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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@DavidCoffron Just to let you know, I asked the other mods to review my dupe call; since the original answer doesn't address Xanathar's, it might be best for that to be a dupe of the one you answered. We'll see.
@Carcer But think of the money you saved! :-)
@KorvinStarmast I don't think the answer missing Xanathar's makes it not a dupe.
@KorvinStarmast Idk. Might just be the case of that other answer needs updating. (or for someone to leave an answer on that question). I'm just not sure what exactly to include in an answer about "are there requirements".
I obviously wasn't sure about the dupe myself, but because original question was "requirements?" while new question "Are there rules?"
@NautArch Agreed. Bounty serves that purpose well.
@DavidCoffron @NautArch If you think unduping is a good idea, by all means, let's do that. I seem to have bobbled a few of those lately
@KorvinStarmast I'm still not sure. I think it's a dupe, but I wasn't willing to drop the hammer.
Now that it's dropped, let the community make the case to undupe.
I really like David's answer.
@DavidCoffron should post that answer to the older question :)
@NautArch I will (with adding some bits about the requirements)
@NautArch OK, time and patience may be worth applying here ...
For now, I'm off to lunch though
Thanks @DavidCoffron
The old question is weird, because it ask "Are there requirements?", but it is answered with "yes there are rules (and they're here)".
@Someone_Evil Not really. It was asked when the game was still new, and "what am I required to do/collect in order to craft" is a perfectly cromulent way to ask the question.
@KorvinStarmast And seriously, having a good answer really embiggens us all.
@Someone_Evil RS has been with the game since 0D&D, and some editions (like OD&D) had rules where only wizards could craft things ...
hence Are there any class, proficiency, or skill requirements to craft a magic item in D&D 5th edition other than to possess the minimum character levels?
@NautArch Indeed, embiggends us so much we need to let out a belt loop!
I also can't decide if I like the 'softer' subjective policy we've got now or not. I like the ideas that get generated, but old me doesn't like a site that's just generating ideas and folks voting on the one they like best. New me isn't sure.
@NautArch My advice to you is to start drinking heavily (Senator Blutarsky quote)
@KorvinStarmast hehehe
OK back to RL, best wishes.
@KorvinStarmast It's fine, but I will say the new question is a really good dupe because it way more useful to new players who don't have 'old assumptions'
Hey does anyone have experience running a ring of mind shielding in their campaign. I'm wondering how deal with "Creatures can telepathically communicate with you only if you allow it." do you treat it like reception is on or off. Or do you notify people when someone is trying to talk to them and let them decide?
@kent I had one in a previous campaign.
And that's mostly how I ran it. SOmeone tries to use telepathy to me and I'd say whether or not I let them in
It can either be opt-in or opt-out, but i'd talk with the player about it. But if it's something generally nefarious, i'd assume it won't work on whomever has it.
Did you give caller id?
@kent No, it's more "someone is trying to speak to you telepathically, doy ou want to allow it?"
My character was more on the must opt-in endof things. If he knew that other PCs could speak telepathically, he opted them in.
But unknown caller? Yeah, that's not coming in.
Q: How can 16th level characters mitigate damage from a lethal (long) fall?

John W.The core question What is a way for a 16th level character to avoid potentially fatal falling damage - but are not Feather Fall, Levitate, magic items that grant the properties of these spells, or the Monk's and Barbarian's class features (Slow Fall and Rage)? The context I am planning a shor...

