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Someone downvoted me :(
I had to click that to see if it was real
@MarkTrapp Probably Hitler.
Why did I read it?!?! NOOO!
Well that didn't link very well at all.
I was drawing your attention to this:
@Wipqozn Hovering over the link reveals that you've linked to a YouTube comment. Why would you do such a thing, you horrible person?
dat user-identifiable URL token
@TimStone So YOU all die too! Mwuahahaha!
Devin is her producer/DP
@MarkTrapp uh, okay.
Ah, gotcha. Dawg.
@Wipqozn Tom Arrow is a person, not a day. Silly YouTube user.
@Wipqozn A creepy girl with black hair is going to climb out of your monitor and kill you
@Sterno Fuck.
I blame society.
Q: Pokemon FireRed - Magikarp refuses to evolve

Gilad NaamanI'm playing pokemon fire-red (PokeMMO actually) and my Magikarp reached level 20. In all wiki sites it is mentioned that it will automatically evolve, but it (she) didn't. What should I do?

Can we throw a few more close votes on this thing?
What's wrong with it?
@MarkTrapp PokeMMO is a windows game that uses the games for their assets.
Check their download page: pokemmo.eu/downloads
They're not promoting piracy, the question isn't asking for pirated games
Emulation is on-topic and legal
@MarkTrapp Emulation, yes.
Creating an entirely new game using graphics ripped out of a copyrighted game, no.
On what basis do you think this question is asking or facilitating illegal activity?
@fbueckert Who cares? it's not asking how to create a game that infringes on someone else's copyright
Really @fbueckert I think you are way, way, way too quick to close questions you don't like and you come up with some really specious reasons
@MarkTrapp I fail to see the problem; the website itself tells them to find a rom that's copyrighted.
Ripping a ROM from a game you own is not illegal in any WTO jurisdiction
Making backups of digital assets you have legally purchased is the cornerstone of fair use
@MarkTrapp And you'll notice that no directions are provided for ripping your own ROM; that requires specialized equipment to do.
If any of you need to waste some time, this video/game might be of interest to you:
@fbueckert And? The question's not asking how to make ROMs or where to find ROMs, it's asking about an in-game mechanic
@RedRiderX I recommend playing full-screen.
@fbueckert: I agree with @MarkTrapp 110%. I don't see anything wrong with this question.
It's not our job to police how people make their games, and forbid questions about said games if we think they are doing something shady.
Collect 4 thingies from random points on a giant map, go through an elemental dungeon I don't even meet the level requirement for with really dangerous enemies who almost kill me, get to the end and there's NOT EVEN A CHEST. There's an enchanter who can only add two enchantments. All my useful shit already has 3.
Troll game.
@StrixVaria TL2? I remember similar times with TL: dungeons unambiguously harder than previous ones, yet produce loot and rewards unambiguously worse than the previous ones. Random loot is random, but there definitely seemed to be a lot of stuff that just didn't seemed to be tuned right
If that's not a fluke, that's stinks they didn't fix that
@MarkTrapp Yeah, Torchlight 2.
I'm liking it a lot more than the first one.
But it still has some of those moments like "why did I just spend 20 minutes doing this?"
9 days, 7 hours!
@Sterno I hope my interest in TL2 and Prison Architect (at least, until the next patch) lasts me that long.
I only have to make it 8 days. Then I get to play Dishonored for a day, on XCOM-Eve!
@Sterno I saw a TV ad for that today but know nothing else about it than that it looked cool. I don't trust TV ads, though.
Hrm. Or not. Maybe only 3 hours early
@Sterno Oh my. It seems you haven't heard the news. XCOM was pushed back to NOvember.
@Wipqozn That troll might work on a less obsessed man, but I check for XCOM news daily!
But not hourly, which is why you haven't heard. :(
@Sterno Come now, have you ever known me to troll?
@TimStone Exactly!
Clearly you're not obsessed enough with your obsession.
Did @StrixVaria change his unicorn?
@Sterno Woo! XCOM!
@RavenDreamer Looks the same to me.
@RavenDreamer It's always been this derpy.
I think it changed colors.
@RavenDreamer I used this gravatar once before for about 3 hours. Not sure what you're remembering from :P
@MarkTrapp Well... DMCA.
Q: Lugaru HD - sound problems

haydoniI had purchased Lugaru HD via one of the Humble Bundle deals, but have only just tried to play it. It comes as .bin which can be run (after changing the permissions of the file to allow executing file as program) in the terminal, to install the game. Graphically the game runs smoothly, however t...

