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Q: How can I kill/separate a Deity from the Prime Material Plane?

TalyrI need my BBEG to kill/separate a god from the material plane/everything. The PCs are helping NPCs save their god, and while I think they could probably do it, I do wanna know what to do if they don’t or if they take too long (seeing as the NPCs lose their divine powers). The deity isn’t on the...

hey there @CareyGregory, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
1 hour later…
press F to pay respects to my SKT campaign (D&D 5e). The DM seems to have gotten burnt out. Just wish they'd talked to us in advance instead of canceling the campaign an hour before we're supposed to have a session...
@V2Blast where/how far along were you?
literally just as the main part of the campaign was starting. we'd just met a certain frost giant
@V2Blast aaaahhh. So you're, like, level 4 or 5?
Sorry, when I press F it just arms the bomb, but my condolences on a campaign left hanging.
@nitsua60 level 6 I think
I had a lot of fun playing that campaign. Largely the group, but I think the book itself was pretty solid, too.
@V2Blast awww :/
I too had an SKT campaign die young. Is it possible that it's cursed?
@Miniman Maybe Strahd was jealous?
Is there a meta on 'opinion based questions'? It seems to me a good portion of the questions are not about RAW, and some are even about 'homebrew', which makes many unclosed questions opinion based. There isn't really explanation as to why opinions are bad, and they seem to be allowed but also not allowed? It's confusing.
(hang on--student just arrived...)
@jgn Did you have any particular questions in mind?
Many home brew things can be compared with one or more published things in a game, allowing for an answer by objective comparison.
@JoelHarmon https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/159190/how-can-i-deal-with-someone-survive-indefinitely-solely-with-an-alchemy-jug-as-t
If they had asked "is alchemy jug OP" the question would have been allowed, but because they chose to ask "how to deal with alchemy jug" it was closed as opinion based. I'm not really sure if the difference is just pedantic since they both seem opinion based to me.
moreover, I don't see a problem with the question asked either way
Q: FAQ Index for Role-playing Games Stack Exchange

SevenSidedDieCommunity FAQ For Role-playing Games Stack Exchange For frequently-asked questions common to all sites in the network, see FAQ for Stack Exchange sites. For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. Asking questions How do we ask and answer subjective questions? What a...

is a decent jumping-off point.
It includes a link to
Q: Why was my question closed as too broad, unclear, or opinion-based?

mxyzplk says reinstate MonicaThere are a good number of questions, especially from users new to the site, that get closed as too broad or opinion-based. This is a post we can link them to for more guidance than what comments can reasonably provide, and more focused than "read the help center". Feel free and add answers/tips ...

which has a good long section discussing POB-theory.
will get you to a bunch of "worked examples."
Sorry--"(P)rimarily (O)pinion (B)ased"
Right, I'll read, thanks.
(I thought--incorrectly, probably--that I'd seen you use the abbreviation.)
Note that POB hangs a lot on the word "primarily," which is one of those things that every community is always feeling out, is an inherently grey area, and which almost certainly shifts with time and the currently-active population.
@jgn Np--hope it's helpful.
These posts kind of ramble and make a lot of assumptions. Would you be able to help me apply these concepts to that particular question?
The takeaway seems to be questions with no way to determine what is a good answer is bad (which seems ok, if a little naive), and that experience is better than ideas (for no particular reason). Is that about it? I reread those links a couple of times each.
@jgn Well, Experience means you know something worked (or didn't); ideas mean you're only pretty sure.
That sounds flawed to me. For example someone says "I always put wood in my lap then saw it" and another says "you could cut yourself if you do that" then the former is more "correct" because of experience?
@Gwideon Yes. Leonard Cohen. Hallelujah. (John Kale's version) Sad and beautiful.
In the d&d context, something like "how do I deal with X in my extremely specific campaign setting" will never get any "experience" answers, but what it can get is plenty of good quality answers based on the existing rules that have not necessarily been tried (apart from that "DM discretion" has been tried before).
Strangely the links linked by the links say that there is nothing wrong with POB Qs, so long as they are asked in manipulative ways. The problem is POB As in certain formats. There are a lot of conflicting statements.
@nitsua60 noope do not miss segments
I was thinking of engaging with the conversation, but then you threw in there "so long as they are asked in manipulative ways." Not being interested in trying to work with someone who characterizes others' good-faith attempts to explain their understanding of emergent community behaviors in that way, I'll instead wish you good luck and a good night.
Q: Does poking yourself with a needle with the intent to do damage require the Attack action, or can it be done as a (free) object interaction?