How did he opt then in if their was no caller id?
@kent More of "someone is trying to speak telepathically, doy ou want to let them?"
and my answer was always "no"
But if there was an situation where i knew who was in the room and was okay with everyone, i may consider letting them.
Ah and you said yes selectively when you knew it was a pc?
BUt basically, the idea is to give the benefit of the doubt to whomever is wearing the ring.
So you played it like it can have multiple settings.
No-call/block lists/white lists, etc.
It wasn't a blanket on/off.
That ring isn't all that interesting/useful otherwise. Let it do it's thing :)
That sounds great. Thanks.
I don't recall if 5e specifies how telepathic communication works, like if the recipient can identify the sender, or if the sender can fake their "voice" or identity
yeah, I'd run it whatever way is the most convenient
np! As I said, the key here is letting the player feel powerful with the ring. Out of curiosity - is there already a mind in the ring?
No. There are already too many annoying telepathic npcs in this setting
Adding one they can't block is overkill.
@kent heh, good call. My character kept the ring because it was currently empty and he wanted to be able to extend his own life by entering the ring on death.
@NautArch What about a fall? (Given >576' of vertical space, of course.)
@nitsua60 You mean about extending 'falling'?
As in using xanathar's guide optional rules at 500, but it's a 600' fall?
I mean if I'm plummeting off a thousand-foot cliff, does it bother you (as a GM) to say "you've descended 600', but we're going to cut the spotlight away from you for a second--when we get back (after everyone else's turns) you'll still be falling."
(500', 600', whatever.)
@nitsua60 I mean, i'm not sure. Falling is kinda weird because there aren't good rules for it. But the rules for jumping are pretty clear.
And continuing to fall over an extended period time because distance is different (at least I think it is) than attempting to jump over a larger distance than you can move or normally jump.
I'd be more likely to either say "you can't jump it, the distance is too great" or come up with a DC on what it may be as long as it's within their total movement capability. That DC would involve distance and environment.
But that's more of an untested houserule approach
I disagree. The jumping rules are saying "your legs are capable of pushing off the ground hard enough to keep you in the air over a span of $Strength feet." The movement rules say "you can move $SPEED far before we're going to stop narrating you and start narrating someone else. I have no problem saying "well, you've run out of spotlight-time so we'll leave you hanging there while we look for a moment at what everyone else is doing."
If one second before the end of your spotlight-quantization you committed to an action that will resolve over the span of the next two seconds (you pushed, hard, off the ground), then we'll be in the middle of that the next time we look at you.
@nitsua60 I want to make sure we're not atually agreeing. Let's say there's a 20' chasm. And you want to do a standing long jump across. What are you saying you'd do?
What's my strength?
Let's say 15 STR
Find another way--my legs are only strong enough to get me a third of the way across!
(Standing jump for STR 15 is 7.5'.)
@nitsua60 Okay we're in agreement here :)
What I'm saying (which almost everyone else seems to disagree with) is this:
What's the case you think we're not in agreement about?
Say I have STR 15 and a 14' chasm in front of me. My speed is 30'. I back up 10', run-up 10', and jump as hard as I can. Many others claim that I drop at the end of my turn, having not cleared the chasm, because the movement rule says I can only go 30' and that limits how far I can jump in addition to my strength limiting how far I can jump.
I say that we pause the narration as I'm 10' across the chasm, in mid-air, we resolve everyone else's turns, then when it gets to me (assuming I haven't been influenced otherwise) my first 5' of movement are already committed to finishing the jump.
Because I can jump 15' as a physical reality (in-game), but my turn--a metagame construct--for fairness of table-experience reasons--only covers my action(s) plus 30' of movement.
Ah! yeah, that's tough. I honestly would make someone Dash if they wanted to get across. I think I disagree that I'd let someone use another action instead of Dash and be able to pick up again at next turn.
It's just a bridge too far for me to say that having done other things, my legs no longer have the strength to motivate me through the air like they otherwise would. Not having the time, sure. But why is my range limited? When it happens, sure. But that it can happen seems foregone to me.
@nitsua60 Well, range is limited by your speed. I'm trying to think if there's an equivalent issue regarding difficult terrain..
And it also seems to reduce the impact of actual flight if you can be above ground in between turns without it (even situationally.)
That's what I disagree with. Range isn't limited by speed. How much of your motion we're going to consider before we move to another player's narration is what's limited by speed, in my book.
@NautArch I don't believe in "between turns." No time elapses in-world between the end of one of my turns and the beginning of the next.
@nitsua60 Very true. I'm just having a hard time parsing a character able to finish a 'turn' in mid-air (although I do get the narrative reason behind it). It's the problem of initiative order and tracking events. I think there's an implicit assumption about the round being self-contained.
And especially when there is a mechanic to be used when you need to travel more distance (Dash).
@NautArch Yeah, there's a bit of friction between the notion of "this should be conceived-of as all happening simultaneously in-world" and the table-reality of "we'll declare and resolve sequentially." Especially when actions taken by others can effect me!
In any case--gotta run. Happy Monday!
@nitsua60 yup! It's definitely tricky. I'd definitely prefer to to rule that a player needs to cross the chasm on their turn, though. But I can see the other ruling being reasonable.
@KorvinStarmast @NautArch Did I miss anything?:
A: Are there requirements for crafting magic items?

David CoffronThere are two versions of official rules for crafting Both require that you work with your DM. Dungeon Master's Guide The first official rules released appear in the Dungeon Master's Guide in chapter 6 as part of the "Downtime Activities" section: Crafting a Magic Item Magic items a...

@DavidCoffron oops, just left a comment (and an upvote)
@DavidCoffron Is it okay to change the headline to add something about optional official rules? Just feels like it needs to be really clear that, unless your in AL, there is no always-on ability to craft magic items.
> "Why does this family forever run straight at the first enemy that sticks up its head?" said the most sensible person of the group, the berserker.
Q: Can humans of House Tharashk develop the Mark of Finding?

Liam Morris - Reinstate MonicaAfter reading through Eberron: Rising from the Last War, I have noticed a conflicting statement regarding the Mark of Finding. On page 32, Half-Orcs and Dragonmarks, it states: The Mark of Finding appears among half-orcs of House Tharashk. Strangely, both orcs and humans associated with the h...

