> ghostly creatures drifting across the boundaries – will gather to watch Travellers moving through their domain. Most of the time, they are simply there to observe, but be warned: as your suit’s Anomaly Suppressor weakens, time will begin to behave in non-linear ways, and these anomalies may turn hostile.
6 hours later…
@Daemons oh, well, I am perfectly fine with "references". It is not like NMS is trying to look like Star Wars just because a ship looks like the Millennium Falcon, nor it is trying to abuse the Star Wars fame and look&feel to confuse players into thinking this is a Star Wars game. Now, if this was a game about mons that you can catch into balls, give guns, torture and mentally abuse... that would be different and I wouldn't be so surprised if someone sued me.
Short version: in Genshin there is a tree that somehow controls reality: if you change the records here you can change history to a degree. But the tree is not perfect: it can even change books and written records but it can't change what was written as an allegory. For that reason a character that coincidentally looks like Frieren has took of an habit to hide relevant story events that may risk deletion inside fables.
1 hour later…
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