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my eyes unfortunately like to get worse every year
I have opposite eyes. One is nearsighted and the other farsighted. So I can see everything, but without the glasses only one eye can see stuff and the other one is fuzzy (no matter the distance!) so it's a strain. Glasses force both eyes to the same level and make them work together.
i've never heard of that but that sounds kinda awful
my eyes suck but they generally suck at the same prescription level, at least
the main issue with me is that my already-bad eyesight is coupled with diplopia, which is basically a type of cornea damage that gives you double vision but all the time. the bifocals help to correct that more than regular glasses do
hence why i complain about eyesight being dumb a lot
my corneas are just a disaster zone
2 hours later…
how goes the science, bobble?
three out of four holes have been made
good. continue the science
I am enlarging holes by the Scientific (tm) method of sticking a thing in and pressing down while turning
highly scientific
doggo is watching me
she has the "please pet" face
pet the doggo
pet the doggo
n o
uh, want let the person who just requested access in?
Do y'all know who Stereomac is?
I don't believe we have met :/
could someone talk with them in the Lair?
(not me, still avoiding the Lair)
'borg I'm getting math tutor from Deus, do you think you can explain?
i shall boop on over
how goes the math tutoring?
I think it's done now
Very successful
Deus was very helpful and I even got a cool ah-hah moment
I've never had Deus not be helpful, honestly
Very true
Now I must return to my studious studies like a good student
good good
i do have to say - there's something very satisfying about actually understanding concepts
Now i shalt depart before I get distractec o\
room topic changed to PSE D&D Chatroom: For D&D campaigns led by Sciborg. Just ping a RO (North, bobble, Sciborg, Graylocke) for access. This is NOT the general Puzzling chatroom, and we'd like to keep it limited to folks we know well. [board-games] [humor] [story] [strategy]
room topic changed to PSE D&D Chatroom: For D&D campaigns for Puzzling friends. Just ping a RO (North, bobble, Sciborg, Graylocke) for access. This is NOT the general Puzzling chatroom, and we'd like to keep it limited to folks we know well. [board-games] [humor] [story] [strategy]
Ah, that's probably better - thank you
Stereo seems to have been just looking for a mod, for some reason
room topic changed to PSE D&D Chatroom: For D&D campaigns for Puzzling friends. Just ping a RO for access. This is NOT the general Puzzling chatroom, and we'd like to keep it limited to folks we know well. [board-games] [humor] [story] [strategy]
We can also bookmark our freeform RPs for later reference, since they're long enough to kinda be mini-sessions
you mean our games of make-believe
we are groWN-UPS DANGIT
i did my TAXES on sunday
not North or I
true, but still
some drama appears to be going down with Stereo now in the Here There Be Dragons chat...
i am watching in incognito mode because i have no idea what their deal is
must leave for dinner
1 hour later…
@Sciborg A bit confused by it, yeah
How's your day, nomfloof?
long day is long
So you know how last week I was very upset because our team lost round one of elimination for Mock Trial because the scorer 3 was stupid?
Well that team is now in the finals
And I'm just
We were good enough to be in finals
We genuinely were good enough to be in finals
virtual hugs
I swear if they win championships
I'm going to be so mad
I hate to trash-talk people but they were really boring. But I guess attorneys like that? I don't know, who knows?
Also how active is this chatroom, lol
more than the Lair :P
Fair, but there are also like not very many users who chat here
tailhugs a North
*waves to Gray*
Gray, do you recommend any particular character sheet?
@Mithical Heya Mith!
So far for skills I have Int > Dex > ? > ? > ? > Str
There are some nice ones, I really like spreadsheet versions though - I can link you one I made >.>; You can even pick a colour you want it in ^^:
ooh spreadsheets
(From when ppl at work wanted me to run a game, I made them all their own sheets in different colours so they could tell them apart)
(I also bought them all dice because I was nice >.>:)
There are some PDF versions, but... if you're online, you may as well have a Google Sheet, right? >.>;
It does some of the calcs for you too ^^;
this is true
Do you have input on the ordering of Con, Cha, and Wis?
Wis will help with Perception? Cha will help with interaction skills but you may or may not care about that... Con ... well wizards are a little crunchy. Some extra hit points are good.
Though superheroes get max HP so ;p
no rolling for HP here.
Perception seems like a thing Tifer would be good at
Int > Dex > Wis > ? > ? > Str
Tifa... is talkative with ppl they know... some of the time? but not so much with others?