@MarkTrapp Ripping a ROM from a game you own that contains any encryption, no matter how rudimentary (read, PSX era onward), is illegal, in any WIPO jurisdiction.
Please, please don't make me start talking about anti-circumvention clauses again though.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, that's not true. Distributing tools that circumvent copy protection is illegal except in the myriad of exempted circumstances, circumventing copy protection to make personal copies is not.
Circumventing access control protections is, on the other hand, illegal even for personal use.
@MarkTrapp Which, incidentally are implemented on the vast majority of modern games.
Q: How can I grow trees underground?

CtKOk, so I'm trying to plant this tree underground and it's surrounded by torches and directly under a 4x4 sky light. It's a normal sapling on 5 deep dirt. I've used like, 10 bonemeals on it and it isn't working. Am I doing something wrong?

Q: What is the internet usage of playing online multiplier games?

TazMy question is specific to one game, Borderlands 2 for the PC. However it would be great to know in general if PC games use more than their PS3 or XBOX equivalent and any other factors that would affect the volume of traffic being used in a game. Please note: In BL2 voice chat would be activated...

This is a Thing that Exists.
God I hate spoilers. All but ruined tonight's episode of Doctor Who. Several months ago. At least I'll finally be able to talk to my coworker about it.
@StrixVaria hehe
@LessPop_MoreFizz There are still exemptions to even that rule, as administered by the LoC (for example, it's totally legal to circumvent access control protection on video games to fix a security flaw coughSecuRomcough). But all that is moot, as a) the point I was making was ripping is not illegal per se, b) the question's not asking for help with any illegal activity, d) it's PokeMMO's legal issue, not ours, e) as far as the google says, GBA games aren't encrypted
f) na na boo boo stick your head in doo doo
c) is intentionally left blank. Screw c)
@MarkTrapp Worst letter, really. Just use k or s.
Noah Webster didn't go far enough
@MarkTrapp I was typing up an elaborate refutation to point a about how said exemptions, while numerous, are all narrowly tailored and largely irrelevant, but then I saw f, and I can't really argue with that.
@StrixVaria Yes it is, and you can watch a live match now at their homepage.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Canada has yet to fully ratify WIPO treaties by way of Bill C-11. Technically, the law is on the books, but none of the sections that are new or amended to the current copyright bill have come into force. This means that "copying for the purposes of backup" is still legal, even if it requires the "circumvention of a Technical Protection Measure (TPM)" (read: DRM).
@MBraedley yes yes yes there are 17 technicalities and a host of exemptions for each individual signatory nation, all of them unique and special legal snowflakes, but since I would hope we're not interested in being bogged down by those, using US law, or, alternately, for europedants in the Arda vein, the text of the treaty, rather than it's various distinct implementation laws, as a rule of thumb is generally wise in these cases.
hiya :)
The fact of the matter is that both you and I know that 99.9999% of people asking questions about roms on the internet who hide behind such exemptions are not in fact covered by such exemptions, but are instead relying on the ambiguity of the internet to assume legal action that just isn't usually there.
@LessPop_MoreFizz True. Although to be honest, all I really wanted to do was poke a hole in your premise.
Q: How do I get the new Total War promo items for TF2?

Jonathan DrainThis weekend (27th Sept to 1st October 2012), there's a promotional deal offering Team Fortress 2 items to owners of Total War series games on Steam. Can I claim the items if I already own the games, rather than by buying them now? If so, how do I get my items?

