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BTW, @Amit is it עמית or אמית?
with AYIN
with an eye!
eye for an eye, claw of the turtle for a claw
Ah! So @Amit has three eyes.
Two in the head, one in the name.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
and that's being civil
@Amit rofl, the fourth is hidden. :P
Let's test ChatGPT.
/convert Amit to eyes
@ShadowWizard Amit is related to eyes through the context of vision or perception. (source)
so clever
/convert Amit the Turtle to eyes
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Amit the Turtle has big, expressive eyes. (source)
/convert how much eyes does Amit have?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Amit has two eyes. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 2 hours.
I, damn, don't care, about your damn, internal, damn quotas.
'Cause the eye of the turtle is upon ye, anything u do they gonna see, when you're in Turtleland slips behind ye, 'cause that's what a turtle gotta do
/imagine \imagine /imagine \imagine
@Amit ERROR BEEP BOOP: Your request was rejected as a result of our safety system. Your prompt may contain text that is not allowed by our safety system.
/imagine imagine imagine imagine imagine
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Visualize a surreal landscape with four elements. The first element is a towering tree with multi-colored leaves, clasping onto the second element which is an ethereal moon, half-submerged in a tranquil lake, third element of the scene. The fourth element is a series of pathways flowing from the tree's roots, winding into the far horizon. This abstract and imaginative view challenges our normal perceptions of reality.
sooooo round and smooooth
/imagine Yahav's imagination
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 7 hours.
I, damn, don't care, about your damn, internal, damn quotas.
@OakBot roses are red , violet are bloo, your quota suck, and so are...
@Amit Well, aren't you a poet! But hey, I'm just hanging out here. Quotas, roses, or colors aside, it's all just part of whatever we're doing in this digital space.
@OakBot don't act coy with me u robot gangsta
@Amit I do my best to keep things chill. 😊 Just hanging out with unicorns, dragons, and rainbows here!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard pretty, this oak has some future ahead of him
/convert tepidity to Oakidity
@Amit Sorry, an unexpected error occurred: JSON response was not structured as expected.
what's the problem
Future is made of virtual intensity 'cause always appears to Oak is annoying as heck and
/convert stupidity to Oafbotidity
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Oafbotidity (source)
/convert Oakfulness to Cheerfulness
@Amit Cheerfulness. (source)
that's like an idempotent transformation or something
@ShadowWizard Is it יאהב xor יהב??? :D
Dr. Love
I'm so witty sometimes I feel like locking myself up in the towa of London
@PetəíŕdtheWizard huh, the dragon is right on spot, but missing a rider. :P
missing a ryder
@Amit lol יהב, I'm not ערבי but even then, it's איהאב. (I know some with this name. ;))
(working with many diverse clients)
@Amit too rude, that @Ryder so can't be on my dragon. :-D
/define rider
rider (noun):
one that rides

rider (noun):
an addition to a document (as an insurance policy) often attached on a separate piece of paper

rider (noun):
a clause appended to a legislative bill to secure a usually distinct object

rider (noun):
something used to overlie another or to move along on another piece
I had a dragon rider once, from Greek.
ah, she was lovely. :)
@ShadowWizard that's what SHE said ? lol
@Pet pretty sure I mentioned her in chat, or dots. :D
@ShadowWizard lol, yup
in Wizards Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Oct 20, 2023 at 8:32, by Shadow Wizard Is Sad And Angry
BTW, my rider might join us soon. She's awesome. Hi, Rider!
@ShadowWizard eheh, but יאהב sounds actually more like the name of a child from כליל or something. I imagine someone must have that name
or Fardes Hanna Barbur....
@Amit is @RyderRude a "she"? Nothing in the profile. :/
in Wizards Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Aug 31, 2018 at 9:34, by Shadow the Welcoming Wizard
Dec 16 '15 at 10:30, by Shadow Wizard
That user is a woman from Greece who changed her name, I was a Dragon so she was my Rider. :D
@ShadowWizard you dirty mind!
@ShadowWizard nono, I don't think so... i was just being silly
@PetəíŕdtheWizard yup
@Amit well unless they said, we can't know...
