Oh dear, am I forced to repeat the conversation about BF just because DLosc keeps getting stuck in time loops?
@RedwolfPrograms If you're worried you're going to shoot yourself in the foot, learn C++ first and chop your foot off so your compressed air cans won't be able to hurt it :P
Gotta love when you read a challenge twice, think it's unclear, then read it again after posting a comment and realize what you'd commented on is actually specified quite clearly and your monke brain skipped over it >:|
⧵begin{alignat} ... ⧵end{alignat} code-golf string
Note: The title intentionally uses ⧵ (reverse solidus operator) instead of plain backslash, because otherwise MathJax would happily translate the entire title to... uh... a MathJax error box.
\begin{alignat}{n} ... \end{alignat}...
I put my laptop down to get a drink, and accidentally left my headphones on the space bar. Cue me coming back to a "this message is too long" notice, with the cursor at the start of the chat text box :P
Imagine needing a flag to outgolf Jelly (⌐■_■) (ignore me crying in the corner about Jelly's lack of development and so increasing lack of dominance in golfing)
I think at this point, Illuminator and Marshal are the only gold badges I can actively "work towards" (ignoring tag badges), as the rest I either have; are out of my control; or I'm never going to get :p
I guess Steward as well, but my best in reviews is 461 in FA, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@RedwolfPrograms can you give a verdict on this answer by @pxeger? It appears to be improper since it uses $0 which I think reads the source file, which is invalid for proper quines.
There are outstanding comments on both the answer and the question which have not been clarified.
at least, I think it was planned for Q4 to have site-specific custom badges that the communtiy could design and get a CM to create, and idk if it's custom conditions or manual rewarding for people who are deserving of some extra special recognition
If I could redesign tag badges from the start, I'd give the dupe hammer to question badge holders, and for answer badge holders I'd put an icon next to their name on answers in that tag
i'd say the reason my ascii-art score is high is only cuz of a couple question that hit the algorithm well but actually i have quite a few with good score
i'd say my ascii-art challenges overall aren't that boring, but maybe I'm biased :P
tbf proof strategies tend to fall into just a few categories (except for specific fields like various areas of formal logic) and a lot of it comes down to definitions and such
"Assume Jelly is not the best golfing language. However, we can see that Jelly beats Vyxal ad 05AB1E in this challenge, thus we have a contradiction. Therefore, Jelly is the best golfing language. QED"
"It works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works because it works..."
"Assume that this is incorrect. Then, it would not be provable. Therefore, the question statement asking us to prove this would be wrong. However, the professor never makes mistakes. Therefore, this is a contradiction. Therefore, the statement must be correct."
Every year, during December, our cousin site, Advent of Code goes live, hosting a coding challenge every day from the 1st of December to the 24th of December. There have been various attempts for members of this site to do a similar thing, but it almost always results in a single user trying to p...
I'm either just going to use base python or create a massive header/template again - not gonna have enough time to commit to making a language for it like I had originally intended
I could've done so much better if I actually cared from the start but I didn't get t100 for the first three days cuz i just started really late and didn't start actually trying until day 9
i got 13th on problem 25 part 1 and then went up to 12th on part 2... so, RIP to whoever it was that didn't click the freebie fast enough and got ninja'd by me
@hyper-neutrino it's weird to me that ontario and north carolina are in the same time zone until i remember that most of ontario is actually east of michigan and somehow michigan is still in the same time zone