@StrixVaria Also, I want to address the article instead of T-shirt design. I read "The Lottery" many years ago in English class. I can't remember exactly which English class it was, although probably junior high. Suffice it to say that we as a class were not spoiled as to the ending of the short story, since the point of the exercise was to identify the foreshadowing after reading it. I could see how being spoiled would improve the experience of the story.
You start looking for the foreshadowing, getting excited when you see it, eventually siding with the town instead of the woman at the end. Part of the reason for this is that you have no emotional investment in the woman, and you don't care what happens to her at the end. I think this works great for short form story telling, but I don't think it holds up to long form story telling, at least not on the scale that I was spoiled.
@MBraedley europedant.
@spugsley Have you made your millions in the AH yet?
@TimStone I sold some lacuni bracers for 13mil :p
Not bad :P
@spugsley I need you as my broker. How does 5% sound?
@MBraedley pshhhhhshshhshhhhhh 5% - you mock me, sir
10% and your first newborn (to punch) is her base rate, from what I've heard.
oh my, I can't afford that
@TimStone yes. And if you don't pay me, I will hide scorpions in your house
@MBraedley Yeah, 10% is a bit steep
@OrigamiRobot lolololo
There really is a mod for everything/
Q: how do I get good equipment on realm of the mad god

Mr.Squeezeeeive been playing rotmg for a while now and just recently I was given a T10 robe and T10 staff and I had been having a hard time getting good equipment so when i got a necromancer to lvl 20 and I thought I'd go to the centre of the realm and try to fight some of the harder bosses and find some blu...

@StrixVaria I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but there's also this:
Otters are cute and awesome. This is established fact.
Muskrats on the other hand...
is it sad that I'm already strategizing how I'm going to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special at my parents?
Q: What do city-state personalities mean?

phoenixheart6There are 4 different personalities that I've seen for city-states: friendly, neutral, hostile, and irrational. I have never seen any use for them, though, except that influence over hostile city-states decreases at 1.5 times the rate of the others. What do the others mean?

Hello all.
I'm new on this site :3
Hello, we are all robots.
Don't worry, you are too!
I've been having bad experience with robots lately
and by robots, I mean the AI in Civilization V
huge nightmare lol
I love the game.
But hate the AI.
NullPointerException in ExterminateHumans
I mean, what's wrong?
random, sporadic, unpredictable
it's like playing with a bunch of 5 year olds
Q: Merge request: city-state with civilization-5

FluttershyWe currently have six questions tagged with city-state These questions are all pertaining to [civilization-5]. I propose we either merge the two tags, or delete the city-state tag altogether.

Q: Cheapest Demon Hunter gears to solo Infernal?

an0My Demon Hunter stick at Act 2 of Infernal. I just want to solo Infernal. I only have about 1.5M gold, so I want to buy a cheapest set of gears. I'm willing to adapt my skill build to the gears. Any suggestion?

Sweet! My drunken tag merge request was completed.
@Fluttershy Yer a tag merge request.
Was it my question that prompted you to make said request?
@phoenixheart6 Aye. Was nothing personal. I just figured it was probably a good idea.
S'cool. I've got to admit, I was surprised to see that there was a city-state tag
So was I!
@OrigamiRobot You still mad at me?
Robots do not feel anger.
I dunno... You were pretty pissed about those sloths...
You will be punished
@phoenixheart6 Don't hate the (robot) player, hate the game.
Q: Total war: Shogun 2 Computer crashes on splash screen

I Phantasm II'm not sure if this is the right place to post a question such as this but I am not sure if there are any others stack exchanges that this would be more relevant to. I recently purchased the total war complete pack on steam due to its massive discount and proceeded to install shogun 2, I downloa...

Q: fifa 13: use pro in arena

BobI'd like to use my pro in Arena, but I'm unable to do so. When I search for my player in my team I cannot find him! Any idea how to do it? 'm currently playing in AC Milan, but on loan in another team.

Q: Teleporting back to the ship

Ammar- why not ZoidbergI don't understand why I can't get to do this, but how do I send my units back to my ship? I tried three times now and I can't seem to be able to get my units back (RIP 2 mantis on my last run). Do I have to be in the same ship to be able to teleport them back? Should I only teleport to ships wi...