Mars PlasticDoes poking yourself with a needle hard enough to cause damage require the Attack action, or can it be done as a free object interaction? This task is certainly no more involved than opening a door, which is the example of an object interaction in the PHB. Also, having your player do an Attack r...

@KorvinStarmast Awwwww... not even a little?
@nitsua60 nope. It took two people to run it, minimum: one DM and one player who tracked segments ....
Or a DM and a nice little utility written up in BASIC!
(IIRC it's one of the first programs I ever wrote.)
@V2Blast F :(
@nitsua60 heh, we did it back in 81, before PC's were a thing ....
@jgn Or, we can assume good faith.
Okay, my weekly penance (watching kids pretend to do homework for two hours) is done. Exeunt!
@CareyGregory Hi!
@BlackSpike Ooh, that looks shiny.
@BlackSpike I've only played one session (two phase cycles), but I wouldn't expect Traits to go over 10 most of the time? There's no solid cap since your Junk value is spent to buy Trait increases, and Junk increases are determined by lots of uncapped randomness.
@nitsua60 lol
Hey all, OP for the alchemy jar question is in this chat. I'm going to bed here shortly and if one or two people have time and energy it sounds like they might be able to use some guidance about asking a new related question.
Play it by ear, I'm not sure how much help they want.
Q: Can a monster use telepathy while paralyzed?

user10063The paralyzed condition notes A paralyzed creature is incapacitated (see the condition) and can't move or speak. But is a monster 'speaking' when it's using telepathy? Can it use it while paralyzed?

1 hour later…
Q: Which stat should I use for a given madness save?

zpletanI’m running Out of the Abyss, and I can’t figure out whether a given madness save should require a Wisdom or a Charisma save. In chapter 2, it merely says that one of these may be required. The DMG says the same. Based on what I’ve been able to find online, the consensus seems to be that Wisdom ...

@KorvinStarmast Yes?
1 hour later…
Q: What DC should I use for someone trying to survive indefinitely solely with an alchemy jug as their only source of food and water? (survival campaign)

kentIn a campaign where securing sustenance is part of the challenge, a player with an alchemy jug has decided the party will never have to buy/gather/magically summon food/drink ever again for the rest of the campaign. They are forgoing other sources sustenance or magic. There are no negative envir...

Can I get some re-tweets on this, please?
1 hour later…
Q: Can a Vampire charm a blind person?

techorixThe wording of the Vampire's charm action has me a bit confused on whether a blind person either gets no saving throw from it or can't be charmed at all like this. Here is the exact description: Charm: The Vampire targets one humanoid it can see within 30 ft. of it. If the target can see the...

Good morning all :)
Joyeux vendredi!
@kviiri Oui plus qu'une journée avant un week-end de trois jours !
Gonna be good
(3-days week-end)
Got a late halloween party planned, plus some d&d
We're gonna play Werewolves of Thiercelieux and watch Carpenter's Halloween
Q: Does flying or hovering make creatures immune to Earth Tremor?

VylixThe earth tremor descriptions says: You cause a tremor in the ground within range. Each creature other than you in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. If the ground in that area is loose earth or stone, ...

It occurs to me that both and claim to be about (different) D&D-specific concepts... though the idea of damage reduction in some form surely exists in plenty of other systems.
It occurred to me when looking at this question:
Q: Do talents that halve damage taken stack?

Azrael486I know talents that add boons or bonus damage stack fairly simply. However, the Juggernaut Expert Path from A Glorious Death and the Prince of Darkness Expert Path from Tombs of Desolation both have a talent where incoming damage is halved, though under different circumstances. My question i...

