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sorry for not popping in last night!! we had a giant movie night and marathoned a bunch of Disney movies and then i fell asleep on the couch
hopefully you guys had a good weekend :)
I was very non-productive since school is over
Contributed some to Lit
this is a good thing
you need to decompress
But look at all the barely-useful background information in this thing: literature.stackexchange.com/a/18857/11259
I spent an hour researching and found nothing so I put it in anyways hehe
that is impressive :p
2 hours later…
i've been watching Phasmophobia videos on YouTube since one of my friends challenged me to play it with her, and just now as i was watching late at night in bed with the lights off in a silent house (which was a bad idea), my dog suddenly coughed louder than all creation and i goddamn jumped 10 feet
my heart exploded
i'll never be able to play horror games
what makes it worse is that my parents' house settles a lot and creaks for no reason, so i'm sure i will be getting lots of sleep tonight
You don't have to sleep :)
You can hang out with your tree and crown friends!
hehe :p
the bobble may be busy
Ah okay
I have to finish applying for jobs
birdy is just sitting watching ghost videos and spooking himself, so is down when bobble is free :p
I'm trying to slowly acclimate myself to the game's atmosphere, the worst part is the sensory bits for me - the music, sound, etc.
It's not even the jumpscares and scary ghosts, it's the atmosphere that freaks me out
Here are some good songs so you can distract yourself
maybe i can blare Fire Emblem music over it while i play
dramatic Three Houses music plays while i run screaming
do you always listen to the same 4-5 Fire Emblem songs? :P
how is bobble and/or is bobble free to grown-up make believe?
RFS or Valerio & Friends?
bobble is watching "the show must go on" uk broadway concert mash-up thing-a-ma-jig in the background
do you have an idea for rio + buds?
i'm leaning more towards casual RFS due to tired-ness
hello mith! :D
Hm, okay, I shall be multitasking
would you like to roll for shoes, darling mith
unfortunately i probably don't have time ;_;
aw ;-;
would you like a time-turner, darling mith
Yes. Please
accio time-turner
*turns phone over several times*
Actually tree is a little busy
I can kinda hang out and chat and chill, but I'm filling out job applications
best wishes to you, hopefully they're not those stupid long job applications where you have to manually type out the info that's already on your resume
And also hopefully for a job that will interest you
@Sciborg Oh, hopefully. I have a resume done so
"please submit your resume. now please fill out 5 pages of information that was already on there that we failed to auto-fill. also, you have 20 more applications to do today"

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