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Where Edwards not so subtly "jabbed" at Cheney for having a gay daughter? Good times
I get all my political news from reddit, so I figure I might as well give Romney a chance to speak for himself or something.
Ron Paul 2012
RuPaul 2012
Man, Heinlein is such an excellent author
Teddy Ruxpin 2012
@SaintWacko Stranger in a Strange Land is one of my favorite books of all time. I can barely bring myself to read any more of Starship Troopers, though.
So I don't know what to say about him as an author in general.
@StrixVaria Why not?
@StrixVaria K. Thanks.
That's one of my favorites
@SaintWacko It's really heavy on the military culture and really light on plot, character, and most other things I look for in books.
Oh, okay
@Wipqozn 7974 now.
I really like that military stuff
One of the reasons I enjoy Tom Clancy
@StrixVaria ... I feel bad for you about this. Like, I legitimately feel worried about you.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Don't worry, I know that I'm not actually informed.
@StrixVaria You should read Variable Star
I'm rereading that right now
excellent book, some interesting social concepts
@StrixVaria Acknowledging that fact doesn't really make me less concerned.
The problem is I don't actually seek out political news. I just happen to get some if it is present wherever I happen to be.
And The Number of the Beast
And I usually happen to be places that are heavily, heavily biased.
Ok, initial impression is that corsair makes a nice keyboard and mouse
@SaintWacko I do plan on reading some more of his stuff to develop a fuller opinion.
1 min ago, by Wipqozn
@StrixVaria K. Thanks.
@Wipqozn 7972
@StrixVaria Scan Memeorandum every once in a while and you'll be able to wax political like a douche at parties in no time
@StrixVaria Starship Troopers is different from most of his works
@SaintWacko That's good.
All you need to know about politics is that the other side is evil and stupid.
And that there are only 2 sides.
There shouldn't be any sides
The whole 'side' thing is the problem
Yeah. Death to polygons! Vote Circle 2012
@MarkTrapp Well, circles are the highest class
Much better than those low isosceles
Whoa, let's not start a class war dam
I'd get an informed opinion about politics, but my Internet isn't working.
2 mins ago, by Wipqozn
1 min ago, by Wipqozn
@StrixVaria K. Thanks.
@Wipqozn Having fun?
@StrixVaria The problem isn't that Reddit is a biased source. It's that Reddit is a moronic source.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know or claim to know anything about politics.
@SaintWacko Yes.
Steam needs to get working again. :(
@Wipqozn Good. 7968
1 min ago, by Wipqozn
2 mins ago, by Wipqozn
1 min ago, by Wipqozn
@StrixVaria K. Thanks.
Q: Will I be able to charge my wireless Xbox360 controller I ordered from Ebay?

BaneI wanted to use an Xbox controller to play PC games, so I ordered this one off Ebay. I know that I will need to buy a custom receiver for my PC, but will I be able to charge my controller that I bought via an USB cable?