Here's a related meta that brings up a similar previous issue with the tag, though the answers all seem specific to that issue - and here's the subsequent meta addressing, among other things, the system-specification in the tag info.
See also ?
Did have the problem of previously specifying system in the tag info/wiki too?
(it doesn't seem so)
I know that exists as a separate tag from .
I'm just thinking, depending on system it's another term for the same mechanical functions as or in other systems.
In this case I'm wondering how to handle the fact that various forms of damage reduction exist in other systems, but both tags that would be appropriate for them seem to suggest they're D&D-specific in the tag info
And to some degree, the fact that they're separate tags at all is because previous editions of D&D had them as separate mechanics (I think?)
e.g. in the Naheulbeuk rpg armor is damage reduction
@BESW Ah, I see what you mean
I think it's pretty simple? Use the term appropriate to the system.
Just rip the system-specific references off the tags because each term is used by multiple systems.
1 hour later…
Q: Is this system for calculating the PC levels at which it is balanced to receive lycanthropy accurate or balanced?

YoujayIt tells in the Monster Manual how a PC can become a Lycanthrope and what mechanical differences it makes, but as far as I can see it doesn't say anything about what level the character should be at or how it would effect Combat Encounter Calculations. Some of the abilities a PC would get becom...

Today in strange spam: a wall of Ws
@V2Blast Even 5e does--Heavy Armor Master and various objects' "damage thresholds" are reduction, not resistance.
@nitsua60 Damage thresholds don't reduce damage - it's just that only an instance of damage above the threshold has any impact. But yes - Heavy Armor Master is one of the few instances of reducing damage by a fixed amount in 5e.
@Someone_Evil it's been destroyed
@V2Blast I'm not sure I see the distinction between damage being reduced by 5 and there being a damage threshold of 5?
@nitsua60 damage reduction will reduce a damage of 6 to 1, threshold wont
@Someone_Evil this
> Big objects such as castle walls often have extra resilience represented by a damage threshold. An object with a damage threshold has immunity to all damage unless it takes an amount of damage from a single attack or effect equal to or greater than its damage threshold, in which case it takes damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or exceed the object's damage threshold is considered superficial and doesn't reduce the object's hit points.
"You must be this tall to enter"
The crunchier versions of Fate have a surprisingly complex set of mechanics around those sorts of concepts.
@V2Blast Oh, strange. I must have mis-read that at some point, and just internalized it as "reduction for objects."
@BESW App should be updated :)
1 hour later…
@DavidCoffron that alchemist fire comment opens up a bunch of possibilities.
also morning all, or <insert timezone appropriate greeting>.
wait a second, can we make ITAG into an internet slang?
@goodguy5 You can try doing it in German.
@goodguy5 good afternoon to you too
@goodguy5 Is the requirement for something being internet slang an entry on urban dictionary?
@vicky_molokh guten itag
@Someone_Evil we can make that happen.
Also, ITAG to you too
I feel like it works better with the brackets: <ITAG>
I'm using it and no one can stop me.
technically not true, I guess. chat mods could technically stop me.
did someone ask for a chat mod?
you have to stop goodguy5!
he's out of control!
don't suspend me again!
the prophecy
the prophecyyyyyyy
<caps>john p you take your suspension powers and you get out of here</caps>
@DavidCoffron - Define "extended" period of time. I'm sorry I missed that question in my absence, I could have helped out earlier.
@goodguy5 uhh....whut?
oh, nevermind.

