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11:27 PM
@Steffan for ur next power of b answer, log_b(n) can be written as log_bn
also log_bn+1 -> log_bbn for another -1 byte
so, f(n,b)=b^{floor(log_bbn)}-n (27 bytes)
(log_bbn works because log_b(n) + 1 = log_b(n) + log_b(b) = log_b(bn))
also ive noticed that only two ppl contributed to lotm so far, i feel like no one else is interested :(
11:51 PM
seggan did that not me
so that's three ppl
sorry if our usernames r two similar
idk if @ works if the user has never been in the room
oh sorry, didnt realize that :P
@Steffan yeah i dont think it works
ill post a comment on his post
keep in mind btw that it's only been may for a few days
more people might join lotm

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