@Lazers Would this question be useless in 48 hours time?
2 hours later…
The amount of raccoon killing in WoW is too damn high
Q: No sound in TES:Arena with DosBox

LazarbaI recently downloaded TES Arena from TES website and I tried to play it with DOSBOX. Everything works fine exept sound. I have no sound at all. I read that if I started arena.bat instead of a.exe it would work but actually I just get a black screen with 2 weird sumbols on the upper left corner. I...

Q: How to get reputation with Argent Dawn after patch-5.0.x?

RobSimple question: is there any way to raise reputation with "Argent Dawn" fraction in World of Warcraft 5.0? Looks to me, if all old methods (grinding/farming scourge stones, killing UD in the plague lands) doesn't work anymore.

Does this look intelligible?
1 hour later…
Q: How to fix cutscene audio stuttering?

ZommuterWhile the game itself runs smoothly and I can watch the cutscenes using the bink player without problems, their ingame playback fails to produce sound every other second (quite periodically actually). What's the problem and how can I fix this?

1 hour later…
@badp What are those blue squares?
@MartinSojka Possible engie nests - I've expanded the key in the meantime
Red is ammo, green is health, but blue doesn't seem to be explained ...
Ah, ok.
(The terrible pun was set in Powerpoint at 7pt. Sometimes this stuff baffles me.)
goes off to tweak alignments and stuff
@badp I'd use the cartographic bridge symbol for the crossing north of RED SPAWN 2.
@MartinSojka It's not in powerpoint :/
It also would go behind the D letter
You can just draw lines ... and, yes.
(I mostly guessed here; I didn't actually look it up)
I guess that while technically it's the small route that goes above the important one, I'd give the important route precedence
So, almost. :)
ruh roh, Powerpoint's acting up
@MartinSojka bleh, I'm going to use 45° corners for the flaps and you're going to like it
Q: Pre-ordered XCOM, can't gift Civ 5

HackworthSo I've pre-ordered XCOM and got the Civ 5 reward. However, I was hoping to sell it on ebay or whatever, because I've already played it way back when and didn't actually want to go back. But now it apparently is in my library and not in my inventory, and I don't see a way of gifting it to anyone...

Still imperfect :/
btw does text look better in this or the prev. one?
I have a great ship right now in FTL, but my crew keeps dying. I have to fly the damn thing with two people now
And now they're all dead :-(
I really shouldn't jump with oxygen at 50% in a slug sector. Damn oxygen-disabling ship with a cloak
@badp Looks good. Somebody should make a tower defence flash game out of it.
@MartinSojka It is an attack-defense map.
(in TF2)
Q: Breeding dragons

JudiIs anyone else having a problem breeding their dragons? I was able to breed the special dragons within a reasonable amount of time. When the Paper and Equinox dragons became available nothing I even bought extra gems gems so I could breed more often, still nothing. This was very disappointing.

(and every straight line really isn't)
Hello, ladies and gents
Spacechem on GoG?
It includes the keys to the Steam, Desura and GoG version of the game
And yes, it is on GOG for a while now
Also, $0.25 sale to celebrate 25 billion app download on Google Play store right now.
@YiJiang wow. I mean, I already have the game on Android (even without having an Android device to begin with) but that's nice.
@badp A lot of the apps are $0.99 apps, but there are a few really expensive ones.
On the first day OfficeSuite Pro, which normally goes for $14.99 went up for sale
Also, it's $0.25 in local currency, so I pay slightly less than the US since S$ < USD, while the European countries pay a little more
Heh. Threatened by Twitter, yfrog does the obvious thing and makes its own social network.
Q: Civilization "doesn't want anything to do with me right now"?

phoenixheart6So in Civilization V, I'm playing as Polynesia on an archipelago map. The first Civilization I come across is Greece, on an adjacent chain of islands some 20 hexes away from mine. About 10 turns after I meet them, they suddenly become hostile towards me and start egging me on about how weak my mi...

@MarkTrapp No, the amount of poop collecting in WoW is too damn high.
Q: Arqade year in review - your input requested!

agent86On October 6th, 2010, gaming.stackexchange.com graduated from beta status! In celebration of the 2 year anniversary of this date, I'm working on a "year in review" blog post. I'm going to hit all the highlights - the major events, skyrim, arqade, etc. However, I know I don't know all the cool ...

