Who or when it was discovered the formula for the volume of a pyramid?
$${\text{Height} \times \text{Base Area}\over 3}$$
And what does the proof looks like?
(It must be something without calculus I guess).
Why does MSE allows accepting your own answers on your question?
As I cannot upvote my own post, I think accepting your own answer should also be prohibited or there should be an option that if 5 or more people rate it as acceptable then and only then it should become acceptable
In a recent answer of mine, I noticed that a chain of equations renders correctly on my laptop but incorrectly on iPad and iPhone. The iPad/iPhone treats a particular number as if it is a phone number. It then inserts a FaceTime link which messes up the LaTeX/MathJax rendering, making the answer ...
tag-wikis I hope that this will be sorted eventually. Still, I was thinking that in addition to the above text (copied from Meta Stack Exchange), it might be useful to mention also that there are separate tags ios-app and mobile-web.
However, it seems that the answers and comments there say that this is because the suggested edit queue was full. This does not seem to be the case now, moreover this wasn't a suggested edit, since I have sufficient privileges to edit tag-wikis.
Ok, so now I was able to edit it without getting the same error.
I have edited tag excerpt:
> For questions about the usability of Stack Exchange sites and features on iOS devices. There are also tags (mobile-web) and (ios-app).
And also the tag-wiki:
> For questions about the usability of Stack Exchange sites and features on iOS devices. Notice there are also separate tags mobile-web and ios-app - so they should be used too for questions where they are suitable.
Of course, if you have some suggestion how to improve the tag-info, please, go ahead and edit it.
@Glorfindel Since you are the creator of this tag, I wanted to mention that I have created a basic tag-info and ask you whether something should be added (or changed/removed).
You cannot be pinged in this room using @username, so I have invited you into this room - as far as I know, that should give you some king of notification.
Maybe it is possible that it was rate limiting (since I was trying to edit relatively soon after the first edit). But in that case I would expect error message saying something like "you're only allowed to do this once in 60 seconds you should wait". (Rather than just: "An error occurred submitting the post."
I do not have much experience with stuff like that. In Chrome I get to console through Ctrl+Shirt+I, right?
@Glorfindel Do you mean opening the console after I get error message but while it is still displayed? Or opening it after I get error message and check what I can see there?
But I am not really sure what part of the developer tools would give me some useful information about this error message. (Or about the original one, if I manage to reproduce it again.)
I should try to play around with tag wikis when I have a bit more time. Maybe this bug manifest only if a new tag-wiki is being created as in this case. (Not when editing the existing ones.)
Interestingly, with the "10 seconds" error, the status codes that I see are only 101, 200 and 204.
I am not sure to which extent the stuff is visible from the screenshot. (The first part is missing, but I have clicked on the Status column to order it by Status.)
Anyway, it is more important whether we would see there in the case of the problematic error message mentioned above. (The rate-limiting message is expected.)
But even if there's nothing in the developers tools, I think I have found out how to reproduce this. (Although I might soon run out of empty tag-wikis where to test this.)
If you indicate which request fails (in this case, the POST request to https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/edit-tag-wiki/submit/389), that it returns a 500 status code and the generic error page, that's enough information.
(well, it might be good to note that you did use the developer tools but found no further information)
When creating a new tag-wiki, I have encountered a somewhat unusual error message saying: "An error occurred submitting the post."
I have seen some older posts with similar error messages: Tag-wiki edit submit gets error, clearer reasons requested, Wiki-tag edit error is non-descriptive (and the ...
Maybe I might have missed some sites. (There must be a way to find this using SEDE, but this is above my skills. I don't have experience with multisite queries.)
I would say that synonym might be useful. And I do not think that it matters that much in which direction.
There is some advantage to consistency with Meta Stack Exchange. If our users go there or if some user come from there to here, it is easier for them to use the correct tags.
Yes. There might also be some distinction to be made. The display name is the one that is displayed. There could be a user name for login purposes, but that always seems to be an email on SE.
Let $T$ be a torus and suppose $f: T\#T \to T\#T$ is a continuous map. Show that if the induced homomorphism $f_*:\pi_1(T\#T,x_0) \to \pi_1(T\#T,f(x_0))$ is 1-1 then it is onto.
I know that $ \pi_1(T\#T,x_0)=\Bbb Z^2 \star \Bbb Z^2$. Initially, I was thinking that any 1-1 homomorphism would be on...
The picture looks like a connected sum of 4 tori with two holes. Am I correct or is there any other algorithm that I don't know.
P.S: I am sorry for giving a picture like this but I got this question in an old question paper and didn't get a better way to represent it.
I should have probably wait a bit before making changes - the edits are in the same revision (grace period). I should have edited the tag-wiki in such way, that it would be distinguishable what was copy-pasted and what was changed.