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Regarding that... I still haven't succeeded to convince my parents that I am asexual.
I'm cisgender male, and my parents are viewing asexuality as a mere "eunuch".
ace just means not interested in sexing anyone, right?
@DannyuNDos D:
then i don't understand why people have problems with people who are ace
like of all things you'd expect not wanting to do anyone to be the least offensive
we live in a society
/srs who knows? maybe anything ending in "-sexual" is too much for them to handle, maybe they don't really understand the concept
(I hope it's the latter)
What does /srs mean?
it's a tone indicator
Such maths much wow
/srs means "this message is serious, I am not Jo King"
@emanresuA nice
@Ginger maybe it's hard to understand not wanting to sex anyone if you don't feel repulsed at the thought of sexing someone
@RydwolfPrograms Can I have the unwebpacked source?
@lyxal super excited for someone to buy sex.ing once that TLD launches
@emanresuA here's the decompressed answer data:
@Ginger 🤮
        "q": "What color is a book?",
        "as": [["Brown", [0.8, 0, -0.8, 0]], ["Green", [0, 0, 0.6, 0]], ["Blue", [0.1, 0.7, 0.2, -0.2]], ["Multicolored", [-0.2, 0, -0, 2]]]
        "q": "What does lipstick taste like?",
        "as": [["Waxy", [-0.8, 0, 0, 0]], ["Coal", [0, -0.1, 0.2, 1]], ["Blood", [-0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2]], ["Sugar", [0, 0, -0.4, -0.2]]]
        "q": "If y = 2x - 1 and y = 8x + n collide at a single point, what is n?",
        "as": [["0 sum", [0, -0.2, 0.6, 0]], ["Positive", [1, 1, 1, 1]], ["y - 2x", [0, 0, 0, 0]], ["Cannot be determi
(the 3rd number is enbyness, idk what the others are)
(I think the first two are masc/fem and the last is orientation)
:O Sidney Powell pleaded guilty
@lyxal not all aces are repulsed by sex
for some it's just not a turn-on
I myself am not ace; if you want more details you should check reputable sources like AVEN
also aren't there non ace people who are varying degrees of sex-repulsed anyways
Til sex repulsed is a thing, and that I'm sex repulsed
Or maybe I'm just prudis
@Ginger took an online test that claims to be based on the test they mention and some of these questions are hilariously unhelpful lmao
> I wouldn’t mind if I never had sex again.
> again
online gender/sexuality tests aren't really trustworthy (as Rydwolf conveniently demonstrated)
yeah lmao
and like half of the other questions are directly about self-estimation
@DannyuNDos I'm sure you have your reasons but...is there even a reason your parents need to know that?
Aro maybe I'd get but (and this might be a cultural thing idk) I feel like that'd kinda be on a need-to-know basis
@Ginger Close, first one is masculinity (positive)/femininity (negative), and second is attraction to men (positive)/attraction to women (negative)
The latter of which is combined with the gay.straight score to calculate the second subscore
@lyxal from the family's side they're probably worried it means no grandkids
although i'd imagine being aro would be the bigger "worry" on that count
not to mention how many straight people have zero interest in child rearing anyways
I feel like it's almost flipped for our generation and older generations. Like they're shocked when someone doesn't want kids but (and maybe this is just a result of 75% of my friends being lesbians) I'm kinda surprised when someone I know does
I hope to have kids one day, kinda makes me nervous I'll find someone and we'll really like each other then down the line realize we're just incompatible for that reason
Someone in my US history class last year said something really profound that kinda sums up why I think I'd like to be a parent, along the lines of "you grow up to become the adult you'd have needed"
@RydwolfPrograms "is there anyone in this friend group who likes men?"
