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????1 downvote
3 upvotes in sandbox 1 downvote in CG
That just means one person didn't like it. It doesn't necessarily mean your challenge is bad (thought it wouldn't hurt to check if there's something you might need to fix)
16 views -1 downvote seems pretty bad to me
Good evening
hi niko
its morning for me :)
it's morning for me too
ah so @user is behind time
or in front idk lmao
we are 3 parallel universe ahead
breaking qpu alignment? bold
i have 2 challenges which are sooooooo close to 25 votes aiyo
my challenge isnt get much attention or upvotes :/
@DialFrost well, you just have to wait a bit for ppl to see ur challenge ig
21 ppl viewed it, 1 didnt like it, 1 liekd it the rest neutral
i mean, you cant really expect to get a flood of upvotes for every single one ur challenges, usually it takes a while before it starts to get some more attention
I now have 5 answers on WorldBuilding SE, and all of them start with "# They're in the Matrix" :P
@DialFrost also, that seems pretty normal to me, a challenge with hundreds of views usually has about 10 to 15 upvotes
If anyone knows any more questions to which one could answer "they're in a simulation", please lmk :P
lmao user
@user wait what, i look at ur profile and dont see a worldbuilding se account ??
It's hidden, but this is the account
I think I hid all of my communities for some reason
> Fire breaks out at nuclear power plant in Ukraine
> increased radiation levels detected
Well, let's hope Ukraine doesn't take first and second place for worst nuclear disasters of all time
That doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to have nuclear explosions, though
At least, I hope lol
Nuclear reactors are totally incapable of producing a nuclear explosion
But they're definitely capable of releasing enormous amounts of radiation a la Windscale
@RadvylfPrograms They can't explode?
They can go kaboom, but it's not a nuclear explosion.
The fuel may not be refined, but it can still go boom, right?
Huh, TIL
Not in the sense of an atomic bomb.
What's the difference?
The mass of uranium would blow itself to pieces long before it could build up enough raditation to do a real kaboom
Google "criticality incident"
To get a nuclear explosion, everything needs to go perfectly right, with a critical mass of fissile material being in just the right place at just the right time
Which is just impossible unless you're doing it very intentionally
But gtg o/
mostly just hydrogen gas explosions and the venting of contaminated steam that released large amounts of radioactive material into the air
Gotta design my fridge nukes better then
not much else
I would not recommend that
kidding lah
im poor XD
although yes i neeeed 1 vote (no ones gna find it tho as its so far down the CG) for a challenge
then i can get "good qns" silver badge
It's not about the badges, it's about the horrible code you inspired people to produce along the way
starred that :)
The whole point of CGCC is to post questions to which people post answers that look like Cthulhu saying in his native language "yo, wanna play with my ball?"
whos cthulhu
Instead, subtly (and ineffectually) influence people to upvote your posts, like I did above
im confused but ok
@DialFrost Brace yourself
@DialFrost As I said, ineffectually :P
hmmm interesting
This links Facebook to the nether realms of madness and despair ? Facebook IS the nether realm of madness and despair — Andee Dec 15, 2015 at 10:06
that whole question might be one of the best on all of se
There was one about an Eldritch Monstrosity that wanted to play ball with humans a few days ago that I had the pleasure of answering
Wordle 258 4/6

Which starting word do you use btw?
I used to use crane now I use trace
Oh cool, are those the magic game theory ones?
@UnrelatedString I think that one about Santa complying with privacy policies might trump it
oh yeah forgot that one
Daily #18
Got a Raspberry Pi Zero :D
It'll arrive in a few weeks
It's the old Zero W, not the Zero 2 W, and even then all of them were sold out except for a $50 kit that comes with all sorts of other stuff (that luckily I'll need anyway)
If you accidentally use the wrong name when entering credit card details do bad things happen
Because when I ordered it I just checked the "use same billing address as shipping address" box, and so it put my name on the billing address instead of my parent's (who paid for it)
guys for emanresu's laggy text challenge
is this code technically correct?
import time,sys
while 1:a=sys.stdin.read(1);time.sleep(5);print(a)
although it actually prints the enter twice idk why when i try it in repl.it
anyone here know it the answer is actualy right?
every input should have its own delay of 5 seconds from when it was input; each input's "timer" should be independent
if you type aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz the z needs to come out five seconds after you typed it no matter how many as or when
(as opposed to printing one character from stdin every five seconds)
uh wat
try any of the js ones (including the one in the question body) to get a feel for it
but ur code has to especially for overlapping inputs right
@DialFrost it doesnt work. after testing it out, when i type in multiple inputs in quick succession, it doesnt print out those inputs in quick succession after a 5 second wait (which is what is expected to happen). instead, it printed each of them out in 5 second intervals.
@DialFrost yeah so it doesnt do what the challenge asks
It's impossible in python because Δ«nput`is asynchronous
Whoops Maori keyboard
there might be a way
but js is the best for this kinda challenge
I'm a sussy baka, almsot got an auto-graded question wrong because the prompt was y=[input] and I did y=y=...