Q: Can we have multiple save file in Borderlands 2

WarfaceCan we have multiple save files in this game? I mean, can I start a new game while keeping my last character's save? Or it's a game with only 1 save file and you have to live with it.

@badp wait wait, time travelling robot dude has moved over from scifi.se to gaming?
@badp I missed it.
1 hour later…
Q: How does damaging Shields, then Health work for elemental bonsuses?

Ben BrockaUsing two Sniper Rifles using almost the exact same damage, I noticed Head Shots from my Shock rifle on Shielded targets deal significantly less damage than Fire shots to unshielded targets. 110k damage from the Fire sniper, 69k from the Shock weapon. If damage were calculated only once and appl...

Q: Does Multiplayer improve loot or just increase the amount of enemies and loot drops from them?

Ben BrockaIt's generally understood that more people = better loot in general, but it seems like this is mostly due to more enemies appearing and more items dropped (IIRC in BL1 Crawmerax drops like 2x as much loot in two player vs one player). So is Chest and Quest loot totally unaffected? Are actual ite...

I cannot wait for this game:
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sickest trailer.
@GnomeSlice Seriously.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hands down.
Wait, why am I the Fonz.
ಠ_ಠ That is not an answer.
@GnomeSlice You two look identical!
17 hours ago, by Tim Stone
user image
Look! The resemblance is uncanny.
That reminds me, I need to shrink the photo currently jammed in my SE profile bio, it's larger than the frame so it creates scrollbars.
World of Casualcraft is not so casual anymore
Q: What does "Deals Bonus Explosive Damage" mean in quantitative terms?

SbrocketI come across weapons regularly that state "Deals Bonus Explosive Damage" but don't have any additional information about what exactly that means in terms of damage output. Does anyone how exactly what these do? Here's an example:

Q: How do I Feed all Prisoners?

fbueckertOne of the goals that shows up in your checklist is to feed all your prisoners. So, in order to feed my inmates, I've built a kitchen and canteen. That allows my inmates to sit down and enjoy some delicious prison food. Even then, though, I still haven't managed to feed all my inmates; I'll ge...

@pixel World of Yak Wash.
Not going to be many people with epics anytime soon
so much content gating too
@pixel Eh, people said that at Cataclysm launch too. And at Wrath launch. Give it a month.
In a month, the only epics I will have will be from raiding
Nerfs will hit, people will get rep gear, etc.
rep gear isn't the same item level as raid gear
476 vs 489
no more massive intellect stacking on disc priests either
spirit all the way
still having to mana break frequently
Lol at his track description:
> Free tune!!!! This is a piss take bootleg of Push It To The Limit from the movie Scar Face. This track is a piece of shit. I played it in Adelaide a few years ago and they asked for the reload but they were all on meth. We even saw this guy sniffing glue in the middle of town and a bit of glue was hanging off his nose and the glue looked at me. Take it, play it, laugh at it, rofl at it possibly while mayoing.
@RonanForman What's the status of that video thing I was doing? I don't remember where we were at, and I haven't looked at it in like a week.
@GnomeSlice How should I know, you're making it.
Also have you seen this yet?
@RonanForman Whoa, this is sick
wtf how are you so good at getting good at stuff really fast.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No poop quests yet. Two raccoons were gratuitously destroyed, though. RIP Gizmo and Socks
@RonanForman @RonanForman I had just given it to you though, and you had wanted something.
@GnomeSlice I honestly can't remeber, just load it up and do whatever you think needs doing.
@RonanForman asdadsasdasdasd
I think it's done except for the audio.
Okay then.
Which I'm going to be having time to work on in the near future.
Actually I need to remake that pixel art I sent you with the new logo.
@RonanForman The what? Oh. Sure, yeah.
Also, I'm currently making a video, could you score it for me?
@RonanForman Mmmaaayyybeee
@MarkTrapp The guy that asked that question is a Computer Science student........ This worries me.
I've going to be making an effort to spend more time on music stuff in the future.
@GnomeSlice It'll be definatly less than 3 minutes, maybe 2.
@RonanForman It will probably be scored with music built from pre-recorded loops.
Is that okay?
Like this:
@GnomeSlice As long as it sounds good and fits with the video I don't care.
Well, I can try at some point.
@Fluttershy There's a small set of circumstances where such a request could birth a cogent reason for it (e.g., explaining the reasons why Google does it on everything), but he didn't do that and… badges.
@GnomeSlice It won't be done on my end for a while now anyway.
@RonanForman I can give you a deal: $60 an hour, sounds good?
@GnomeSlice I'll do it myself then.
I was kidding man.
No charge, obviously.
@RonanForman But seriously, how do you keep getting good at things so quickly...
My guards just found a half dozen knives on my prisoners.
Where do they keep GETTING them!?
13 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
Hello, we are all robots.
Q: Where are the bears for Bear Minimum?