I wasn't quite sure how you wanted them to be? :)
Talkative with people he trusts and carefully polite to everyone else
I feel like you have a good excuse either way around with the other two, and it won't significantly alter your stats
don't forget that you get to add +2 to one of those scores as well
Floating +2 is going into Int, for Magic
hmm, I could make Dex above Int and then Int would come out above
<nods> so 20 Int? smarter than anyone ;p
not that people can tell he's smart >.>
Oh that too. So your bonus (the one that gets added to things) is floor(stat -10 / 2)
I know firsthand that people underestimate lil' kids
so if you go 20 int, you get a +5, 19 Int will be +4
Oh definitely ;p
Cha > Con
squishy little wizard boy
<nods> OKies :D
Con is really only good for HP, and it will be what... 14 vs 15, so I think they are both +2
What about skills?
How many do I choose? Do I choose any twice?
How would chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/57127727#57127727 result in modifiers, incidentally? (I'm still a bit unsure how modifiers work exactly...)
@bobble So you can have only as many ranks in a skill as your level, so you can't choose them twice anyway :)
@Mithical Ah! That is what I put up there. Your ability modifier = floor( (raw ability score minus 10 ) / 2 )
Then: how many?
@bobble your class gives you a number of skills ranks per level and as a human you get to add one to that
So.. 2+1 = 3
@Mithical As an example 22 Dex = +6
...raw means with or without the race modifications?
got it, thanks
Oh no, sorry - just the pure number
which is almost never used for anything by itself
It's a hangover from the original D&D, I guess
@bobble also - one sec
@bobble you also get your Int mod on that... which will be what... +5?
so 8?
Will fancy background feats give me any skills, and/or should I worry about that?
oof, must sleep
oh yeah!
@bobble tailhugs a bobble sleeps well, dreams nice
But you will also get 2 more ranks in 2 different knowledges / crafts / performance /
er the other one...
Also - I might prefer this link pinned actually
Pathfinder Character Creation Guide: d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/character-creation
And I will link everyone a base empty sheet if they want in Google Sheets? You can copy it to your own drives? Is that a good plan?
Sounds good
Let me go find my "simplified rules" sheet :)
1 hour later…
Uhm... okay - that took longer than expected
7 hours later…
@msh210 I'd suggest we do tonight instead but I doubt @Sciborg is available
@Mithical I am, fwiw.
Note also -- I have not been following this other story that people have been weaving in this room. I don't need to, right? It's completely separate from our own campaign, right?
@msh210 right, unless you want to join a second one
I'm DMing my other group tonight unfortunately, so it looks like it will be a wash.
No worries - Timid Trio can just have their small road trip session in the meantime.
@Graylocke Oooooh
@bobble If you go +20 Intelligence, you'll be smarter than Lynn, if you go +19 intelligence, you'll still be smarter than Lynn, but only by a small margin
Is there a problem?
I want Tifer to be Very Good at magic (since he so squishy)
Yes, but Lynn should also be very good at magic :P
Lynn has 19 Charisma and 18 Intelligence
Though, to be fair, you should probably just go with 20 Int., since you might not need the +4 to the second stat as much as Lynn -_-;
Unless there's something specific in Dex you want
Tifer's Dex is already pretty high, suitable for a little kid who had to be quick all his life
20 Int and 17 Dex are pretty high stats
Have you figured out what feat you want? You should definitely check out the metamagic section for magic-related feats
I get two, right?
Two feats?
humans get a bonus feat
I thought that was just an extra feat
Does that mean I also get two feats? O_O
1 feat if you're non-human, non-fighter. 2 feats if you're human or fighter, 3 feats if you're human fighter
Thank you!
this is why you take human >.>
~Hell ya, now we got business~
* business
now you got MORE CHOICES
I can't take combat feats right?
@bobble ;-;
That's exactly how I feel
> Brawlers, fighters, gunslingers, magi, swashbucklers, and warpriests can select combat feats as bonus feats. Members of other classes can take combat feats provided that they meet the prerequisites.
Ah, I see
SO I'd need to be like a magi-Maestro or smthing
... this list is so long
Well, I already get Scribe Scroll for free
I think
I get eschew material for free :D
I'll have three feats!
Lynn definitely needs to take Voice of Sybil
That's such a Lynn thing
This is a cool feat for Tifer
(wrong feat. fixed)
Well, you'd need this first
That would eat up both feat slots
Probably not worth it
Metamagic feat would prob be better... though we do need to ask Gray about the extra spell slot from our spellcasting score
Do you have any suggestions?
for... ?
Lynn. Sorry
suggestions for a metamagic feat Lynn would take?
Any feat. Just anything you've seen that you thought "hm, Lynn might take that"
More specifically, seems like Lynn's character
If not, no worries lol
I'm thinking of taking Still Magic as my feat, because it works really well with my bloodline ability
;-; I found a feat where the flavor is perfect for Tifer, but it has a pre-req feat and I'm not sure what the mechanics are doing (or even if it's useful)
(Conceal Spell)
Which feat?
