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The author is still listed as "You" :p
You can also use a mutation observer instead of a setInterval
That'll make it faster and a tiny bit less resource intensive
yep, makyen mentioned that in TL too :P
especially for people who have many chat tabs open
Want me to write that part? Mutation observers are annoying :p
I can just steal it from one of my other scripts
Website designers that have abnormal scrolling (stepped or non-linear) can go absolutely fuck themselves (I'm looking at you, Apple and IBM)
oh sure thanks :P i'll take a look at this tho, it has more than i need and i have some ideas i might be able to implement with this
@pxeger Imagine not using Fibonacci scrolling :P
var observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
    // Your code

observer.observe(document.getElementById("chat"), {
    attributes: false,
    childList: true,
    subtree: true
That's my code
@RedwolfPrograms stackapps.com/a/8269/51037 is probably better than mutation observers
Looks like that's called prior though
@hyper-neutrino That's the only goddamn post on the network I've seen that actually has a list of events
@RedwolfPrograms oh :c
setTimeout time then lol
Unreliable and slower :p
wait that's actually what the post recommends lol
Just repcapped on Stack Apps lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing ikr, i've been trying to find a full proper list for a while
maybe i can set up a chatbot to help me stalk flags :P
I've figured out most of them :P

        1: 'Message posted',
        2: 'Message edited',
        3: 'User joined',
        4: 'User left',
        5: 'Room topic/name changed',
        6: 'Message starred/unstarred',
        #7: 'Unknown',
        8: 'Bot was pinged',
        9: 'Unknown',
        10: 'Message deleted',
        #11: 'Unknown',
        #12: 'Unknown',
        #13: 'Unknown',
        14: 'Event beginning in a few minutes',
        15: 'User changed access status or changed RO status',
        #16: 'Unknown',
That's in OSP's chatbot.py :P
oh nice
what if i just entirely replace SE's chat client
just hook into its events and display my own site in its place
I was working on something like that
Got distracted and forgot about it though lol
make a command line chat interface using a chatbot :P
> 11: 'FileAdded',
Why is that even a chat event?
Image maybe?
is that for if you upload as a chat message, to distinguish it from a normal message
lemme just experiment
Nope, uploading an image doesn't send an event object (aside from the message event)
> 2021-05-10 20:12:28 Got activity {'t': 124248482, 'd': 1}
That's not how activity logs are supposed to look: 2021-05-10 20:11:26 Got activity {'e': [{'event_type': 1, 'time_stamp': 1620673885, 'content': 'Testing', 'id': 124248433, 'user_id': 274572, 'user_name': 'caird coinheringaahing', 'room_id': 120733, 'room_name': 'OSP testing', 'message_id': 57943258}], 't': 124248433, 'd': 1}
Very weird O.o
se chat go brrr ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Am I the only one here who likes the font change?
Pretty much
I like it being Noto Sans
I like it
I definitely don't like Cantarell
i found them okay but roboto >
I like Segoe UI or whatever this is
It would be Segoe UI on Windows
@hyper-neutrino That's odd, a robot doesn't like Roboto? :P
I can't find it now, but I definitively proved somewhere that you are a robot
when did i say i don't like roboto tho :P i said i found the change to ubuntu alright but i preferred roboto
I'd interpret that comment as hyper liking Roboto
Oh well, of course a robot would like Roboto
also i deny all allegations of being a robot
(I interpreted it as "other fonts are okay, but roboto makes me angry (>)")
@hyper-neutrino And of course a robot would say that :P
on the contrary,
2 days ago, by user
@hyper-neutrino For a second there I was afraid you'd caught on to me. Phew!
"but roboto >" looks like hyper failed to write a proper emoticon and just left it as >
i think i have evidence that you're a robot
@pxeger Yeah, I thought it was >(
@hyper-neutrino Oh yeah? Then prove it, robot
"roboto >" was intended to mean "roboto > (whatever else)" in this case being ubuntu. lol
Maybe you're all robots and I forgot I'm a turing test examiner
@RedwolfPrograms Or maybe you're a robot and we're examining you
Of course not...
looks around
Or maybe we're all robots and cyborgs are examinining this
Clearly we're all bots coded by Dennis in Jelly to create "competition" on the site
Arnauld was one of his better creations
i am an early prototype with too many glitches only kept around for backwards compatibility
Now I know how CGCC managed to graduate - Dennis just created a ring of bots :P
@hyper-neutrino Be thankful you're not me. I was written in Java
'); DROP TABLE ai_data;--
Ha! I've got you all!
