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6:29 AM
Good morning
[waves distractedly from beneath a sea of last-minute corrections to a document that could've been proofed weeks ago]
6:48 AM
I do this project four times a year. First day of each project I start talking about how important it is to gather material and proof it as early as possible, because there'll be material we can't get until the last minute so we don't want to wait 'til we have everything before we proof any of it.
This is my thirtieth time doing this project, and I think it's happened that way twice.
1 hour later…
7:56 AM
That is unfortunate. :(
Sounds pretty frustrating
It's a common client thing, this project isn't the only one that does it; knowing what you can and can't do with partial information, and what you can't do at all until you have all the information, is a skill.
I once consulted on a historical documentation project that hadn't even begun formally collecting data but they wanted to decide exactly what sort of media the final form would take, at the first meeting.
@BESW That's certainly... a choice
8:17 AM
I work with a lot of clients who are trying new things.
I'm often new to the specific things myself, but I tend to have more experience with... the patterns of doing new things?
well also you are the expert they hired to do a thing
and you would think they would listen to you more XD
Nah, I'm rarely hired to tell them how to do a project. I'm hired to make the project's product look good.
But it is nice when I can use my experience on past similar projects, to make the current projects go more smoothly.
9:01 AM
mm fair enough
but it does suck when your clients want you to do a thing and then judiciously get in your way for the sake of other choices they made
I definitely have no experience with that at all, no sir
especially say, with GVAO, no sir
absolutely none
not using my sarcastic voice at all
6 hours later…
3:09 PM
1 hour later…
4:34 PM
Never knew about this "Song of the South", I guess it never got to spain or it was before my time, huh.
@G.Moylan I just saw a clip of an old man singing with birds and talking to a bunny... other than the heavy accent didnt get anything noticeably bad about it tho :/
@Helwar the rest of the movie is bad. It's heavily based on Uncle Tom's Cabin
> Since its original release, Song of the South has remained a subject of controversy. Some critics have described the film's portrayal of African Americans as racist and offensive, maintaining that the black vernacular and other qualities are stereotypes. In addition, the plantation setting is sometimes criticized as idyllic and glorified. Because of this controversy, Disney has not released Song of the South on any home video format in the United States.
It's also not available on Disney+, which is surprising.
Yeah, a black man on a plantation would definitely not be singing "my oh my, what a wonderful day".
@JohnP They don't want to talk about it, yet one of the biggest rides in their most popular parks is based directly on it. I'll never understand
@G.Moylan Yeah, I don't either.
4:37 PM
@JohnP Is it though? Disney would rather that movie not exist at all and are pretending it as hard as they can. I can't see any reason they'd want to put it out there, except if they needed to drum up some controversy to increase D+ subs.
They at least had the guts to keep Dumbo, the original Lady and the Tramp an dthe like on D+ but put a disclaimer at the beginning
@G.Moylan oh man, I forgot about that ride.
But, on it's day and age, was the movie out of context too? Meaning, what today is seen as bad was in the past just common sense. Like Disney Princesses where just damsels in distress that married the first man that came along, but if they did this today it would be a disaster
or was it bad even then?
@Helwar yes.
Dumbo was bad in the 50s when it came out
Song of the South even more so
I'm surprised they didn't lead the original Jungle Book with a disclaimer as well, though the racism in that is a little more subtle than say Dumbo or L&T
@Helwar All of this stuff came out after the mid-30s, 70 years after the Civil War.
4:40 PM
@Helwar Yeah, it's pretty stereotypical. About the only way it could have been more so was to use actors in blackface.
Huh, Dumbo I watched like a million times in my early years. Until a few weeks ago I never knew it was a pun from "Dumb", english not being my first language and everything. I know it's not the worst of it but it took me a while :)
Or Heck, Peter Pan. I'm not sure if that one got a disclaimer
What's bad about Peter Pan?
their portayal of Native American culture
notably the song "What makes the Red man red?"
and the entire sequence with the tribe
watching video
4:43 PM
@G.Moylan Honestly, I think the whole trend of erasing history because they had stupid beliefs does a disservice.
@JohnP To their credit, they put a lot of disclaimers in front of many of the old films with notably bad content.
