@ssoto its chat, but for Ask Ubuntu, so we mostly talk about Ubuntu things.
@ssoto but better
@ssoto Better
No one is anonymous here... for good or for worse.
@ssoto Stack chat has a different culture than IRC.. it takes some getting used too.
There are some people (@RolandiXor) who don't like IRC, as you can see ;)
nothing inherently wrong about IRC, other than being in the field for so long without being already overthrown by something better and nicer.
And we blue people are a dangerous species here.
O_o a wild Jokerdino has appeared!
@RolandiXor BAH!
@RolandiXor :D
for mostly better - look up Penny Arcade and the GIF Theroy.
Good Night
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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