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Jeez hotels in Cambridge, MA are expensive
Guess they assume if you're there, you're probably there for Harvard and/or MIT and thus probably rich enough not to care lol
I wish more than one of those attributes described me :p
I've been able to wear away at my parents enough already that they're not actively fighting back against me going alone
Also I've planned out the date, the flights I'll take, the hotels I'll stay at, the the exact dates and times of the tours
So, Thursday April 20th I will fly out of Austin at 5 PM
(I'll go to school for the first couple of class periods probably, then leave at lunch, in order to arrive on time since ABIA's pretty far from me)
I'll arrive in Boston that night, where I'll stay in a hotel pretty close to MIT
I'll visit MIT that morning. Might look into Harvard too, since it's right nearby, just to flex on people at school :p
That evening I'll fly to Pittsburgh
I'll stay the night in Pittsburgh, then the next morning I visit CMU for a little while. After that I spend the rest of the day checking out the city, then stay another night and fly back to Austin the next morning, arriving home on Sunday the 23rd
I had to strategize a bit to figure out a good rationalization for staying in Pittsburgh for more than 12 hours, since I kinda want to just want to explore and have fun on my own, but I don't want it to look like that's my plan lol
It helps that Pittsburgh has much cheaper hotels so spending a second night is more justifiable (plus it means I don't get home at 3 AM)
My school actually lets you miss two days of school per year for college visits, which is pretty cool
8 hours later…
hey here's something cool:
in CG&CC-gaming, 18 mins ago, by Ginger
*laughs in early timezones*
1 hour later…
me when ANTLR is 1337
ANTLR is Joe
imagine not using ANTLR
Well actually yes I can
Parser combinators are life
Also, it looks like it uses Java files
Which is a big no no for Scala js
Sure scala can use jvm stuff, but compiling for js and native requires self-containment at the minimum
it can compile to Scala
I think
Scala can use Jvm libraries in jvm mode
It can't in native or js mode
2 hours later…
I got to school late today, so I had to go through the front office, where there's like, two layers of secure locking doors where the only person who can unlock them is behind bulletproof glass
Like, nice and secure, and I'd hope so for the $20m in taxpayer money to our school district earmarked for security
And they just see I have a backpack and let me in ಠ_ಠ
Like if you're gonna change things to improve security, maybe consider checking people's school IDs at the door when they're on the other side of a half inch of bulletproof glass, before forcing us all to keep our classroom doors locked and not use the common areas that make up 50% of the floor plan
Get the basics right ffs
Ayy I just hit 500 college spam emails since the beginning of the school year
@RydwolfPrograms everything in MA is expensive (i used to live near springfield until 2 years ago)
@RydwolfPrograms any idea what's going on w/ the server?
it's being woogly
oh, it's fine now
@Ginger thats really cool
i love how the neutrophil just like shoves away the blood cells :P
@Ginger Me when woogle
Here's your woogler btw
80% CPU usage (and that's with dual CPUs...) and pretty high disk usage
My guess is MediaWiki doing some generic woogling
Some bandwidth usage also occurred at the time. My guess is someone made some expensive queries to VyxalBot or the wiki or something
Also how's the RAM usage been
@RydwolfPrograms try doing !!/amilyxal in the vyxal room
it took a real long time for it to reply
Nope, took a tenth of a second actually lol
Maybe there was some sort of first-time-it-runs-it's-slow thing
@RydwolfPrograms lemme check
If it would be easy enough, putting that free memory history file in a gist would be optimal
Or since it's a webserver I guess you could just copy it into your webroot lol
also, @RydwolfPrograms, do you have another web free server on rto by any chance that i could steal use
@RydwolfPrograms yeah I've got a meg of memory logs here