Oooh, check out this feat for Lynn
very Lynn
@bobble Ah, yup. Deceitful is indeed a feat
The flavor of casting spells secretly is so very Tifer
You can talk to Gray about it ;P
> You are a member of a proud noble family, whether or not you remain in good standing with your family.
@Graylocke Do Maestros get a bardic performance at level 3?
> Fascinate (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain the ability to use a Perform skill to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with you. This acts as the fascinate bardic perform ability, except the save DC is 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma bonus, and it lasts 1 round/level. You may use this ability once per day at 3rd level, twice per day at 8th level, three times per day at 13th level, and four times per day at 18th level.
What do you think of Diplomatic Ruse (Teamwork) for Lynn? Though I'm not sure one extra free action would be helpful often...
Let me see
Oh, I can't take it right now
I'd need 3 ranks of Diplomacy
oop, did not see
;-; I want something that will remove all feats I don't quality for
Then it would be easier to choose between the rest
@bobble Bwahaha
> Scion of War: You use your Charisma modifier to adjust Initiative checks instead of your Dexterity modifier.
That seems useful
But Lynn's dex (16) is pretty high, though getting a +4 on initiative is pretty darn useful
Ah, drat, it has to fit the flavor of my noble house
> Scion of the Arts: You gain a +1 bonus on all Perform checks, and Perform is always a class skill for you. If you have the bardic performance ability, you can use that ability for an additional 3 rounds per day.
Seems pretty Lynn to me, though I might talk to Gray about letting me have another skill since urm I already have performance -_-;
Or I might just take still magic
Bah, I'm making a list of all feats I qualify for
copied the webpage into a Google Sheets and just gonna delete the rows which don't apply
I see we are being productive this morning :P
I don't have two tests before lunch
I'm definitely not surfing the internet and eating Skittles
we're getting laid off no matter what i do so i kinda don't care anymore
Would Rio be religious?
2 days ago, by Graylocke
They are a bit different in my world... in that there is a Pantheon that everyone pretty much recognises as the only deities. They embody a creation myth in which the Sun and the Moon got together and formed the Earth and the Water, who in turn created Life (and Death), and from them sentient beings were formed who have ideals like Justice and Tyranny.
2 days ago, by Graylocke
But each of these deities isn't (usually) worshipped as a whole. Each one has "Aspects" which are named ... versions?... of the deities.
Rio is definitely agnostic, i can't picture him being into religion
the god myths would just be another one of those funny pirate stories to him
is Tifer into any god?
I dunno, was trying to figure out
if he was he would be private about it, but I'm not sure he is
I feel like Rio is the kind of dad where he thinks it's utter hogwash, but if Tifer believes in something he would try his hardest to be supportive
Naw, Tifer strikes me as someone who wouldn't want to trust in faraway gods
The gods let Bina die, at the very least, so I figure that would put Tifer off
Is Lynn religious? o_O
@Sciborg I don't really have school on Wednesday, shush
he could also be "religious" on the surface for family/politics reasons, but not believe
well I mean believe because the gods are accepted as real
but you know what I mean
i always interpreted D&D/PF religion as basically everyone accepts that the gods are real, because they are tangible and walk the earth - but that doesn't mean you have to worship them or agree with their decisions
and not every myth is true and not every god has proof
Also Saffra is a lady - which means more reason why Lynn's parents hate her >:D
ah yes, Sexism
Well, more like rank
oh. i thought you meant literally :p
Lynn is a prince - he's royalty, though kind of in a very weird, obscure way
"Prince" with heavy air quotes
But Saffra's family has no actual blood claim or family claim to the throne
he's like the Game of Thrones version of a prince where he's technically in line for the throne, but like 69th in line behind a lot of conflicting bloodlines
They're just powerful landowners. Lords and ladies
@Sciborg Yeah, pretty much
There's a feat where if two people take it, they can talk telepathically
> You and your partner are so close that you can almost read each other’s minds.

Benefit(s): As long as you can see each other, you and an ally who also has this feat can trade nonverbal messages. These function as the message spell, except that you don’t need to whisper or point, and you cannot be overheard.
(Bonded Mind (Teamwork))
Rio loves Tifer very much, but he's a little reluctant to let people in his head :p
the flavor says it's not telepathic, but the mechanics are quite like telepathy :P
@bobble Lynn and Saffra? :P
and I've already kinda staked out my two feats
it's a surprise :p
I think it's really funny that Saffra's the one that's like "I'll protect you!" in front of Lynn
The role reversal :P
Meanwhile Lynn is definitely not scared of rats
Lumra is the best rat
Rio thinks Lumra is the best rat
Plus she has glowy eyes!
Rio agrees that Lumra is the best rat
Rats bite through clothing and eat our food
Also, I LOVE how literal opposite Lynn and Lae are
Lae is all about practicality. "Silk? Such useless clothing - hot when you want to be cool, cold when you want it to be hot. Can't wash it, and rips so easily."