Ben BrockaI combed almost every inch of Wildlife Exploitation Preserve and cleared every last pile of stalker goo I found and didn't see a single teddy bear. Where's the "stalker goo" that has the bears for this challenge?

Q: What area of effect does the Siren skill Ruin have?

TarkenfireThe description for the Sirens Ruin skill (the last skill of the Cataclysm tree) says "Phaselock now Slags, Electrocutes, and Corrodes all nearby enemies." I haven't been able to figure out where the "nearby" is exactly, is it enemies near the phaselocked enemy or enemies close to your character...

Q: Does Reflect prevent damage?

prolink007Some skills give a Reflect attribute. For instance Magnetic Aura gives the Reflect attribute. Will Reflect prevent the damage to the target and reflect it back to the attacker? Retaliation also reflects damage, but it does not prevent the damage. Thanks!

@GnomeSlice I only learn to do something as and when I need it. It means I can make things quicker. But also that I'm constantly looking things up.
@LessPop_MoreFizz our rogue is whining about how rogues are apparently broken
Q: Where are Mordecai's stashes for Mordy's Secret Stashes?

Ben BrockaThere's an Area Challenge for the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve; "Mordy's Secret Stashes". Where are the three stashes for this?

Q: Unlocking "infinite ammo"

SeanI heard that there is an infinite ammo unlock in RE6 (similar to that of RE5). Is this true? If so, how can I activate it?

Q: How do I complete the 'Attention to Detail' achievement?

pixelThere is an achievement for Scholomance Heroic called 'Attention to Detail' Attention to Detail Defeat Jandice Barov without ever eliminating a false image in Scholomance on Heroic Difficulty. Part way through the fight Jandice splits off into multiple mirror images of herself: How ...

been playing tekkit while not packing for uni. It's good fun.
@ThomasMcDonald Boooo! Tekkit!
Has anyone here played Pragmatica?
Q: What does +___% to find gold/magic items give?

DyckerSome of my gear says it gives +__% to finding gold and magic items. What exactly does this mean? Does it mean for gold I'm more likely to: Find more gold piles in general laying on the ground (natural spawns)? Find more gold in each pile? Increase the chances of finding more gold piles from kil...

@RonanForman Sup?
@ThomasMcDonald Not much, I just don't like Tekkit.
@MarkTrapp Hahah, you were right.
@Fluttershy Yeah, that was the part that most made me "|:"
@GnomeSlice That looks pretty interesting.
@murgatroid99 It's free.
@GnomeSlice I'm playing it
I have it, and I've opened it up a few times, but I've always had to stop and go do something almost immediately, and haven't gotten past the text.
@GnomeSlice It's pretty interesting
I always like programming games
@GnomeSlice That looks like fun. Looks similiar to the mini-game in Professor Layton where you need to guide a toy car around a track.
I completed the first two training sets, but I should really be doing other stuff
Q: Is there a way to change the window size?

EnderIt's a simple question, and I hope to get a simple answer. Is it possible to resize the game's window? If so, how?

Godammit SQL.
@GnomeSlice what's up?
Q: When do I unlock the 3rd and 4th gun slots?

EBongoWhen I start a new character there are two locked gun slots. I now have the 3rd gun slot but I don't remember when and where I unlocked it. I'd like to know the criteria for unlocking the 3rd and 4th gun slots (level, mission, etc).