Maybe just cp it over to the web root
I hear copying and pasting a megabyte of stuff on an RPi is a bad idea
it is
@Seggan What do you need it for?
was thinking of making a ksp2 records site
I don't have anything remotely official set up, so while I could probably spin up a VM for you, reliability would be questionable
erm ok then, ill probably use some cloudflare hack to simulate a static ip for my pi then :P
Is it a static site?
full on backfrontend
gotta store the records somewhere lol
Wish I could help, but it'd probably be a bad idea for me to do that right now. Maybe in a few months I'll have rto.community set up and you can migrate
its fine
i thought of a way to use cloudflare workers to tunnel traffic to my pi (which uses a dynamic ip)
You might want to look into Dynamic DNS
(Though that would leak your IP, if you're uncomfortable with that)
@RydwolfPrograms whats that
Basically you set up your DNS records such that they expire every minute, and you have a program that automatically updates the record when your IP changes
i have no idea how to do that, but ok
on another note, im currently trying to play ksp2
butt apparently my potato pc doesnt want to even start the loading screen
its only using 30% cpu, which is weird
only 20 MB memory as well
@RydwolfPrograms alright, go to ginger.rto.community/memlog.log
lmk once you have it so I can delete it
Your SSL's borked
but did you download it
Also that's a 404
no https in that one
It instantly closes
it downloads fine for me
Ooh I got it
alright, cool
removed the public copy
do I need to keep logging, or can I turn it off?
Oh you used something other than /proc/meminfo?
yes, I used a script from a nice person on SO
Okay so your RAM usage is pretty consistently above 2 GB
me when 100% cpu load
me when kotlin language server is using 181% of my cpu
apparently indexing is very computationally intensive
Or actually, just 20% of the time
ffs Kotlin
@Ginger it is
yeah the server is using pretty much all of both cores and around a gig of RAM
itll die down
oop, connection dropped
*internal screaming*
@Seggan it's been indexing for like 10m
the thing that confuses me is how it can take 10m to index 0 (zero) Kotlin source files
@Ginger well erm thats not the case usually
I just restarted it, let's see how long it takes
Your average memory consumption is 288 MB
I was off by a zero
I think you'll be fine on 2 gigs
well that'll make Kotlin indexing slower
I mean, I can turn indexing off
but what does that lose me?
I don't think it does
@Ginger a lot iirc
all I seem to lose is viewing symbols in non-imported files
something woogly is going on
you seem to have a potatoier pc than me
@Ginger You don't say...I don't think whatever this indexing thing is is supposed to take 20 CPU minutes on Intel Xeon Platinum :p
my indexing works perfectly fine
on an Intel i5 4th gen :P
What exactly is it indexing?
Are you sure you didn't do something like open the Linux root directory as a project or something
I sure hope I didn't
Well I know but what is the project it's indexing
@RydwolfPrograms /home/ginger/Rabbit, in theory
Do you have a symlink to somewhere else maybe?
I don't know, because I can't connect to the server right now :p
Your disk I/O has been consistently reading hundreds of MB/s for like 20m now
I think it's indexing your whole root directory or something
How are you trying to connect?
I mean the docs said something about indexing the standard library
@RydwolfPrograms VSCode Tunnel, like I usually do
Your CPU usage is rarely going above 1 vCPU
@Ginger Wha-that is so cursed
No wonder you didn't show up in who
works great!
Sure looks like it
trying to connect again
Try SSHing if you can. That should work fine.
oop, it worked
*puts on sunglasses* I'm in
no symlinks anywhere
I shut off indexing for the time being
What's the directory structure?
Maybe du -sh it
├── antlr
│   ├── RabbitLexer.g4
│   ├── RabbitParser.g4
│   └── test.rbt
├── build.gradle.kts
├── gradle
│   └── wrapper
│       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
│       └── gradle-wrapper.properties
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
└── settings.gradle.kts

