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07:00 - 11:0013:00 - 00:00

1:36 PM
I'm back. :)
hey i fixed some stuff
works ^^^^
yup. just checked it. good work. :)
fixes the list_children problem, fixes hard coded plugin dict problem.
Yup. it should fix both. Now a tiny optimisation remains.
it takes crazy long yes
1:39 PM
push your copy. i'll update.
i can't git.
my network and port 22 don't go together
https buddy
using browser?
git remote add bbhttps https://jpmahesh@bitbucket.org/jpmahesh/unity-reset.git
git push bbhttps
why can't you just copy the darn file :P
1:41 PM
meh. I'm lazy
actually you can git clone https://jpmahesh@bitbucket.org/jpmahesh/unity-reset.git
and replace and git push
your password.
wait.. it doesn't ask for username?
1:43 PM
and grab your https url. may be its different.
heheheh.. I love troubling you. Did I say that?
me hate you
You better do. :P
holy cow.
i deleted the file
1:46 PM
ok pushed.
it is named testfile.py
its not showing up. :P
it said everything uptodate
why didn't you replace reset-gio.py ?
i'll do it now ;p
1:47 PM
umm... what does git status show?
dont tell me your testfile is untracked.
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#	modified:   reset-gio.py
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
good. git commit -a then git push
ok it feels awesome
@mahesh ^^^^
now optimise and add my name to the authors field :P
1:55 PM
Do you want your email address to appear in authors list?
ubuntu one?
and name? Barneedhar or jokerdino? :P
both with jokerdino in brackets
Barneedhar (jokerdino) <email id>
1:57 PM
and what about @AmithKK ?
one sec
@amith script fixed \o/
Amith KK <amithkumaran@gmail.com>
@jokerdino \o/
bbl :)
Packaging now
@jokerdino Python Gobject version in 12.10 please
ping @Mahesh
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@AmithKK got the ping
no idea about the version. let me check.
Updated the repo.
2:04 PM
Wait a second
Ok, packaged
Now I just need it to build
2:20 PM
  Installed: 3.4.0-1
  Candidate: 3.4.0-1
@mahesh, purge all the other py files and keep the only one please
I guess I did that long ago.
okies :?
Ok, we all wrote atleast one line of code in python for this
2:34 PM
cat /usr/bin/unity |pastebinit
I want to look at the changed one.
what am i looking at?
You are looking at the wrapper script that does the magic.
so, what now?
unity --replace and unity are just the same now.
so lets update that in script.
2:39 PM
also, we need to take out the launcher icons reset thing
or copy it and then reset and put it back.
@Mahesh doing that
@mahesh who did you contact?
@jokerdino nope. lets isolate that part.
@jokerdino No one.
ok and ok
2:51 PM
@mahesh are you working on this?
working on what?
isolate etc, and unity instead of --replace
@jokerdino The second one is complete
just pull
did you push it yet?
ah alright. it's done
2:54 PM
got it
isolation, later. gotta run. :|
@amith, so we take out "gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher"
but how?
@jokerdino I guess you could back it up
and then restore
2:57 PM
or we can remove launcher from dict
or just remove those keys from the dict
stupid network timing out
3:12 PM
@jokerdino can you print out the contents of the dict?
i am trying to pop out the launcher item
but not sure how
give me the output
i am making some progress. brb
for key, item in some_dict.items():
    if item is item_to_remove:
        del some_dict[key]
That's how you do it
@AmithKK thank you
3:50 PM
@amith, @mahesh leaving the review here for you to get cracking - pastebin.ubuntu.com/1283312
btw, i am working overnight and will push in the morning. cya
@jokerdino cya
4:11 PM
@AmithKK @jokerdino we have no dictionaries!!!
all we use are lists here.
@Mahesh I know they are lists
Well.. not to put a blame on someone but jokerdino did confuse me
why hav you people been talking of dicts?
@jokerdino .apply() is needed just in case the changes are not written back. the calls are asynchronous. That is, it can, at times, locally keep a track of changes and apply a batch of them at once. Thats a safety precaution and we should keep it.
@Mahesh well said
4:19 PM
two optimisations. get rid of variable match, and get rid of list we are making.
instead of appending and later iterating over the list, lets directly reset as soon as we find it.
@Mahesh That would make it better
and we should implement tests
9:28 PM <amithkk> didrocks: can you elaborate a bit on the tests
9:28 PM <didrocks> amithkk: sure, so all code entering unity now needs tests
9:28 PM <didrocks> for testing the wrapper, I would say:
9:29 PM <didrocks> import the unity python file (not sure how it works when you have no .py at the end)
9:29 PM <amithkk> oh, it works
9:29 PM <amithkk> :D
9:29 PM <didrocks> waow, never tried that TBH :p
9:29 PM <didrocks> then change some keys in the unit test module in the Setup() phase
9:30 PM <didrocks> calling each of your functions
okay. one by one. Optimising it now. getting rid of those variables.
@Mahesh I thought it was a dict
6 hours ago, by jokerdino
you should make a dict out of the regex script and feed it in place of plugin dict in the other script
Ok, I'm sorry :D
ah, then blame dino. :P
okay, end of blame game. no probs. I'm fixing things.
4:37 PM
Good Luck @Mahesh
Take Care
Good Night
Good night. :)
6 hours later…
11:02 PM
@mahesh, so now. how to remove launchers, webapps and lenses then? :P
07:00 - 11:0013:00 - 00:00

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