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10 minutes to go, so get drafting quickly!!
Draft: Compare two numbers: if the first is smaller, return -1. If they are identical, return 0. If the first is larger, return 1. The reverse is also fine.
Draft: Return any set of directions which will allow you to navigate from the top left to the bottom right of a maze, made up of any two characters
Draft: Given a list of programming languages, remove the bad ones. All inputs will be in this (space-separated) list; casing is up to you: PHP Python Ruby Zsh JavaScript Java C++ C C# HTML Jelly Vyxal Brainfuck Malbolge. Good languages are: PHP Python Ruby Zsh JavaScript Java C++ C C# HTML Jelly Brainfuck Malbolge.
Draft: Check if a number exists in a nested, possibly jagged list. (e.g. [[[1, 2, [3, 4], [5]], [-1, 123123]], [1, 2]]
Draft: Sleep for 10 minutes.
Draft: Implement a stack based language, with + (addition), _ (negate), : (duplicate), 0 (push 0), and 1 (push 1)
@pxeger Malbolge????
the joke is "Vyxal bad"
Oh lol
Draft: Take a string of parentheses, and add opening parentheses to the start or closing parentheses to the end in order to make it balanced
Draft: Sort a list of numbers or strings so that no two identical numbers or strings are adjacent
Draft: Write the ugliest code you can.
Draft: given a matrix of sparsely scattered characters, move all the bubbles to the top row.
AB    OB
OD -> AD
Draft: Vectorize addition, with inputs potentially being: a number and a list of numbers (in either order), two identically long lists of numbers, or two numbers
Draft: Sort a list of positive integers according to the order of another list (same length)
@RedwolfPrograms no builtins?
@pxeger Why ban them?
Yes builtins
@RedwolfPrograms Why not lists of lists and lists of lists of lists?
For simplicity's sake
because most languages used for golf can do it automatically with their implicit addition, so it's not fair for the few that can't
It's a CMC, nobody cares :p
This one's directed at practical langs
(and is it zipWith(+), or productMap(+) (Haskell-ish))?
Draft: Factorize a number between 1 and 10^100 in less than 3 seconds
([1, 2], [3, 4] -> [4, 6] or [[4, 5], [5, 6]]?)
Let's start voting now
@pxeger Zipwith, presumably
@RedwolfPrograms voting? do we just star the ones we like and any draft with 1 star gets posted?
Something like that, yeah
Yeah, because we were lazy :P
Draft: Convert radians to degrees (floating-point errors and the like are okay, of course)
That's trivial in practical or golfing langauges lol
not in malbolge it isn't
And malbolge isn't either of those :p
Draft: dereference a null pointer
wdym, Malbolge is so practical, people have written lisps in it /s
It's started
@Razetime wtf
Draft: Dot product between two lists of same length

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