For instance, if you are a right winger and only take news from WSJ and The Economist and Reason, that's cool. If you're a liberal and only trust ThinkProgress or TPM, okay. But if you're a right winger and only trust Fox, or a liberal who only cares about what they read on DemocraticUnderground or something, well, you're not just trusting biased sources, you're listening to idiots.
Also, I need some water. But the fountain is all the way down the hall.
This seems a little borderline.
Well that was the most effective complaining here has ever been.
@StrixVaria Being uninformed about politics is bad. It kind of affects your entire life.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And the life of everyone else.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know a single person in real life who is informed about politics.
I grew up with parents who threw their hands up in the air saying "ALL POLITICIANS ARE EVIL SO I'M JUST GOING TO VOTE REPUBLICAN"
Personally, if I don't follow an election enough, or don't inform myself enough of who is running, I don't vote.
Most people around me treat politics as a bad word.
I'm voting for ronnie. We need some pro
When I try to watch the debate tonight, I am going to get derision for it.
@Wipqozn I follow it so I know who I think will do the LEAST amount of damage.
What does that tell you about our political system?
@StrixVaria That's a very sad state of affairs.
So instead of making fun of me for being uninformed, help me get informed.
@Sterno And he is very pro much.
What infuriates me is people who say "Oh, I'm an undecided voter. I still need more info." and then say "No" when you ask if they watch the debates.
Just admit you're going to pick a name out of your ass if you even bother going to the polls
Though I am 100% in favor of people who don't give a damn about politics not bothering to vote.
@Sterno My fiancee's parents have a friend who has given a speech claiming Obama is Hitler every time I've met him.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, ThinkProgress is the liberal equivalent of Hot Air/RedState/Weasel Zippers/et al but otherwise sure
He's going to vote.
@StrixVaria If he votes for Obama, I'm thinking he's got multiple personalities going on.
@StrixVaria Hey, stupid people can vote for retarded reasons. The important thing is that they have a reason!
representative democracy is intended to be a reflection of the people's will. If the people's will is stupid, WORKSASDESIGNED
I don't know though. I just checked, and even after photoshopping a mustache on to him, Obama doesn't look much like Hitler. And that's not even accounting for aging.
I don't remember his "arguments" because I mostly tried to zone out and pretend I wasn't present when he was rambling.
@MarkTrapp This is why I dislike democracy. People are stupid. I don't want people having a say in things.
I strongly believe all countries should just be run by me.
@Wipqozn @OrigamiRobot gets the only vote. And, maybe, those Japanese sex-bots. And it just occurred to me that those two things might not be mutually exclusive.
@MarkTrapp When politics focus more on denigrating your opposition rather than reasonably debating your points, I lose all respect for that candidate.
@Sterno They're not.
@Wipqozn It's better the country being run by lots of people, some of whom are stupid, rather than one person running the show, who is 100% stupid.
@Wipqozn We should team up and create Plato's philosopher kingdom! I'll be the autocratic but benevolent philosopher, you can be the leader of the "guardian" class that "protects" the people from themselves
@Wipqozn That is to say, you know what's better than all countries being run by you? All countries being run by me.
@MarkTrapp /s/thinkprogress/mother jones.
@MarkTrapp That would require less work on my part.
@LessPop_MoreFizz motherjones.com/Ahhhhhh their carousel only rotates in one direction! Why would you do that!
Q: Will I be able to charge my wireless Xbox360 controller I ordered from Ebay?

BaneI wanted to use an Xbox controller to play PC games, so I ordered this one off Ebay. I know that I will need to buy a custom receiver for my PC, but will I be able to charge my controller that I bought via an USB cable?