@RydwolfPrograms this exactly
And also as someone who's lived my whole life with a family where our relationship is basically "tax dependents with shared DNA", the idea of going home and actually wanting to be there and loving the people there is so...magical
I don't see a world where 99% of people can even afford to have kids
Okay maybe more like 90%
i feel like virtually everything wrong with me can at some level be chalked up to either my parents' complete incompatibility with each other leading to an early divorce or them refusing to put the time and effort into helping me actualize the potential they saw in me
Like the main thing that makes me excited about moving out isn't even getting away from my family now, it's living with people who I enjoy being around. Like instead of driving home like "well time to shut myself in my room", being like "yesss I can be around people I like being with"
@UnrelatedString Yeah...it sucks how much damage bad parents (even well-meaning, unintentionally bad parents) can do. It's just so...prevalent
1 message moved to Trashcan
excellent, thank you
Ginger you need to edit it before deleting
sorry, I panicked
It's still technically in the edit history
I've moved it to a private room
just use dark magicks to remove it like you did the 2 previous times I did this
But purging things keeps the last revision
Always edit then delete
I'm going to make a userscript that adds a "PANIC" button which flags, edits, and deletes a message
Also I had to click reject flag because otherwise I'd have to delete the message you flagged
@Ginger there's already a mod userscript for one click redact :p
Including purge and everything :p
he protecc
he attacc
but mostly importantly
he redacc
I didn't because there was nothing to redact :p
I will always resent keyboard designers for making qwerty put two shocked characters next to p
On mobile I keep sending my friend :.0 instead of :p
Crying-with-shock and tongue-sticking-out don't communicate nearly the same thing but I think she's caught on by now lol
She always uses :') which is kinda cute
I think it's funny how my friends are still kinda petty-mad at her on my behalf lol
Like I keep telling them it's fine lol
wait what happened
The whole thing with a guy asking her to hoco and her being too nervous to tell me for like a week or two
My friends characterized it as leading me on but I mean, she's got stress disorders and stuff, we're both pretty awkward around this sort of thing, I really don't blame her lol
your friends sound like they suck
Nah they're great friends
i'd be more worried if she did manage to tell you on the spot
They're only sort of like jokingly, petty mad. One of them's the girl's friend, it's not really that serious they're just...protective, I guess :p
ah lol
yeah that sounds like good bantert
The other day I was on the school's video announcements for something or other, and I totally forgot, and I saw me out of the corner of my eye and was so excited for a sec like "that guy has the same MCR shirt I do!"
@RydwolfPrograms (And the other friend of mine had a pretty awful ex so I'm guessing she's just kinda generally suspicious of prospective dates in the first place :p)
Okay so I kinda screwed myself. I've been procrastinating working on my MIT essays until my letters of recommendation are all finished, and I sent an email to the last teacher who had to do one like "oh just btw the deadline's Nov 1st, maybe a week or two from now's when I'm aiming for" but then he was like "oh no worries I'll have it done by tomorrow" so now I have to actually write them :'(
I'm feeling way less confident than I was a month ago about these
I'd try to meet with one of my english teachers and kinda workshop them but idk. My current one I'm not really that close with
on the bright side you'll have like twice as long to work on them as you were hoping
Maybe I'll email my teacher from last year. I think she said she regularly helps people with essays tho, so she's probably preeeetty busy this time of year
Ooh...wonder if I could ask my AP Sem teacher, who's an english teacher
She's amazing
You can get professional help if you're rich ;)
I wouldn't if I had a billion dollars
(or if you're middle-class but you have Indian parents who don't trust you to do anything important yourself, definitely not speaking from experience)
Ooh imagine turning in a college essay but instead of first person pronouns you used "my client" :p
lmao imagine an honest college application
Some professional college essay-writer is like "My client is a spoiled rich brat who'll pump money into your university and whose daddy will gift you a new building. Please accept them or we'll file a lawsuit against you challenging how you do affirmative action"
Ugh why do emails have to be so awkward
Not as bad as phone calls but
They're the least awkward form of communication tho
You kinda have to be formal but not too formal and that's such a hard line to walk when you're asking someone for something
Unless you include anonymous messages
And you can't ask for clarification on things during the course of the email so you sometimes have to do weird like, hypotheticals like "if so then..."
