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07:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

so what science things we talk about
You approach it from a wrong end.
You should have topic first and if you cannot find the answer, you can talk about it.
It should not be like you want to talk about something and then looking for suitable topics.
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
I have set the room back to the Gallery mode, with posting rights only granted to explicitly approved users. Currently Cuckoo, Pete and Ethan. I will see later if any change is to be done.
@Poutnik change this to NMR and physical chem chat only, we need to start terrorizing kids before they take over our heads >:)
BTW i am really too lazy to scroll up, could you please type the msg you wrote about broad singlets, seen a lot of them in a few questions, how are they different from singlets?
@CuckooBeats bad idea
@Cuckoo I would not narrow it that much. I would stick wit tags,
@PetəíŕdtheWizard i have a strange feeling you're a chem genius hiding in plain sight, you might know about NMR (who knows!)
I am really too lazy to type, but as far it is copy paste and for the Miss,
i can survive:
6. Special Cases

OH and NH protons: Often appear as broad singlets due to rapid exchange (sometimes disappear in D₂O).
so no bs for OCH3?
gosh nobody is gonna ask this for tmrw's exam
but i cant help reading sst the whole day
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat about analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, physical chemistry and NMR, Occasional straying away is OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted. [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [physical-chemistry]
like we have bs only for rapid exchange groups?
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat about analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, physical chemistry and NMR, Occasional straying away is OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted. [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [nmr-spectroscopy] [physical-chemistry]
huh, you only know electrochemistry in physical chem?
i gotta think of what you possibly dont know in phy chem...
@CuckooBeats How did you come to that?
i am weak in phy chem compared to the other two domains...
@Poutnik you set an odd tag "electrochemistry"
you didnt set TD (the thing i need utter help with)
i can solve electrochemistry numericals more easily than TD
Are the tags about me or about you? :-P
especially TD-2...hehe head spins faster than a pulsar :)
@Poutnik well well my aim is to be better than you in phy chem, so that i can assure i finally learnt something...
obv IChO relevant
I am still thinking about NMR removal, as i am not good in it.
hold on
so there's smth called D2O shake
which exchanges protons with deterium ions
so that the resulting spectra doesn't have signals from -OD
IMHO, exactly.
(sometimes disappear in D₂O).
not always?
ohh lets wonder- when does D2O shake happen?
When you have D2O and are shaking it.
R-H + D-OD <=> R-D + H-OD.
no no its OH exchanging with D2O
R = Rest, it can be anything, including having ending O.
R need not to by alkyl.
so for secondary and tertiary alcohols/amines only?
why not primary?
its an SN1 reaction right?
not SN2
No, it is acid-base reaction with hydrogen exchange.
yeah yeah Ambalikaa is checking whether her old book has the contents of the new one just 12 hours before the exam...
@Poutnik ohhhhhhhh ummmmmm lol i thought there would be the formation of HOD by OHD+ formation
why doesnt this happen tho lol?
Like CH3COOH + D2O -> CH3COO- + HD2O+ // CH3COO- + D2O -> CH3COOD + OD-
alr i think its an all-nighter today
@Poutnik reversible reactions along the way
all these reactions are reversible.
how to drive them forward?
dont tell me more D2O bruh
Usual equilibrii, given by acidity constants.
Theyalmost do not care if it is H2O, HOD or D2O.
but suppose you wanna quantify the exact number of replacable OH/NH2 atoms in one mole molecule, you do the H-NMR, then do the D2O shake, and now how to make sure the reaction is almost to completion?
did i ask smth stupid?
ohk lets say dumb cuckoo doesnt know about her compound and also wants to figure out the number of replacable OH groups in her compound, she is lazy so she could do it only by H-NMR
It would be given by molar ratio of active H (OH, NH) and D2O. the distribution will approx follow the statistical distribution.
@Poutnik like the maxwell distribution/natural bell-shaped distribution oh my goshhh
No, uniform distribution.
oh, plain one then :(
what kind of uniform distribution, sorry? wouldn't that depend on kinetics?
Roughly said, if molar ratio D2O : HO-R is 100 : 1, than after shaking, 1% of D2O will become HDO and 99% of R-OH would become R-OD.
hehe we succesfully scared peter
If an acid or base is very weak, the exchange kinetics can be slow.
@Poutnik ohhhh wait wait that rings a bell
That is what you wanted, didn't you?
oh righty yes! i had solved a question on finding molarities of HOD and H2O two years ago! and it was on this assumption
@Poutnik hehehehehehhehehheheheh muahahahahahhahahahhaahaaa
In a very specific way, Cuckoo can be from certain angles and in proper light considered clever.
Do you know the equilibrium constant H2O + D2O <-> 2 HDO?
gotta go byeee
baya go geeee.
@CuckooBeats it's just that no interesting topics for me to talk about here.
You have not scared me, not mission not accomplished. :-P
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat about chemistry, mostly in the scope of listed tags. Occasional straying away is OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted. [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [nmr-spectroscopy] [physical-chemistry] [thermodynamics]
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat for approved users about chemistry, mostly in the scope of listed tags. Occasional straying away is OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted. [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [nmr-spectroscopy] [physical-chemistry] [thermodynamics]