@LessPop_MoreFizz Both. Also the jerks at Daily Kos. TPM/The Hill/National Review at least ostensibly report the news, with a heavy bias. ThinkProgress/Daily Kos/Hot Air/Red State/etc. take the reported news out of context and comment on it, mostly saying "SEE? SEE? THIS IS WHAT I'M ON ABOUT"
@MarkTrapp The Hill is an odd choice to put on that list. It's fundamentally a Beltway gossip rag. Their only bias is sensationalism.
@MarkTrapp NR's a magazine too, not just a blag. They have some standards
@BenBrocka So is MoJo.
Oh is The Daily Show a good source of real news?
And The Hill is a newspaper.
@StrixVaria surprisingly so.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I meant compared to kos, Hot air, red state
@LessPop_MoreFizz I should start watching that again. Not as a sole source but at least as an entertaining one.
Wasn't familiar with MoJo. They will forever be "the site with the impossible carousel" in my mind
Seriously, don't get your news from an entertainment show.
You'll only see the stuff that makes a politician look stupid, with a heavy bias towards Republicans looking stupid.
And one would hope you vote for something other than "that guy did something that was stupid once so I'll vote for the other guy"
@BenBrocka What carousel
@Sterno Most news sites follow stuff that make politicians look stupid too. it's so easy to monetize
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was trying to come up with some right-leaning reporty-esque publications/news sources and was coming up short. The Hill does, on occasion, break news, even if that news is dumb or overly sensational. Heck, even Mother Jones breaks news on occasion, so I should take back the lumping in with the others. TP, Daily Kos, and the right-wing blogs like Hot Air et al don't break news: they find news from other outlets that supports their position, and spin it.
@Sterno Too many people vote for that reason
@LessPop_MoreFizz the thing just under "must read" at the top left. Selecting different items always scrolls them in from the left
@LessPop_MoreFizz Kewl man, nice article and set of articles linked within it
@SaintWacko I know! I vote for the one with the least gray hair. Suit color is the tie breaker
@BenBrocka No kidding! I vote based on whose height is closest to mine!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Which is not to say that MoJo, TPM, etc., and even all the ostensible papers of record or major news media outlets, don't have the same type of content TP et al have, it's just that it's the only content TP et al has. It's marginally better than Reddit if only because you don't have to deal with the insufferable comments
@SaintWacko People taller than me are elitist hippies and shorter people are stupid inferior beings
@James Just in case I can't make it this Saturday, I've left a readme in the UHC folder on the server telling you how to set it up.
@James Exactly! See, it's a perfectly sensible viewpoint!
I'm not sure which is worse: Hipsters or Hippies
@Sterno Mods.
@Sterno Hipsters
@Sterno Hippisters
@RonanForman wait wait wait.... You are bailing????
@James Just in case I can't make it.
@RonanForman Yeah thats the prepline I give people before I have to back out on something :P
THE PTA HAS DISBANDED?! jumps out window
@James Oh no, I'm in Manchester earlier in the day, I'm going to be back in time, but traffic may be appaling.
@LessPop_MoreFizz EXACTLY. Mods just destroyed that poor guy's diner because they're hooligans HOOLIGANS I SAY
@RonanForman Ah :)
You have to play because I have to light you on fire this time
Vengeance for you back stabbing me while I was on fire last time around :P
@James Last time you kinda missed.
@MarkTrapp This diner has been closed as Not Constructive
Last time I found out fire doesnt spread to just about anything other than leaves when I tried to light the forest on fire :/
Hell I even used a bucket of lava!
man, that's awemose. I needed to use a web crawler for my previous assigment, and use it. Except the one I ended up using was cather bad, and I had to build a full crawler around it. The next assignment though is to take a crawler and improve it. In otherwords I already did the next assignment.
@Wipqozn Did you break your keyboard or something?
Your spelling is rather worse than it usually is.
@fbueckert I'm on Dvorak, so my typos are different now.
for example, c is next to r, therefore cather = rather
<=- struts with his new keyboard.
I have Dvorak on my laptop and QWERTY on my desktop.
@Wipqozn How is Dvorak, anyways? I hear it's decent for programmers, but having to learn another keyboard layout sounds like it's not worth it.
@fbueckert I love it.
The only reason I use QWERTY at all is for gaming, otherwise I'd just go pure dvorak.
i keep meaning to pick up a second keyboard with a dvorak layout for use on my desktop. I can touch/blind type in both layouts but every so often I'll derp up and forget where a key is and it's good to have them in front of me.
actually forget isn't the right word. More like mix up.
for example I'll be typing in QWERTY but I keep going to hit the f keys location in dvorak, and then when I need to manually look for the f key because derp.
@Wipqozn How long did it take you to learn the new layout?
@fbueckert A couple weeks? It depends how much you type.
Which I'm assuming for you is a lot.
@Wipqozn Hmm. That doesn't seem too bad.
@Wipqozn Yeah. My job is almost exclusively typing code.
but once you learn it you'll never forget. It's like learning to ride a bike. Learn once, and never forget. Sure, the first time you get on a bike in a while you might stumble a bit, but after a few minutes you'll be fine.
@Wipqozn If you stumble on a bike, you're gonna get bruises at the least.
@fbueckert Nah man, just drive on the grass.
@fbueckert Yeah, it doesn't take too long.
I've turned a friend of mine onto dvorak and all he loves it.
Like me the only reason he uses qwerty is for gaming.
@Wipqozn WSAD should translate fairly easily to whatever keys are there in their place.
@fbueckert You need to re-assign other keys too.
It's not a big deal to do every so often, but if you need to do it with every game you play it's a huge pain in the ass.
@Wipqozn That's true
Plus there is still that odd game that won't let you change keyboard mappings for some stupid reason.
This is where the Optimus Prime keyboard would come in handy.
@Wipqozn Why cant you remap the keys in gaming to use that layout?
and nevermind
I just read more of the messages after that
@James Yes.
@fbueckert You mean the Optimius Maximums?? :)
Which you can not get any more :(
@fbueckert $2000.
Can only get the optimus minimus
@James Oh? What happened?
@Wipqozn o.O You found a place selling them still?
@fbueckert The artist just stopped making em..