Q: How can I replay the Gravitron?

Colonel PanicHow can I replay the gravitron? (The super gravitron in the secret lab is too hard)

I can't fucking do this.
Big surprise...
Q: Does falling ever cause damage?

EBongoI've noticed that I can fall a fair distance without taking damage, but I've never fallen any farther than I could survive. If you fall far enough is it possible to take damage, or is falling damage just not accounted for? Are there kill zones if you fall off the map or into unreachable areas?

We meet again
I had a six hour long outage or something :/
Q: MoP: vendor with 372 gear

imaginativeMy monk just hit lvl 85 and I'm now doing MoP quests. Since I re-rolled to a new toon, I don't have my full heroic t13 gear and leveling is a bit of a pain with my monk's current gear. Rumor is, there's a vendor around these lands that sell ilvl 372 gear. Any insight as to where they are located ...

Q: Borderlands 2 lost save charcter Playstation 3

Al SmithI started a single player game with 'assassin' and levelled up to 13. I then selected new game and began a multiplayer with a friend, both with my original name 1-Jebadeeoo 2- Jebadeedoo(1). I saved and quit this mission. My original single player game with assassin level 13 has disappeared and i...

Just had my first successful Game Jam, thanks in part to @GnomeSlice(he let me use his music)!!!
@Mana adadsasdasd
Here's a video
@Mana grats
@Mana You're a video. Oh buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn.
I hate video walkthroughs/guides
Trying to look up something for Borderlands 2 and it's just pages and pages of videos to watch for something that I only need one sentence of text on
@pixel This happens every expansion. Let me guess: Rogues were overpowered until late beta, then overnerfed just before launch, and now bottom of the barrel until a later patch and/or gear scaling makes them kings of the meters for a few weeks, before the cycle repeats?
no actually, rogues sim as one of the best dps classes atm
this rogue is just complaining too much
I've done literally 30 instances today without a single upgrade
and its not like I only need 1 or 2 items
spirit cloth just doesn't drop
@pixel I know dat feel.
This is different, I see spirit gear drop - plate, leather, mail... at least one piece per instance
I see cloth drop - with or without hit but never with spirit
again, one piece or more per instance
@Sterno Use HTML 5. Watch at 2× speed or skip to the next video if you get the Flash player
@pixel Like I said, I know dat feel.
Seeing Mail Agi gear and Spirit/Int Leather drop...
I didn't even realise you were playing anymore
@pixel I'm not.
ah ok
Doesn't mean I don't know what you're experiencing.
what makes it worse, is the group I've been doing it with are now all BIS and more interested in achievements than continuing with dungeon spam
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't tell if your comment on my year in review post is serious. In recent months the volume of pony related posts has been so low that "insufferable" seems like quite a strong word
Q: Analogue controls

Colonel PanicDoes VVVVVV support analogue control? (on PC or on console). If so, does that make it easier to play? For instance, one could stand still on a conveyor.

Q: Previous Login Art

Click OkI started to play recently, and I had the joy to see the animated login screen for Syndra, Rengar and Kha'Zix. Can you tell where can I find the animated login screen for previous champions?

@murgatroid99 It is an honestly held opinion amplified by a small amount of hyperbole. The insufferability of pony nonsense is not a function of it's quantity. It is insufferable to an equal degree in any amount. All that varies is the duration of the nuisance.
@LessPop_MoreFizz OK. I'll accept that. As long as we keep going as we have been, it doesn't really matter to me.
@murgatroid99 I merely wanted to make it clear that just because it doesn't help me to whine every time the subject comes up and I'm aware of that, doesn't mean that I no longer find the subject annoying as you implied.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know, but all I had to go on was information from my point of view. If nobody else complains, that's all I know. And in any case, at this point it seemed to me more important to describe what happened than how people feel about it.
Q: Torchlight 2 - How powerful is a weapon, exactly?

mtrcThere seem to be too many competing statistics for me to measure how strong a weapon is in this game. First there's the weapon's claimed DPS in the inventory screen. For the shotgonne I'm looking at right now, this is 128. Then there's the DPS on the arcane statistics screen. That's 173 for thi...

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