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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

12:06 AM
@Anthony @Arjun @RajdeepSindhu Do you know about finite differences?
Do you know how the last post works?
3 hours later…
2:48 AM
@Wolgwang Aren't finite differences basically...differences?
In numerical analysis, finite-difference methods (FDM) are a class of numerical techniques for solving differential equations by approximating derivatives with finite differences. Both the spatial domain and time interval (if applicable) are discretized, or broken into a finite number of steps, and the value of the solution at these discrete points is approximated by solving algebraic equations containing finite differences and values from nearby points. Finite difference methods convert ordinary differential equations (ODE) or partial differential equations (PDE), which may be nonlinear, into...
Bro this is some differential equations stuff ._____.
@Wolgwang nah
3:28 AM
Bro, this teacher is so fucking awful...he doesn't know how to teach shit and keeps praising himself in the class..."Beta mere pass bacchon ke itne message aate hain...ki sir hum aap ko itna miss karte hain...to beta ek accha guru aur shikshak milna bhi ek gift hota hai...samajh jao"
@napstablook Yo! How're things going?
:59376239 Hey thanks, btw if you guys need help in any question, please feel free to ask, this site helped me a lot last year, I would like to help you guys back(if I can ofc haha)
Is this what you were talking about you turned the room private?
@RajdeepSindhu wow that's some atrocious level of narcissm
wrong room 😅
Also, thanks! :D
@napstablook Indeed! He also keeps on throwing around his phony, bs philosophy around in the class...starting most of them with "beta psychology kehti hai"
3:44 AM
@RajdeepSindhu u picked up the word phony noice
@napstablook hello, have heard u got into IIT
@Anthony Holden intensifies
@RajdeepSindhu completed the book?
@Anthony AIR 1050 .__.
@RajdeepSindhu deeeeeemmmnnnn boi this shit gud
Nope :/
Paused it to prepare for that test tomorrow...gonna finish it on Sunday.
3:46 AM
tame management😎
Hail ALLUN, hail maheswoori suur
@Anthony A user by the name of Jayadithya got AIR 873 :D
@RajdeepSindhu why u bully me
Bro I'm not even gonna get into an IIT if things keep going the way they are right now...
In fact, I don't think I want to :/
@RajdeepSindhu u are literally topping in all tests
Nah, the kids in my batch are dumb af...and I take the help of Desmos here and there during tests ;-;
3:49 AM
But hey, at least I know how to use Desmos 😎
So, what's your plan for the future? IISc? ISI? :/
@Anthony hmm. There was a guy who did same as me for the better half of a year, I heard he got 529. There's something sad about being outperformed by your batchmates even if what I got was better than my expectations.
Also I am scarred with the silly mistakes I made in JEE(A) forever
@napstablook Reminds me of that quote from 3 idiots ;-;
The best thing one can do to maximize their rank is to give a lot of tests and reduce silly mistakes
You wouldn't believe how much luck matters on the final day, A guy who almost always outperformed me got 2300!
it is like 40% luck 60% prep
@napstablook I'd say that the circumstances prevailing in the exam hall are much more intense as compared to those in online tests or tests given at coaching institutes...no matter how many mock tests one gives :/
@napstablook Damn ;-;
3:56 AM
@RajdeepSindhu there is no other way to reduce silly mistakes though, and trust me, you will remember that you decided in the exaam that 25+14=49 for life
@napstablook sed lyf :/
@napstablook So, what's the plan now? Which branch would you like to opt for?
and I also forgot to multiply 10 in one question, forgot to divide by 2 in another and the list goes on. Hopefully I won't get f**ed up in college for these squeakies.
@RajdeepSindhu Computer science, with a close second in mathematics and computing
@napstablook Sounds really interesting to me...computers are fascinating and it pains me that most people here don't focus on the science part of CSE half as much as they do on the engineering part.
btw, are you familiar with Computerphile?
@RajdeepSindhu also I can get M&C in IIT kharagpur so that's a plus point
@napstablook Mathematics and computing?
4:02 AM
@RajdeepSindhu no I haven't I should take a look into cs, I have had a little to no exposure
@RajdeepSindhu hmm
@napstablook I heavily recommend it. That channel has tons of interesting stuff...encryption, steganography, onion routing, simulations, exploits, security, you name it :D
@napstablook πŸ‘πŸ‘
I really want to get an understanding of some of the basic stuff, hard to get started though
@napstablook I don't think computerphile serves as a good source for understanding the basic stuff but it sure has some stuff that someone with a basic understanding can find interesting and use to decide which section to study next...
Oh I am definitely planning to get a look but, I probably should start with language learning.
That's how most people start...have you worked with any programming languages in the past? Like, LOGO or BASIC or python, maybe?
4:11 AM
@RajdeepSindhu some eons ago I had dabbled in the dark arts of LOGO and QBASIC
maybe I will start with LOGO
@napstablook I still remember completely whitening the screen with my friends by writing a messed up loop in LOGO at the school's computer lab in 5th grade, and then frantically trying to hide it from the teacher, who was mostly busy browsing youtube on the main computer or scolding some kid for typing a whole word document with caps lock on...
@napstablook demn
I once made an exe file to "order" pizza using Visual Basic in 8th grade...
I even spent about 45 minutes trying to solve the bugs T-T
Only for my computer teacher to say "Rajdeep made a pizza gallery program" when showing it to kids in the class cus "the program didn't actually order any pizza"
Not like my best friend's "Kaun banega crorepati" program actually made someone a crorepati 😭
Bharat mahanπŸ’€
4:18 AM
@RajdeepSindhu sounds like a whole another world to sink one's teeth in
@napstablook It was pretty fun :D
btw did you guys know that someone without login credentials for ALLEN can access class notes too?
@RajdeepSindhu I am not sure those class notes are actually useful though
I am deadly serious when I recommend it, the physics galaxy series is probably the best book for IIT prep in market
@RajdeepSindhu i can, just ask some friend to send them to you
@napstablook physicsgalaxy.com
@Anthony it is hosted by asish arora who is the author of the physics galaxy books
@napstablook heard of him from different set of friends
4:26 AM
@napstablook I agree...the modules have some useful questions, though...
they are not very famous for some reason, but give them a try, the author manages to increase your solving ability and doesn't try to teach you irrelevant info
@RajdeepSindhu for sure, but class notes don't have modules questions
@napstablook totally JEE based stuff, nothing more, nothing less
checked out electrostatics
demn good
@napstablook Right, right
Either way, finally managed to write a program to encrypt a URL using caesar cipher...
Use this and change "knowing the shift" to 11...
Here's the program...
alphabets = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