Luckily I don't understand SQL
Luckily, we all sanitise our data inputs :P
@pxeger Written in Jelly, plus JellyQL
@pxeger that message can't stop me, because I can't read!
Security tip: Name all of your tables "waffles" to make it harder to find them
@cairdcoinheringaahing Speak for yourself, my data inputs, like my macros, aren't very hygienic
Repcapped on meta :p
@hyper-neutrino What exactly does this help with?
Not showing up in a room when you're just reading a message
Good for moderation stuff
Oh, nice
it's useful for the TL if someone accidentally posts a room link, instead of a transcript link like you're supposed to
definitely made that mistake before; it's a pretty common mistake :P
but it's not great if a heated discussion is going on to have like 5 moderators suddenly enter the room at once
nicknamed the "blue storm" :P
boss music begins playing
It's much better to track them to their home address and send a team of highly trained, armed community managers to kick their door down and stop the argument at the source
If the CM team had the resources to do that, SE would be a much better place :P
Mar 1 at 21:21, by Redwolf Programs
We could fly to SE's headquarters, then in the dead of night we break in. We pick the lock on the server room and inject a custom payload. The site goes down for a little while. Then, we sneak out through the air ducts. We fly back to our homes, and the next morning the site's magically updated. A few people wonder how, but the meta posts magically vanish. Nobody will ever know.
Redwolf seems to have a history of extreme completely rational approaches to problems
outcome: people complain, their posts vanish, people complain about shadowbanning, big flamewar breaks out
s/their posts/they
That's what the armed CM team is for
@user ^ That way, no one continues complaining
@RedwolfPrograms Wars or terminating kidnapping imprisoning ⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕⎕ people?
They're for...uhh...negotiations
"" Here, I think you dropped a pair of double quotes
bye. :)
Getting that question migrated was OP
I got to keep the rep on mother meta :p
The cowsay question hit HNQs. Should we keep it there, or remove it?
they're encouraging you to post on MM first :P
Doesn't seem like a good example of a quality question for the site
Given that it's more than 40% downvoted
i agree with removing it
idk why something with such a bad score even got put up there
The answers are the main thing the formula cares about
anyone against removing it?
alright i've kicked it off of hnq
Oops I left a console.log in the source code of Custom Fonts
I'll delete it, then re-add it next update I guess
event starting in a few hours, right?
Oh no I'm not ready lol
We need some CMCs
4 hours I think
@RedwolfPrograms now that many people are willingly running your code in their browsers, you could try something more naughty :)
what is that?
@Wezl yes, it is 4 hours.
what is CMC?
chat mini challenge, where we do code golf (usually) but with less restrictions or formality
Chat Mini Challenge
also in 4 hours, I'm posting another question.
what challenge can I think of?
well, I don't know because you guys are going golfing.
Note: We need some CMCs for the Mini Golf. Feel free to post any drafts here for feedback.
maybe I thought of one.
arithmetic functions.
Draft: Take an array of numbers. Take the sum, but where every second item is negated.
write a function that operates the 4 arithmetic operations.
Can you clarify that?
or program.
Draft: Append two matrices [[0,1],[4,5]], [[2,3],[6,7]] => [[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7]]
Draft: Given a matrix of numbers, return the sums of each row and the products of each column (as two lists or something like that)
I'll write it in how I would write SE questions.
@Wezl Will the two matrices have the same dimensions?
@RedwolfPrograms sure
Draft: Take an arithmetic operator in the form of a function (one of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division), and return one of +, -, *, or / depending on what it is
time to do some CMC sniping :P
For example, f((x, y) => x + y) would be +, and f((x, y) => (2 * x - 2 * y) / 2) would be - (as it behaves identically)
@RedwolfPrograms That makes it so much harder
no .toString().find(...)?
how is 2*x-2*y equivalent to x-y or am i reading into this wrong
Are the inputs guaranteed to always behave identically to one of the four operators?
