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Invite any users who are interested in creating styles for SE sites.
5 hours later…
Hi Mark. I'm not interested in styles for SE sites I'm afraid.
You may leave as you please.
2 hours later…
Just got a thump. From here it seems?
Does seem. Time delay. Perhaps a misstroke? As soon as i read up i'm either game or a mistake.
Yes, i am prime target, with sensitivities toward audiences of every scope.
Hello, @humn . Are you interested in creating SE site styles?
That's why I made this room.
Sorry, I have a bit of a bad connection.
I have almost as patience as ideas.
(And i know that isn't grammatical.)
But i do know how and want to reach out to everyone.
Most of my time goes to persons who are actually afraid of computers.
Yes, I do know you love puzzles.
I just am interested if you want to help with making styles for SE sites.
Look at my pinned message.
That's the 1st site I want to talk about.
You can talk about others, though.
CSS styles? I was going to ask. I will look.
Uhh, no.
Like logos, headers, or even a background for them.
Hang on.
I even made some custom logo for Ethereum SE.
What site do you want to design or add more styles?
@Mark Giraffe , sorry to say i keep getting redirected here from the one pinned message.
I mean, it is from this room. So....
Ok, i see the new link
Yeah, i like the way you didn't point on the self-circular, and suspect you're saying more.
And, not to mention, i see how you imply the ocular.
It's like the eye seeing itself! I tried looking in a box mirror once.
Just to see if one eye saw what the other didn't.
(Not so that time.)
Yeah, I'm confused. You really are a puzzler...
I stole puzzle books!
And, to flatter back, that is a wonderful graphic. It really looks like an eye that goes around.
It currently looks like this and I want to spice it up with a new logo and a header which I haven't thought of yet.
Header? Words?
It's good that you want to help with the styles. That's the mission of this room.
Or an eyebrow?
Or an eyebrow made of words?
How now?
I'd think twice before too many adornments.
Oh, hi, new user.
@Randal'Thor Are you willingly helping to make styles for SE sites?
Actually it's been overdone and nascent.
I would tread lightly and delightfully.
Sure is. (Just searched the definition.)
Makeovers are delicate. And yours, @MarkGiraffe, qualifies in my mind.
Nonetheless, your skill might not be appreciated in the bulk that stackexchange has become.
Wish it would.
Aficionados such as i appreciate the undercurrent.
, , ,
Okay, @Mark Giraffe, perhaps you summoned me for graphical more than practical advice.
I have one:
The last lick at -90 degrees could point up on the topside.
That is a toughie because you have to dig down before it goes up.
The bottom side is okay, but might need adjustment, who knows?
But the topside is droopy and might need a sccop before the final upswing.
It's a difficult balance.
See what happens then i go half out of clown into technical mode?
(I do hope you're enjoying this, @Rand al'Thor. You've never seen me in my true element.)
@humn Sorry, I was having problems with my network.
Hmmm, how would you represent that?
With what mechanism did you create that in the first place?
MS Paint is the only software I used.
Me too! I have ideas.
No custom colors?
@MarkGiraffe No, I just saw humn here (and saw your room on SFF chat) and joined to see what was going on.
I have no design skills, so can't be much help here.
At least you found someone talkative, albeit abstruse, to discuss with :-D
Good luck with your design endeavours.
humn, see you at the usual place.
@Rand al'Over!
But yes, @Mark Giraffe, i'll give you an idea of what i'm typing about in less than an hour. It Ain't easy but it ain't hard.
Oh wow, might not be as easy as that.
That image is protected. I just wanted to touch it up.
Got around it. . . . . will ring when ready.
Just copy-paste it and move it up on Paint.
Got it there but apparently there has been an update.
You know, the more i look the more i like the way you tuck in the roundabout.
It's so much softer than what i had in mind.
Fun Fact: I'm the creator of the custom Social Distancing hats if they were to be added in the next WB, but I'm currently suspended there. The library of masks is here.
WB? Could look it up.
I was gonna flame the roundabout.
It's not official. It's a "What if Social Distancing hats are still going to be in the next WB?" case.
Also, the custom logo I made will be used for making the Ethereum SE mask.
I am eating it.
And loving it!
. . .
was this a test?
(i have been tested so many times)
[back to my usual haunts]
@humn You left? So are you still going to participate on this?
Invite anyone who is interested in helping and creating styles, logos, headers & more for SE sites.
@Sarabsrimt Hello. Are you interested in helping to make styles for SE sites?
I am interested.
Ping me when you need me.I will see how can I help.@MarkGiraffe
Okay, then.
@MarkGiraffe , i flit. The more i tried to suit your logo to my taste the more i realiszed that the soft touch you have is better than the edge i wanted to add.
And that is a compliment!
. . .
Maybe someone else, or maybe i tomorrow, will have an improvement. Not today after much reflection.
You know, @Mark Giraffe, i play French horn among every other brass and you made the mouthpiece lick the bell, all around the eye. Inside joke?
Or cornucopia?
Which or what ever, i also see the implicit Q in white space. Well done!
^there's looking at you!
But, yes, i would like to participate. I know how to tone both down and up, always for effect.
Toning down for effect is a rare skill.
Toning up is pure fun!
Toning down is indeed what sells. It's reducing the sensations to those that matter. So that the recipient can relax.
