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Samuel Liew has unfrozen this room.
Samuel Liew has frozen this room.
Samuel Liew has unfrozen this room.
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
Q: Announcing a “Graduation” election for 2021

VannySummary: Homebrewing Stack Exchange will begin the nomination stage for an election on October 11th, as your “graduation” election as a result of having lost your beta label a while back. The timeline: I have posted a question collection post on Meta, so that the community can post questions the...

Q: Announcing a “Graduation” election for 2021

CatijaSummary: Board & Card Games Stack Exchange will begin the nomination stage for a moderator election on 18 October 2021, as your “graduation” election as a result of having lost your beta label a while back). The timeline: On October 11th, I'll post a question collection post on Meta, so that the...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

JNatModerator election #1 on Psychology & Neuroscience has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderators are: They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! Also, pl...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

CatijaModerator election #1 on Software Quality Assurance & Testing has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the winning moderators are: They are your first elected moderation team — please thank them for volunteering! Congratulations to PDHide for joining the team and to Kate Paulk and...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

SlateModerator election #2 on Constructed Languages has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderator is: They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! Also, please join...

Q: Insufficient nominees for moderator election: What happens next?

SpencerGStack Exchange’s position is that every site has a team of moderators to operate in our network. Currently, this community is being moderated by Rory Alsop and AJ Henderson, who have been doing an excellent job. In 2019, Sound Design shed its Beta label along with 28 other SE sites. We attempted ...

Q: 2021 Moderator Election Q&A – Question Collection

Catija The purpose of this thread was to collect questions for the questionnaire. The questionnaire is now live, and you may find it here. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is scheduled for an election next week, 2021-10-18. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates...

Q: Announcing a Pro Tempore election for November 2021

JNatSummary: Freelancing Stack Exchange will begin the nomination stage for a special election on November 1 to bring in two more moderators, as a third attempt after last October’s failed election and last April’s failed election. For full details of the process, see the announcement on Meta Stack E...

Q: Announcing a “Graduation” election for 2021

JNatSummary: Computational Science Stack Exchange will begin the nomination stage for an election on November 1, as your “graduation” election as a result of having lost your beta label a while back. The timeline: On October 25, I'll post a question collection post on Meta, so that the community can...

Q: 2021 Moderator Election Q&A – Question Collection

JNat The purpose of this thread was to collect questions for the questionnaire. The questionnaire is now live, and you may find it here. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is scheduled for an election next week, 2021-10-18. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This ...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election - last chance to nominate yourself!

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! This is an election to add one new moderator - the existing three moderators are all continuing. Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase - if there are more than 10 nominees Election phase Most electi...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Q: 2021 Moderator Election Q&A – Question Collection

Catija The purpose of this thread was to collect questions for the questionnaire. The questionnaire is now live, and you may find it here. Board & Card Games Stack Exchange is scheduled for an election next week, 2021-10-18. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This ...

Q: 2021 Moderator Election Q&A – Question Collection

Vanny The purpose of this thread was to collect questions for the questionnaire. The questionnaire is now live, and you may find it here. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is scheduled for an election next week, 2021-10-18. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

CatijaModerator election #1 on Bricks has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderators are... the same team you've already had! Please thank them for volunteering and congratulate them for being re-elected as moderators! For details on how the voting played out, you can downl...

Q: What is the reference date for reputation levels regarding moderator elections?

WouterThe entry on the community wiki answered all but one of my questions regarding moderator elections. I understand that 300 (3000 on SO, 1000 on Mathematics.SE) reputation is needed to nominate yourself, and 150 reputation to be eligible to vote. Is there, and if so, what is the reference date of t...

Q: Suggesting or requesting that people nominate themselves in a moderator election

Ann ZenSeveral years ago, Grace Note wrote in the 2015 Code Review Moderation Election chat room: Some sites like to host a thread where people can try to goad others into nominating by naming them and saying "Oi I think you should run for these very many awesome reasons" I assume Grace Note knows wha...