@lyxal :{
Frowning handlebar mustache guy
Almost looks like a side profile of someone shouting
Or like :o from the side
oh wow yeah
:Ď• would be... interesting
"holding card in mouth"
in The Nineteenth Byte, Mar 19, 2021 at 22:15, by Redwolf Programs
:Ø is when you can't scream
Or maybe you're dabbing so one hand is across your mouth
@user this reminds me my dad is, like, weirdly obsessed with making implicit legal threats over that kind of thing
Like, affirmative action?
I love how people interpret affirmative action as a way to punish the majority group rather than a way to help out the minority group
I think the latter makes them equally angry
I don't think so, my parents aren't racist enough to not want to help out, say, Black people, but they do see affirmative action in college admissions as something specifically targetted towards Asians (we're Indian)
Computer science class is going great
@user Yeah I feel like affirmative action gets a bit murky with asians
Since IIRC there's a big socioeconomic divide between richer, recent immigrants (who would have had to be, e.g., doctors or other high paying careers to afford it) and the rest
Yup, there's some groups who are doing very very poorly but they get lumped in with other Asians
But my family's middle class, maybe even upper middle class at this point, so my parent's concerns are pretty misplaced
@emanresuA Is this supposed to be Big-O/Theta/Omega?
@emanresuA potassium!
@user yeah
The nice thing about running a payment network is you don't need to have a bug bounty system
i feel like this isn't necessarily even *the* point where broad racial categories just aren't meaningfully applicable to this
like, affirmative action is for, what, economically uplifting historically disadvantaged communities and counteracting the resulting disparities in educational background? if anything it's just a deeply unfortunate coincidence that race turns out to be a pretty good proxy for that because native and african-americans got actively fucked over so hard
Yeah, I guess affirmative action's kinda a heuristic
i actually happen to live in an area with a really large community of relatively poor people from somewhere in myanmar for whatever reason (probably refugees from something) and i don't think i've seen any of them at the university because short of there being a concerted effort with them in particular they may as well be affluent chinese professionals as far as racial quotas are concerned
@RydwolfPrograms now is it a strong one or a weak one?
Hmm, I guess this brings up one question
Say there's a black family that's made it through slavery and jim crow and redlining and all that, and has managed through luck and/or hard work to make it to the upper middle class. Should they be treated the same as a white applicant who's also upper middle class (ignoring the race heuristic entirely and going off actual socioeconomic status), or get a boost from affirmative action like a lower income black applicant would (since presumably they'd be even richer if they'd started out even)?
I could see an argument for both
I think it might also be relevant that the benefits of money probably aren't at all linear
Like I wouldn't expect the difference between a $150 million/year household and a $150 thousand a year household to be anywhere near as significant as the difference between a $150 thousand/year household and a $15k/year household in a poor, rural town
So through that lens maybe affirmative action could be done by adjusting someone's household income, rather than admissions odds directly, then the household income put through some function. So, e.g., black applicants might get a -20k/year (made up number ofc) adjustment to their household income, which would then be what gets used to estimate privilege for playing-field-leveling
ooh that is honestly not a bad idea
You still get a penalty applied to asians, but if you're only making like $15k a year, even if that penalty adjusted it by like $30k, you'd still be estimated as far less privileged than, e.g., a white applicant making $50k a year (still the issue of them having worse odds than a white applicant making $15k a year, but I think that's a bit of a special case due to immigration-related factors relevant to asians specifically, so maybe that could be handled as its own thing)
(Since from what I've heard the reason asians tend to do better on standardized tests and have higher incomes and stuff is that immigration from asia was effectively banned for ages, so a large number of asians are going to be recent immigrants, which means you'd have to have a decent job and a lot of money. So maybe differentiating the adjustment based on slightly more than just race would make sense in that case)
I don't know a huge amount about this tho so I could be misinformed
I've also heard the stereotypical culture-related explanations (that asians just study harder or whatever) but I think I've heard that debunked or at least heavily criticized
2 hours later…
@lyxal Why the heck would you expect a Biology class to improve Rydwolf's English literacy? :P
@RydwolfPrograms I initially misread this as "attraction to me (positive)"
Um, yes, I'd like to report a problem with the quiz. See, I just got done telling it that I'd like to apply for boy/man gender, and then it gave me this. Clearly something's gone wrong here. :P
TBH, I was surprised at how many questions had an answer that I liked. I do in fact have a normal cat and wear socks which I put in the washing machine (the socks, not the cat).