@Wipqozn That's it? I thought it was supposed to cost closer to $10K.
@fbueckert They were just $1000 when they came out I believe.
Honestly I'd like a blank keyboard. The issue I mentioned before where I get the keys mixed up only really happens if I can actually see the keys. If the room is too dark to se ethe keyboard it isn't a problem. i don't. it's weird.
thinkgeek.com was selling it?
It's probably that if I can just make out the keyboard my brain is registering it as that layout, even if I'm typing in the other.
@James No, but that's what they cost.
I was wrong, Minimus is the one in the museum they never sold
Popularis is the one currently for sale..
@James Maximus is still being sold, apparently.
I love using my profile as a notepad.
what's the command to unpack a .tar.gz file again?\
looks at @fbueckert
@Wipqozn 7904
@fbueckert Where? Only place I knew of was thinkgeek and they took it down.. Their own website says unavailable...
@Wipqozn > 1086.21 US$
... not that I was looking into getting one :D
Optimus Maximus
Ultra-configurable keyboard with OLED technology
oh right, zxvf
Unavailable to me means.. unavailable :P
@James Derp. Was looking at the popularis.
1 hour ago, by Wipqozn
1 min ago, by Wipqozn
2 mins ago, by Wipqozn
1 min ago, by Wipqozn
@StrixVaria K. Thanks.
@fbueckert Ah.. Yeah.. kind of looks like a dorvak keyboards.
@James Although, the FAQ for the Maximus still says it can be bought.
The Happy Hacking Keyboard is a small computer keyboard produced by PFU Limited of Japan, co-developed with Japanese computer pioneer Eiiti Wada. It seems to be the last keyboard in production with a UNIX Layout. The current models in production are the Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional 2, Professional JP, and the Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite 2. Common features Some of the Happy Hacking Keyboard design tenets, as dictated by Wada, include a minimal 60 key design, no cursor or function keys, and standard keyboard pitch, all optimized for use in UNIX environments. Happy Hacking Keyboa...
@fbueckert Yeah says to contact their offline store for possible availability
@MarkTrapp Yeah, I've looked at those before.
I wonder if they had issues with returns which is why they are not actively selling them any longer.... or if the price is just tooo way out ther.
> Can I buy it now?
@Wipqozn Also, Das Keyboard Ultimate if you need bourgeois features like "arrow keys"
@MarkTrapp I've looked at that one before too.
@MarkTrapp I'm cheap though.
I keep thinking I should get a Das Keyboard, then thinking how many other neat things I could buy for that much money instead.
I should get the non-silenced one and use it at work.
One $129 hooker or 129 $1 hookers
In our store
Optimus Maximus
Sold out. Contact our offline stores for availability.
@MarkTrapp 1 $129x129 times
@StrixVaria Sounds like your co-workers would shortly want to kill you.
@fbueckert Well, that's what they get for singing out loud.
Has anyone used a mechanical keyboard for gaming before?
@StrixVaria Revenge in the form of rapid fire button presses?
@StrixVaria No sir, but I've been wondering the same thing for a while.
I haven't used a mechanical keyboard since my dad's old DOS dinosaur, so I don't quite remember how it felt.
@StrixVaria Not me but I know peops who have
@GraceNote Do they like it?
From what I understand it varies greatly based on the type of mechanical keyboard you get.
Hearsay second-hand recommendations are the most accurate kinds.
Apparantly ones really good for typing aren't that great for gaming.
@Wipqozn That's what I'm kind of worried about.
I like typing and gaming.
But I don't want to have to switch between keyboards.
That's overkill.
Get Mavis Beacon problem solved
@StrixVaria I've never heard anyone who has been dissatisfied by a mechanical keyboard, but they usually have good ones anyway
@MarkTrapp I can already touch type.
well time for me to swoosh. tortoise swoosh
Guys, I need you to do some detective work. When's the first Game On we've ever done?
It was Half Life Deathmatch or something.
I haven't properly been keeping up with LoL since getting the Full Metal Rammus skin from Gamescom
(I haven't even used him in that skin yet, either)
I don't know why I lost interest in LoL again.
I just think I don't like competitive games.
@fbueckert You know things are fun when the history page is paginated
@badp Indeed
@LessPop_MoreFizz ugh G3
@StrixVaria I use 2. One's on top of my desk for gaming, the typing one sits on my keyboard tray.
MechWarrior Online's NDA has ended.
@FAE I still use a folding table as a desk because I'm too lazy to go out, buy a real desk, put it together, move my stuff off the old table, switch the table with the desk, and then move all my stuff back onto the new desk.
So I don't have a keyboard tray.
Time to take tons of screenshots.
@StrixVaria Oh. Well then. Uh... yeah, the other option then would be to have most of your open space be taken up by keyboards and that's not exactly ideal.
I'm very lazy.
I gotta say, this Excommunicate game doesn't sound very good.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know nothing but its title and no thanks.
@StrixVaria You should click the link
@fbueckert You missed the Mathematics stuff.
It was pretty intense.
Wait a second.
You tricked me :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's like the sandwich of games
So if this video was the pitch, I wouldn't be interested at all.
Not sure why they even did this.
@StrixVaria Like I said. It doesn't sound very good at all.
This video and the "demo" they released make it seem like they're trying to convince people not to buy it.
I didn't know XCom had perma death. I now really want to play it.
It was on my to play list before, but it just got moved further up on the list.
I'm talking about the original of course. I need to play that before playing the new one.
@Wipqozn Really? XCOM is fairly infamous for it's absolutely unforgiving gameplay
@FAE I've just been trolling the lowest voted stuff on Meta.SO
@fbueckert Math got seriously into it with Jeff and such.
@FAE Sounds like there's a meta I should read!
@Wipqozn Shoot, you posted it before me. :)
@fbueckert iirc some of the MAth drama with Jeff resulted in them losing multiple high rep users.
@Red Do you know were UHCing this Saturday?
@RonanForman No I did not, at what time will this be occurring?
Same time as usual 6UTC.
@RonanForman And will there be any prerequisite mods?
Nope, it's all serverside now. Although James is trying to get everyone to record.
@fbueckert here and here and here and here; sidebar issues here and here and here
@RonanForman Hmm, I haven't really tried recording myself playing before. So ideally I should be commenting on what I'm doing and such?
Q: Where can I farm Molten Lodestones?