I'll revise the wording to a blockbox function
@hyper-neutrino No I'm just stupid
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes
Draft: Given an integer n, output an integer x such that [n+x, n-x, n×x, n÷x, n*x] are all unique integers (* is power)
clarification: takes only numbers (because language may have overloaded operators where (2 * x - 2 * y) / 2 is not strictly the same) (?)
Let's get some string manipulation drafts
whoops, not done.
@MatthewDaniels You can't use markdown in multiline messages
Also, you might want to use the sandbox instead of asking for feedback here
@RedwolfPrograms I think this is intended to be a CMC draft :P
alright, thanks.
it was supposed to be.
There won't be any formatting for the CMCs, they're just chat messages :p
You don't have to worry about being super specific or adding a backstory, they're kind of informal
@MatthewDaniels "Given n, x and a symbol from +,*,-,/, output the result of applying that operation to n and x" Is that right?
okay, I'll post it in the Sandbox then send it here if your bot won't get to send it.
If it's a CMC no need to sandbox
I misunderstood :p
Only post challenge drafts to the sandbox, not CMCs
@caird I didn't think of using the operators as char inputs, but that can be a thing too.
JS, 0 bytes. Takes input by appending n then the operator then x to the program ;p
in my original post. the needed input for the arithmetic operator should be a char and should use either a, s, m or d.
Usually the input and output aren't very strict for CMCs
Interesting that I can't modify the event information, even as an RO
Not that I'm going to, but I'd expect to be able to
@Redwolf what about challenges posted in the main site?
what about them?
input and output.
You have to be a bit more specific there, but usually the I/O restrictions are fairly loose
Those should be well specified. That can be strict, but doesn't always have to be
Interesting that I can't change the event info, even as a mod
ah, ok.
@hyper lmao
I have an amogus computer charger
wait, that seems like a funny name I shouldn't use.
I believe I can just cancel the event and reschedule it, but that'd require all registered users to reregister
There's a little thing on it to let you clip the wires together, and it's shaped like a crewmate
@MatthewDaniels you might specify "either a, s, m or d" (on main) but it doesn't make sense to specify that the input would be a char because many languages don't have a char type
You could also just say they can choose any four unique characters
@Wezl ok. :D
If you're looking at posting that as your challenge here, don't. It's a duplicate of about 15 existing challenges
more lmao
I'm waiting for 8:00 am in my place so I can post my physics question. and even(t) for the event.
CMC draft: Join a list of strings using another string
@MatthewDaniels Have you sandboxed it?
@user Seems a bit too easy
sandboxed what? i don't think physics has a sandbox and event stuff is just drafting
also that cmc seems way too trivial lol (just imo). pretty much everyone is just gonna submit like "Jelly: j" or something
Draft: Collapse all identical characters
Isn't that just unique(x)?
Do you mean identical adjacent characters?
hiii I''m wriiiting this would become hi I'm writing this
the physics question? I made a draft on it in the Ask A Question page, and it should be at Physics SE in 12:00 am utc.
Draft: given a string, find the longest continuous substring such that all characters it contains show up an equal amount of times within it (for example abbccddef would be bbccdd), return any subset of valid answers if there are multiple
Oh, that's a good one
@RedwolfPrograms where is the comma coming from
My (not really) fat fingers
More like my inaccurate fingers
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is n positive? Also, is it guaranteed that there is at least such an x (for instance I believe the problem is unsolvable for n=1)?
Draft: draw a certain shape that is 8x8. the code should also look like the same shape. 8 lines should be used in the program then.
@Delfad0r Why not 2?
@Delfad0r Yes and yes (i.e. you may assume so/the input will always have an output)
@hyper-neutrino nice question
3, -1, 2, 1 / 2 (or 0), 1
@RedwolfPrograms 1÷2 isn't an integer
it is if you're brave enough
@caird lmao
@hyper-neutrino should i post this to main actually?