Can't believe i just typed that. Sounds like pablum. But once the recipient is relaxed i don't push. I ask, "what do you really want?"
The answer is often the truth.
And as i'd like to participate, i am one of the least reliable. Best when caught.
@humn Appreciate your help in this room. If there are others willingly wanting to help, let them know about this room, or invite them.
@MarkGiraffe , i didn't do due diligence. Is this official or subversive or what?
you know i'm willing to help in any of those cases.
It's a place where we can discuss what we want for styling the SE sites that may or may not have an official one.
This isn't an official spot for implementing the styles. It is a discussion area on what we want to get for the future of SE sites.
Also, hello new users.
Hello @Adám!
And I was invited because…?
I want a different font!
You mean different from the default SE stack?
Yes, and an example is corning
Wait, I'm having connection problems.
I am looking for users who are interested on building the future of SE sites, via new styles, like logos, headers, and more! You can leave if you are not interested.
@humn "corning"?
@MarkGiraffe , i hope that wasn't a reply to my font rant. I ain't leaving.
@MarkGiraffe Isn't it a waste of time until SE agrees to use user-submitted designs?
@Adám , this font makes my corn look like com.
@humn So use a browser plug-in like Stylus to override it.
@Adám , true but should everyone be so available?
Most of my friends are afraid to even touch their computer. And that represents a lot of persons.
While i've been ahead of the wave since 1972
It is a wide spread.
@humn Apparently. SE doesn't seem to care about UX.
Nah. It's not some "Oh, I want to submit this thing and hope for SE to accept it." kind of discussion. I only made this so we can talk about what we want and how you want to improve some styles that you made yourself.
Of course, they might not listen to us, but we can still discuss here.
So like discussing politics without voting?
@Adám Probably? XD
Oh, hi, @Ayo . Welcome.
Thank you @MarkGiraffe
I love graphical design, but I'm at work (and that isn't my work, unless it is for my work) so I'm afraid I'll have to leave.
Are you interested in making styles for SE sites?
@Adám You may leave as you please. Thank you for joining! :)
Okay, I'll stop talking right here for today.
It was long, but I have to stop.
See you! Talk as much as you want!
@Mark Giraffe, wait!
@humn ?
I was just gonna ask you where your interest lies.
What do you mean by that?
There is such a range from interesting to exciting to drably practical.
And the best combination is of all.
I want to make Stack Exchange and its sites more beautiful. With this room, we can talk about what we want, how we want it, and why we want it, without interfering with the SE team, unless, they want to help and join.
Ahhh, thank you @Mark Giraffe, i completely forgot about the beautiful.
In this context, that is.
So i will rout for the beautifully practical.
(I never forget about the beautiful in general.)
(^ please make "rout" say "root" or "route" above)
But, thanks, in any case, for getting this going and letting me in on it, @Mark Giraffe! For better or worse. I'll bid leave too. . . . . . . . for now.
room topic changed to Theme Decisions: This room is a discussion area for Stack Exchange sites to gain a style, though this is not the official area for doing so. With you participating, you can chat with others about what style you want for certain SE sites, how you want them, and why you want them, without any interfering with the SE team whatsoever, unless, one of them joins this group and help us. [design] [logo]
Again, @Mark Giraffe, thank you for somehow finding me. I have made user interfaces work for more than half a century, never at the expense or for the sake of appearance. And i have been an artist longer than that, never for utility. Share your vision and be ready for feedback.
My user interface tone is low. All that should stand out is the decision at hand.
The background should be wildly interesting, in low tones, if the eye wanders. But the brightest areas on the screen should be few and vital to the user's needs.
You wouldn't believe how many persons i've helped to find that one place all over the screen that truly matters.
To some of us we see it instantly, regardless of pop-up ads and every other sideshow.
To most, though, every screen is a kaleidoscope of confusion.
. . .
As for colors and patterns, i have my favorites. But they really belong in the background.
Almost any background is good enough as long as contrast works to bring out what the user wants.
Why did they get to this page to begin with?
But that is also the designer's freedom!
As long as the background doesn't steal the show, anything goes!
And i mean anything. Naughty or nice, don't think twice, just make it subtle.
It happens.
. . .
And to prettify a color scheme? Remember that a large fraction of viewers don't see every color distinctly. And a tiny fraction see more. I admit to being befuddled by colors while seeing them all.
(Uh oh, just realized i should rewind this room before being redundant. Could take a while.)
(! It just began! That was easy. Now others can be redundant with me. Others can also contradict, please, that's how it goes.)
[bye for now]
5 hours later…
@MarkGiraffe I was invited here. I have made very basic themes before however since all the sites I contribute to have themes I don't really have a reason to contribute. Are the themes going to be SE backed or just user themes with Stylus and such?
1 hour later…
Perhaps to clarify, by "low tones" i mean low contrast mostly. Take something striking, please, and tone it down, please. Nothing better than a crazy theme toned down.
Also, seeing a web page is so different from seeing a magazine or newspaper page.
I just spent an hour convincing someone to ignore the middle and begin from the edges.
Changed her internet life.
But that kind of coaching should not be necessary.
. . .
Yes. i do have a split personality, in a way.
One sees computeriszed systems from the inside. The other tries to see them as if newly born.
That other, outsider, is reinforced daily. Most persons don't know what the.
[bye for now, again]

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