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not very busy in here lately.
Still eating pizza? @goldPseudo
just finished.
it was a good pizza.
@goldPseudo was that addressed to me?
not very busy in here lately."
naw, just the room in general. i still see my comments from yesterday.
users have become kind of slackers recently
our visits per day are climbing nicely though.
That sounds great
It might that we have a nice collection of questions in there
i wonder how much of the "slacker" effect is because of school starting. don't really know how many of our regulars (or irregulars) are students.
I dont think you are...
i'm very much not. i hate school.
well, casually dislike it at least.
but we have people from all around the world, living in different timezones
everybody "hates" school...
i'm not so good at the formalized education process. i prefer to do things on my own time.
that's what we have...
Now a days, I even hate wathcing a video...
and on my own time, i usually can't be bothered learning anything that i don't find interesting.
that sounds interesting...
last time i tried the university thing, i spent more time being distracted by unrelated topics than i did on my actual classes.
I think there is a nice vid on Ted about the formalized education process
a must watch...
got it loaded right now.
interesting talk. i like it.
it strongly parallels a working theory i've had rattling around in my brain this past week, which make for a nice happy coincidence.
glad you liked it
I think it's time for me to go, will talk to youo later...
Salam Alaikum...
wa 'alaykum assalaam.
10 hours later…
@TRiG how innapropriate of you, even i find the picture distasteful, you can't bunch all muslims into one category, who said it was people in this chat room who were killing and attacking people? + its rather innapropriate for younger users i would prefered to never see such a thing....
2 hours later…
Asalam Alaikum
@goldPseudo Ever thought about homeschooling?
Assalamu 'alaykkum
@goldPseudo Could be Hasan al-Basri as well.. I remember the exchange.. but not who narrated it
@NesreenA Yah... that was over the line by my standards. and MY standard for "Wow that's really offensive!" is pretty hard to meet.
::clicks heels together three times and goes back to Kansas, to live in poverty with his dirt-farming tea-toatling aunt and uncle::
@goldPseudo You are right, it was Hasan al-Basri.. A man came to al-Hasan [al-Basri] (d.110H) and said, "I wish to debate with you about the Religion." Al-Hasan replied, "I know my Religion. If you have lost your Religion go out and look for it!" [Sahih in Ibn Battah]
@voretaq7 Thanks for a quick response :)
I have heard that at the end of times, there will come two
Addajjal and Assufyani
now I have heard of Addajjal
of course everyone probably knows who he is
but I have never heard of Sufyani
I have read this in a book, called the Mahdi
does anyone one know of a hadith talking about Sufyani?
@AlUmmat I haven't heard too.. I will do some research on that Insha Allah
ok Alhamdulillah
perhaps the book might help
the book is called "Al Mahdi"
and the end of Time
the Author/s are Muhammad ibn 'Izzat and Muhammad 'Arif
yes :) I was about to give that link :)
@Abdullah are you familiar with it?
Nope.. I have read the Major Signs and Minor signs and Al-Mahdi etc... but never came across anything called Sufyani
neither did I, he is supposedly a descendant of Abu Sufyan
"The Sufyani will be one of the decendents of Khalid bin Yazid bin Abi Sufyan, cursed in the heaven and on earth. He is the most unjust creatures of Allah"
that is what the book says
now as I see there is a hadith, it is in Al Hakim, Mustadrak)
now the question would be if it is authentic or not, which I am very sure
I am no sure how is it related to Abu Sufyan
the hadith site you shared yesterday would come in Handy
It should be Yazid bin Mua'wiyab bin Abi Sufyan
if it is Abi Sufyan of the companions
@AlUmmat Of course
not sure I have been doing some research nothing came up,
I know one of the moderators of the site.. not personally.. but I am a regular visitor of his youtube channel..he shares very useful stuff
yes, I am familiar with him too :)
well, I will go on with my research and share with you guys my findings on this "Sufyani" if you like you can still do research "I would appreciate your help" if you are still up to it.
but now I must leave, I am leaving soon to go somewhere
Asalam Alaikum
@AlUmmat Walaykkum assalam
I like the Warsh style - safeshare.tv/w/xpFyctRcgl
Q: Traveler's Salat: When the reduction should be started?

MohayeminSuppose I am on a journey to more than the minimum distance (three manzils or 77 km) to be considered as Musafir (Traveler) with a intention of staying less than 15 days. When does the Qasr Salah comes to consideration? Immediately after the journey has begun, or whenever 77km is traveled? Shou...

This question could have more quality answers
this is one of the best treatise I have read in the subject
I totally recommend the book to all muslims. It is very beautiful Ma'asha Allah.. it is a small booklet.. I have its English Translation given to me by a brother (May Allah reward him)..It is just around 40 pgs. But had immense effect on me.. scribd.com/doc/96613770/…
The Shaykh is also the author of one of the best contemporary tafseers
Gotta go now.. Assalamu 'alaykkum
Assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
What a question here!
Q: Do women have soul according to Islam or its various sects?

sindikatI was reading Alan Turing's 1950 paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence and suddenly stumbled upon the following statement: How do Christians regard the Moslem view that women have no souls? I could not find any sources for that to be true. So i want to know the following: Does the Qu...

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