However, the correct answer to Q30 is "Dangit!"
@Ginger okay after reading more of the faq there i feel pretty comfortable identifying as at least ace-spec
the crux of the issue being that i have no idea whether or not “being able to find people attractive” counts as “sexual attraction”
because i kind of assumed those are equivalent but maybe not???
@DLosc because back when I did biology, report writing was one of the things I had to do and boy oh boy I needed to know how to English for those :p
5 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms ... because it'd be too expensive? :p
Nasty ahh looking
@DLosc the weights for that answer are 2/0/-1/0, so it doesn't make all that big of a difference
@UnrelatedString that would be aromantic
aromantic is not experiencing romantic attraction, asexual is not experiencing sexual attraction
@lyxal yikes
what's that from?
Some sort of testing thing for device repair
Found it on a short a few months ago
Saw it in my screenshots and thought yeah I think y'all need to suffer through this too
reminds me of the mysterious Pixel debug application
That's from choosing the most Lyxal-like answers
In my opinion at least
do you eat the fuel or charge your phone with it
Nom nom nom
Or at least, that's what I'd choose if I was trying to guess what rydwolf would think I'd choose
Does anyone in this have common sense???
Okay so after seeing some yellow glowing blocks you first do "yeah I should call the bomb squad".
What kind of logic is that???
And "I am going to make some teens face criminal charges because they made some yellow glowing blocks" makes total sense.
It also isn't a prank.
@UnrelatedString I mean, you're still able to roughly judge people as more or less attractive as a child. I definitely think there's a strong non-sexual component to attractiveness
But it seems not the best.
hey @RydwolfPrograms
if I tell my VM to reboot will it do so correctly?
Going to share a Sandwich 0.1 screenshot in 1...
Wait a bit.
my user archiver broke D:
I think having it be multithreaded is a bad idea
@Ginger no
It'll just shut down
If you need to reboot it lmk and I can restart it after
it needs to be rebooted at some point, since I just installed some updates
ok, I only actually have to download 93k users instead of 570k
since we're only downloading users who have sent something in chat
but that's still a lot
I come up with about 36 hours to finish the download
CMSR: Happy Song by Bring Me The Horizon
(spoiler alert: it's not a very happy song :p)
@RydwolfPrograms so I redid the query on pairoff/imported rooms
*drumroll* 42.69% (double nice!) of rooms are pairoff/imported
Wow that's not nearly as many as I'd assumed
30136 of 70591
(not including rooms created within the last week or so)
You know what happens when you guess...you make a G out of you and us
alternately: a G out of you, Lord Farquaad, and the Nazis
which is definitely a sentence of all time
I'm wondering how the chat archive should handle deleted messages
as I managed to demonstrate myself last night, it is probably not a good idea to keep copies of everything forever by default
since then if you accidentally send PII or something you have at most 10 seconds to delete it before it's preserved for all eternity
ooh, finally a use for all that RAM I have!
the search engine I'm using explicitly says that indexing is memory-intensive and works better the more memory is available
Okay so it seems scrubbing my hands with isopropyl alcohol turns it from that weird garlicy smell into a weird different smell
That I very much cannot explain
Actually it smells a lot like this awful soap in my kitchen
Maybe that's the simple explanation lol
I'm so mad at myself I was going through the papers in my backpack and threw away this econ assignment thinking I'd already turned it in and gotten it back
Turns out I didn't and it's missing now >:|
congrats to my cave noise stream for using 16% of my RAM at all times
it's the second-highest RAM consumer, only behind MongoDB at 36%
@Ginger ...what? Don't you have 64 GB?
htop says I have 47.1GB
oh right
But still...that's a lot of RAM use...
indeed, and I have no clue why
the white noise stream and 404 stream both sucked up even more RAM and CPU until I changed them to run on-demand
I have 8 GB.
I only left the cave noise one running because it's less effective if it runs on-demand
incidentally, I love htop dearly
it's one of my favorite TUI programs
I usually use it over my Pi's task manager because it's much less laggy
I've been looking at a few options for frontend tooling for the chat archiver, and one thing seems to be constant among all the options: backend template generation is just not a thing that anyone supports anymore
which kinda makes me sad, because it's one of my favorite tools
@Ginger Uhhh...you sure about that?
I thought things like Jade (or whatever it's called now) were still super popular
I used it extensively in Toasty (in fact, Toasty only has a single page which uses an API)
@RydwolfPrograms never heard of it
I'm specifically referring to Jinja
Parcel looks pretty nice, but I have no clue if it can handle Jinja markup in HTML files
and Flask requires the templates to be in a separate directory from everything else, which Parcel can't handle
ideally I'd be able to just plug the built frontend bundles directly into the server's template engine and have everything work
but I can't do that
now, I can work around this by using a TS file as my entry point
but down that road lies the darkness of tens of one-line TS scripts that import stylesheets and nothing else
Parcel works best if your entire app is static, and mine is definitely not
this does exactly what I'm looking for... except it's outdated in every sense of the word
I didn't want to create a tool for this, but I feel like that's what I'm going to end up doing
Well I just did some intense math and found the optimal loan amount to minimize my interest assuming I have a fixed monthly income and have to divide it between paying for things directly, and paying minimum payments on a loan
The optimum is (drumroll please) 20.25 months for an APR of 30%
What's fascinating is that this seems to stay constant with respect to my one-time expenses, monthly expenses, and even monthly income
Only the APR seems to change it, and not by much
in order to not have to write an entire dependency resolver and bundler from scratch, I'm just going to make a plugin for Parcel
this plugin needs to:
- scan Jinja template files for special import statements
- add the referenced assets to the dependency graph
- keep Parcel from actually doing anything else with the template file
- somehow get a list of asset paths into the server
it's that last bit that I'm worried about
Sandwich progress update: I got Sandwich working in Sandwich 0.1 but it broke again for some reason.
Currently calculating the worst derivative of my life
I think I can have it generate a mapping file and stick it in the static directory
or possibly in a config file
I'm also going to have to write a Flask extension which loads this file and injects its data into the template renderer
So apparently the AST construction went wrong.
So the AST has a root node.
Then each root node has a nodes list.
And each node that is not like the end of a branch has a calculate function.
The thing is though apparently my approach.
Was calling the calculate function on branch last nodes.
the import statements will serve double-duty: the Parcel plugin will parse them to discover dependencies to add, and the Python plugin (via Jinja) will replace them with HTML for loading the dependencies
And this is the expression I have come up with to check.
i.parent.nodes.index(i) != len(i.parent.nodes)
It should work I think.
But what if there's another element exactly like i???
Then index will return the first element!
But what if i is the second element?
Using index isn't a great approach.
I need to add some sort of identifier to each node.
Then what I need to do is to for every item in that list check if their identifier is the same.
for n in i.parent.nodes:
	if n.id == i.id:
		result = n
Okay but how do I generate unique IDs?
Number based system would work.
However what if the expression is longer then the 32 bit or 64 bit limit.