@emanresuA lol why are u using a maori keyboard of all things
Been there, done that
@AidenChow For maori class
Oh cool, there's maori class in NZ?
At least at the school I go to
Imagine teaching about your country's native people's culture instead of commiting genocide and naming sports teams after slurs for them
@RadvylfPrograms lol
wow another downvote
this isnt going well
@DialFrost where
the new challenge
check CG
3 upvotes 2 downovtes sigh
@DialFrost yeah that sucks. i dont see what the problem with it is honestly, i think the challenge is fine, but something must be wrong cuz ppl are downvoting
I wonder if it's bias because of previous challenges been taken from codingame?
@lyxal huh ppl would really do that ?????
seems a bit far fetched to downvote a challenge based on other challenges that the OP has posted in the past
@AidenChow bias as in, they implicitly downvote without actually reading
@lyxal thats equally as bad lol
But more probable
given that this user has several well-received challenges i highly doubt their challenges all get downvoted due to who posted it
so let's not speculate why people vote the way they do or dig up things on people's past for no reason
B...but over-analysis and trying to figure out how everyone here thinks is fun!
And it's definitely not something I do on a frequent basis
3b1b posted a video about that.
Didn't work
The techniques discussed don't work for me
wow a mod suspended me for 30mins :(
@DialFrost suspended from what?
More likely is that a chat flag was validated
due to "inapprotiate content"
wats a chat flag?
theres flags in chats???
i didnt know that :/
@hyper-neutrino nah doesnt rly matter
my history of posting challenges were crap
your message about bribing people to upvote got flagged according to your history
Not sure why tbh
Oh yeah, that was me
please mod flag those
it was a joke but sry bout that guys
IMO that's not flag-wortht
don't really need a 30 minute suspension and clearly it didn't get the point across to the user
just tell them in chat lol
y'all don't even need a mod for it honestly
lmao @emanresuA
Sorry, thought that was what chat flags were for
oooh i js found out where the chat flag is lmao :/
never saw it b4
anyways my chalelnge is down to 3 downvotes
Something like this appeared in the flag dialogue:
anything more than tat ill prob delete
> Can you sock-upvote my post lol
@emanresuA They take like five votes to validate, so don't worry, you're not the only one :p
well tbh a lot of flags probably get bandwagon'd :P
sock-upvote? what does tat mea
also it's 6 no?
Idk the exact number
@DialFrost make more accts to upvote i think
I think it's 6, but the initial flag counts? Idk
I count the original flag in the overall score
anyway, according to the admin page the post was 2-1-1 so other than emanresu a mod was the only other one to vote for it
unless the page is wrong which... is possible
@DialFrost 2 for, 1 against, 1 unsure
uhhhh ok
I was the 1 against
aw thx @RadvylfPrograms :p
i was not here otherwise i would've voted against and just explained the issue
i was quite surprised when i came back to my laptop and i cldnt chat :/
@hyper-neutrino wait so how do you vote anyways? rep privilege?
@AidenChow once you have 10k network reputation you will be able to see regular chat flags
It's at 10k network rep
ninja'd :/
they show up as a pop-up on the top left side (like a ping but in a different position) which you can click on to see flagged messages
the menu will allow you to vote for, against, or "unsure" on the flag
a vote for is +1, a vote against is -1, and an unsure vote is -0.2
i forget if the threshold is 5 or 6 but once it hits that threshold the comment is instantly deleted and the poster is suspended for 30 minutes
wait wat how does tat happen lmaooo
wats the blue thing
It's a flag
it's the flag count indicator
for normal chat flags
chat flag is very annoying to everyone with 10k+ network rep :P
me: waits at 9,999
does chat flag ping u?
No, but I have a custom script so that they do for me
i have an idea for a challenge, its prob crap but...
@RadvylfPrograms It used to show the flagged message in a desktop notification but then I realized that wouldn't be a good idea if I was doing a presentation or something
i have a userscript that lets me see flags after they've been cleared (popcornSE) which is nice since the admin page is sorted by post date and not flag date which is really annoying
its about sandbox getting 300k views, so i thought it might be interesting for a challenge to print out the 300th fibonnaci number or smh like that
@RadvylfPrograms lmao
@DialFrost that'd probably just get closed as a duplicate of the general fibonacci challenge
@DialFrost uh probably not the 300th fibonacci number cuz that seems a bit too simple
maybe 300 of something else idk
yup its crap
Finally finished that 160 question calculus review thing
Got a 100% too
how bout Mersenne primes
They really need to make chat flags visible on mobile
damnnnn nice @RadvylfPrograms have no idea wat ur talking about but ok lol
wait @lyxal ur using mobile?
