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10:55 AM
@WheatWizard I'm getting a compilation error for HGL: github.com/attempt-this-online/languages/runs/…. I'm guessing this is a GHC version incompatibility? That was using 9.4.1
1 message moved from The Nineteenth Byte
11:16 AM
@pxeger In someways it looks like it, but it compiles fine with 9.2.1, are you using the nix setup for the project?
No, I'm just manually installing with Cabal
hm. I can try to push a patch for this, but I won't be able to test in on 9.4.1 (I can but I don't want to download 9.4.1 right now)
Well it just uses whatever the latest version is, so it would actually be 9.4.2 now
Or I could test it for you
I mean the fix would just be to write the function in a more literal way.
Ok I just pushed a big update.
Thanks, I'll try it out
11:29 AM
Ok and I pushed a patch that should fix the issue.
It at least makes the code easier to type check.
lmk if it works or fails.
11:59 AM
Could not find module ‘P.Category.Iso’
Presumably it needs to be listed in the .cabal file
The type error is gone though
Oh yeah.
Ok fixed the cabal file.
I wonder why it was working.
The missing module would have blocked any type error I think.
I accidentally used an intermediate commit before the "Fix ATO" one you pushed, and that had both the type errors and the missing module error
So I think it's gone
Ok nice.
12:31 PM
Yep it worked

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