"Bed? Comfortable yes, but too comfortable. Mustn't get complacent even during rest, you can always be attacked anytime, anywhere. The wild does not care if you are tired."
Meanwhile Lynn's biggest flaw is comfort
Is he arrogant? Yes, slightly, but really just with the things he believes he is skilled in
On an unrelated note - don't forget to pick your Favored Classes, as that gives you a bonus.
Wizard, right?
Whatever your class is, presumably
Just making sure
Hehe, what if I DON'T?
North isn't min-maxing? gasp
Can you help figure out Lynn's spells?
First, Cantrips. I don't know if Lynn gets four or five?
Ghost sounds is a must for Lynn
Read magic
Detect Magic
and Mage hand?
"Read Magic" sounds like the kind of thing a noble literate spellcaster would use
Ghost sounds and Read Magic are must-haves for Lynn
I'm just not sure about the latter two
For level 1 spells, definitely Ear-Piercing scream - it's sound based which fits Lynn's magic, and also dazes
I don't know about my second choice though. I'm trying to decide between auditory hallucination or hypnotism
Would Lynn use message?
I may also need an explanation of how skills/skill ranks work, because i completely forgot
do you add ranks and that gives you bonuses?
@Sciborg Don't ask me
> It is easier for your character to become more proficient in these skills, as they represent part of his professional training and constant practice. You gain a +3 bonus on all class skills that you put ranks into.
and then class skills give you a +3 bonus?
Class skills ^
@bobble I don't know. Maybe?
+3 bonus only if you put a rank in it
> Then allocate these ranks to desired skills, but remember that you cannot have more ranks than your level in any one skill (for a starting character, this is usually one).

Each level thereafter, your character gains a number of skill ranks dependent upon your class plus your Intelligence modifier. Investing a rank in a skill represents a measure of training in that skill.
so each time you invest a rank, if it's a class skill you get +3... but what do you get otherwise
I think the +3 is a one-time thing?
??? so confused
Pfft damn Lynn has like +10 on performance
As in: 0 ranks = +0, 1 rank = +4, 2 ranks = +5, etc.
so the +3 is just a one time bonus the first time you put ranks in, and from then on it's +1?
Hold up, pulling out my rule book
I think
it works differently in PF2 so maybe that's why i am confused
> Each skill rank grants a +1 bonus on checks made using that skill.
> If the skill you’re using is a class skill (and you have invested ranks into that skill), you gain a +3 bonus on the check.
so the +3 is just a flat class bonus
and then each rank represents +1
> Untrained: 1d20 + ability modifier + racial modifier
Trained: 1d20 + skill ranks + ability modifier + racial modifier
Trained Class Skill: 1d20 + skill ranks + ability modifier + racial modifier + 3
starring for future borg confusion
I want ride to be a class skill ;-;
Pleeeeeeasssseee Gray? (puppy eyes)
I think class skills are set in stone, unfortunately
but Gray might give you wiggle room
I mean, I can use the "I'm a noble" excuse
And maybe :P
I get 6 skills... and I have to invest 2 of them for ride just to get one level???
Heh, I have the Ride skill apparently. Rio's good at riding them boats i guess
Take Animal Affinity?
> You are skilled at working with animals and mounts.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal and Ride skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.
Yeah, but I don't get them as class skills
Though I might end up having to take that just to be good with horses
The problem is I need to still give up 2 skills in it
What is Ride based on?
I found a feat that makes two Int, Wis, or Cha skills Class Skills
...haven't even looked at feats...
need to just finish with the basic stats first
hopefully I'll have time later tonight, and I'm actually at home tonight
@bobble Dex, unfortunately
@bobble Which feat is that?
That's a pretty damn good skill
I wonder if there's like a dex version of that skill
not sure if this one would apply:
> You are the descendant of someone recruited to the Island or the bastard result of an Islander’s illicit pairing with someone foreign to that land.
> Though you may not know it, the blood of greatness flows in your veins. Pick two skills that share the same associated ability score. Those skills are always considered class skills for you. It’s possible that Island agents may come looking for you, either to evaluate you for an invitation or to cover up an embarrassing dalliance, as determined by the GM’s whim.
Lets you take Ride and another Dex skill as Class Skills
No idea what that initial flavor thing means
might need Gray to reskin it for the world
Meh, yeah
Not worth it
Ugh, but I still need the nobility feat
I'll see if I can talk Gray into it maybe :P
I've looked through all of the other feats which grant Class Skills and none would be helpful
(the "pick two" feat is Hermean Blood)
I can try to talk Gray about getting an alternative skill
This is because
I already get the performance skill as a class skill from my bloodline, but the nobility grants me the same "class skill" already

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