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@UlrikeFischer, @AlanMunn I think you might need up-to-date l3backend, which had a bug in the last release related to PDF objects; I'll check
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex

\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
%\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm, margin=2mm}% optional

\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}

\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
\usepackage[margin=0cm, showframe=false]{geometry}
\geometry{paperwidth=15cm, paperheight=30cm}
\usepackage{mwe} % Dummy images



\raise.5\dimexpr\dp0-\ht0\relax\hbox to 0pt{\hss\usebox0\hss}%

\usepackage{tikzpagenodes} % current page text area.center
@PhelypeOleinik And a similar logic applies to the difference between \tl_if_blank:nTF and \str_if_empty:nTF?
I should almost always use the latter rather than the former?
Wait, I just realize, there is no \str_if_empty:nTF, only :NTF. Why?
2 hours later…
@Gaussler For strings, it's far easier to test for 'blank' than 'empty', and most of the time it's the right test
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz there is a date error in the overview (and we are very satisfied about the 9.9., also for personal reasons).
@UlrikeFischer Upps, should be fixed. Thanks for the ping!
@PauloCereda quack
@JosephWright ooh a duck
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz hi
I am trying to follow your advice and make separate pdf's for the expensize tikz drawings
Here I am just trying to make the picture with the smaller circles

\newcommand{\tikzcircle}[2][red]{\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]{\fill[{#1},radius=#2] (0,0) circle ;}\hspace{0pt}}%

\foreach \x in {1,...,\numcolors}{


\foreach \x in {1,...,\numdots}{%
but as you can see, I am not succeeding :)
@Anush You must not nest tikzpictures insides each other, that can be dangerous
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz am I nesting? Don't I \end{tikzpicture} before I \begin{tikzpicture}?
@Anush You are using \tikz inside a tikzpicture, that is nesting.

%\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\newcommand{\tikzcircle}[2][red]{\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]{\fill[{#1},radius=#2] (0,0) circle ;}\hspace{0pt}}%

\foreach \x in {1,...,\numcolors}{


@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz thanks but is not quite what I need.
@Anush Can you explain?
let me just test something to see if there is an easy fix

%\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\newcommand{\tikzcircle}[2][red]{\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]{\fill[{#1},radius=#2] (0,0) circle ;}\hspace{0pt}}%

\foreach \x in {1,...,\numcolors}{

that almost does it
I think the only problem is the page width
I use \setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm} in beamer
so I need to imitate that
use a 11.3cm minipage then
that still isn't right
@Anush are you using default aspect ratio? The it should be 12.8-1-0.5
that's what I am looking for
@Anush You want confetti? :)
it is demonstrating an algorithm
@PauloCereda I was thinking about smarties
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz ooh chocolate
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz my entire preable is bpa.st/WEJ
I don't think I change the aspect ratio
@Anush I get an error from the website
@Anush Can you show me the first line of your beamer file
is that better?
@Anush yes. Looks like default ratio. Then it should be 11.3cm

%\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\newcommand{\tikzcircle}[2][red]{\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]{\fill[{#1},radius=#2] (0,0) circle ;}\hspace{0pt}}%

\foreach \x in {1,...,\numcolors}{

brilliant! Let me try to include it
a couple if % had been missing
ah ok
(the vertical space between the lines might be a bit larger than in beamer because the font is substituted with 5pt)
brilliant.. saving time already
@Anush You're welcome!
How do I wrote \xetex in non-XeTeX engines?
@Gaussler Have a look at the hologo package.
@TeXnician Thanks!
in tikz, how do you draw a line the full width of the screen or how do you tell what that is in the measurements tikz needs?
I will need to divide this by powers of 2 so ideally I could just declare it to be 64 and have 64 be the width of the slide
but I can cope if that is hard
@Anush You know the width, so
\draw[red] (0,0) -- (11.3cm,0);
oh ok. I will get my calculator out :)
> 253 emails have been leaked from private (high-level) mailing lists of Debian, in which its representatives vocally complain about the talk Linus Torvalds gave at the most recent DebConf conference. Some people insist that he should be permanently banned from future conferences because the language he uses is inappropriate and infringes on the project's Code of Conduct. This could set a very bad precedent for the open source community, which has recently seen an influx of various CoC policies applied to a number of high-profile projects mostly after very vocal concerns from the people who
Huzzah for GitHub then. :)
I love this part: "No one asked him any good RNG questions."
how can I label my underbraces? I want to some text under them. bpa.st/SIMQ
@PauloCereda SlashDot?
@JosephWright Yes, but I am going through the the mail archives. It's been fun.
@PauloCereda It's from 2014?
solved it
@Anush \node[yshift=-0.8cm] at ($(5.65,0)!0.5!(11.3,0)$) {f};
\draw [
] (0,0) -- node[below=2ex] {even} (5.65,0);
that also works
@Anush Ah, yes that's easier
@JosephWright ah I just love Norbert's messages.
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz topanswers question posed :)
@Anush posted a couple of workarounds
Is there a way to set <this> global?