Q: "History" button is not aligned with the other links on the election page

41686d6564I noticed that the "history" button is positioned slightly higher than the other links/buttons. This can be observed on the current Stack Overflow election page (yes, it's just one pixel but still noticeable): Here's another screenshot from Bricks: One more thing, the first letters of the words...

Q: Short links to comments on election nominations lead to server error

Ryan MFirst off, this is probably the least significant bug I've ever reported. I'm not sure it's actually worth fixing. But it is a bug, so for completeness's sake... (and hey, maybe someone at SE is wondering where that error in the logs came from). https://stackoverflow.com/posts/comments/12292974...

Q: Comment links don't show up on election pages if there are query strings or parameters in the URL

Random PersonIn Biblical Hermeneutics' election page, the comment links (on timestamps of the comments) are clickable if I visit https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/election directly. If I visit the election page by clicking the election link from the Upcoming Events sidebar in Biblical Hermeneutics Meta (...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Q: 2021 Moderator Election Q&A – Question Collection

SlateNetwork Engineering Stack Exchange is scheduled for an election next week, 2021-10-25. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is ...

Q: Vote-totals tooltip says moderator nominations are questions, on the Primary election-phase tab

OllieOn the Primary tab of the 2021 Stack Overflow election, the "vote totals" tooltip says candidate nominations are questions: Could we change that to say something like: to be more accurate, as they're answering questions, not asking them? There isn't actually a Primary phase going on in this el...

Q: How can we trust a moderator candidate who intentionally games the system?

Andras DeakIn a probably unprecedented (and definitely antidemocratic) move one of the moderator candidates of the current (2021 Fall) election posted their nomination 53 seconds before the nomination phase ended. There are three main problems here. The first is that comments can only be posted on a candida...

Q: Implement a "waiting period" between the close of nominations and the voting stage(s) of elections

TylerHDuring elections, the primary or election phase (depending on the number of candidates and open spots) begins immediately after the nominations phase closes. One consequence of this is that comments under posts on the nomination page are locked immediately upon phase change. Sometimes, a user pos...

I'm back.
Interrupting to bring you this important message: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 0 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
what is my candidate score?
@OlegValter Sorry, you must have an account on the site to get the score!
what is the candidate score for 86504?
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I am reborn
what is the candidate score for 86504?
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
have to go now, will be back soon...
mic check
what is the candidate score for 86504?
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 0 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
what is my candidate score
@SamuelLiew Sorry, an error occurred when calculating your score.
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I'm back.
what is my candidate score?
@SamuelLiew Sorry, an error occurred when calculating your score.
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what is the candidate score for 86504?
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
have to go now, will be back soon...
mic check
what is my candidate score?
@SamuelLiew Sorry, an error occurred when calculating your score.
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Hello world!
have to go now, will be back soon...
what is my candidate score?
@OlegValter Sorry, you must have an account on the site to get the score!
what is my candidate score?
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating your score.
have to go now, will be back soon...
mic check
what is the candidate score for 86504?
@OlegValter The candidate score for user Oleg Valter is 0 (out of 40). The user is missing these badges: Civic Duty, Cleanup, Constituent, Convention, Copy Editor, Deputy, Electorate, Enthusiast, Explainer, Investor, Marshal, Organizer, Quorum, Refiner, Reviewer, Sportsmanship, Steward, Strunk & White, Tag Editor, Yearling.
ehhh, thank you, dear bot, but that is definitely not what I meant
have to go now, will be back soon...
have to go now, will be back soon...
what is the candidate score for 86504?
@OlegValter The candidate score for user Samuel Liew is 0 (out of 40). The user is missing these badges: Civic Duty, Cleanup, Constituent, Convention, Copy Editor, Deputy, Electorate, Enthusiast, Explainer, Investor, Marshal, Organizer, Quorum, Refiner, Reviewer, Sportsmanship, Steward, Strunk & White, Tag Editor, Yearling.
Q: Election page "Your ballot" widget does not scroll or adapt

philipxyThe election page has a "Your ballot" widget on the right hand side that does not scroll with the page or adapt, so I have to zoom my page size until it is small enough to fit. (Or large enough, so it appears first, but it changes to a different mode or widget.) Firefox 93.0 (including in "Troubl...