b = input("Enter string : ")
a = int(input("Enter shift : "))

output = ""

def get_index(a,b):
    for i in range(0,len(b)):
        if a == b[i]:
            return i

for i in range(0,len(b)):
    if b[i] in alphabets:
        output += alphabets[(get_index(b[i],alphabets)+a)%26]
    elif b[i] in alphabets.upper():
        output += alphabets.upper()[(get_index(b[i],alphabets.upper())+a)%26]
        output += b[i]

print (output)
@Anthony I had to do waves and SHM and nuclear physics from there because our teacher basically took a 1 month break for corona and then never came around to teach those topics properly, I think I made some of the best notes in those topics.
Can't recommend it enough
yeah i see it is one of the best JEE book out there
just realised that
@napstablook tnx for recommendation
but i'm gonna stick with feynman for now
i get good Q's from all books in a single sheet for every chap
4:43 AM
@Anthony I wish I was that organised ;D
@napstablook i'm not my phy teacher is
@Anthony 😎
@RajdeepSindhu sigma male music in bgm
$\Huge\sigma$-male rule #314159265358979323846264338327950288 :
Hail Feynmann, no matter what
u mean 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693
can't recall after that
4:49 AM
demn 😎
i once learnt them to 228 places
Damn, I never went beyond 40 cus my dad started saying that I'll go crazy or something T-T
This man's excitement...πŸ‘πŸ‘
took time
but found it
seems like eons ago
i wrote the value with chalk on all my room's walls
Deyum, I just filled up my small whiteboard ._.
and yea i aimed at 15k digits, smol me
WR stands at something 80K+
4:56 AM
Remember our discussion about buying a large board if we someday win some cash for a research paper or something?
Nostalgic and childish T-T
@RajdeepSindhu i wanted to buy the hardcover written version of the biggest prime found
costs around 1.5 lakh
what room was that
current message count
@Anthony HighsCOOLers, I think...
@RajdeepSindhu blame numberphile
Sep 28 '20 at 18:41, by Abram Ivanov
i almost ordered for a hardcopy
5:01 AM
I almost forgot that that was another one of your alts T-T
@RajdeepSindhu xd
@RajdeepSindhu Eh! you were exploring rooms LOL.
stella regio

a few i don't remember
@Wolgwang Why explore maffs and phijiks when you can explore rooms 😎
@Anthony BLM...
I met you when you were using deadguy
remember mathstackexchange2020@gmail.com? :D
@RajdeepSindhu LOL
5:05 AM
@RajdeepSindhu yes one of my main acc s
@Wolgwang lol, mine
@Anthony IKR komrade.
23 hours ago, by Wolgwang
Any Competitive Exam is tough, JEE ADVANCED considered to be toughest. With the right kind of Guidance and Support, Champions make it interesting with their superb performance.