both are very helpful
@cis \setkeys{Gin}{this} normally.
user image
@PauloCereda :)
@PabloGonzálezL ooh
@PabloGonzálezL ooh
@PauloCereda Today is a good day to review the entire saga :)
@PabloGonzálezL You'll have to hurry to finish today, because tomorrow it is time to review daysoftheyear.com/days/star-trek-day
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz To finish watching Star Trek you would need a couple more quarantines :)
@PabloGonzálezL A time machine would also do :)
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz it would be great to have a "Duck Wars" and a "Duck Trek" in tikzducks:-)
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz Interesting
There are some packages equivalent to pst-geometrictools in TikZ?
@PabloGonzálezL I think someone from technique.fr was working on something like that in tikz. Let me search
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz Thank you, I am trying to move from 'pst-eucl' to 'tkz-euclide'...but the elementary constructions (for primary school) need these explanatory elements
@JosephWright Any idea why (for example, in latex2e) github-0360 fails with:
*** 14,20 ****
! ) (github-0360.aux)
  LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line ....
--- 14,21 ----
! )
! (github-0360.aux)
  LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line ....
@PabloGonzálezL Have a look at texnique.fr/osqa/questions/7782/… (and other questions by this user)
@JosephWright but in Travis it passes? And if I change, then it works locally but Travis fails
@PhelypeOleinik which test?
@UlrikeFischer l3build check github-0360 in the latex2e repo
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz If that code can help me :) ...the compass is the most complicated part, here in the forum I have seen nice examples, maybe I will propose Alain to add it in the new 'tkz-elements
@PhelypeOleinik Como está seu dia? ...com "ondas" de problemas :)
@PabloGonzálezL Oh, ¡hola! Its going well, today it's national holiday here, so I have some free time to break LaTeX :-)
@PabloGonzálezL How about you?
@PhelypeOleinik Entertained trying to re-do some constructions from pstricks to tikz
@PhelypeOleinik try to load expl3 earlier (to force that the backend is loaded before the \START).
@PhelypeOleinik Line break 'fun' between systems :(
@UlrikeFischer Ops, sorry, it was l3build check -c config-lthooks2 github-0360. Never trust OP ;-)
@UlrikeFischer Yeah, that should do it. Thanks!
@PhelypeOleinik I managed to find the test ;-)
@JosephWright For reporting purposes only (I know there is always someone to blame), the copyright line of texpert.txt needs to be updated :)
@JosephWright I recall some similar issue with a latex3 test on a Windows machine...
@UlrikeFischer :-)
@JosephWright m3tl-build001, if I recall correctly
@PabloGonzálezL WE'll look at that
@PhelypeOleinik YuP
@PhelypeOleinik Currently I'm wondering about whether to stick on Windows or move to ... something else
@UlrikeFischer Seen the message on the dvipdfmx list?
@JosephWright The problem is that sometimes you need Windows...
@JosephWright For some time I used a virtualbox with Windows on a Linux machine. It worked pretty well
@JosephWright Here on my PC I have dual boot
@PhelypeOleinik No question
@PhelypeOleinik Indeed
@JosephWright about the color stacks? yes. I already tried yesterday, but they wasn't there yet. I'm not sure, if I should use it for the transparent code - it makes the code pathes more similar, but the special is much shorter ;-). But it could be useful for other things.
@barbarabeeton well, the thing is, @PauloCereda has never seen snow, so we should make it in the winter. I can give him a link to a nice company that makes very very good thermalwear :)
@PauloCereda whatever blows the people's minds :-)
@yo' :D
@yo' -- Sounds like a very good plan.
@barbarabeeton :)
@yo' ooh a discount
@PauloCereda ?
@yo' to buy thermalwear thingy. :)
@PauloCereda ah well, uniqlo is not really expensive on thermal underwear. I was actually quite surprised by the price.
@yo' ooh :)
ooh what's a smart pants
Damn those intelligent clothing
@PauloCereda ?
@yo' I am browsing their site and found a link to "smart pants"
@yo' sorry today I am idioter :)
@PauloCereda oh I'm browsing the French one, so it's probably something like "pantalons malins"
@PauloCereda I'm completely unsure whether smart here is about technology or about looks.
@yo' perhaps the pants could make some calculations :)
Looks like the concept of smart pants is similar to the glue system employed by TeX. It's sad to realize a piece of fabric understands TeX way better than me...
pgfmathsetmacro in the loop, the variable \i, one shouldn't use \def, and this and that is bad style etc. etc. etc.