3 directories, 9 files
@RydwolfPrograms 216K
Yeah no way is it indexing that directory and only that directory
It read at least gigabytes off the disk
it'd be nice if we knew what it was reading
guess I'm cursed
We knew that already :p
> Class 'kotlin.Unit' was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.8.0, expected version is 1.6.0.
that's, uh, suboptimal
whats ur build.gradle.kts
it's empty
 * This file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.
 * This is a general purpose Gradle build.
 * Learn more about Gradle by exploring our samples at docs.gradle.org/8.0.1/samples
well, not quite empty
i told ya to make a project using intellij instead of gradle
no can do
I only use VSCode
ok u want me to tell ya what should go in there
okie so first you need to install the standard kotlin stuff
I have Kotlin installed already, so done ig
plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version "1.7.10"
    id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.1.2"
add this to the top of the build.gradle.kts
kotlin plugin, application plugin, shadow plugin (for making fat jars) and the antlr plugin
the project is configuring
wait are you planning to compile for the jvm
i hope you are, my only native project is on my pi
and i cant get it rn
ok then you add
group = "io.github.gingerindustries"
version = "<whatever>"

repositories {
> Errors: 9
what are zey
mostly Kotlin screaming about bad syntax
what version should I have installed exactly?
@Ginger in gradle?
gradle loaded the file fine tho
so I guess my langserver is having a seizure
hrm can i see the file
 * This file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.
 * This is a general purpose Gradle build.
 * Learn more about Gradle by exploring our samples at docs.gradle.org/8.0.1/samples

plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version "1.7.10"
    id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.1.2"

group = "community.rto.ginger"
version = "<whatever>"

repositories {
here are the errors:
brb mom calling
@Ginger try running ./gradlew build
> Task :shadowJar FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':shadowJar'.
> Error while evaluating property 'mainClassName' of task ':shadowJar'.
   > Cannot query the value of extension 'application' property 'mainClass' because it has no value available.

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at help.gradle.org
i never said shadowJar
I ran ./gradlew build
and that's what it gave me
ok lets finish the build file first
dependencies {


application {

tasks.test {

tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
    kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "11"

tasks.compileJava {

tasks.compileKotlin {

tasks.generateGrammarSource {
    maxHeapSize = "128m"
    val path = File("$buildDir/generated-src/")
and make src/main/kotlin/io/github/ginger/rabbit/Main.kt
or whatever your package is
you should really be doing this with intellij smh
@Seggan done
in there you can put the standard hello world stuff
package io.github.ginger.rabbit

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("Hello, World!")
@Seggan done
still got a bunch of syntax errors in the build file
in vscode or when running gradle?
also brb again, ive got a speech to practice
@Seggan same in both now
Two hours 'til KSP time
for me
Oh boy, the National Endowment for Demcoracy
I do love Demcoracy
Why do Democrats go on so many dates?
All the ladies know they're well endowed
@RydwolfPrograms seriously?
i still havent gotten it to run on my potato, but it works on my dads
Two hours 'til I get home, I mean
i made a simple plane, but i pressed something and now its freecam and aaa i cant get it to center on my plane again
love the procedural wings
i hope they optimize it a lot, otherwise it wasnt worth the 50 bucks and 30 gigs of disk
not to mention i removed ksp1, saves and all, just to install this
@Seggan would you say it's worth it?
@Ginger if you have a moderately good pclaptop, yes
it is a bit buggy and jittery, but its EA rn, so to be expected
I don't think that's the right screenshot lmao
@Ginger if you want KSP but with better parts and graphics, yes
I sure do
then get it
also i used small wings for an mk2 plane... you can build really large planes with this finally
i hope they dont shutter the robotic parts behind a dlc again
I'm sure they will
I think they deserve to make some money off DLC given the time and work they put in honestly
well, that remains to be seen
@RydwolfPrograms theyre already making tons of $$
the full release is like 80 bucks
I'm sad that we don't have colonies and such yet, but apparently that'll be added later™
College Board is really confused
Ethics question
I live in a pretty middle class suburban area
But because the town I'm in has grown rapidly, it sits right up against like, rural-rural Texas
Like, five minutes from here you'd think you were a hundred miles from civilization
As a result, the national data shows my house as being located in "Suburbs, Large", but my school as being in "Rural, Fringe"
So College Board keeps harassing me to apply for a rural and small town scholarship thing, since technically my school is very rural, despite being five minutes from a very built up suburban area
Should I do it? :p
@RydwolfPrograms wait how far are you from Tyler
Pretty close to four hours away, that's where my grandparents live
ill be there in exactly 2 weeks
android has already taken over most of the phone market
@Ginger He as in Jesus?
@Ginger I'm sure there are actors named Jesus :P
> Computers pass the turing test
i can see that one happening in 2029

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