what is my candidate score?
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating your score.
have to go now, will be back soon...
Hello world!
what is my candidate score?
@OlegValter You are not eligible to nominate yourself in the election as you do not have at least 300 reputation. Your candidate score is 0 (out of 40).
what is the candidate score for chat.stackexchange.com/users/88949/v2blast
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
^ another small "bug" to fix
what is the candidate score for chat.stackexchange.com/users/88949
@OlegValter Please read my previous message...
what is the candidate score for 88949
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
I'm sorry to say this, but... The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there is 1 candidate. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Q: "Read more" link doesn't appear on Election page

Alan MunnUsing Firefox 93 on a Mac, the "Read more" link to expand moderator nomination statements doesn't appear. See image here from the TeX.se moderator election page.

what is my candidate score?
@SamuelLiew You are not eligible to nominate yourself in the election as you do not have at least 300 reputation. Your candidate score is 0 (out of 40).
have to go now, will be back soon...
Hello world!
what is the candidate score for 88949?
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
have to go now, will be back soon...
Hello world!
what is the candidate score for 88949?
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
have to go now, will be back soon...
what is the candidate score for 88949?
@OlegValter The candidate score for user V2Blast is 37 (out of 40). The user is missing these badges: Electorate, Reviewer, Steward.
what is my candidate score?
@OlegValter You are not eligible to nominate yourself in the election as you do not have at least 300 reputation. Your candidate score is 0 (out of 40).
what is the candidate score for rpg.stackexchange.com/users/33569/v2blast
@OlegValter Sorry, the user must have an account on the site to get the score!
have to go now, will be back soon...
testing 1, 2, 3
what is the candidate score for rpg.stackexchange.com/users/33569/v2blast
@OlegValter Sorry, the user must have an account on the site to get the score!
have to go now, will be back soon...
mic check
what is the candidate score for chat.stackexchange.com/users/88949
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
have to go now, will be back soon...
I'm back.
what is the candidate score for chat.stackexchange.com/users/88949/v2blast
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
found ya
Q: Two candidates in the moderator election have given identical answers to question 5

DaveyDaveDaveI'm confused. In the answers to the 2021 Moderator Election questionnaire, Zoe's answer to question 5 is: Realistically, I wouldn't be alone in handling this. I'll show support for the user in question if no one else gets to it before me, and I'll gladly dismantle a few arguments, but I'm just n...