I thought you'd been summoned to reap me.
Thou hast sinned and thou MUST pay! Kneel and repent lest thee get banished!
This is one of those times when I have no idea what's going on.
I'm warning you, @goodguy5!
@NautArch no, I'm warning YOU. come to philly and fiteme
And not to drag that whole alchemy jug question back, but trying to handle survival in 5e really is I think a losing battle without making some significant limiting houserules.
@goodguy5 Only if we can go to Dinic's after.
@NautArch I think the solution would be to step back and ask, why are you trying to do survival? If you think that is fun, find a system which does it in a fun way.
deal. I have other places I prefer, but acceptable
@Someone_Evil System as in not 5e, or find a system in terms of houserules
@goodguy5 such as?
@NautArch Yes? Depends on how easily you can convince your group to switch/try something else/how important you find it/etc.
@Someone_Evil very true. Just between several backgrounds, classes, and spells/items, it's really easy to not make survival an issue.
for 5e
imho that kind of survival things seems very difficult to do in a ttrpg
I went into my (now failed) campaign with wanting to track ammo and food. And quickly stopped. It just wasn't worth it.
if it's detailed enough to be mechanically interesting it seems like excessive bookkeeping would be involved
Which some tables may like, but yeah :)
@Carcer Also, it depends on your goal. Survival really only needs water for 30+ days before it gets debilitating.
@JohnP That would depend on your activities a fair bit.
I will happily play a videogame which is about surviving in a hostile environment but that's because I don't have to manually track exactly how much food and supplies I have
BTW, what is the nutritional requirements of magic users in general?
Now if you want to look at muscle wasting, vitamin deficiencies, etc., then yeah, a lot of bookkeeping and probably more detailed knowledge of the effects of various lack of nutrients.
@Someone_Evil Survival. I'd have to find it, but there was a documented case of a pilot downed in the Korean war, survived 45+ days with dysentery on basically water and occasional stolen rice balls, while hiking through Korea to elude patrols, etc.
@JohnP Yeah, the human body is pretty resilient and capable of working off of limited resources.
I wonder how much survivor bias there is in the 'how long you can survive without food' data
@Someone_Evil survivor bias?
@Someone_Evil Good point.
@Gwideon howdy!
@NautArch We hear about the extended tales of people that survived. We don't hear about the ones that pass away 1 week into the survival mode.
i.e. survivor bias.
ah, gotcha. We also don't know what the ones who didn't live did.
how is everyone
@Gwideon <ITAG>!
@Gwideon <ITAG>
@Gwideon <ITAG>!
Ok, I'm over that now.
What just happened? lol
TAGs were I'd.
@Rubiksmoose Some of us find being greeted "good morning" as the sun is setting a bit strange and gg5 found a solution
I don't remember when I last saw the sun
I mean probably yesterday but it might also have been the day before? It's been a bit cloudy.
well, for one, I'm a cheesesteak man, rather than roast beef. But barring that Oh Bryon's.

If I'm going downtown anyway, I hate to say it, but old nick's.
@Rubiksmoose ITAG = "Internet Timezone Appropriate Greeting" apparently.
@goodguy5 Oh, I meant the roast pork with broccoli rabe and provolone. THat's my fave there.
@Gwideon <ITAG>
I have not been to Oh Byron's!
@Someone_Evil what is <ITAG>?
hrm... haven't had that. mental note filed.

And, Primos has fantastic bread.
@goodguy5 Yes, primos has the best bread and makes damn good sandwiches.
Ahhhh never mind
way better then they have any right to be imo.

