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@lyxal What do you think of ^^?
(Could improve efficiency and compiled code readabikity)
I don't know if it's worth it in the long run
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just an idea
How do you determine when to stop grouping?
When you reach an instruction that involves some form of stack manipulation and/or when you reach a structure.
I think we should definitely consider this at some point but it would be hard, so not right now
Ok :P
I might experiment with it once the rewrite's done.
Good idea
Maybe we could add other optimisations too
Like maybe create an autogolfer based on common patterns
That's what I was thinking, & I have another idea:
What if we have a statically compiled elements.py and dynamically import what we need?
That would just be printing the elements dictionary after it gets generated
@emanresuA I finally implemented functions as variables btw
It works good
And I was thinking of using ° for complex number creation
So like 3°2 has real part 3 and imaginary part 2
3.5°2.5 -> real = 3.5 imag = 2.5
°<digits> -> real = 0, imag = digits
<digits>° -> real = digits, imag = 1 (shorthand for 0°1)
@lyxal Thanks!
@lyxal Stealing from Jelly, are we?
@emanresuA actually no
if jelly uses that for complex stuff then that's completely coincidential
it doesn't
it uses a character that doesn't exist in vyxal's codepage, ı
Just Jelly has the same sorta syntax for complex stuff
sure, it functions the same way with a different character
but this is like, the only sane way to do it
Also, are we going to have complex rationals now or what?
Just edit it to ^^ :P
@emanresuA well if sympy supports it, then yes
@emanresuA how 'bout i dont
complex rationals are pretty easy
sympy should be able to handle them perfectly fine
>>> sympy.S(1.3 + 4.5j, rational=True)
1.3 + 4.5*I
>>> sympy.Rational(1.3 + 4.5j)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: invalid input: 1.3 + 4.5*I
well, yeah, it's not a rational :p
>>> sympy.Rational(1, 4) * 1j
thank you sympy
because you couldn't have left it as a fraction
>>> sympy.Rational(1, 4) * sympy.I
git gud /s
Mmm I do love how python complex numbers and sympy complex numbers are different
Also, fun fact: Sympy has a to_LaTeX function for expressions
Meaning you'll be able to create tex in just 2 bytes lol
That's pretty cool
in The Nineteenth Byte, 2 days ago, by hyper-neutrino
man every time i try using vyxal i suffer from how every useful list builtin either doesn't exist or only works for strings because it's an overload of a math function
@hyper-neutrino would you be okay to create a list of such list built-ins?
Asking so we can implement them
I can't really come up with a list just off the top of my head but i can make one and just add to it as i think of things
@hyper-neutrino that's fine too
chunkybanana closed issue #265 (declaring a function is the same thing as assigning a variable, Vyxal/Vyxal)
Since Lyxal implemented it
3 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino $ git gud
@VyxalBot so you can push functions on stack?
You could do that before, but now it's nicer and a byte's been freed up.
You can still push them to the stack
They're just variables now
@PyGamer0 ^
So where you'd once write
!!/run @triple:1|3*; ⟨1|2|3⟩ °triple; M
@lyxal ⟨3|6|9⟩
You'd now write @triple:1|3*; ⟨1|2|3⟩ ←triple M
Which actually saves a byte lol
And the syntax is cleaner, and it makes more sense since most functional languages do the same.
(Java ≤ 7.0, I'm looking at you)
@emanresuA corr
125 failed, 189 passed in 58.25s
I'll take that for the first run of pytest I've done for a long time
I was expecting much worse
full output (warning: big)
@emanresuA no u
mfer calling ord on lhs not char
1 hour later…
hey there @Razetime
I've just been bust fixing little bugs shown by the auto-generated test case suite
because that's a thing we have
and I don't think I'll do any more tonight
9 fixed test cases is enough for one hour's work
@lyxal o/
@lyxal It’s painful, isn’t it?
I have time today, so I think I can help with that
@lyxal strange
Strange because it's auto-generated or because we have tests at all? :P
Btw thanks @lyxal for getting me back to the 10k+ club
Once I get enough rep, I'll give 50 rep (only once, though) to anyone who fixes 5 elements
RO abuse ftw
8 hours later…
@lyxal You can blame Copilot for that one.
Okay, who's been misusing copilot again?
(this is inside right_bit_shift/<<)
There is so much wrong with that that I can't even
Actually, it's not totally terrible, should be a trivial fix
That was not me
nvm, it's in fb anyway
I just realized, every time you want to vectorise a function, vectorise(...) generates a new vectorised version of it :o
This is much inefficient
How about a @vectorised annotation? (I think I added it at one point but didn't do it well or sth)
...Why are there two vy_zips, one in elements.py and one in helpers.py?
The current documentation for summate in elements.yaml says that if the argument is a number, then it's sum(digits of a). But the implementation is basically sum(iterable(lhs)), which makes more sense to me. Update docs or update code?
110 failed tests, 215 more to go! 215 passed tests, 110 more to go!
@user nvm that's not how it works
@user that's not right?
It's getting a single type, of course it's not right
Oh dang
@user it looks like the one in helpers can be deleted
Aight, on it
@lyxal There was also an extra wrap in helpers. I renamed it to wrap_with_width for now, but should I just delete it?
@user I'll have to look at that in a bit, but I think that one might be needed
We should add a Pytest workflow for the digraph-implementation branch so that it we can check how much progress we've made
We had one for master before, I think
Isn't it that workflows only occur on the default branch?
When copilot tries to inject PHP into an html file
@user Because I've tried to set up workflows for fb when it wasn't default but it kept going to main
Oh, weird
I thought workflows could also be made on other branches
@emanresuA Uh-oh, we now know theyir real agenda: make PHP take over the world :P
@user I mean, if you can find a way to get it to work on other branches, I'm all for testing on di
Q: How to run a GitHub Action from a branch other than master?

E. BetanzosI have a repo in GitHub and I want to create an Action to build a Docker imagen and push it to the DockerHub. I know how to do it but: if I create the action in a branch other than master GitHub does not run it. This is a know problem (Workflow files only picked up from master?). Any ideas to fix...

It's probably just that I'm trash at github workflow creation
lol it crashed with "no module named numpy"
Welp I'm going to push fixing that onto y'all because I need to go do actual work now
Wasted the whole day on my crappy esolang

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