The text editor will crash first anyways ig.
But what if they are not using any app but writing raw binary instructions?
alternate solution: the transformer can run after the main HTML transformer, and replace link/script tags with Jinja code
So we can use letters.
But how exactly do we generate letter IDs?
this is definitely simpler, but 1. risks the main transformer clobbering Jinja code or erroring because of it, and 2. means the plugin will have to do a bunch of filesystem jiggery-pokery to make the built output compliant with Flask
Okay another problem.
I need some way to get nodes by ID.
Like grab the nodes.
Wait one min I can just use another expression.
So I don't need that.
Jinja templates can easily be malformed HTML, hence my concern
Okay yup I've confirmed something really cool using SymPy
If you have a certain amount of monthly income, a constant amount of initial expenses, and a constant amount of monthly expenses, the optimal number of months to take out a loan for to cover it all depends only on the APR
And for any reasonable APR it's 18-20 months
I don't have the energy in me to write a plugin for something that should just be easy
rate my syntax highlighting theme:
@Seggan Average.
based off of Atom One
i dont really fancy it tbh
while not is_first_in_branch(get_by_id(i.parent.nodes, i.id+1))
I have no idea why I wrote this.
@Ginger (that's the joke :P)
ugh, all of the bundlers available are bad
Parcel is so close to what I want, but it doesn't let you configure the structure of the output, which is a deal-breaker
so I guess I'm going to use webpack and consign myself to the realm of single-line TS files importing stylesheets
How about single-line JS files.
single-line Python files.
it's webpack
See sometimes
pretty sure Python doesn't natively run on the web
A script has access to some stuff not in well the interactive env.
Such as in it's sys.modules.
It will have it's own name.
I don't understand the things you are saying
Finally I can outsmart someone or
I am too dumb to be understood.
The second option is more likely.
I've had great experiences with those Sharpie S-gel pens...until all of mine have suddenly dried up >:|
mfw I create a directory with a zero-length name
I just did it
Though it displays as "?" for some reason.
i'm less comfortable with that label because if nothing else i have unmet needs for emotional intimacy of the kind that romance seems to be the usual source of
obviously i've also never experienced anything like romantic attraction but i barely even know how to value people as friends so it could maybe happen if i ever get my shit together
Does that include not having like, random crushes on people?
why would it
considering the rise of dating apps i kind of assumed that's not even a thing that happens for most romantically active people these days lol
Rise of dating apps...
Oh wait Tinder is not chinese???
You're probably thinking of TikTok
that's an odd thing to be surprised by
That's what all the controvery regarding Chinese ownership's been about
oh yeah that's probably it lol
Oh yeah TikTok.
The worst app in history™
"FBI open up, you are going to the police for claiming that a phrase is a trademark."
As big and annoying as the mattress industry is, I still absolutely love the name "Mattress Firm". Like it's so clever
my laptop fan is doing concerning things
and i dont know why
@The_AH tm actually means unregistered trademark, so afaict its legal to use it anywhere
the r with circle means registered trademark
@Seggan I don't think so
> You can put the TM next to your brand at any time without seeking permission from anyone. You can still employ the TM symbol if you have no plans to register your trademark anywhere.

The symbol merely indicates that you believe this is your brand.
@Seggan I know.
It was a joke.
Actually it doesn't mean unregistered.
It means you are saying you think.
But the R symbol means you are saying it is absolutely real without a doubt.
Run This Online™
accept reality forever™
"Your majesty, I own the trademark identified as ™, so for saying ™™, you cannot turn me to jail."
"Your majesty, I have to report that someone said amongus™, as I own ™, that's a violation of my trademark."
2 hours later…
user image
why do I feel like this is something lyxal would save in his hotbar
I have made a super spicy loading spinner for the chat archiver frontend
well, a super spicy theme for the Bootstrap loading spinner
from which you can probably guess the name I chose:
(it looks better on the page of course)
15% done with the users
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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