These are all splitting hairs that nobody cares about.

Kind of like that ...

But I will not support this line by line.
In my opinion, this is a reasonable implementation of such a task. You can take it or do it differently.
% arara: pdflatex
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% arara: ghostscript: {  resolution: 166  , device: png16m, allpages: true}

Object Date     North  East  Wight Vol  Dens   ImageNo ImageName
0001   2020.08  51.2   49.1  56    120    0.65    1            AImagename
0001   2020.08  51.2   49.1  56    120    0.65    2            A-Image-name
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0001   2020.08  51.2   49.1  56    120    0.65    4            A-Image-name
@PhelypeOleinik Using more expl3 I see :)
@JosephWright Yes! :D (though the \char_generate:nn was Bruno reviewing my code :-)
@JosephWright It's good to have an extra pair of eyes
@PhelypeOleinik Cool
@PhelypeOleinik Yup: there's a reason we've moved toward a PR/review workflow, at least for core stuff
@JosephWright ? do I miss something, I see no new comments.
@cis Thank you very much. I will look at it this week and try to adapt it a bit to meet the shared middle y-rulers (to not print the y-rulers on top of the images). And see how it compares to the code by @UlrichDiez at tex.stackexchange.com/a/561628/67761 Also curious to see how it compares in compilation speed.
> China bans Scratch, MIT’s programming language for kids
@DavidCarlisle ^^
Is there an easy way to have a couple of Tex docs workflow bundled into a desktop app? i.e. to create the app?
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. What do you mean by "Tex docs workflow"?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz I have never created any desktop app before, so I am looking for an easy way to create one, and ask for some inpute (some images), then have some tex document compile by pushing certain GUI buttons on an app, then have the output of those documents compile by another tex document ... things like that.
If anyone has experience with that?
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen Do you want to require the user to have a TeX installation?
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen which programming languages are you familiar with? Tk is a rather simple (and simplistic) toolkit with good cross-platform support and bindings/libraries for many languages. Other than that GTK is very widespread and much more fleshed out, compared to Tk.
2 hours later…
S there any way to calculate the number of trailing zeros in the binary expansion of a positive integer in pgf?
@Anush \count@=0 \loop\ifodd\n\else\advance\count@1\divide\n by 2\repeat probably leaves the right number in \count@ (untested:-)
@Anush Here's an expandable macro.


 {% #1 should be an integer expression
  \anush_trailingzeros:n { #1 }
  \int_to_bin:n { #1 }

\cs_new:Nn \anush_trailingzeros:n
  \__anush_trailingzeros:nn { #1 } { 0 }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__anush_trailingzeros:nn { ee }

\cs_new:Nn \__anush_trailingzeros:nn
  \int_if_odd:nTF { #1 }
   { #2 }
   { \__anush_trailingzeros:ee { \int_eval:n { #1 / 2 } } { \int_eval:n { #2+1 } } }

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