Emerica.The question says it all. Where do Molten Lodestones drop? I need 6 of them to make runes but I can't find them anywhere.

Q: How many territories are there?

Stuart PeggI'm not sure there's much to add to the title: I'm playing Afterlight. I've got about 45 territories and would like to know how many are left. I'd open up the data file and look at the territory.txt myself, but my extracter is misbehaving.

@Red I don't know, I just tend to ramble.
I don't think you have to record, but the more angles the better basically.
@RonanForman Is there a planned end time for this or will it go on however long it needs to?
@MarkTrapp Whew.
That's a lot of links.
@Red Last time we did fight to the death after 3 hours.
Booyah! 0 ghosting :D
@RonanForman There is a chance I might have to bail out after two hours if a delivery comes on that date.
Would that be okay or not?
@Red How long does that take to do?
@fbueckert See also here and here where a similar clash with the community on English caused a similar result: moderator resigning and a bunch of people hating on Jeff
@RonanForman A few hours unfortunately. And there is a 50/50 chance that it will come on that date, and I won't know for sure until after we start.
It's sort of complicated. :P
I understand if it's not ok.
@fbueckert There was another one on Programmers, but it wasn't really Jeff initiated (though he took much of the hits when the policy change was announced) and no moderators resigned over it. Also over on Skeptics here and here
@MarkTrapp I'm still reading the FIRST link you sent me! :P
That's all I got on Jeff. But Jeff's not the only one on SE who gets community lashing. Similar mini-revolts have happened involving other SE employees on Christianity, Gaming, Super User, Server Fault, Stack Overflow, CS Theory, Android...
Pretty much any site with a community that's not comatose, which surprisingly isn't even the majority of them
No caring, no flaming
@ThomasMacdonald Server is down
@fbueckert Oh, there's also SciFi.SE which had a similar user revolt due to a SE employee's actions (Zypher who closed a whole bunch of dreck during early beta) and did result in a mod resignation (mine), but the resignation was due to the community's revolt, not SE's actions
@MarkTrapp The Skeptics stuff didn't cause significant drama, though the synonym removal Jeff did finally convinced me to stop trying to fix that tag and just ignore it
Q: Explain this pickup line: "If Bangkok invaded Djibouti, would Greece help?"

User42I was at an Model UN conference and often notes like the following get passed. As I'm not a native speaker, I assume that this has to do with some pronunciational issue. Can you please explain what's so funny about this sentence? (Djibouti seemed to be often used in such context.) If Bangkok ...