But only because of 160 rounding errors lol
@DialFrost 99% of the time
I got like a third of them wrong at first but it lets you retry, and at least 5-10% wrong, but it computes the score in some weird way were you never end up actually hitting the threshold to drop it down below 100% for that section
wow how do u create challenges then
whoops forgot that u can edit posts
@Bubbler There's that "why is it that when there are flags it is always you three" image that I can't find
Duolingo does an interesting thing with free trials of its premium thingy
It occasionally gives you a 3-day free trial but does not give you the option to not do it
Which is pretty cool
So basically it just gives you a free 3 day trial
Since usually I, and probably moist people, just ignore free trials out of a mix of "better save that for later just in case" and "I don't want it to charge my credit card if I forget to cancel it"
And you don't have to worry about either
@lyxal wait its possible?
Uh..."most" not "moist"
> moist people
what about dry people
i thought mobile is just a condensed version and u dont need to do anything to make stuf appear
and dry people just do free trials without thinking much about the consequences
And not using the site at all throughout the duration of the free trial is a soggy gamer move
@RadvylfPrograms I'm going to regret asking this, but does that make you a moist person?
he can't be, otherwise he'd be more confident about them
Yeah. I'm just an in-between, mildly clammy
There's a joke with somewhat :thonk: level connotations to be made here
Q: Loop through an array in JavaScript

Mark SzymanskiIn Java you can use a for loop to traverse objects in an array as follows: String[] myStringArray = {"Hello", "World"}; for (String s : myStringArray) { // Do something } Can you do the same in JavaScript?

issit just me or is CG way quieter than it was a few weeks ago
it was quieter indee
^ flag as spam
I have to wonder how they select the tags.
@emanresuA ok i did
Ugh building shapez.io from source takes so long...
@emanresuA whats that?
A thing
@emanresuA very cool
@NewPosts i was too slow F
Do you enjoy flagging as spam?
Just free flag and racing with hammer is fun
They've tried to figure out the mods' sleep schedules, not realising that they don't have any.
For me it's watching the vote count trickle down that's the fun part
wait does helpful flags give any benefits, like any badges
I think so
there is badgee
it's not easy to get those flag badge, specially on cgcc
mods don't have the need of sleep in cgcc
It seems to be even harder to get the review badges, because the posts in need of review are reviewed almost instantly thanks to some userscript...
maybe I should get it
i have 0 review
so do I
@ophact i dont even know where i can review in the first place :\
Top right, third button
starting from the comment inbox
Or basically the one with the tick on it
@ophact ohh ok i see it now
AH stupid python rule that doesn't allow me to use a walrus operator in a list comprehension
whoever thought that was a good idea?
I can see why they did that, because the scope of the variable assigned there wouldn't be clear
e.g what should a = lambda a = 1: [(a := 2) for a in [a := 3] and [4]] give?
Hmm, that makes sense
would a challenge that is the inverse of this question be interesting? basically you take in html input and output the markdown version of it
i havent thought of the specs for such a problem but i would like some opinion on it before i draft one up
Sounds interesting, make the spec concrete though
@emanresuA yeah, im still considering what subset of markdown i should do for the challenge (obviously not the entire markdown language).
CMC: Write a program that generates a floating point error
Polyglot, 5 bytes: .1+.2
thank you :p
@PyGamer0 vyxal 2.4: .1 .2+
@lyxal How would that be parsed without the space?
@emanresuA 0.1
It drops the .2
Probably still does
I'll go fix that
Nope, works
in 2.6+
huh, so it does
CMP: Should I change my name to jkab?
If you want to
github has this new fancy feature where it shows you a nicer way of seeing what files have changed in a PR
Hm, cool. I'm writing ASCII Vyxal
and I'm adding date digraphs
Don't we already have those?
as in, from #554
Oh okay
@lyxal i just enabled that 10 minutes ago ....
and i think i made flax faster
@emanresuA Nope, it looks perfect
res = list(map(list, it.product(*map(compose(list, range), x)))) res = list(map(list, it.product([list(range(int(a))) for a in x])))
^ whats the difference?
When you golf something from 64 bytes to 38
oh shoot i realised it lmao
adding date digraphs is turning out to be harder than I thought
not because it's hard to program
but because it's hard to think of what to add
sure, I've got a list of things
but it's kinda general
and does not specify overloads/formats
@lyxal can I help?
@mathcat sure
I've decided to give up on implementing tonight
so instead, I'm specifying what I want to implement
e and a half
(e½ or e.5)
Fail Bong?
it's too small
can't see it properly
hold please
now what?
I'm holding please
5 mins ago, by Ginger Industries
reuploaded to look better
jesus christ
that looks like a radio antenna with a tumor on top
Me: types "g"
Windows emoji panel: 🦍💨
@GingerIndustries haha stinky ape stinky ape
@lyxal I can't even read BO
@GingerIndustries me when this:
one last funny:
very laugh
much yes
truly effort and quality
such drawing
butiful art
also, I found the redwolf emoji (renders properly on windows and android): 🐾
more like orangewolf

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