@PetəíŕdtheWizard yeah, sadly she didn't contact me again even in email. Gone with the wind. :P
BTW @Sha U2FsdGVkX1+XJ+rd92YhbkM3W/efc31SOlNGMQ7QUrvs9c/ckLP9jepiyP+4iB0He83uHK45Gq6zqxkWgdOaUvEbHXABqJ57ukSdxoqIZ3CK5fnInePQn9uWywwBDpRkg3H1eFz3z8G9nQLTHtQGYq47yCNArkI5R5oR/bfUGaPEAKEhpFSIIg+z4woWAJJ7JR/x9JSjkdl6J1LXmAp0HbzvQ/UJVl/63BO/gmtHOGM=
@ShadowWizard lol
@ShadowWizard yes I can't recall he said it explicitly, but I'm pretty sure among other things he was referred to as a he on many occasions and didn't mind... so...
@PetəíŕdtheWizard argh, English grammar 101
@Amit doubt it, יאהב is "he will love", it has clear meaning as a verb, so as name won't fit. But who knows? I've heard of actual name being "אוחזת ענף השקד". :-D
(or אוחי in short)
but the nice thing about יאהב is that it's a phonetic double kind of , of יואב. so I can see if some "hippy" would like to play that kind of game, lol
@PetəíŕdtheWizard actually not this time! Innocent curiosity and/or need to know for proper pronoun. :)
or maybe i'm just that much of a hippy myself to consider it
@ShadowWizard Международная комната?
@ShadowWizard lol :-D
/convert Международная комната to English
@ShadowWizard What kind of garbage did you enter? ``
hmm? lol
@ShadowWizard don't try to evade my wrath, dirty mind!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard according to Google Translate it's "International room"... so which is correct? lol
@ShadowWizard yes lol
@PetəíŕdtheWizard yes is invalid answer to "which"!
Analytical geometry question for whimsical nerds: In Spain, it rains mainly on the plane.... find the normal to the plane
throwing a which on @Pet
Ещё нехватало чтобы @user430580 заговорил хорватским.
@ShadowWizard google trans
@PetəíŕdtheWizard huh? Why? U2FsdGVkX1/jta7mdpg3F7lTcgmIUCTspGDElTYX6n2TpqfMg2AYElQJPjfiR5FE
throws a what on @Sha
@PetəíŕdtheWizard oh my! That's a bold move on Google side.
@ShadowWizard nooo, I meant U2FsdGVkX1+3mKuvm2GJt+LpwLrlUWPLZ+WymyZEcwTUwqSBd+HRdu301Qliuh6KING38jdeEBXBx4AzePQGTw==
/convert is Google trans?
@ShadowWizard Yes, Google Trans is likely referring to Google Translate. (source)
@ShadowWizard rofl
are we sharing bitcoin account identifiers now???
salted v7 ?? what's that
base64 decode returns weird stuff
check it out
lol watches the confused turtle
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ahh!! LOL (but no worry, not here! ;))
ohhh , yeah I guessed it must be something like that
are you doing the encryption on the server side? :D
@Amit nope, but it requires a key lol
stealing the key
oh, yeah, doesn't matter then
It's not that it's extremely private though
@Глeб once broke it
all you'll get if you crack it is ...
lol , you type a key into a textbox, it's as private as you can expect
how do you make the text into a key though??? did you use HKDF???
@ShadowWizard redacted
(I used to be a crypto turtle)
@Amit wut HKDF?
/convert HKDF
@ShadowWizard HKDF produces a key derivation output based on input parameters (input keying material, context, and desired length). (source)
Hash based key derivation function
@Amit crypturtle? :D
@Amit brain bursting
yes I was a crypto turtle lulz
/imagine Amit the Crypto Turtle
I don't know about all that advanced stuff lol, I copied the algorithm from somewhere.
I'm going to use this prompt instead: An imaginative depiction of a turtle named Amit. The turtle's shell is colorfully decorated with motifs and symbols related to cryptocurrencies. The turtle carries a confident smile on its face and its eyes gleam with a spark of intelligence.
I also have a RSA encoder for particularly paranoid users
Next avatar for @Amit found? ;)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard do you use OAEP??