@JohnP History is always rewritten and written by partisans anyway.
@JohnP I think mostly the same... I mean, it's a thing, it exists. Acting like it never happened it's bringing more attention to it, me reckons
@G.Moylan and still included the movies. They didn't try to edit or hide it. They've never been like that with Song of the South, though
@Helwar yeah. I mean, what's next, erase all the founding fathers of the US because they kept slaves?
4:45 PM
@JohnP give it time. they might just one day
@JohnP Erase is certainly the wrong thing to do, but I do think the way we teach about the Founding of the country needs to be redressed.
@JohnP they aren't erasing anything. They've suppressed SotS for decades. This isn't a new thing for them.
@Xirema at least Columbus Day is finally starting to not be a thing anymore. Still have a ways to go, but we're getting there
@G.Moylan I was speaking to the broader trend in the US, banning the confederate flag, tearing down confederate statues, etc.
Like, it's not exactly a secret that America basically treats our founders as heroes and myths of legend (as many countries do with their own founders...) and that tends to be a problem when many of these men, even the ones most responsible for the founding of the country and our Constitution, Articles of Governance, etc., were the most monstrous.
I dunno, I feel like civilized people should be able to caricature and make lighthearted fun without everyone getting enraged.
4:48 PM
@Helwar You don't live in the litigious US.
@Yuuki nothing but tradition and the unwritten agreement she doesn't do anything political
@JohnP So in this context, the correct thing to do is put those things in museums. Same as you'd do with iconography from the Holocaust. Put it in a place where people can learn about the horrors of our past without glorifying it (which keeping them in public spaces inherently does).
@Helwar there's a difference between charicature and racism, though
@Himitsu_no_Yami And the first one posted has no upvotes, while the second has two. :|
she's also legally entitled to vote but does not, etc.
4:49 PM
@JohnP It doesn't really have anything to do with litigiousness though IMO
@JohnP :/
I live in spain. We had no government for more than a year, but they decided that it was mas important to move our dictator's corpse out of where it was, because it was an insult to democracy or whatever, than them working out and having a government for said democracy
@JohnP where has actually "banned the confederate flag"
@G.Moylan yeah sure. I'm not condoning racism!
I just want to find a middle ground where fun can be had without insulting people
> After all, He Who Must Not Be Named did great things – terrible, yes, but great.
4:51 PM
@JohnP ALSO, because it shouldn't go unstated: there's some major historical revisionism going on with respect to a lot of those statues: most of them were created long after the war, not as "symbolic attempts to respect the history of the war", as they are so often claimed, but as explicit, intentional, deliberate, and specific attempts to scare people of color. The "History" argument is kind of a falsely crafted narrative about the creation of those monuments.
@Xirema said it better than i was trying to
@Helwar Disney movies are not the place to do this, they're destined to a young audience who doesn't have the baggage to distinguish caricature from racism
@Xirema If American schools stopped teaching kids to memorize and idolize the presidents, then they could teach the kids actual practical skills earlier, and indoctrinate less
@Xirema it's similar to the revisionist teaching that the war was about "state's rights." Most of the articles of succession directly mention slavery and the right to keep slaves
@G.Moylan Yup.
4:54 PM
@PierreCathé not gonna argue with that. I had to be told the crows in dumbo were racist, so I'm not a good judge for those things and I will gladly take the general opinion on it as valid. I'm just saying that it's getting to a point where you can't even have any representation, becasue then everyone sees the bad in it, but not the good (if there's any)
@Helwar the Crows are obscure if you don't know your US history.
60 messages moved from RPG General Chat
Note to self: Don't mention Disney anymore in chat
5:09 PM
@MikeQ why not? It was a fun discussion, the only thing that got moved is the racism thing. D&D princesses was good :)
From what I've seen here, most discussions of Disney inevitably lead to discussions about racism, which then leads to western colonial history
@G.Moylan The Civil War was about state's rights. Namely one right. The right to impose slavery.
@Yuuki that's my point, but the argument is often made that it was only about rights, and then they conveniently leave off the slavery bit or argue that it was "just the way of life"
@MikeQ YEah I can see that.... It doesn't mean it's a bad thing though
@G.Moylan Yeah, for all that it was about "states' rights", the Confederacy was adamant about imposing slavery on abolitionist states. See the Fugitive Slave Act.