After the Mini Golf :p
that took me like 1 second to realize who pinged me. brain smol moment ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why not just unique numbers?
man, I enjoy being here at this chat room while I can't make my room yet.
@hyper-neutrino yes
@RedwolfPrograms ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Makes a lot more sense IMO
but if i put this challenge into the mini golf then too many people would've solved it and it just becomes a fgitw contest when i post to main
Hmm, true. Save it for main :p
It's a good challenge
Draft: Given a multidimensional array, return how many dimensions it has
@hyper-neutrino I thought it was a code golf challenge involving physics
For example, [] is 0, [1, 2, 3] is 1, [[1, 2], [4, 8]] is 2
The shape of a multidimensional array may also be interesting
@Redwolf simple, but nice. fits well to be a CMC.
@user (assuming the input isn't jagged)
Draft: Determine if a multidimensional array is jagged
Stolen :p
let me grab my early morning snack first.
Halfway, I did think of it as user was saying that
@RedwolfPrograms :(
@RedwolfPrograms ?
But I took some of your wording
I thought of it on my own beforehand though
@hyper-neutrino 8 bytes in Jelly, so it's not trivial
@RedwolfPrograms Are you talking about this? I'm confused now
ah. cool. might post to main then; 8b is a healthy target for jelly imo
@user Oh I didn't know that existed already
Wait if you didn't see that, why'd you think you "stole" it?
2 mins ago, by user
@user (assuming the input isn't jagged)
Right, but Redwolf's checks if the input isn't jagged, mine assumes it isn't already
Close enough :p
Although if you copyright your question or something, I'd be happy to sue you :P
Draft: Take two (cartesian) coordinate points. Rotate the first around the origin in 90° increments, and return the one closest to the second point
Draft: Given a Cartesian coordinate point, output its polar form
Suggestion: Just before the event, we move all these drafts into a gallery room so that people can find them easily, and pin a link to the room
Draft: Given a complex number, represent it in polar form :P
We'll start to sort through them maybe a half hour before, and get a list made
Draft: Calculate compound interest
Draft: Interleave n lists (too dupe-y?)
@Redwolf Might be boring due to closed form though
@hyper-neutrino What should the outputs be for: "abbccddef", "abbbbccddef", "aaaaaaaa", "abcdef", "abbccbbe"? (include in the challenge body as some test cases, if you don't want to answer here :P)
bbccdd, bbccdd, aaaaaaaa, abcdef, and any of bbcc, bccb, or ccbb
Why isn't the last one bbccbb?
It is the number of times each character appears, or appears together?
hi. :D
I'm back.
had to eat.
Draft: Take a string of test cases, separated by newlines, with the input and output separated with a ->. Return a multidimensional array (with each test case represented as [input, output]) or dictionary of them.
oh. appears total, not together. sorry, should be clarified
Or should I require dictionary?
Ooh, this one has practical applications too!
@RedwolfPrograms Languages don't always have dictionaries
@RedwolfPrograms No, it's just a CMC
Sounds good
Idea: delete CGCC, make it an SO question where all challenges are answers, and answers are comments
@RedwolfPrograms I'd say tuples and other data structures should be allowed too
@hyper-neutrino Shame, ruins a 7 byte Jelly answer :(
@user Sure, it's a CMC
Idea: delete CGCC, and remake it but challenges are answers and responses are questions
@Wezl Cursed CGCC :P
@Wezl that went too far. everything is now a duplicate.
So you respond to answers (questions) with questions (answers)?
Code Golf and Coding Challenges Answers
jeopardy Code Golf
and since that is so, I'm sure Area 51 won't get the site launched.
@MatthewDaniels I know you're joking, but so many answers are just ports of a better answer
makes that an actual challenge format
Draft: take an input, then for each word, set their letters in alphabetical order keeping their repetitive ones, then output the whole thing.
sort each word?
the way to separate them is from hyphens, symbols and spaces.
underscores count as well.
Draft: Subsequences, going out from the center ('ABCD' -> ['BC', 'ABCD'], 'ABCDE' -> ['C', 'BCD', 'ABCDE'])
:57944815 Try the Sandbox for testing out chat features

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