I always get the same thing when I go. Italian Diablo.
@goodguy5 Have you been to Paesanos?
not personally, but I've had a lot of people tell me about it :)
@JohnP hah!
My best friend's dad swears by Lee's and I think it's fine, at best.
@Gwideon Sorry, I did not mean for you to be hosed down with that joke(?)
Nah It's fine
@Someone_Evil I can banish you along with @goodguy5, INAP.
It's not a joke! It's a movement!
@goodguy5 A movement? Then I recommend Immodium AD.
I was afraid someone would make that joke.
@goodguy5 Then you shouldn't be so.... loose.... with your references.
<Oh man I slay me!>
Hmmm I'm i kinda out of it. I kinda wish I could write something but I'm lacking in inspiration right now.
@JohnP *shudder*
Anyone have any Idea on how I can gain some inspirations here
@Gwideon Well, if we haven't made clear when we hand out Inspiration, then you've just gotta try some stuff and see if it happens :P
google inspiration prompts
maybe I should go to the writing Stack exchange
I've been wanting to write a story chronicling the adventures of one of my characters but um I'm lacking when it comes to starting it.
@Gwideon I'm not entirely sure there's any sure-fire inspiration methods. I know when I want to write, i just have to start.
@Gwideon Do something very in-character
Oh wait that's dnd-5e
@Gwideon roll for it?
@Gwideon the beginning is usually a good place
Most writing things I've read have been more about sitting down and just putting words onto paper and see where it takes you.
@Gwideon Consider changing your physical space. Take a walk, or locate to a room/office/whatever which is not where you do other stuff (on a computer). Certainly can help against distractions and make it easier to push yourself to writing something. I should probably get better at following that advice myself..
I heard about an interesting idea to basically think about how a character would react to a situation then roll to see if they would succeed then write that. It avoids a character winning at everything. sorry
sorry for what
being kinda scatterbrained right now
@Gwideon Hmm, it depends heavily on what kind of story you're aiming for. Despite the "common fanfic complaints" you've probably heard about so-called Mary Sues and so on, I think it's far more common than people realize for even popular characters to be very consistently good at their thing.
@Gwideon Is your issue in coming up with content or in actually putting words onto paper?
Think MacGyver, for instance. When he invents something, it always works. But there's lots of novelty in seeing what he comes up with!
@NautArch putting words on paper. I have plenty of ideas but um it's hard for me to get them out on paper
then just start spamming a word document/paper and follow up on what catches your eye
@Gwideon ^
And get off of here :)
Yeah, it's a matter of practice more than people give credit for :)
Things that distract you from writing will distract you from writing.
It's kind of like an outline.