5:15 PM
@Helwar True, but the initial plan was to generate lighthearted conversation because a particular user asked for something to talk about
yeah well, i can see why you're bummed
@Rubiksmoose wanna talk about the japanese thingy over here? (if there is any more to talk about)
@Helwar Sure!
The tricky part is that I'm not sure that every English word has a Katakana version of it, in fact they almost certainly don't.
I'm really out of my league here but, isn't the point of katakana writing foreign words? And if you write something in katakana, when read out loud, kinda sounds like the word in the other language? ish?
my dog wants some walkies, brb!
@Helwar That's one way it is used for sure. Import words are written in katakana.
@Rubiksmoose English has phonemes and syllables that Japanese doesn't so they sometimes have to resort to approximations
So in a sense you can't write everything with katakana, but you can usually get close enough.
5:26 PM
For sure.
I'm just not sure that any Japanese person would recognise what you were saying even if they knew perfect English if you tried doing it with these particular words.
If that's not the goal, then that's perfectly fine.
For example I would probably guess that "life before death" would most accurately be approximated by: ライフ ベフォー デス
I think they're often used as, uh... I don't know what's a proper English term but kinda "verbal special effect"?
@kviiri yeah I know exactly what you're talking about, but have no idea what it is called either.
Like ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
No I mean, using little snippets of foreign (but usually understood-enough) language instead of just stating it in the main language of the work. And without trying to actually convey linguistics in its... normal sense.
I assume Digimon call out their attacks in English because it distinguishes them from their normal dialogue and sounds cool, not because of other reasons one might include foreign languages in their work.
From what I'm seeing, Digicode is pretty much entirely transcribed (transliterated?) English words.
And that's going to be far easier than translation in any case.
5:39 PM
I must go water my parents' flowers
Not an euphemism
It looks like I may have been right about life and death
@kviiri hahaha
@Rubiksmoose yeah, death is generally rendered desu
convenient for puns
Interestingly, it looks like some DigiCode is even straight English words with no katakana involved. They have a complete set of English glyphs.
@Carcer I can imagine XD
I'm back! sorry she needed to go to the loo quite urgently :P
Glad you took care of that before it became too much of a problem lol
5:49 PM
@Rubiksmoose How do you get that? I got this: ライフ ビフア デヅ
@Helwar Well it's not clear how "before" "should" be written. You wrote Bi-fu-a (did you mean to go for Bi-fa?) and I wrote Bi-fo(o). Both could work, or even Bi-fo-ru.
But I kind of just went from the way I've seen things written in my classes.
wich is better than me just picking up a katakana table
and making things xD
Now how important is the Katakana connection to you? You could just do the proper English words using the glyphs. They seemed to do that plenty in the show and it would mean things would for sure be proper.
i just don't like the the look of the english symbols
that's why I want to use the other part
from what I can tell so far life, death, strength, weak (maybe not weakness though),journey, and destination should all have pretty good katakana representations.
6:00 PM
and I feel like it's better if it has some meaning, even if none else recognizes it
@Helwar fair enough :)
in fact I kinda like the idea that noone else just recognizes it and says: eh you are a sanderson fan!
the main issue is "before"
gimme a sec
i had something...
ジャーニー []デスティネーション
^that's what I have so far.
6:03 PM
with the brackets being whatever "before" should be.
i found this on the internet and made a screenshot to share it via whatsapp with the friend that was helping me at the moment
but none of us know japanese at all (she's just starting to learn a few kanjis and read in hiragana)
read = read aloud. Not understanding it :)
Gotcha :)
does this help in any way or form?
Well that's a translation. So you could go that route.
Also something to look into: have the books been translated into Japanese at all? If so, there should be an official translation of that phrase right?
6:09 PM
@Rubiksmoose they have, i have pictures of them
but have not found anyone that has it
With a translation, it will be trivial to change that into hiragana and then to DigiCode.
If that is what you wanted.
yeah that would be cool
i kinda wanted both the translation and transliteration, to get the one that looks better, if that makes any sense
@Helwar Ah I see, so no way to get access to the actual text then? Assuming you just mean pictures of the outside of the book? Or do you have pictures of the text?
