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4:30 PM
the only sound cues that you actually need are the ones that are global and already loud anyways
although being able to hear your autos hit can be helpful maybe i guess
eh, maybe yeah
just know the timing for kiting/spacing 4head
or be like me and playing champs that have literally no kiting or spacing
whenever i play a champ with weird and/or slow autos i always miss like five minions i should totally have gotten before i get used to it just because i instinctively start moving the moment i think my auto has gone off
@UnrelatedString OK this is me EVERY time i play sylas. like idk what's with me playing him but i always miss like 3/4 of my first few waves and i have no clue why. i still end up doing well most of the time but it's annoying
8 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@hyper-neutrino holy shit same
i want to say both with his normal and empowered autos but i forget if you even can cancel the empowered ones
sylas is one of those champs i just do not understand in any respect
i am not capable of playing as or against him
i can play sylas fine and i usually end up doing well cuz just press buttons go brrr and heal back 80% of your hp
but i always fuck up early csing
o what's your main / main class btw
if you even have one
my mains are
very volatile
4:37 PM
i can't even remember what i've been playing the most lately
i guess
lane zac
for the first few months i just played every free rotation champ
lol same
lane zac? wack
top i assume
it's a fun counterpick in like four matchups
4:37 PM
started mid lmao
don't remember what it was into
but yeah i think gragas is the only champion i have never played (although some i think only in ARAM possibly)
that's also how i got to m6 on camille, picked her up as a weird counterpick mid
oh nice
i played camille mid once into zed
i suck at camille in both lanes tho lmao
gragas was my genuine main for a while until they did the thing to his e and ult
lol same
4:38 PM
oh i don't think i started playing until after they swapped it
i started in like sept of 2019 ish
they never swapped with gragas they just made his e cd scale with rank and made his ult travel time constant
used to be he could just dash around everywhere and get a w in before ulting point blank into his team
bruh lol
now he's some kind of weird aoe burst diver
i remember there was a game of ofa where we got gragas and i happened to be with like one or two actual new wave gragas mains and somehow i did about as well as them even though i have no idea how to space his q for the combo
4:41 PM
1fa is weird
but yeah i pretty much main just assassins and tanks lol. specifically tank toplane and assassin midlane or pyke support
i can play whatever jungle because i suck at all of them xD
pyke is another one of those champs i cannot play as or against
yeah i have no clue how to play into good pykes. bad ones are really easy to beat tho (i'd say that's obvious, but... then there's garen)
malz used to be one of those for me too but now he's one of my better mages lmao
oh god i hate malz so much lol
i had some success playing him a while back on free rotation but i don't like his playstyle
yeah he's real weird
4:45 PM
tbh i don't like the playstyle of "farm and wait to scale" in general - i like murdering people early and snowballing really hard lol
yeah lol
oh yeah i mained the shit out of darius jungle a week or two ago lmao
how did that go for you xD
i am not good at darius even tho i claim he is broken and stupid to play against
yeah i used to be impossibly bad at him too
4:49 PM
i also failed at playing tryndamere the other day
still not the best at him in lane but trying him jungle definitely made some things click
i just suck at fighters in general TBH. assassin and skirmishers to some extent, plus tank is like the main thing i'm "good" at
trynd seems like he should be easy but he's just not lmao
yeah idk people who can play him make it look so trivial like he just runs at you spins 3 times and crits you for like 1000 damage and then runs away on full hp
in terms of my more stable picks, my adc pool is jhin jinx samira, and the only support i play at all is swain
4:52 PM
ooh swain. swain is fun
he's the only champ i've gotten two pentas in one game on before
swain's actually my highest mastery champ but most of the points are from before the rework when he was just a braindead draintank splitpush toplaner
oh lol. idk pre rework swain
his ult used to be a toggle with a 20 second cooldown
before that, the cooldown was 10 seconds
what the frick
4:55 PM
i used to be an akali onetrick but she's been too garbage for so many patches that it's not reliable to main her lol so i finally got "good" at other champs
it didn't heal quite as much i don't think and ofc there also was no demonflare but it was nuts
you'd just go roa zhonya's visage every game and be unkillable as you ran waves down top or just walked thorugh teamfights and won them singlehandedly
that's disgusting. lmao
it was so disgusting
4:56 PM
instead now you just walk into a teamfight with rylai and zhonya and win teamfights singlehandedly
also his basic abilities were totally different
what's your ign/region btw
q put a crow down that burned and slowed a single target within its range over a duration, w was just an aoe root on a small delay, and e was a point and click dot that also increased damage taken
