One of the reasons I like working on it is that I don't have to figure out the puzzles. I have no clue what a rot cypher or backpack puzzle is so I'd just have given up from the start.
@Vickel Not necessarily. Defender was also available by reporting a bug that got fixed. So - the fact that three users have the Robot hat but not the defender one only means that at least three users didn't manage to complete the trivia-quiz - maybe more if some of the "defender" owner didn't get the robot variant - I didn't for example...
But my question was different. I want to know how many users refused to get the "robot" hat since it is one of those "failure award" that many games love to do and no one seems to like (ex: how many times you died , how many times you lost at a minigame etc)
@RoryAlsop Again, I am not criticizing the hat by itself. I am just saying that personally I prefer to not have it since to me it is similar to those games that love to keep stats of your mistakes (even when "your" mistakes are caused by "them" - see the idiocy of LOTRO, online game with a permanently missable award that at least once many players lost thanks to a server crash)
@SPArcheon I think it would be cool to have had only one hat (Unicorn Defender) with two arts: one for success or a meta bug AND another for failure. Only one hat that counts toward # of hats
I did not receive an emperor's new hat, but if it's a reference to the emperor's new clothes, my guess is the trigger would be something like removing one's avatar image to the stock ("naked") identicon. Simply a guess. Can anyone who received one of these secret hats comment?
@theforestecologist no, that couldn't have been the trigger since I never tried this approach .... but got the hat, I think it had to do just with comments clean-up
@theforestecologist there was a trigger some years ago, if I remember correctly, to change your hat on the same site 5 days in a row (or wear 5 different hats on different site), I did that also this year but no hat showed up :(
@theforestecologist we know what to do to get emperor, just not the specific Lues.
remove X comments of yours from Y posts and flag Z comments of others where Z is all other comments, have them approved helpful leaving the post devoid of all comments
@JamesRisner be careful with "Lues" :) while in French it means "read, reading", in Portuguese and other languages, even English it is a synonym for syphilis: