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@Mazura FreeMan's been trying to deal with one of our old bugbears, that being questions that drew a couple of half-baked, no-votes answers, but were abandoned before anyone could produce a proper answer, often because the OP didn't quite provide enough details for such
of course, if you think some of those need to be disposed of in a different way (by upvoting an answer, answering it yourself, or such) knock your socks off
17 hours later…
Would this be on topic here?
Don’t want to flag for migration and have it closed immediately.
^@NiallC. etc.?
1 hour later…
@Stephie I think so - its definitely about improving his home, seems way more than a life-hack kinda thing. The existing answer is good too.
If OP only wants a simple fix, then they haven't asked for one.
@Stephie Yes. Flag away... I did too :)

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