@Rubiksmoose pictures of the covers, sadly
@Helwar It makes complete sense. At a complete guess, I'd venture that the translation would be longer.
6:13 PM
@Rubiksmoose I thought it would be the other way around, but I dunno :)
@Helwar what book would that be in?
lemme check on my books
And is there a name for that poem/chant thing specifically?
chapter 59 on the first book (The Way of Kings)
finding it in the japanese book will be complicated, as they divided every book in 3
@Helwar Awesome :|
6:18 PM
also apparently the books are not very well liked in japan. I guess their customary distaste of anything foreign comes into play
I even looked for pirated ebooks in japanese or something, no luck (don't tell noone!)
I'm not finding anything either.
<siren sounds>
6:23 PM
Well I think I have ~66% of the katakana version
ジャーニー []デスティネーション
or 90% depending on how you look at it ;)
huh, some looks like my version but some is completely different
oh hey I found this
According to it "before" can be "ベフォー"
Though it doesn't appear to be recognised by at least Jisho: jisho.org/search/%E3%83%99%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%BC
oh but it does appear to be used!
@Rubiksmoose Thanks for moving the history stuff into NAB.
6:40 PM
@NautArch No prob!
ライフ ベフォー デス
ストレングス ベフォー ウィークネス
ジャーニー ベフォー デスティネーション
it's quite long, yeah
@Rubiksmoose and also why did you remove my comment on the magic weapon improvised attack thing linking to the related/possible dupe that ended up being duped as? :D
let me save it somewhere
@NautArch I don't think I did?
@NautArch at least I don't remember removing any comments. Which question? It's possible that it was removed automatically if it was close enough to the standard message for dupes.
Q: Does attacking with an improvised weapon using a magic item count as a magical attack?

Medix2Inspired by the recent question: "Are there mechanics that will make improvised weapon attacks magical for a pure fighter?" Answers there are basically debating whether improvised attacks with magic items count as magical attacks when perhaps there are options besides improvised attacks with mag...

But maybe it was, although I think it was gone before it was closed. Anywho, it's closed :)
I guess i'll just not write possible duplicate anymore.just use "strongly related" or something
6:45 PM
> Very related, possible duplicate on Are punches with gauntlets of ogre strength magical improvised weapon attacks? – NautArch ↵ 2 hours ago
deleted by Community ↵♦ 1 hour ago
Looks like it was deleted by the automatic process when it was closed as a dupe.
Ah, okay!
I guess I was mistaken on timing.
Which we all know is unpossible. i make no mistakes. Part of being the most humble person, etc.
@NautArch XD
@Rubiksmoose what is this?
@Helwar those would be the characters you'd use for the translated version from that Reddit post.
so this is translated, no transliterated
6:57 PM
@Helwar correct. Via the Reddit post (which I can't vouch for)
translated clocks in at 33 characters vs 43 for the transliterated
ok thank you very much
transliterated needs so many more characters for making up the sounds that japanese lacks
FWIW, if you need anything checked let me know and I might be able to ask someone. It's probably a great thing to do before you put it on your body of course ;)
yeah that was the idea
i'm not in a hurry to do it I want to be 300% sure of what i'm puting there for the rest of my life, before doing it
if you could have it checked by someone native would be great
i'll put a bounty on the question to get even more people on it
I also put my answer on there to have it peer checked.
I'm sure bounting it will help draw even more attention to it.
thank you very much though!
7:19 PM
@Helwar Happy to help :)
7:44 PM
@Helwar I just realised that I missed parts of your question where you talked about the roman alphabet and stuff. Oops. I updated my answer. Let me know if it needs anything else.
oh thanks, that makes it 100 times easier for me to get into digicode
i would have been able to do it with the kana, but for the untrained eye, these are easier :)
8:45 PM
What is the context of this Japanese conversation? :)
I took 2 years of Japanese in college
@V2Blast Nice! Start here
Ah, cool cool
Please let me know if I screwed up at all.
1 hour later…
10:00 PM
Any income is very much welcome @V2Blast !
10:30 PM
@Helwar I'd love some income myself :P

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