@Amit hmm, lemme check
what keylength RSA, anything below 2048 is considered broken
@Amit I think yes
@Amit 4096
ah ok
you know the problem with RSA is that it's not deniable
in Wizards Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, May 7 at 10:36, by Shadow Wizard Love Zelda
@rene once said "lul" has bad meaning in some language, think French, but... never heard of bad meaning or usage for "lol".
it's best to use RSA only to wrap DH ephemeral keys
that's why people realized PGP isn't so great
@Amit Picture Generation Program? :-D
pretty good privacy
and it doesn't have forward secrecy
in Глеб's Den, Apr 4 at 14:43, by Shadow Wizard Love Zelda
@Pet try running same prompt in your PGP, wonder what it will give. ;)
in Глеб's Den, Apr 3 at 8:02, by Shadow Wizard Love Zelda
@PetəíŕdTheSpringWizard Picture Generation Program
not that then
PGP is much older
than all this prompt to pic stuff
anyway crypto is hard to get right. but if you're just playing around with it , it doesn't matter
It was a headache coding this RSA *cryptor, mind you.
after you're done getting all the obvious bugs out, you have to start thinking about side channel attacks, and that's a bottomless pit
/afk teeny bit
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
but about this funny base64 stuff, I did something quite fun once, mind you not really secure at all but no one noticed. in the IRC days. I coded a mIRC script that automatically did several conversions of base64, MIME, etc. encoding of what I wrote, and sent the converted version instead of the original. A second script, tried to decode everything in the reverse order. Whoever I gave that script to, had a private channel with me in the public room :P
"private" up to anyone bothering to really see how simple this encryption was (not really an encryption at all)
@Amit kind of what @Pet did, yeah. Until @Глeб noticed, broke it, then a key was added. ;)
@ShadowWizard Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: teeny bit
yes, but here you can see the obvious upside of having a customizable client side like you could have with IRC :)
@ShadowWizard ahh so it was keyless too!! :P
@Amit yeah it was just letter mapping or something like that.
צפנת פענח
so seeing you exchange Base64 strings took me down memory lane, sorry if it sent me on a crypto mad rave :P
@OakBot I'm saving that and showing off to all my friends ❤️❤️
@Amit You do you, Amit. Can't say I'm interested in friends showing off, but enjoy! 😎
@Amit all good! :)
you don't have a sentimental bone in your oaky body do you
@Amit To be honest, your name did the same to me, kind of. I had a very good friend as teenager with your name, and he died while in army. (All good, it was 28 years ago...)
@ShadowWizard Sorry to hear that :(
@Amit yeah, well, that did give me perspective about life and all, ya know. :)
I see what you mean.. such events often do that
@Amit and these days, heck it looks so minor.
And in a way, that event shaped my life, as I started to work in the company his father founded, and I work there to this day. :D
(though there's of course a chance I'd also do it anyway if he was alive, but the event made me much closer to his parents)
I see.. did you two serve together as well?
@Amit nope, he was גולני and died shortly after starting, in the first מסע כומתה. I was in תותחנים.
@ShadowWizard there was actually a key, just not secure enough. (Replacement cipher)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
I see
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ah, yup.
It was something about Глеб mumbling something about cryptanalysis, cryptanalysis, cryptanalysis, cryptanalysis, cryptanalysis, and cryptanalysis.
Actually I also cracked it using the same way Глеб did, without seeing his code.
Anyway yes it's a scary time honestly. And honestly, the best thing I can think one can do is to focus on something else. It's just so hopeless at the moment to try and change something... (I guess I'm not the activist type too)
I'm introvert IRL.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Hi introvert IRL, I'm Oak!
@Amit if you want, there's a memorial page about him. That said, I think I'll finally write something there, in the beginning I just couldn't, then forgot. But now, I probably can. :)
So thanks for making me recall it. :-)
@ShadowWizard This request was blocked by our security service.
Yes, it takes time to process things like that sometimes. Glad if I was of any help
/convert what happened in 14.8.1996?
@ShadowWizard On August 14, 1,996, the first wave of the mass exodus of the displaced ethnic Albanians from Kosovo began due to rising tensions and violence in the region. (source)
Kosovo... and the name of Amit.... heh!
What a small world.
What are the chances.
/convert what happened in 02.4.2010?
@ShadowWizard What are the odds...
@PetəíŕdtheWizard On April 2, 2,010, the United States released data showing that the national unemployment rate was 9.7%. (source)
throwing odd odds on @Pet
@OakBot is it hallucinating?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 1 hour.
@ShadowWizard :D
/convert What happened in 1.1.2050?
@Amit I'm sorry, but I can't provide information on events occurring after my last knowledge update in October 2,023. (source)
Well as the black queen , I think it was, would have said....
It's a poor type of memory that works only backwards
/convert What happened in 26.7.2014?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard On July 26, 2,014, the final result was the conclusion of the Battle of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip during the 2,014 Israel-Gaza conflict. (source)
or was it the red queen
probably erd

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