tbh, it's the same way I plan my games.
But really, it's as simple(hard) as just starting to type. It doesn't matter what. But you've got to start putting words together and see where it takes you.
Theres part of me that thinks I just won't be able to write anything good because the last time I tried to write a story it wasn't really that good.
It will definitely take you there.
Even if you're not good, you won't get better without practice
And when you're ready to start editing, read it out loud.
also it's um hard for me to just start. I feel like I need to have everything planned out or i'll just make a rambling mess.
@Gwideon Maybe, but the practice is still important. No need to get it right the first time.
@Gwideon THat's the first mistake! Just start writing, you can organize later.
You never know when you're going to find a thread you want to follow. Just let the ideas come and then focus after.
I guess I'm just afraid
It's scary!
But the only way to get past it is to do it.
Focusing on the fear will just stop you. That's why we're saying just sit down and start writing.
It doesn't have to be good. It just has to be.
@Gwideon That's an understandable feeling. Don't push yourself too hard, remember it's only practice and no one has to see your first drafts but yourself
Writing feels like you're committing stuff on paper, but nothing is really committed until it's really ready.
And not always even then. Even Tolkien redid bits of The Hobbit post-publication.
that is true
well, tolkien's writing process was a bit extreme and I'm reluctant to use it as a model.
step 1. write stuff.
step 2. if road block. start over.
Tolkien was more interested in creating a world for his languages at first. the stories just kinda came out of it.
The good thing is you've got a character and understand it's motivations. Just start with that. And if you've got sessions you can write about, then you've even got some content to start with.
Just retell a session story.
@goodguy5 In general, I agree, but I think it actually works here as a reminder that even with his extreme style he still had to go back a lot to change stuff.
It doesn't really matter how you tell it, either. First, second, or third person. Just start writing and see where it takes you. My hunch is once you start, you'll keep going for a bit.
Anyway there's a reason why Tolkien's third-most popular work is unfinished :)
For me, I found that actually 'booking' time to write helped. Saying, "I'm going to write from 3-4PM" and then sitting down and doing it. Turn off your internet if you can and take away anything that might take you away from the writing.
^ Yeah. I think routines help one a lot more than abstract lofty goals.
@NautArch this one wants to turn off the preciousess
Oooo I could retell the story of that campaign that would be interesting. sorry ideas are coming to me. god but that first line is a pain in the butt to write. once I get past it I can usually write pretty well.
@Gwideon A possible technique here is to write a bad first line, keep going and improve it later
sorry but um I just want to hear what people think. um here's my first couple lines. sorry.
"The young girl’s heart pumped in her ears as she ran. Sweat rolled down her powder blue skin and her breath came in short desperate gasps as her bare feet sunk into the snow with each step."
sorry it's probably not that good
Looks okay to me overall, though I'm not sure if native speakers talk about hearts pumping in one's ears (I'm a silly foreigner, so my comments should be taken with a grain of salt).
It's okay. I may just scrap it as I'm not super confident in it.
I think there's some adjacent expression that can take place of the first bit about the heart. The nice thing is that the rest of the paragraph sets out some implications that underscore the seriousness of the situation more so than heartbeat and breath alone wouldn't.
@Gwideon I like it. I don't think I'd want to read an entire story built out of phrases like that, but for a first paragraph to a story, there's some very good, economical storytelling being used.
I'm kinda having to multi task here as I'm trying to introduce a character and also draw a the audience in.
and um yeah.
Here's what I get from that paragraph: a vague sense of the character (young, identifies as a girl), the time of year (Winter; or a cold climate), a conception of the conflict (she's running from something? Could just be out for a jog, although "desperate gasps" implies a sense of danger), a sense of her socioeconomic status (she's barefoot, is that because she doesn't need shoes or can't afford them? Blue skin marks her as potentially non-human, is that a factor?).
So there's lots of information, but also questions that will pique the audience's attention.
Sweat despite snow and lack of full attire implies rather long-term and intense aerobic exertion. There's basically no time for that to happen in a sprint, but for running distances measured in kilometres, a near-zero temperature of environment is about right for maintaining a stable thermal sustainability in typical light attire (IIRC this was observed in marathons). So yeah, that sentence packs some interesting info.
@vicky_molokh the typical term would be "pounding in her ears".
@vicky_molokh Yes. After body temp rose from the warmup, we regularly ran in not much more than shorts and a long sleeve technical shirt for x-country workouts, in temps down as low as -10 F (-23 C)
@JohnP thanks. I knew that wasn't right
@Gwideon There's nothing wrong with "pumped in her ears". Unusual doesn't always mean erroneous.
I'm kinda writing this as um a dream
@Gwideon you gotta stop with the negativity :)
I glossed over it as I read it, maybe precursorily noticing that something was unusual, but didn't really appreciate the word "pumping" instead of "pounding" until you said something.

But now that you've pointed it out, I've got this image of tubes running out of her chest and into her ears, pumping blood.
@Gwideon And I think you're overthinking. Asking for feedback on two lines when you've barely spent time with them isn't fair to you. Give yourself time to work on it.
There's a chance my 5e wizard my get to level 5 this weekend. Trying to figure out what spells to pick and kindasorta want to avoid fireball.
Why not fireball?
I'm pretty sure I want slow, but not sure about the other. Feels like I need an AOE damage dealer.
@GcL obvious spell is obvious? I dunno, maybe I just need to get it.
It's an entire ball of fire... melts treasure... burninates thatched roof cottages.
it's so darn useful
is the wizard a hipster?
THe spells I was interested in are: bestow curse, dispel magic, haste, slow, tongues, phantom steed, fireball
@GcL god i hope not
he may have a man-bun
Haste is nice since it doesn't age the caster anymore.
I thought it aged the recipient, not the caster
Plus, then you can be hasty and the pun potential is worth the spell slot.
@Carcer I don't recall, but I don't think I ever cast it on anyone else back in the day.
@GcL fair enough.
Yup... aged recipient(s) by a year
Must have had some houserule about how that spell worked, because as written it was an AoE.
I also recall playing a sort of billiards game with lightning bolt where the thing would reflect off walls and such and could come back and hit the caster
Love haste so much. And hasting a barbarian or a paladin (or even a fighter) is effectively an AoE =)
My bard would haste our paladin so often it was basically just assumed.
Um okay I've got more. Um may I post it.
sorry i'm probably annoying everyone. i'll take this to Not a Bar
but um in case anyone wants it um here's the link to what I've written
@Gwideon Thanks for sharing! ^_^
you're welcome
sorry for being so skittish. I'm just really nervous
Q: How do I get a planar traveling party to use survival/spell slots for food/drink instead of an artificer's Replicate Magic Item infusion?

kentI have a planar traveling campaign that sometimes runs into survival issues. With Eberron coming out, I have promised my players can use Artificers. The problem is that level 2 Artificers can use the Replicate Magic Item infusion to make an alchemy jug that would largely invalidate the spell goo...