have to go now, will be back soon...
I'm back.
what is the candidate score for chat.stackexchange.com/users/88949/v2blast
@OlegValter Sorry, an error occurred when calculating the user's score.
ouch, forgot to remove site URL
have to go now, will be back soon...
I am reborn
Public service announcement: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there is 1 candidate. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
what is the candidate score for chat.stackexchange.com/users/88949/v2blast
@OlegValter The candidate score for user V2Blast is 37 (out of 40). The user is missing these badges: Electorate, Reviewer, Steward.
who are the candidates?
Currently there is 1 candidate: Thomas Markov
what is the candidate score for rpg.stackexchange.com/users/62294
@OlegValter Sorry, the user must have an account on the site to get the score!
have to go now, will be back soon...
I am reborn
how to vote
You cannot vote yet. In the meantime you can read and comment on the candidates' nominations as well as their answers to the questionnaire to find out more about their moderation style. Don't forget to come back in 6 days to also vote in the election's final voting phase!
what is the candidate score for rpg.stackexchange.com/users/62294/thomas-markov
@OlegValter The candidate score for user Thomas Markov is 39 (out of 40). The user is missing this badge: Steward.
what is the candidate score for 62294?
@OlegValter Sorry, the user must have an account on the site to get the score!
what is the candidate score for 37155?
@OlegValter Please read my previous message...
what is the candidate score for 52915?
@OlegValter The candidate score for user BESW is 36 (out of 40). The user is missing these badges: Copy Editor, Refiner, Reviewer, Steward.
^ chat user with user account on the site
what is the candidate score for 62294?
@OlegValter Sorry, the user must have an account on the site to get the score!
^ election site user - needs work
what is the candidate score of 125475?
@OlegValter Please read my previous message...
^ chat user with no election site account
have to go now, will be back soon...
Hello world!
what is the candidate score for site user 62294?
The 40-point candidate score is calculated this way: 1 point for each 1,000 reputation up to 20,000 reputation (20 points); and 1 point for each of the 8 moderation, 6 editing, and 6 participation badges (20 points)
have to go now, will be back soon...
mic check
what is the candidate score for site user 62294?
@OlegValter Sorry, the user must have an account on the site to get the score!
have to go now, will be back soon...
Hello world!
what is the candidate score for site user 62294?
@OlegValter Sorry, the user must have an account on the site to get the score!
have to go now, will be back soon...
testing 1, 2, 3
what is the candidate score for site user 62294?
@OlegValter The candidate score for user Thomas Markov is 39 (out of 40). The user is missing this badge: Steward.
what is the candidate score for 52915?
^ conflict
what is the candidate score of 125475?
@OlegValter Sorry, the user must have an account on the site to get the score!
^ good
have to go now, will be back soon...
2 hours later…
Q: Can we ask questions for Moderator Candidates here on Meta?

yiviOn the 2021 Community Moderator Election Announcement question it says: If you have ... questions for moderator candidates, feel free to ask them here on meta -- just make sure your questions are tagged election. Does this means that during the election we can ask questions directed at the cand...

Q: Why are comments disabled in elections once the election phase starts?

Sam DeanIn the current election a candidate nominated themselves shortly before the end of the nomination phase. This has meant that no discussion of the candidate happened as the nomination phase ended and then comments were locked. The other 5 nominees all had significant discussion, both good and bad,...

1 hour later…
Q: If a newly elected moderator misuses their power, does SO keep a rule in place?

Archana DavidIf a newly elected moderator misuses their power intentionally, does Stack overflow take any action. Looking forward to vote but want to ensure SO has already kept a safe guard in place.

1 hour later…
Q: 2021 Moderator Election - Ballot doesn't work

Jen RWhen I try to vote in the election, the drag & drop does not work. I have tried several places in the candidate boxes but the best I get is this, where it somehow wants to drag multiple names: I also tried the click method, but that did nothing (no names would be selected). I do have dark mode ...

2 hours later…
Q: Es recomendado o, "deberías participar" de las Elecciones de Moderador 2021?

ExcorpionPor casualidad me topé con este post el otro día, dando vueltas en el sitio en inglés. Obvio, como no participo de este, me abstengo de votar. Pero ya hoy, me aparece más fuerte que un AD, por lo que ignorarlo ya no puedo. Dejo el link por si alguien aun no lo ha visto: https://stackoverflow.com/...

Q: Should we restart the SharePoint election?

SlateWe've noticed a number of remarks in the SharePoint election chatroom and elsewhere indicating some confusion about how the nomination phase of the current election was supposed to work. We suspect that as a result, fewer folks nominated themselves for this election than we would notionally expec...

5 hours later…
Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

JNatModerator election #1 on Poker has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderators are: Toby and Grinch91 will retain their diamonds after serving as pro-tem mods, and Jon will be joining them shortly — please thank them for volunteering and share your assistance and advic...

Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

JNatModerator election #1 on Martial Arts has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderators are... the same team you've already had! Please thank them for volunteering and congratulate them for being re-elected as moderators! For details on how the voting played out, you can...

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