Q: Is Tupac Shakur still alive?

user6327Is there anything to suggest that Tupac Shakur is still alive? This is widely claimed by fans to the point that it is often parodied, such as it was on The Chappelle Show. People believed this to the extent that even his autopsy and the associated leaked photo were called into question. Has the...

So tempted to post video of tupac hologram from coachella as an answer
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's great
maaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aan
@MadScientist Yeah: that was relatively tame especially when compared to Math or English. No mod resignations or public moral outcries or what-have-you
MechWarrior Online is really hard to screen cap.
@Ullallulloo urmom is really hard to screencap. The camera can't zoom out far enough to fit her in the frame.
So, yes, before I can play Hawken, I'm supposed to accept an NDA.
So, I'm just letting you all know that I am playing the Hawken alpha, and can't talk about it. :P
@TimStone help me remember. What was it called, 8bitlavapwnpwnponiesforhelp?
@TimStone You, sir, are the best.
Oh you blushes
Q: Torchligh not updating

captainjamieSo I bought the Humble Indie Bundle VI containing Torchlight (among others) and installed them via the software centre. A few days later some updates were available in the Update Manager as in this picture. Unfortunately, when trying to install it, the following message appears: Which reads as ...

@TimStone Now I imagine you to look like this: s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwsazawXa51qht847.png
Any American's on? Got a quick question... (Not a Steam purchase request for once! :) )
@WilliamHilsum Lots of us I'd wager
Great... I have family visiting Las Vegas and I feel like I want to buy something (or a few things) for myself/presents... I used to like Radio Shack, but, they seem to be a bit crappy now... I was wondering if anyone knows of either any national gadget and/or sci fi shops, or, any of those sort of shops in Vegas (that ideally have a good website/shop - would love to order online and let them pick up... they have a rental car)
@WilliamHilsum Not... really sure what you're after.
Just same names of shops... Tried googling, but, not really found anything good... Just looking for some good gadget and/or scifi (think collectables) type shops that I can have a little browse of!
@WilliamHilsum Well the Atomic Testing Museum is in vegas.
Hmm... interesting, but, not really the sort of thing I am after... just fancy going on a bit of a shopping spree!
@TimStone If you're actually up for another round of history scavenging - can you find the original announcement of stackexchange 1.0?
(without the wayback machine :P)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thinking more like a phyiscal thinkgeek! Anyway, thanks for your help!
@WilliamHilsum They have a gift shop.
In fact, I'mma clean that up and pin it.
@badp Hmmm
@TimStone it's most likely not on the SE/SO blog, which suprises me, but I haven't looked at all 120+ pages
@badp This and this seem most relevant, I guess.
Hmm, but I thought there were sites before that, so probably not.
But I found this, which is good enough:
so both of those are waaaay after that
Jeff Atwood on September 17, 2009

The first public Stack Exchange sites have surfaced. While the service is still very much in beta, I have to admit I’m deeply disappointed in the color schemes that are being aired in public.

I agree with Joel Coehoorn, who posted:

I know it’s a demonstration and high-contrast design is not only intentional but also somewhat necessary, but this is part of your sales pitch. Probably well worth the money to let a graphic designer have some fun with this one.

The crimes against my eyeballs are manifold: …

Man, Jin would have had a heart attack
Almost all the early posts are about stickers...
@badp Yeah, I didn't pay enough attention to the dates before I linked, my bad
@TimStone no worries
@TimStone I thought I had a genius idea by checking the fogcreek blog, but this is all they've got - blog.fogcreek.com/the-fogbugz-knowledge-exchange
Yeah, I found that myself
@TimStone well, it's okay. Thank you anyway. I'll go sleep.
Q: Linking Battlefield3 Origin acct. to Battlelog on PS3

JohnI have signed up for an EA Origin account but can't get into the BF3 Battle Log on the PS3. I noticed that the Battle log shows another email linked to it and I can't figure out how to change it. I go to Battlelog.battefield.com and use my Origin account to sign in but it won't even let me log ...

Q: Is the M1911 still a bonus gun after signing up for EA Origin account?

JohnI noticed after signing up for my BF3 Origin acct. it was stated i would receive the M1911 .45 cal sidearm. Where do I find this? Or is this bonus expired? Thanks John

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