^You don't allow the artificer to create stuff that you don't want them to.
And talk about that at a session zero.
@NautArch FWIW, by my understanding the jug was a random loot roll and they aren't an alchemist yet.
@goodguy5 Very cyberpunk.
@Rubiksmoose Yeah, that was mine, too. But compounded with the artificer problem. You can do random loot rolls, but not reading about what you're giving out is also problematic.
Ultimately, I think they need a session zero to discuss the campaign goals.
@NautArch oh for sure, for sure.
There are tools available, but the DM wants to limit the tools. That's a discussion that needs to happen because it may change build choices.
Dale's answer is spot on.
The thing is, as we've talked about many times before. D&D isn't made for survival games. Not by default.
It's not the narrative that comes from it's mechanics naturally.
Yeah, that's a big problem.
I mean, we track' rations' in the game I'm playing now and it's annoying. It just seems silly. Especially if the DM limits how much can be bought when in a town. Feels kind of like a punishment that will eventually become a problem (or not), but that it's basically up to the DM when it is a problem.
yea, I establish early on that rations are really macguffin-kits.

Need to lure an animal? use a ration. need to wedge open a door or get some quick kindling? Ration, etc.

but I feel the same way about arrows
tracking mundane stuff is tedious and imo not fun.
Yeah, I feel that way about lots of things. Even money, nowadays
DnD 5e has five increments of coin, yet I have yet to see a game where silver pieces were actually relevant, or copper for that matter. Except when the GM wants to award money in a different increment than usual for flavor.
And then theres salable loot like jewelry and gemstones, gold crafts and so...
@kviiri I have a personal love of electrum, so I use that for things.
both, as a GM and a player
The problem is there's no reward for having a ration system other than not being punished. If I did something with rations, I'd add something to give a bonus for high quality rations.
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the pursuit of details in these things --- but many GMs I've played under consider it more or less a "given", or confuse the love for detail with the love for narrative. The latter doesn't make sense: a well-told story is as much leaving things out as it is putting things in.
So I think I'm discovering i'm better at writing scripts than stories
@goodguy5 I personally have a thing for silver and pewter. But no one knows what pewter is, in my group at least x)
@kviiri wouldn't a pewter coin be worth less than copper?
hrm... not based on current cost per pound...
note to self: give party a cache of pewter coins, each worth 5 cp
@goodguy5 Not sure, but I mean like ornaments and crafts made of it.
The material itself was not of significant value.
@kviiri I gathered, but I was referring to electrum coins
@goodguy5 Ah, I assumed you meant other stuff when you said "things" :)
totally fair.
*I have a personal love of electrum coins, so I like to drop those into treasure when I can.
@goodguy5 I mean it is such a cool name
the funny thing about electrum is that if one were to suppose that it's literally half a silver coin and half a gold coin, the value would actually be 5.5sp.

From there, we have to assume either:
1. there is a value lost from the alloying process
2. It's not a 50-50 split
3. the coin is about 10% smaller than the supposed coin
cant math. what would the split have to be?
5 = x1 + y10 where x and y add up to 1?
4/9ths gold
1x + .1(1-x) = .5

2x + .2-.2x = 1

1.8x = .8

x = 4/9ths
yes, thanks
I think option 2 is the most likely
Now, am I ever going to use the knowledge that it would be 4:5 gold:silver in game, or is it purely speculative?
Actually no, I think 3 probably
@SirCinnamon but 50 coins still weighs 1 pound.
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