1 hour later…
RAW = Rules As Written Are Weird.
@DavidCoffron not sure if an AL section is needed, but it might help. Thing is, AL may need its own separate topic for that thing, and we may have a Q&A on that somewhere here.
@Yuuki Roombas are Rad
Had a plan to joke about the hot potato Heat Metal scenario we talked about a couple days back with this D&D group I know. Got hit back with "rules are more like guidelines" Pirates of the Caribbean memes.
Fun times, fun times.
No, I don't intend to actually try that. I'm just pointing that that rules are weird and weirdly incongruous things are technically legal.
Agreed. RAW is fun to poke and and explore and sometimes make fun of, but less fun to actually play.
By RAW that only works if the potato is made of metal
On the other hand, by baking the potato, it is no longer raw, so RAW doesn't apply
@MikeQ What about foil-wrapped potatoes?
Hmm... Well at least that means it's not a druid polymorphed as a potato, as they cannot wear metal like that
If you pour metal on a druid, a la Viserys, does that count as wearing metal and they lose their druidhood (along with, presumably, hitpoints from having molten metal poured on them)?
I feel like there is a hidden clause in there about it being voluntary
or if you prefer, a hidden claws?
@KorvinStarmast True, but it seems difficult to make use of when on the move unless I'm holding and moving the driftglobe myself, since the light or daylight effect is emitted from it - and at that point, it's not really any different from a torch
@KorvinStarmast tbf it seems like most encounters in WotC's published adventures are deadly :P but yeah
@nitsua60 It just goes to show, even a sheep clock is wrong twice a...okay, this sentence isn't working out.
Anybody take a look at the new UA?
Looks like they brought back physic stuff: dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/…
@NautArch Nice! I have access to it on DDB but hadn't looked at any more than the start of the intro to the rulebook (with commentary) yet
@RedRiderX But as subclasses, which seems a lot less intrusive on the game. I remember Mike Mearls working on some version of this idea on his Happy Hour show a year or so(?) back
Less intrusive yes, but I don't like how these radical new directions for classes don't surface at all until third level for Rogue and Fighter.
But I guess that's always been an issue with subclasses.
@MikeQ There's no official rule, IIRC, only this unofficial Crawford tweet: "You sound like yourself when speaking via telepathy, although as DM, I allow attempts at telepathic deception."
@Yuuki lol
@RedRiderX Hope you don't mind if I post a more descriptive message to star/pin (also, "psionic", not "physic" :P)
New D&D 5e UA is out: Unearthed Arcana: Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard - "Their minds bristling with power, three new subclasses arrive in today’s Unearthed Arcana: the Psychic Warrior for the fighter, the Soulknife for the rogue, and the tradition of Psionics for the wizard."
That's a better message to pin yeah
I was just looking at those - gotta say, I'm not a big fan of "each of your class features is an individual resource".
@V2Blast I noticed that too
Direct PDF link is here: https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-PsychicSoulPsionics.pdf
And the survey for the Class Feature Variants UA is here: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5311913/D-D-UA-Survey-43-Class-Feature-Variants
The Fighter subclass seems to be way north of the PHB ones
First thoughts: I kinda like the Rogue, I kinda hate the Fighter, and I think putting "please pick psionic themed spells" in doesn't magically make the Wizard a completely different concept.
@Miniman There are also some new, psionic themed spells in there which kinda helps
@Someone_Evil Yeah, but still. I get it guys, you're reluctant to add new classes. I'm cool with that. But I'm not cool with asking us to pretend that you totally did.
The whole Soulknife thing would have worked perfectly for the last Rogue I was playing.
The weird knife of strange origin was all there ready to go
A lot of people are declaiming the Rogue as weak - I think the value of converting commonly resisted weapon damage to almost never resisted psychic damage is being underestimated.
Of course, once magic weapons are in play that kinda goes the other way.
@Miniman yep, that's great except for those few monsters immune to it
@KorvinStarmast How often do you run into constructs? And for those, carry a normal knife
It looks like they're continuing the trend of more long rest flexibility from the last UA
Also a weird UA consideration: the new spells are proposed to also appear on the Bard, Sorcerer, and Warlock spells (in addition to Wizard).
@Someone_Evil wouldn't you want something like a hammer or crowbar instead for fighting constructs?
@Someone_Evil I guess that means we got four new base classes this UA!
(Ok, I need to dial my salt back a bit.)
Would an Alchemist be a base class?
Mind sliver is an interesting cantrip for Bards
@Yuuki Careful, before your puns turn sour
@Yuuki If the ones they've published so far are any indication, it's an acid class.
Hmm if you throw in a free Charm Person Soulknife gets you pretty close to the skill set of the protagonist of Shadow of Mordor.
@V2Blast the commentary is amazing. It's actually a great explanation for new players (who don't mind the crass R&M)
@Miniman Personally I was hoping that the inevitable psionic fighters and rogues would get more interesting features than "magic stab"
Again, 4e did a pretty good job of that. Psionics were a bit overly complex but super interesting and had a lot of fun options.
@MikeQ That's fair. I do like the passive fear added to stab though.
@BESW Not to mention used a unified class resource.
@Miniman With the exception of monks, which were just weird.
@MikeQ Seeing some cool features (Augmented Defenses, Terrifying Blade, Thought Form) spread over 3 subclasses is really making me want a single class that just has all the cool stuff.
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