*On Saturday (16th October, 2021), we cordially invite you along with your parents to celebrate the excellent Results in JEE-2021*.
Venue: Rinkiya ke papa ka school.
Timing: 4:30 pm

@napstablook What do you suggest?
@Wolgwang don't go -__-
@RajdeepSindhu YouKnowMe maybe... XD
eak cold drink pila ke bhej denge
5:08 AM
@Anthony I see this as an absolute win...
@Anthony Man how can I skip so prestigius oportunty to see AIRer
@Wolgwang πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
How do you even type dyslexic English?
I find it hard.
@Anthony Well their standard is somewhat high...IIRC they usually give Kaju katli, tea, some packed snacks but one will have to pay something...that is listen some cringe speeches.
5:11 AM
@Wolgwang It's ez bro, yeh just get used to it...just luk phor a warud and then phigur out a weh to taipe some messed up warud with a similur pronunciashion...
@Wolgwang ;;
anyone like bezos here?
@Wolgwang That gives me flashbacks of how some kids in my class addressed me with "raju khave kaju"...which always ended up in me slapping them...unless they were too strong, of course T-T
Anyone read today's newspaper? -__-
@Wolgwang I didn't find an ALLUN ad in the front page of Dainik Bhaskar .__.
@Anthony I don't know about bezos, but I don't think I like Mr muski boi much...
I found fricking 4 page FIITJEE ad in front of HT times.
5:13 AM
Hindu le lo
kam bakwass
@Wolgwang Holy hell...
@RajdeepSindhu same same
kinda even dislike Elon nigga
Kuch reh toh nhi gaya dekh lo.
I think he received a more than usual amount of criticism due to the Tesla Bot thing...
On that note, Boston Dynamics rocks!
@Anthony UPSC ka egzam thodi na dena h
5:16 AM
@Wolgwang xd
@Wolgwang "World topper"
Fucking shit...that's not even how medals in IAO etc work...
But holy, a gold medal in Astronomy Olympiad 2 years ago? πŸ‘πŸ‘
@Wolgwang bad joke coming
@RajdeepSindhu Hmm 31 students got a gold medal in IChO
@Wolgwang Waruld Toppurs, hehe boi...
5:19 AM
@RajdeepSindhu I remember eating a Kaju katli while giving FTRE for that LMAO.
The first time I gave a FIITJEE exam was also the last time I gave it...
@RajdeepSindhu lmaoo
@RajdeepSindhu What would you do if I say I have given all the FTRE and BBE from class 5th to 9th regularly without any pressure from parents? -_-
i remember i was the only one giving paper 2 after 2 hours
in 10th
5:21 AM
invigilator be like: beta aap jaa sakte ho
I gave BBE in 8th...
@Wolgwang Alpha parents: Isne 6th class se coaching le hi ham bhi iska admission 6th mein hi kara dete h :-(
@Anthony I remember 2nd exam used to be very hard and only a few students stay there till the end...
@RajdeepSindhu i was getting mauled to death by my cricket coach then
@Wolgwang i did😎
@Anthony I mean, I used to be pretty good at badminton around that time too :/
my score in 2nd exam> 1st exam
5:23 AM
@Anthony Same 😎
I scored full in mathematics in the second paper, btw 😎
@Anthony Same 😎 Even one could have easily used some common sense and trial and error in some questions
I had done some things from 10th grade back then ;-;
@Wolgwang I don't remember MCQ questions being there in the second paper ;-;
Oh wait, was it 8th grade or 9th grade .__.
COVID has fucked my sense of time up...
I want to know the AIR of Harry potter and Dumbledore...
@Wolgwang we don't do that here
Yeah, 9th grade, most prob...
@Wolgwang $9\dfrac34$ :D
5:25 AM
i got less than half marks in chem in that BBE
just checked it out
@RajdeepSindhu I mean users from SE...IIRC they used to study in Pala.
@Wolgwang Sidharth studied there too...Brilliant study centre Pala or something...
@Anthony Demn .__.
but near perfect in phy
There's a video of Sidharth on YT...dunno if you guys know about it tho...
5:28 AM
@RajdeepSindhu maybe burian?
@RajdeepSindhu Gold medal in...
@Wolgwang see u soon
5:32 AM
I now have only a mild cold...so I am back in the game FYI.
@Wolgwang what ._.
@Wolgwang 😎
@RajdeepSindhu messages
Ooooooh, I see, I see...
The rule of
staying peacefully with parents is to keep the sarcasm minimal
@euler 2
5:45 AM
btw, what do you think @Euler2 was? I would say...a college student...
also, have you seen Good Will Hunting?
@RajdeepSindhu ofc -_-
@RajdeepSindhu seemed like
@Anthony RIP Robin Williams T-T
my man
Loved him
I haven't seen it btw...but have seen a few clips from it...like that monologue from Mr Williams and that bar scene about plagiarism...