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat for approved users about chemistry, mostly in the scope of listed tags. Occasional straying away from chem is OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted. [analytical-chemistry] [electrochemistry] [nmr-spectroscopy] [physical-chemistry] [thermodynamics]
room topic changed to Poutnik's mostly chem chat: General chat for approved users about chemistry, mostly in the scope of listed tags. Occasional straying away from chem is OK. But using it primarily for offtopic chit-chat may lead to be kicked out/muted. [analytical-chemistry] [chromatography] [electrochemistry] [nmr-spectroscopy] [physical-chemistry] [thermodynamics]
Hello. for beginning - good.
Assuming you are coming with a topic.
nope just saying hello BEACUSE I whent afk
I made Peter mad
Congratulations. I guess.
I'm sorry
@Poutnik so.....umm....how does a crystal like a goeod form?
@ETHANCOUSINS Did you search thouroughly about it? If not, do it.
If you did - have you asked about it on relevant SE site? (Probably Earth Sciences), as this is rather a geology topic.
Personally, I am not sure, just slow crystalization of melted stuff, around some gas pocket.
Crystalization may cause volume shrinking and creating space for gaseous phase.
star cancelling detected
well I kinda just wanted to talk about somthing
star canceling acknowledged
star canceiling complete
cant see that
if you intended for me to see you have to use this:imagekit.io/tools/free-image-hosting
I have been experimenting with the native chat feature of uploading it from the web. Perhaps it does not work.
na just not for me
I'm on school crombook
so things get filterd
It looks that schools can be worse than governments.
oooo preety
mermaid nails
Never heard that term.
look at the girls nails in some pics
how long is this going to be in gallery?
Idc if it is or not but just wandering why
@pou whats physical chem?
For long. I was originaly, then I opened and , and then we decided with Cuckoo to close it again, so only explicitly approved used can post (me as owner, Cuckoo, Pete the Wizard and you. Seemed to many people were coming and chat went off the rails.
lol tbh I think it was just me that made it go crazy
and ginger is usually qiuet
Physical chemistry is kind of interdisciplinary science, at boundary of both chemistry and physics, evaluations various physical aspects of behaviour of chemical substances. It often uses more math than other chemistry branches, save the quantum chemistry and chemometrics.
Ginger is not explicitly approved.
So cannot post.
ya just saying
that even if you let ginger she wouldent talk unless asked to talk
she does that in every chat room lol
@Poutnik thanks
you use Wikipedia alot don't you?
I do.
I don't use it because its not relaiable
But you must know how to use it and how not to.
makes sense
btw I'm very sorry for driving y'all usall topics off script
It is reliable if you know when to rely on it and when not to. Or about what you can and about what you cannot.
We all learn at any age.
So...you are a science major or somthin?
wikipedia is good as summury introduction to a topic and the source of relevant primary resources.
I have graduated in analytical chemistry in Pleistocene.
@Poutnik bless you
what's Pleistocene
It was a joke :)
In 1989
@Poutnik ice age nice.....me DIDINT understad joke lol
If I have used Trias, would you get it?
Trias - Jura ....
Jurassic tries ara
Jurassic Park
Bu du dum daa dum ber de de dumb dumb
jurassic park :D
im in 8th grade and surprisingly in science class at this very moment
What is your timezone?
I'm learning genetics and stuff
umm right now its 1:56
so pm
So GMT -6h, right?
Not sure what abbr for the zone is. Houston or chicago time?
dumb it down
CST - Central Standard Time.
remember I'm in 8th grade so you'll probably do either alot of explaining or dumbing it down
nevermind searched up GmT
yes -6
@Poutnik correct
what's chrmatograhy
Greenwich Mean Time. Also Zulu time in military jargon.
All time zones refer relatively to GMT.
umm ya sorry figured it out and confirmed that yes its -6
As I say, US central time zone (Pacific - Moutain - Central - Eastern ). 4 zones.
what is your timezone?
You can always do a lot of searching before asking. then you will look clever. :-)
GMT + 1 - Central European
ya I found my answers much quicker
21:08 here.
@Poutnik why is everyone either in Europe or russian
peter is russian
and everyone in his den is Russian or europena
Searching usually provide answers faster and more comprehensive ones, without objections that you could easily google it. :-P
Cuckoo in from Odisha state in India.
@Poutnik ya and it took you awhile to find the answer so less talking time'
well and Twinne(you wotn know him maybe) is from u.s like me
Talking is not the primary purpose. It is just tool to get answers. At least here.
But on major CH Se site, there are many from US.
well......talking fun
well anyways
so how did this chat room get created?
Not too dificult, but you need anout rep. points for that.
no I mean was there a story behind the creation?
How is biotechnology different from genetic modification?
can you help me with my work?
We had a long comment discussion with Cuckoo about one her Q, that was moved to the chat linked to that Q, and as it was too long, I have created my own chat, not linked to any particular Q.
There is needed 100 rep. point for normal room and 1000 for a gallery.
cuckoo is a her?
so shees kooko and not he's kooko?
Sure, she is a girl. And pretty clevel and with high focus on her education.
you think an email would work with you?
I need help on my work
Why email?
Well, it is your work.
can you hep
How is biotechnology different from genetic modification?
Making fermented milk is biotechnology. Is it genetic modification?
Also, search for each term and compare what you found.
thast the source I need dto use
thast a lot imadelete taht
i tried copy and pasting everything
Which countries were responsible for growing the most biotech crops in 2012? How many hectares were devoted to these crops?
thast the link to it can you help me with it?
I will not help you with the whole task - that would not be good for you.
I might help you with an occational particular problem, but only after you spent significant effort to understand and resolve it, including thorough research.
07:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

« first day (12 days earlier)