itsbeghdev on na
the fuck lol that sounds really cringe
na gang
spirit blossom riven pfp. very nice :p
i think shortly before i picked him up the q wasn't even the range aoe thing it was just a point and click tether but i forget if it slowed
lol thanks
4:59 PM
oh remember old fiddle lmfao
oh yeah
oh yeah i used to use the definitely not vel'koz icon religiously but i just couldn't not use the spirit blossom riven icon when that dropped
fair enough
i think i used the ahri one for a while but i can't remember anymore
what do you use now
5:02 PM
no degenerate cultured pfp rn
wait i just realized one of my friends has had the spirit blossom ahri icon on for a while now
according to mobalytics you don't pink ward much
i think he put it on as a joke and then forgot to change it
yeah like half of my games i just forget to buy them
and then the other half i put like two down in really useless spots
5:05 PM
mine tend to get destroyed a good amount rip. so i end up spending a decent bit of gold on pinks
you also apparently have bad cs diff xD
it's like
top river bush
either bush in the middle of river
or blue bush
silver 1 tho nice. i dropped back to silver 2 and didn't manage to climb back and i don't play as much anymore
i barely play ranked either and i don't know how i got silver at all
i got kinda close to hitting promos for gold but unfortunately i am bad
i really need to actually try for gold one of these years
5:13 PM
same but league tilts me xd
i used to feel like i would have gold easily if i actually played ranked but lately all of my friends have been hitting gold super early in the season and it feels more and more like there's an incredibly large skill gap between them and me
i'd say i'm pretty good at one particular skillset but i suck at everything else so i feel like i'm doing well but still losing, lmao. kinda sucks
i am strictly a duelist - i can beat my brother in fiora 1v1s pretty consistently (at least a while ago) but he is much better at fiora than me in real games
5:17 PM
and just being able to 1v1 people isn't particularly great lol. maybe i should play champions who aren't really capable of 1v1 / solo killing / whatever and need to rely on broader awareness / macro lol
i need to think of some way to train myself on macro too tbh
i play overly roamy toplane, underly roamy midlane, overly roamy adc, underly roamy support, and completely insane jungle
i mostly play overly roamy mid or top either overly roamy or overly split-push-y
come to think of it i almost never roam on support but i can't play a game of adc without doing something mid in the first ten minutes
i am at a point where i can't even conceptualize macro after lane
5:27 PM
i can't play mid without either roaming into the jungle with my jungler (if duoing with my brother) or try to force something top/bot
i can usually get my team kills bot or clean up a double so it usually works
oh yeah i love messing with jungle from mid
but yeah after laning i have no clue what tf i'm supposed to do a lot of the time xD
when i played yone that was most of the reason why
@UnrelatedString one game i was playing akali and my brother was playing yi and we just kept spam invading the evelynn and i'd kill him and he'd take the camps
my brother hit level 9 while eve was still on 5 lol
5:29 PM
oh yone is fun
if only they didn't add catch up xp back
i am not great at him tho
@UnrelatedString oh yeah
ruthless counterjungling just doesn't feel the same
mhm :pensive:
that's also another thing zac mid is good at lmao
5:30 PM
oh yeah you can just jump into the enemy jungle out of nowhere?
i like talon for that too
and it's not like he needs a jungle item to clear raptors
oh yeah talon is just the master class jungler killer
i need to play talon again
5:31 PM
i've played goredrinker, galeforce, prowler's, duskblade, and i think eclipse talon so far
i'm not sure i've played talon this year lmao
may or may not depending on whatever yamikaze did in his most recent video :thonk:
barely played any lethality champs come to think of it
huh. my only lethality champs are panth (and even then not really full lethal), talon (only sometimes lethal tho) and pyke
oh yeah i played eclipse pyke with conqueror once (as support)
i've played a good bit of ez but ez doesn't really go lethality anymore
5:33 PM
right doesn't he build like divine sunderer now lol
divine (t)sundere(r) owo
and sivir and varus were both my go to adcs at one point in time but i cannot play either of them as lethality poke mages
oh yeah they're annoying as poke. i don't play adc a lot anymore
@hyper-neutrino every time i mention that item i have to fight the temptation to say it
i used to play it a bunch because nobody else on my server wanted to and my friend was a support main
@UnrelatedString :D
@hyper-neutrino but now one of my other friends on the server is an actual adc main
and unlike me, actually good at it and not just playing it to fill :P
i used to never play adc because one of my friends hard mained adc but then he realized that adc was bad for his mental health so now he plays mid and jungle
5:36 PM
ok but league is bad for mental health :p
too true
do i still play it? yes :pensive:
league is 80% of my social life
if you play league you have no social life /hj

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