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@AndrasDeak It's not very hard, given that I use this nick on most parts of the internet (and "jonas" on some other parts) and there are webpages where I mention both that nick and my real name and I have my email address in my SE profile field so that people can find me from it.
@AndrasDeak Are you my boss, watching how I use SE chat during work?
@AndrasDeak yep, b_jonas is pretty famous. Managed to create 3 (yep, THREE) esoteric languages with a single mistake...
^ yep, I still remember @b_jonas :P
@b_jonas probably not! :P
I went to school one year above your brother, and I know a few people whom you taught, uh, almost 10 years ago (wow)
@Derpy nice :D
@AndrasDeak In English that's probably "I was his senior by one year" but meh
@AndrasDeak 10 years ago? So in like 2009.
Oh, were are my manners? We have visitors.
> Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me, (with big yawning)
As plurdled gabbleblotchits, in midsummer morning
On a lurgid bee
@b_jonas 2010 I think ;)
@Derpy is that for me? Uh, I appreciate it :P
@AndrasDeak There was an user here before called Vogon Poet. Probably clicked on this room by mistake while looking for the main SciFi one.
The quote I posted is taken from the Hitchhiker Guide, and it is an example of Vogon's poetry.
Hmm, right. I read it once in English but the Hungarian is a stronger stimulus for me
Not that I'd recognize it in translation
Would be even stronger when heard in the original Vogon through a babelfish.
A: How does Arthur Dent see English vocalizations, not Vogon ones?

b_jonasThere's no reason why it could change the sound but not the vision to a listener who cares about the lip movements. You see, the Babel fish isn't like a headphone, it doesn't just whisper the translation to your ear. Let me quote The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy chapter 6. ‘The Babel f...

I thought we pretended the movie never happened
@AndrasDeak now you remind me that the Sonic movie is getting closer by the day...
oh, so you can get the bigger version of an avatar on youtube.
@Derpy D:
@AndrasDeak And the best part is that I am planning to actually go and watch it when it will be released.
Just for the joy of seeing how bad it is
I think it will finally top Super Mario as the worst videogame movie in history.
btw @b_jonas - I know you aren't exactly up-to-schedule but....
You should be able to safely watch this one.
@b_jonas please don't hate me when you'll see line #5....
Never title has been more clickbait.
You would think she meant 5 quotes.... like "be close to your friends" and so on... Nope.
4 hours later…
@Shadow seems the mods will have something to discuss over.
> We are currently working on updating the FAQ we posted to accompany the recent CoC changes, taking in mind and heavily basing it on the community suggested one. We will share the revised version with the moderators by tomorrow - and hope to have the feedback incorporated and made public by October 22nd.
.... over the weekend, I mean.
Hope this doesn't end up an half-baked dish again.
4 hours later…
@Derpy Look, there's a global notification bar on all SE sites about "our new CEO". They must be trying to do something really hard if they do that, as opposed to just using featured meta posts pinned to the sidebar as usual.
What now?
... you've gotta be kidding
@Derpy agreed

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