see Good morning vietnam
5:47 AM
@Anthony And to think that he committed sewer side ;-;
@RajdeepSindhu on christmas
depressed almost all his life πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ
dead poets society might be his best movie
@Anthony Will do...someday ;-;
i loved it a little more than good will hunting
5:50 AM
@Anthony Never heard of it tho...
@RajdeepSindhu -------____________________---------
gugal it
Sounds like an interesting one...do you have it downloaded?
@RajdeepSindhu yes
will upload it on drive
5:52 AM
Gugal draibe? :D
Thanks you!!
@RajdeepSindhu gotta find it
just a sec
btw this movie is based around 1950,60s maybe
HS hostel students
"In violation of our terms of service"
@RajdeepSindhu wut
working for me
5:59 AM
use VPN
hold on...
imma try it in tor for once
I was gonna do the same ._.
It's gonna be slow af for me tho
how tf
did the genius one work?
6:01 AM
Welp, where do you download movies and shows from?
@RajdeepSindhu usually torrent, telegram
just one file
I tried to reinstall torrent but those fuckers made too many changes to my settings for me to be unable to resist uninstalling it...
Like installing AVG "antivirus", changing default browser and other stuff...
u can download telegram desktop
It was extremely satisfying to terminate all of their processes 😎
then put in on download and close that window
6:05 AM
tele will work in bg
@RajdeepSindhu ctrl+alt+del?
@Anthony ctrl+shift+esc, to be specific 😎
Anyway, I gtg now...take care!
1 hour later…
7:44 AM
School physics department is making me go nuts 🀣
Teacher: Read the question properly, it is asking for the actual speed of raindrop but you are giving speed of raindrop with respect to ground 🀣
8:20 AM
@RajdeepSindhu yo back! :)
9:06 AM
@Wolgwang bold of u to call them that
2 hours later…
11:04 AM
@Anthony Have you watched "Catch me if you can"?
@HrishabhNayal 😎
11:29 AM
@RajdeepSindhu tried watching a few times
gave up in 10 min everytime
but i'm sure it's good
2 hours later…
1:05 PM
@Anthony I heard that it's based on actual incidents ._.
I mean, at the very least, the main character is an actual person...
1:39 PM
@Anthony Did you hear about that kid on r/JEENEETards who tried to commit sewer side but failed cus the involved fan fell on his head? ;-;
Sed lyf, bro T-T
2 hours later…
3:12 PM
@RajdeepSindhu yea it is
Aaj din meπŸ˜‚
@RajdeepSindhu ik, dhang se ye kaam bhi nahi hua to kaya hi karega jindgi meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
3:32 PM
@RajdeepSindhu cool
just did a next fucking level thing
@Anthony that being? ._.
bait some fucking cunt who got into IIT and his dad happens to be my dad's good friend is here
i'll have to pretend to care about it
@Anthony I didn't get that at all ._.
@RajdeepSindhu well, that must be awkward ;-;
@RajdeepSindhu well that person sounds pretty deep in depression :(
@HrishabhNayal Indeed...even attempting it at Kota...deyum :/
I wish I could help though
Me too...but even if somehow, one, was able to help him, there are thousands more like him ;-;
@RajdeepSindhu hundreds of thousands*
3:44 PM
@RajdeepSindhu that's the worst part :/
And they're all in varying situations so it's not like one solution will help everyone T-T
@RajdeepSindhu that too
And in a lot of situations, no one is really at fault...can't blame parents for having expectations...can't blame kids for not being able to fulfill them
sed lyf :/
@Anthony :/
@RajdeepSindhu nvm
too ded
3:46 PM
@Anthony wut ._____.
So you baited that dood into...what, having a convo or something? ._.
quick way out
he knew me btw, same school
i didn't know him :/
there's this new book
400 days
by chetan bhagat
@HrishabhNayal an ooi ooi tee nigga
@Anthony Haven't read anything written by him ._.
@Anthony *OI OI TEE 😠😠
@RajdeepSindhu writing style is like that of a literate engineer
rest pretty good
@Anthony idk bro, I've heard of nothing but criticisms about him ._.
@RajdeepSindhu xd xd
3 mistakes of my life?
how tf can anyone say anything bad abt it?
3:53 PM
@Anthony holy ._.
except the writing style which is unothodox
@RajdeepSindhu i'm gunna follow passun now
@Anthony Deyum, following in the steps of Feynman? :D
sewer side
before boards
@Anthony what?
@HrishabhNayal um
better form of suicide invented by @RajdeepSindhu
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

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